import functools
import arrow
import datetime
from collections import Counter
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Union, Generator

from datapipelines import NotFoundError
from merakicommons.cache import lazy, lazy_property
from merakicommons.container import searchable, SearchableList, SearchableLazyList, SearchableDictionary

from .. import configuration
from .staticdata import Versions
from import Region, Platform, Tier, GameType, GameMode, Queue, Side, Season, Lane, Role, Key, SummonersRiftArea, Tower
from .common import CoreData, CoreDataList, CassiopeiaObject, CassiopeiaGhost, CassiopeiaLazyList, provide_default_region, ghost_load_on
from ..dto import match as dto
from .patch import Patch
from .summoner import Summoner
from .staticdata.champion import Champion
from .staticdata.rune import Rune
from .staticdata.summonerspell import SummonerSpell
from .staticdata.item import Item
from import Map

def load_match_on_attributeerror(method):
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
        except AttributeError:  # teamId
            # The match has only partially loaded this participant and it doesn't have all it's data, so load the full match
            match = getattr(self, "_{}__match".format(self.__class__.__name__))
            if not match._Ghost__is_loaded(MatchData):
            if isinstance(self, Participant):
                old_participant = self
            elif isinstance(self, ParticipantStats):
                old_participant = getattr(self, "_{}__participant".format(self.__class__.__name__))
                raise RuntimeError("Impossible!")
            for participant in match.participants:
                if ==
                    if isinstance(self, Participant):
                        self._data[ParticipantData] = participant._data[ParticipantData]
                    elif isinstance(self, ParticipantStats):
                        self._data[ParticipantStatsData] = participant.stats._data[ParticipantStatsData]
                    return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

_staticdata_to_version_mapping = {}
def _choose_staticdata_version(match):
    # If we want to pull the data for the correct version, we need to pull the entire match data.
    # However, we can use the creation date (which comes with a matchref) and get the ~ patch and therefore extract the version from the patch.
    if configuration.settings.version_from_match is None or configuration.settings.version_from_match == "latest":
        return None  # Rather than pick the latest version here, let the obj handle it so it knows which endpoint within the realms data to use

    if configuration.settings.version_from_match == "version" or hasattr(match._data[MatchData], "version"):
        majorminor = match.patch.major + "." + match.patch.minor
    elif configuration.settings.version_from_match == "patch":
        patch = Patch.from_date(match.creation, region=match.region)
        majorminor = patch.majorminor
        raise ValueError("Unknown value for setting `version_from_match`:", configuration.settings.version_from_match)

        version = _staticdata_to_version_mapping[majorminor]
    except KeyError:
        if int(match.patch.major) >= 10:
            versions = Versions(region=match.region)
            # use the first major.minor.x matching occurrence from the versions list
            version = next(x for x in versions if ".".join(x.split(".")[:2]) == majorminor)
            version = majorminor + ".1"  # use major.minor.1
        _staticdata_to_version_mapping[majorminor] = version
    return version

# Data Types #

class MatchListData(CoreDataList):
    _dto_type = dto.MatchListDto
    _renamed = {"champion": "championIds", "queue": "queues", "season": "seasons"}

class PositionData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {}

class EventData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {"eventType": "type", "teamId": "side", "pointCaptured": "capturedPoint", "assistingParticipantIds": "assistingParticipants", "skillSlot": "skill"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "position" in kwargs:
            self.position = PositionData(**kwargs.pop("position"))
        return self

class ParticipantFrameData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {"totalGold": "goldEarned", "minionsKilled": "creepScore", "xp": "experience", "jungleMinionsKilled": "neutralMinionsKilled"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "position" in kwargs:
            self.position = PositionData(**kwargs.pop("position"))
        return self

class FrameData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "events" in kwargs:
   = [EventData(**event) for event in kwargs.pop("events")]
        if "participantFrames" in kwargs:
            self.participantFrames = {int(key): ParticipantFrameData(**pframe) for key, pframe in kwargs.pop("participantFrames").items()}
        return self

class TimelineData(CoreData):
    _dto_type = dto.TimelineDto
    _renamed = {"matchId": "id", "frameInterval": "frame_interval"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "frames" in kwargs:
            self.frames = [FrameData(**frame) for frame in kwargs.pop("frames")]
        return self

class ParticipantTimelineData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {"participantId": "id"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        #timeline.setCreepScore(getStatTotals(item.getCreepsPerMinDeltas(), durationInSeconds));
        #timeline.setCreepScoreDifference(getStatTotals(item.getCsDiffPerMinDeltas(), durationInSeconds));
        #timeline.setDamageTaken(getStatTotals(item.getDamageTakenPerMinDeltas(), durationInSeconds));
        #timeline.setDamageTakenDifference(getStatTotals(item.getDamageTakenDiffPerMinDeltas(), durationInSeconds));
        #timeline.setExperience(getStatTotals(item.getXpPerMinDeltas(), durationInSeconds));
        #timeline.setExperienceDifference(getStatTotals(item.getXpDiffPerMinDeltas(), durationInSeconds));
        return self

class ParticipantStatsData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {}

class ParticipantData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {"participantId": "id", "spell1Id": "summonerSpellDId", "spell2Id": "summonerSpellFId", "highestAchievedSeasonTier": "rankLastSeason", "bot": "isBot", "profileIcon": "profileIconId"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "stats" in kwargs:
            stats = kwargs.pop("stats")
            if "perk0" in stats:  # Assume all the rest are too
                self.runes = {
                    stats.pop("perk0"): [stats.pop("perk0Var1"), stats.pop("perk0Var2"), stats.pop("perk0Var3")],
                    stats.pop("perk1"): [stats.pop("perk1Var1"), stats.pop("perk1Var2"), stats.pop("perk1Var3")],
                    stats.pop("perk2"): [stats.pop("perk2Var1"), stats.pop("perk2Var2"), stats.pop("perk2Var3")],
                    stats.pop("perk3"): [stats.pop("perk3Var1"), stats.pop("perk3Var2"), stats.pop("perk3Var3")],
                    stats.pop("perk4"): [stats.pop("perk4Var1"), stats.pop("perk4Var2"), stats.pop("perk4Var3")],
                    stats.pop("perk5"): [stats.pop("perk5Var1"), stats.pop("perk5Var2"), stats.pop("perk5Var3")],
                self.stat_runes = [
                    stats.pop("statPerk0", None),
                    stats.pop("statPerk1", None),
                    stats.pop("statPerk2", None),
                stats.pop("runes", None)
            self.stats = ParticipantStatsData(**stats)
        if "timeline" in kwargs:
            self.timeline = ParticipantTimelineData(**kwargs.pop("timeline"))
        if "teamId" in kwargs:
            self.side = Side(kwargs.pop("teamId"))

        if "player" in kwargs:
            for key, value in kwargs.pop("player").items():
                kwargs[key] = value
        return self

class TeamData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {"dominionVictoryScore": "dominionScore", "firstBaron": "firstBaronKiller", "firstBlood": "firstBloodKiller", "firstDragon": "firstDragonKiller", "firstInhibitor": "firstInhibitorKiller", "firstRiftHerald": "firstRiftHeraldKiller", "firstTower": "firstTowerKiller"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "bans" in kwargs:
            self.bans = [ban["championId"] for ban in kwargs.pop("bans")]
        if "win" in kwargs:
            self.isWinner = kwargs.pop("win") != "Fail"
        if "teamId" in kwargs:
            self.side = Side(kwargs.pop("teamId"))
        return self

class MatchReferenceData(CoreData):
    _renamed = {"account_id": "accountId", "gameId": "id", "champion": "championId", "teamId": "side", "platformId": "platform"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "timestamp" in kwargs:
            self.creation = arrow.get(kwargs.pop("timestamp") / 1000)

            # Set lane and role if they are missing from the data
            if "lane" not in kwargs:
                kwargs["lane"] = None
            if "role" not in kwargs:
                kwargs["role"] = None
        return self

class MatchData(CoreData):
    _dto_type = dto.MatchDto
    _renamed = {"gameId": "id", "gameVersion": "version", "gameMode": "mode", "gameType": "type", "queueId": "queue", "seasonId": "season"}

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if "gameCreation" in kwargs:
            self.creation = arrow.get(kwargs["gameCreation"] / 1000)
        if "gameDuration" in kwargs:
            self.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=kwargs["gameDuration"])

        if "participants" in kwargs:
            good_participant_ids = []
            for participant in kwargs["participants"]:
                for pid in kwargs["participantIdentities"]:
                    if participant["participantId"] == pid["participantId"] and "player" in pid:
                        participant["player"] =  pid["player"]
            self.privateGame = False
            if len(good_participant_ids) == 0:
                self.privateGame = True
            # For each participant id we found that has both a participant and an identity, add it to the match data's participants
            self.participants = []
            for participant in kwargs["participants"]:
                if self.privateGame or participant["participantId"] in good_participant_ids:
                    participant = ParticipantData(**participant)
            assert len(self.participants) == len(kwargs["participants"])

        if "teams" in kwargs:
            self.teams = []
            for team in kwargs.pop("teams"):
                team_side = Side(team["teamId"])
                participants = []
                for participant in self.participants:
                    if participant.side is team_side:
                self.teams.append(TeamData(**team, participants=participants))

        return self

# Core Types #

class MatchHistory(CassiopeiaLazyList):  # type: List[Match]
    """The match history for a summoner. By default, this will return the entire match history."""
    _data_types = {MatchListData}

    def __init__(self, *, summoner: Summoner, begin_index: int = None, end_index: int = None, begin_time: arrow.Arrow = None, end_time: arrow.Arrow = None, queues: Set[Queue] = None, seasons: Set[Season] = None, champions: Set[Champion] = None):
        assert end_index is None or end_index > begin_index
        if begin_time is not None and end_time is not None and begin_time > end_time:
            raise ValueError("`end_time` should be greater than `begin_time`")
        kwargs = {"region": summoner.region}
        kwargs["queues"] = queues or []
        kwargs["seasons"] = seasons or []
        champions = champions or []
        kwargs["championIds"] = [ if isinstance(champion, Champion) else champion for champion in champions]
        kwargs["begin_index"] = begin_index
        kwargs["end_index"] = end_index
        if begin_time is not None and not isinstance(begin_time, (int, float)):
            begin_time = begin_time.timestamp * 1000
        kwargs["begin_time"] = begin_time
        if end_time is not None and not isinstance(end_time, (int, float)):
            end_time = end_time.timestamp * 1000
        kwargs["end_time"] = end_time
        assert isinstance(summoner, Summoner)
        self.__account_id_callable = lambda: summoner.account_id
        self.__summoner = summoner
        CassiopeiaObject.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def __get_query_from_kwargs__(cls, *, summoner: Summoner, begin_index: int = None, end_index: int = None, begin_time: arrow.Arrow = None, end_time: arrow.Arrow = None, queues: Set[Queue] = None, seasons: Set[Season] = None, champions: Set[Champion] = None):
        assert isinstance(summoner, Summoner)
        query = {"region": summoner.region}
        query["accountId"] = summoner.account_id

        if begin_index is not None:
            query["beginIndex"] = begin_index

        if end_index is not None:
            query["endIndex"] = end_index

        if begin_time is not None:
            if isinstance(begin_time, arrow.Arrow):
                begin_time = begin_time.timestamp * 1000
            query["beginTime"] = begin_time

        if end_time is not None:
            if isinstance(end_time, arrow.Arrow):
                end_time = end_time.timestamp * 1000
            query["endTime"] = end_time

        if queues is not None:
            query["queues"] = queues

        if seasons is not None:
            query["seasons"] = seasons

        if champions is not None:
            champions = [ if isinstance(champion, Champion) else champion for champion in champions]
            query["champion.ids"] = champions

        return query

    def from_generator(cls, generator: Generator, summoner: Summoner, **kwargs):
        self = cls.__new__(cls)
        kwargs["summoner"] = summoner
        self.__summoner = summoner
        CassiopeiaLazyList.__init__(self, generator=generator, **kwargs)
        return self

    def __call__(self, **kwargs) -> "MatchHistory":
        # summoner, begin_index, end_index, begin_time, end_time, queues, seasons, champions
        kwargs.setdefault("summoner", self.__summoner)
        kwargs.setdefault("begin_index", self.begin_index)
        kwargs.setdefault("end_index", self.end_index)
        kwargs.setdefault("begin_time", self.begin_time)
        kwargs.setdefault("end_time", self.end_time)
        kwargs.setdefault("queues", self.queues)
        kwargs.setdefault("seasons", self.seasons)
        kwargs.setdefault("champions", self.champions)
        return MatchHistory(**kwargs)

    def _account_id(self):
            return self.__account_id
        except AttributeError:
            self.__account_id = self.__account_id_callable()
            del self.__account_id_callable  # This releases the reference to the summoner
            return self.__account_id

    def region(self) -> Region:
        return Region(self._data[MatchListData].region)

    def platform(self) -> Platform:
        return self.region.platform

    def queues(self) -> Set[Queue]:
        return {Queue(q) for q in self._data[MatchListData].queues}

    def seasons(self) -> Set[Season]:
        return {Season(s) for s in self._data[MatchListData].seasons}

    def champions(self) -> Set[Champion]:
        return {Champion(id=cid, region=self.region) for cid in self._data[MatchListData].championIds}

    def begin_index(self) -> Union[int, None]:
            return self._data[MatchListData].beginIndex
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def end_index(self) -> Union[int, None]:
            return self._data[MatchListData].endIndex
        except AttributeError:
            return None

    def begin_time(self) -> arrow.Arrow:
        time = self._data[MatchListData].begin_time
        if time is not None:
            return arrow.get(time / 1000)

    def end_time(self) -> arrow.Arrow:
        time = self._data[MatchListData].end_time
        if time is not None:
            return arrow.get(time / 1000)

class Position(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {PositionData}

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Position ({}, {})>".format(self.x, self.y)

    def x(self) -> int:
        return self._data[PositionData].x

    def y(self) -> int:
        return self._data[PositionData].y

    def location(self) -> SummonersRiftArea:
        return SummonersRiftArea.from_position(self)

@searchable({str: ["type", "tower_type", "ascended_type", "ward_type", "monster_type", "type", "monster_sub_type", "lane_type", "building_type"]})
class Event(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {EventData}

    def tower_type(self) -> Tower:
        return Tower(self._data[EventData].towerType)

    def side(self) -> Side:
        return Side(self._data[EventData].side)

    def ascended_type(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].ascendedType

    def killer_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].killerId

    def level_up_type(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].levelUpType

    def captured_point(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].capturedPoint

    def assisting_participants(self) -> List[int]:
        return self._data[EventData].assistingParticipants

    def ward_type(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].wardType

    def monster_type(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].monsterType

    def type(self) -> List[str]:
        return self._data[EventData].type

    def skill(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].skill

    def victim_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].victimId

    def timestamp(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        return datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._data[EventData].timestamp/1000)

    def after_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].afterId

    def monster_sub_type(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].monsterSubType

    def lane_type(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].laneType

    def item_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].itemId

    def participant_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].participantId

    def building_type(self) -> str:
        return self._data[EventData].buildingType

    def creator_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].creatorId

    def position(self) -> Position:
        return Position.from_data(self._data[EventData].position)

    def before_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[EventData].beforeId

class ParticipantFrame(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {ParticipantFrameData}

    def gold_earned(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].goldEarned

    def team_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].teamScore

    def participant_id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].participantId

    def level(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].level

    def current_gold(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].currentGold

    def creep_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].creepScore

    def dominion_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].dominionScore

    def position(self) -> Position:
        return Position.from_data(self._data[ParticipantFrameData].position)

    def experience(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].experience

    def neutral_minions_killed(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantFrameData].neutralMinionsKilled

class Frame(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {FrameData}

    def timestamp(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        return datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._data[FrameData].timestamp/1000)

    def participant_frames(self) -> Dict[int, ParticipantFrame]:
        return SearchableDictionary({k: ParticipantFrame.from_data(frame) for k, frame in self._data[FrameData].participantFrames.items()})

    def events(self) -> List[Event]:
        return SearchableList([Event.from_data(event) for event in self._data[FrameData].events])

class Timeline(CassiopeiaGhost):
    _data_types = {TimelineData}

    def __init__(self, *, id: int = None, region: Union[Region, str] = None):
        kwargs = {"region": region, "id": id}

    def __get_query__(self):
        return {"region": self.region, "platform": self.platform, "id":}

    def id(self):
        return self._data[TimelineData].id

    def region(self) -> Region:
        return Region(self._data[TimelineData].region)

    def platform(self) -> Platform:
        return self.region.platform
    def frames(self) -> List[Frame]:
        return SearchableList([Frame.from_data(frame) for frame in self._data[TimelineData].frames])
    def frame_interval(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TimelineData].frame_interval

    def first_tower_fallen(self) -> Event:
        for frame in self.frames:
            for event in
                if event.type == "BUILDING_KILL" and event.building_type == "TOWER_BUILDING":
                    return event

class ParticipantTimeline(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {ParticipantTimelineData}

    def from_data(cls, data: CoreData, match: "Match"):
        self = super().from_data(data)
        self.__match = match
        return self

    def frames(self):
        these = []
        for frame in self.__match.timeline.frames:
            for pid, pframe in frame.participant_frames.items():
                pframe.timestamp = frame.timestamp
                if pid ==
        return these

    def events(self):
        my_events = []
        timeline = self.__match.timeline
        for frame in timeline.frames:
            for event in
                    if event.participant_id ==
                except AttributeError:
                    if event.creator_id ==
                except AttributeError:
                    if event.killer_id ==
                except AttributeError:
                    if event.victim_id ==
                except AttributeError:
                    if in event.assisting_participants:
                except AttributeError:
        return SearchableList(my_events)

    def champion_kills(self):
        return event: event.type == "CHAMPION_KILL" and event.killer_id ==

    def champion_deaths(self):
        return event: event.type == "CHAMPION_KILL" and event.victim_id ==

    def champion_assists(self):
        return event: event.type == "CHAMPION_KILL" and in event.assisting_participants)

    def lane(self) -> Lane:
        return Lane.from_match_naming_scheme(self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].lane)

    def role(self) -> Role:
        return Role.from_match_naming_scheme(self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].role)

    def id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].id

    def cs_diff_per_min_deltas(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].csDiffPerMinDeltas

    def gold_per_min_deltas(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].goldPerMinDeltas

    def xp_diff_per_min_deltas(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].xpDiffPerMinDeltas

    def creeps_per_min_deltas(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].creepsPerMinDeltas

    def xp_per_min_deltas(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].xpPerMinDeltas

    def damage_taken_per_min_deltas(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].damageTakenPerMinDeltas

    def damage_taken_diff_per_min_deltas(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        return self._data[ParticipantTimelineData].damageTakenDiffPerMinDeltas

class CumulativeTimeline:
    def __init__(self, id: int, participant_timeline: ParticipantTimeline):
        self._id = id
        self._timeline = participant_timeline

    def __getitem__(self, time: Union[datetime.timedelta, str]) -> "ParticipantState":
        if isinstance(time, str):
            time = time.split(":")
            time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(time[0]), seconds=int(time[1]))
        state = ParticipantState(id=self._id, time=time, participant_timeline=self._timeline)
        for event in
            if event.timestamp > time:
        return state

class ParticipantState:
    """The state of a participant at a given point in the timeline."""
    def __init__(self, id: int, time: datetime.timedelta, participant_timeline: ParticipantTimeline):
        self._id = id
        self._time = time
        #self._timeline = participant_timeline
        # Try to get info from the most recent participant timeline object
        latest_frame = None
        for frame in participant_timeline.frames:
            # Round to the nearest second for the frame timestamp because it's off by a few ms
            rounded_frame_timestamp = datetime.timedelta(seconds=frame.timestamp.seconds)
            if rounded_frame_timestamp > self._time:
            latest_frame = frame
        self._latest_frame = latest_frame
        self._item_state = _ItemState()
        self._skills = Counter()
        self._kills = 0
        self._deaths = 0
        self._assists = 0
        self._objectives = 0
        self._level = 1
        self._processed_events = []

    def _process_event(self, event: Event):
        if "ITEM" in event.type:
        elif "CHAMPION_KILL" == event.type:
            if event.killer_id == self._id:
                self._kills += 1
            elif event.victim_id == self._id:
                self._deaths += 1
                assert self._id in event.assisting_participants
                self._assists += 1
        elif "SKILL_LEVEL_UP" == event.type:
            if event.level_up_type == "NORMAL":
                self._skills[event.skill] += 1
                self._level += 1
        elif event.type in ("WARD_PLACED", "WARD_KILL"):
        elif event.type in ("ELITE_MONSTER_KILL", "BUILDING_KILL"):
            self._objectives += 1
            #print(f"Did not process event {event.to_dict()}")

    def items(self) -> SearchableList:
        return SearchableList([Item(id=id_, region="NA") for id_ in self._item_state._items])

    def skills(self) -> Dict[Key, int]:
        skill_keys = {1: Key.Q, 2: Key.W, 3: Key.E, 4: Key.R}
        skills = {skill_keys[skill]: level for skill, level in self._skills.items()}
        return skills

    def kills(self) -> int:
        return self._kills

    def deaths(self) -> int:
        return self._deaths

    def assists(self) -> int:
        return self._assists

    def kda(self) -> float:
        return (self.kills + self.assists) / (self.deaths or 1)

    def objectives(self) -> int:
        """Number of objectives assisted in."""
        return self._objectives

    def level(self) -> int:
        return self._level

    def gold_earned(self) -> int:
        return self._latest_frame.gold_earned

    def team_score(self) -> int:
        return self._latest_frame.team_score

    def current_gold(self) -> int:
        return self._latest_frame.current_gold

    def creep_score(self) -> int:
        return self._latest_frame.creep_score

    def dominion_score(self) -> int:
        return self._latest_frame.dominion_score

    def position(self) -> Position:
        # The latest position is either from the latest event or from the participant timeline frame
        latest_frame_ts = self._latest_frame.timestamp
        latest_event_with_ts = [(getattr(event, 'timestamp', None), getattr(event, 'position', None)) for event in self._processed_events]
        latest_event_with_ts = [(ts, p) for ts, p in latest_event_with_ts if ts is not None and p is not None]
        latest_event_ts = sorted(latest_event_with_ts)[-1]
        if latest_frame_ts > latest_event_ts[0]:
            return self._latest_frame.position
            return latest_event_ts[1]

    def experience(self) -> int:
        return self._latest_frame.experience

    def neutral_minions_killed(self) -> int:
        return self._latest_frame.neutral_minions_killed

class _ItemState:
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self._items = []
        self._events = []

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._items)

    def process_event(self, event):
        items_to_ignore = (2010, 3599, 3520, 3513, 2422)
        # 2422 is Slightly Magical Boots... I could figure out how to add those and Biscuits to the inventory based on runes but it would be manual...
        item_id = getattr(event, 'item_id', getattr(event, 'before_id', None))
        assert item_id is not None
        if item_id in items_to_ignore:
        if event.type == "ITEM_PURCHASED":
        elif event.type == "ITEM_DESTROYED":
        elif event.type == "ITEM_SOLD":
        elif event.type == "ITEM_UNDO":
            raise ValueError(f"Unexpected event type {event.type}")

    def add(self, item: int):

    def destroy(self, item: int):
        except ValueError as error:
            if item in (3340, 3364, 2319, 2061, 2062, 2056, 2403, 2419, 3400, 2004, 2058, 3200, 2011, 2423, 2055, 2057, 2424, 2059, 2060, 2013, 2421, 3600):  # Something weird can happen with trinkets and klepto items
                raise error

    def undo(self, event: Event):
        assert event.after_id == 0 or event.before_id == 0
        item_id = event.before_id or event.after_id
        prev = None
        while prev is None or prev.item_id != item_id:
            prev = self._events.pop()
            if prev.type == "ITEM_PURCHASED":
            elif prev.type == "ITEM_DESTROYED":
            elif prev.type == "ITEM_SOLD":
                raise TypeError(f"Unexpected event type {prev.type}")

@searchable({str: ["items"], Item: ["items"]})
class ParticipantStats(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {ParticipantStatsData}

    def from_data(cls, data: ParticipantStatsData, match: "Match", participant: "Participant"):
        self = super().from_data(data)
        self.__match = match
        self.__participant = participant
        return self

    def kda(self) -> float:
        return (self.kills + self.assists) / (self.deaths or 1)

    def physical_damage_dealt(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].physicalDamageDealt

    def magic_damage_dealt(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].magicDamageDealt

    def neutral_minions_killed_team_jungle(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].neutralMinionsKilledTeamJungle

    def total_player_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalPlayerScore

    def deaths(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].deaths

    def win(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].win

    def neutral_minions_killed_enemy_jungle(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].neutralMinionsKilledEnemyJungle

    def altars_captured(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].altarsCaptured

    def largest_critical_strike(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].largestCriticalStrike

    def total_damage_dealt(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalDamageDealt

    def magic_damage_dealt_to_champions(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].magicDamageDealtToChampions

    def vision_wards_bought_in_game(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].visionWardsBoughtInGame

    def damage_dealt_to_objectives(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].damageDealtToObjectives

    def largest_killing_spree(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].largestKillingSpree

    def quadra_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].quadraKills

    def team_objective(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].teamObjective

    def total_time_crowd_control_dealt(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalTimeCrowdControlDealt

    def longest_time_spent_living(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].longestTimeSpentLiving

    def wards_killed(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].wardsKilled

    def first_tower_assist(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].firstTowerAssist

    def first_tower_kill(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].firstTowerKill

    def items(self) -> List[Item]:
        ids = [self._data[ParticipantStatsData].item0,
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match)
        return SearchableList([Item(id=id, version=version, region=self.__match.region) if id else None for id in ids])

    def first_blood_assist(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].firstBloodAssist

    def vision_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].visionScore

    def wards_placed(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].wardsPlaced

    def turret_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].turretKills

    def triple_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].tripleKills

    def damage_self_mitigated(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].damageSelfMitigated

    def level(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].champLevel

    def node_neutralize_assist(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].nodeNeutralizeAssist

    def first_inhibitor_kill(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].firstInhibitorKill

    def gold_earned(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].goldEarned

    def magical_damage_taken(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].magicalDamageTaken

    def kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].kills

    def double_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].doubleKills

    def node_capture_assist(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].nodeCaptureAssist

    def true_damage_taken(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].trueDamageTaken

    def node_neutralize(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].nodeNeutralize

    def first_inhibitor_assist(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].firstInhibitorAssist

    def assists(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].assists

    def unreal_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].unrealKills

    def neutral_minions_killed(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].neutralMinionsKilled

    def objective_player_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].objectivePlayerScore

    def combat_player_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].combatPlayerScore

    def damage_dealt_to_turrets(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].damageDealtToTurrets

    def altars_neutralized(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].altarsNeutralized

    def physical_damage_dealt_to_champions(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].physicalDamageDealtToChampions

    def gold_spent(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].goldSpent

    def true_damage_dealt(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].trueDamageDealt

    def true_damage_dealt_to_champions(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].trueDamageDealtToChampions

    def id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].id

    def penta_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].pentaKills

    def total_heal(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalHeal

    def total_minions_killed(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalMinionsKilled

    def first_blood_kill(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].firstBloodKill

    def node_capture(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].nodeCapture

    def largest_multi_kill(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].largestMultiKill

    def sight_wards_bought_in_game(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].sightWardsBoughtInGame

    def total_damage_dealt_to_champions(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalDamageDealtToChampions

    def total_units_healed(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalUnitsHealed

    def inhibitor_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].inhibitorKills

    def total_score_rank(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalScoreRank

    def total_damage_taken(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].totalDamageTaken

    def killing_sprees(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].killingSprees

    def time_CCing_others(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].timeCCingOthers

    def physical_damage_taken(self) -> int:
        return self._data[ParticipantStatsData].physicalDamageTaken

@searchable({str: ["summoner", "champion", "stats", "runes", "side", "summoner_spell_d", "summoner_spell_f"], Summoner: ["summoner"], Champion: ["champion"], Side: ["side"], Rune: ["runes"], SummonerSpell: ["summoner_spell_d", "summoner_spell_f"]})
class Participant(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {ParticipantData}

    def from_data(cls, data: CoreData, match: "Match"):
        self = super().from_data(data)
        self.__match = match
        return self

    def version(self) -> str:
        version = self.__match.version
        version = version.split(".")[0:2]
        version = ".".join(version) + ".1"  # Always use x.x.1 because I don't know how to figure out what the last version number should be.
        return version

    def lane(self) -> Lane:
        return Lane.from_match_naming_scheme(self._data[ParticipantData].timeline.lane)

    def role(self) -> Role:
        return Role.from_match_naming_scheme(self._data[ParticipantData].timeline.role)

    def skill_order(self) -> List[Key]:
        skill_events = event: event.type == "SKILL_LEVEL_UP")
        skill_events.sort(key=lambda event: event.timestamp)
        skills = [event.skill - 1 for event in skill_events]
        spells = [self.champion.spells[Key("Q")], self.champion.spells[Key("W")], self.champion.spells[Key("E")], self.champion.spells[Key("R")]]
        skills = [spells[skill] for skill in skills]
        return skills

    def stats(self) -> ParticipantStats:
        return ParticipantStats.from_data(self._data[ParticipantData].stats, match=self.__match, participant=self)

    def id(self) -> int:
        if self._data[ParticipantData].id is None:
            raise AttributeError
        return self._data[ParticipantData].id

    def is_bot(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[ParticipantData].isBot

    def runes(self) -> Dict[Rune, int]:
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match)
        runes = SearchableDictionary({Rune(id=rune_id, version=version, region=self.__match.region): perk_vars
                                      for rune_id, perk_vars in self._data[ParticipantData].runes.items()})

        def keystone(self):
            for rune in self:
                if rune.is_keystone:
                    return rune
        # The bad thing about calling this here is that the runes won't be lazy loaded, so if the user only want the
        #  rune ids then there will be a needless call. That said, it's pretty nice functionality to have and without
        #  making a custom RunePage class, I believe this is the only option.
        runes.keystone = keystone(runes)
        return runes

    def stat_runes(self) -> List[Rune]:
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match)
        runes = SearchableList([Rune(id=rune_id, version=version, region=self.__match.region)
                                for rune_id in self._data[ParticipantData].stat_runes])
        return runes

    def timeline(self) -> ParticipantTimeline:
        timeline = ParticipantTimeline.from_data(self._data[ParticipantData].timeline, match=self.__match)
        return timeline

    def cumulative_timeline(self) -> CumulativeTimeline:
        return CumulativeTimeline(, participant_timeline=self.timeline)

    def side(self) -> Side:
        return Side(self._data[ParticipantData].side)

    def summoner_spell_d(self) -> SummonerSpell:
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match)
        return SummonerSpell(id=self._data[ParticipantData].summonerSpellDId, version=version, region=self.__match.region)

    def summoner_spell_f(self) -> SummonerSpell:
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match)
        return SummonerSpell(id=self._data[ParticipantData].summonerSpellFId, version=version, region=self.__match.region)

    def rank_last_season(self) -> Tier:
        return Tier(self._data[ParticipantData].rankLastSeason)

    def match_history_uri(self) -> str:
        return self._data[ParticipantData].matchHistoryUri

    def champion(self) -> "Champion":
        # See ParticipantStats for info
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match)
        return Champion(id=self._data[ParticipantData].championId, version=version, region=self.__match.region)

    # All the Player data from ParticipantIdentities.player is contained in the Summoner class.
    # The non-current accountId and platformId should never be relevant/used, and can be deleted from our type system.
    #   See:
    def summoner(self) -> Summoner:
        if self.__match._data[MatchData].privateGame:
            return None
        kwargs = {}
            kwargs["id"] = self._data[ParticipantData].summonerId
        except AttributeError:
            kwargs["name"] = self._data[ParticipantData].summonerName
        except AttributeError:
        kwargs["account_id"] = self._data[ParticipantData].currentAccountId
        kwargs["region"] = Platform(self._data[ParticipantData].currentPlatformId).region
        summoner = Summoner(**kwargs)
        except AttributeError:
        return summoner

    def team(self) -> "Team":
        if self.side ==
            return self.__match.blue_team
            return self.__match.red_team

    def enemy_team(self) -> "Team":
        if self.side ==
            return self.__match.red_team
            return self.__match.blue_team

@searchable({str: ["participants"], bool: ["win"], Champion: ["participants"], Summoner: ["participants"], SummonerSpell: ["participants"]})
class Team(CassiopeiaObject):
    _data_types = {TeamData}

    def from_data(cls, data: CoreData, match: "Match"):
        self = super().from_data(data)
        self.__match = match
        return self

    def first_dragon(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[TeamData].firstDragonKiller

    def first_inhibitor(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[TeamData].firstInhibitorKiller

    def first_rift_herald(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[TeamData].firstRiftHeraldKiller

    def first_baron(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[TeamData].firstBaronKiller

    def first_tower(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[TeamData].firstTowerKiller

    def first_blood(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[TeamData].firstBloodKiller

    def bans(self) -> List["Champion"]:
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self.__match)
        return [Champion(id=champion_id, version=version, region=self.__match.region) if champion_id != -1 else None for champion_id in self._data[TeamData].bans]

    def baron_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TeamData].baronKills

    def rift_herald_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TeamData].riftHeraldKills

    def vilemaw_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TeamData].vilemawKills

    def inhibitor_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TeamData].inhibitorKills

    def tower_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TeamData].towerKills

    def dragon_kills(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TeamData].dragonKills

    def side(self) -> Side:
        return self._data[TeamData].side

    def dominion_score(self) -> int:
        return self._data[TeamData].dominionScore

    def win(self) -> bool:
        return self._data[TeamData].isWinner

    def participants(self) -> List[Participant]:
        return SearchableList([Participant.from_data(p, match=self.__match) for p in self._data[TeamData].participants])

@searchable({str: ["participants", "region", "platform", "season", "queue", "mode", "map", "type"], Region: ["region"], Platform: ["platform"], Season: ["season"], Queue: ["queue"], GameMode: ["mode"], Map: ["map"], GameType: ["type"], Item: ["participants"], Champion: ["participants"], Patch: ["patch"], Summoner: ["participants"], SummonerSpell: ["participants"]})
class Match(CassiopeiaGhost):
    _data_types = {MatchData}

    def __init__(self, *, id: int = None, region: Union[Region, str] = None):
        kwargs = {"region": region, "id": id}
        self.__participants = []  # For lazy-loading the participants in a special way
        self._timeline = None

    def __get_query__(self):
        return {"region": self.region, "platform": self.platform, "id":}

    def from_match_reference(cls, ref: MatchReferenceData):
        instance = cls(, region=ref.region)
        # The below line is necessary because it's possible to pull this match from the cache (which has Match core objects in it).
        # In that case, the data will already be loaded and we don't want to overwrite anything.
        if not hasattr(instance._data[MatchData], "participants"):
            participant = {"participantId": None, "championId": ref.championId, "timeline": {"lane": ref.lane, "role": ref.role}}
            player = {"participantId": None, "currentAccountId": ref.accountId, "currentPlatformId": ref.platform}
            instance(season=ref.season, queue=ref.queue, creation=ref.creation)
                                      participantIdentities=[{"participantId": None, "player": player, "bot": False}])
        instance._timeline = None
        return instance

    def __eq__(self, other: "Match"):
        if not isinstance(other, Match) or self.region != other.region:
            return False
        return ==

    def __str__(self):
        region = self.region
        id_ =
        return "Match(id={id_}, region='{region}')".format(id_=id_, region=region.value)

    __hash__ = CassiopeiaGhost.__hash__

    def region(self) -> Region:
        """The region for this match."""
        return Region(self._data[MatchData].region)

    def platform(self) -> Platform:
        """The platform for this match."""
        return self.region.platform

    def id(self) -> int:
        return self._data[MatchData].id

    def timeline(self) -> Timeline:
        if self._timeline is None:
            self._timeline = Timeline(, region=self.region.value)
        return self._timeline
    def season(self) -> Season:
        return Season.from_id(self._data[MatchData].season)
    def queue(self) -> Queue:
        return Queue.from_id(self._data[MatchData].queue)
    # This method is lazy-loaded in a special way because of its unique behavior
    def participants(self) -> List[Participant]:
        # This is a complicated function because we don't want to load the particpants if the only one the user cares about is the one loaded from a match ref

        def generate_participants(match):
            if not hasattr(match._data[MatchData], "participants"):
                empty_match = True
                empty_match = False

            # If a participant was provided from a matchref, yield that first
            yielded_one = False
            if not empty_match and len(match._data[MatchData].participants) == 1:
                yielded_one = True
                    yield match.__participants[0]
                except IndexError:
                    p = match._data[MatchData].participants[0]
                    participant = Participant.from_data(p, match=match)
                    yield participant

            # Create all the participants if any haven't been created yet.
            # Note that it's important to overwrite the one from the matchref if it was loaded because we have more data after we load the full match.
            if empty_match or yielded_one or len(match.__participants) < len(match._data[MatchData].participants):
                if not match._Ghost__is_loaded(MatchData):
                    match._Ghost__set_loaded(MatchData)  # __load__ doesn't trigger __set_loaded.
                for i, p in enumerate(match._data[MatchData].participants):
                    participant = Participant.from_data(p, match=match)
                    # If we already have this participant in the list, replace it so it stays in the same position
                    for j, pold in enumerate(match.__participants):
                        if hasattr(pold._data[ParticipantData], "currentAccountId") and hasattr(participant._data[ParticipantData], "currentAccountId") and pold._data[ParticipantData].currentAccountId == participant._data[ParticipantData].currentAccountId:
                            match.__participants[j] = participant

            # Yield the rest of the participants
            for participant in match.__participants[yielded_one:]:
                yield participant

        return SearchableLazyList(generate_participants(self))
    def teams(self) -> List[Team]:
        return [Team.from_data(t, match=self) for i, t in enumerate(self._data[MatchData].teams)]

    def red_team(self) -> Team:
        if self.teams[0].side is
            return self.teams[0]
            return self.teams[1]

    def blue_team(self) -> Team:
        if self.teams[0].side is
            return self.teams[0]
            return self.teams[1]
    def version(self) -> str:
        return self._data[MatchData].version

    def patch(self) -> Patch:
        if hasattr(self._data[MatchData], "version"):
            version = ".".join(self.version.split(".")[:2])
            patch = Patch.from_str(version, region=self.region)
            date = self.creation
            patch = Patch.from_date(date, region=self.region)
        return patch
    def mode(self) -> GameMode:
        return GameMode(self._data[MatchData].mode)
    def map(self) -> Map:
        version = _choose_staticdata_version(self)
        return Map(id=self._data[MatchData].mapId, region=self.region, version=version)
    def type(self) -> GameType:
        return GameType(self._data[MatchData].type)
    def duration(self) -> datetime.timedelta:
        return self._data[MatchData].duration
    def creation(self) -> arrow.Arrow:
        return self._data[MatchData].creation

    def is_remake(self) -> bool:
        return self.duration < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)

    def exists(self) -> bool:
            if not self._Ghost__all_loaded:
            self.type  # Make sure we can access this attribute
            return True
        except (AttributeError, NotFoundError):
            return False

    def kills_heatmap(self):
        if == "Summoner's Rift":
            rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1 = 0, 0, 14820, 14881
        elif == "Howling Abyss":
            rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1 = -28, -19, 12849, 12858
            raise NotImplemented

        imx0, imy0, imx1, imy1 =

        def position_to_map_image_coords(position):
            x, y = position.x, position.y
            x -= rx0
            x /= (rx1 - rx0)
            x *= (imx1 - imx0)
            y -= ry0
            y /= (ry1 - ry0)
            y *= (imy1 - imy0)
            return x, y

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        size = 8
        plt.figure(figsize=(size, size))
        for p in self.participants:
            for kill in p.timeline.champion_kills:
                x, y = position_to_map_image_coords(kill.position)
                if ==
                    plt.scatter([x], [y], c="b", s=size * 10)
                    plt.scatter([x], [y], c="r", s=size * 10)