# This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed
# It is defined by the kaggle/python docker image: https://github.com/kaggle/docker-python
# For example, here's several helpful packages to load in 

import numpy as np  # linear algebra
import pandas as pd  # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)

# Input data files are available in the "../input/" directory.
# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list the files in the input directory

import os


# Any results you write to the current directory are saved as output.

import time

notebookstart = time.time()

import gc

# Models Packages
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import preprocessing

# Gradient Boosting
import lightgbm as lgb
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold

# Tf-Idf
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion
from scipy.sparse import hstack, csr_matrix
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

# Viz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re
import string

SEED = 42
VALID = True

class SklearnWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, clf, seed=0, params=None, seed_bool=True):
        if (seed_bool == True):
            params['random_state'] = seed
        self.clf = clf(**params)

    def train(self, x_train, y_train):
        self.clf.fit(x_train, y_train)

    def predict(self, x):
        return self.clf.predict(x)

def get_oof(clf, x_train, y, x_test):
    oof_train = np.zeros((ntrain,))
    oof_test = np.zeros((ntest,))
    oof_test_skf = np.empty((NFOLDS, ntest))

    for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(kf):
        print('\nFold {}'.format(i))
        x_tr = x_train[train_index]
        y_tr = y[train_index]
        x_te = x_train[test_index]

        clf.train(x_tr, y_tr)

        oof_train[test_index] = clf.predict(x_te)
        oof_test_skf[i, :] = clf.predict(x_test)

    oof_test[:] = oof_test_skf.mean(axis=0)
    return oof_train.reshape(-1, 1), oof_test.reshape(-1, 1)

def cleanName(text):
        textProc = text.lower()
        # textProc = " ".join(map(str.strip, re.split('(\d+)',textProc)))
        # regex = re.compile(u'[^[:alpha:]]')
        # textProc = regex.sub(" ", textProc)
        textProc = re.sub('[!@#$_“”¨«»®´·º½¾¿¡§£₤‘’]', '', textProc)
        textProc = " ".join(textProc.split())
        return textProc
        return "name error"

def rmse(y, y0):
    assert len(y) == len(y0)
    return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power((y - y0), 2)))

print("\nData Load Stage")
training = pd.read_csv('../input/train.csv', index_col="item_id", parse_dates=["activation_date"])
traindex = training.index
testing = pd.read_csv('../input/test.csv', index_col="item_id", parse_dates=["activation_date"])
testdex = testing.index

ntrain = training.shape[0]
ntest = testing.shape[0]

kf = KFold(ntrain, n_folds=NFOLDS, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED)

y = training.deal_probability.copy()
training.drop("deal_probability", axis=1, inplace=True)
print('Train shape: {} Rows, {} Columns'.format(*training.shape))
print('Test shape: {} Rows, {} Columns'.format(*testing.shape))

print("Combine Train and Test")
df = pd.concat([training, testing], axis=0)
del training, testing
print('\nAll Data shape: {} Rows, {} Columns'.format(*df.shape))

print("Feature Engineering")
df["price"] = np.log(df["price"] + 0.001)
df["price"].fillna(df.price.mean(), inplace=True)
df["image_top_1"].fillna(-999, inplace=True)

print("\nCreate Time Variables")
df["Weekday"] = df['activation_date'].dt.weekday
df["Weekd of Year"] = df['activation_date'].dt.week
df["Day of Month"] = df['activation_date'].dt.day

# Create Validation Index and Remove Dead Variables
training_index = df.loc[df.activation_date <= pd.to_datetime('2017-04-07')].index
validation_index = df.loc[df.activation_date >= pd.to_datetime('2017-04-08')].index
df.drop(["activation_date", "image"], axis=1, inplace=True)

print("\nEncode Variables")
categorical = ["user_id", "region", "city", "parent_category_name", "category_name", "user_type", "image_top_1",
               "param_1", "param_2", "param_3"]
print("Encoding :", categorical)

# Encoder:
lbl = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
for col in categorical:
    df[col] = lbl.fit_transform(df[col].astype(str))

print("\nText Features")

# Feature Engineering 

# Meta Text Features
textfeats = ["description", "title"]
df['desc_punc'] = df['description'].apply(lambda x: len([c for c in str(x) if c in string.punctuation]))

df['title'] = df['title'].apply(lambda x: cleanName(x))
df["description"] = df["description"].apply(lambda x: cleanName(x))

for cols in textfeats:
    df[cols] = df[cols].astype(str)
    df[cols] = df[cols].astype(str).fillna('missing')  # FILL NA
    df[cols] = df[cols].str.lower()  # Lowercase all text, so that capitalized words dont get treated differently
    df[cols + '_num_words'] = df[cols].apply(lambda comment: len(comment.split()))  # Count number of Words
    df[cols + '_num_unique_words'] = df[cols].apply(lambda comment: len(set(w for w in comment.split())))
    df[cols + '_words_vs_unique'] = df[cols + '_num_unique_words'] / df[cols + '_num_words'] * 100  # Count Unique Words

print("\n[TF-IDF] Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency Stage")
russian_stop = set(stopwords.words('russian'))

tfidf_para = {
    "stop_words": russian_stop,
    "analyzer": 'word',
    "token_pattern": r'\w{1,}',
    "sublinear_tf": True,
    "dtype": np.float32,
    "norm": 'l2',
    # "min_df":5,
    # "max_df":.9,
    "smooth_idf": False

def get_col(col_name): return lambda x: x[col_name]

##I added to the max_features of the description. It did not change my score much but it may be worth investigating
vectorizer = FeatureUnion([
    ('description', TfidfVectorizer(
        ngram_range=(1, 2),
    ('title', CountVectorizer(
        ngram_range=(1, 2),
        # max_features=7000,

start_vect = time.time()

# Fit my vectorizer on the entire dataset instead of the training rows
# Score improved by .0001

ready_df = vectorizer.transform(df.to_dict('records'))
tfvocab = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
print("Vectorization Runtime: %0.2f Minutes" % ((time.time() - start_vect) / 60))

# Drop Text Cols
textfeats = ["description", "title"]
df.drop(textfeats, axis=1, inplace=True)

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from math import sqrt

ridge_params = {'alpha': 30.0, 'fit_intercept': True, 'normalize': False, 'copy_X': True,
                'max_iter': None, 'tol': 0.001, 'solver': 'auto', 'random_state': SEED}

# Ridge oof method from Faron's kernel
# I was using this to analyze my vectorization, but figured it would be interesting to add the results back into the dataset
# It doesn't really add much to the score, but it does help lightgbm converge faster
ridge = SklearnWrapper(clf=Ridge, seed=SEED, params=ridge_params)
ridge_oof_train, ridge_oof_test = get_oof(ridge, ready_df[:ntrain], y, ready_df[ntrain:])

rms = sqrt(mean_squared_error(y, ridge_oof_train))
print('Ridge OOF RMSE: {}'.format(rms))

print("Modeling Stage")

ridge_preds = np.concatenate([ridge_oof_train, ridge_oof_test])

df['ridge_preds'] = ridge_preds

# Combine Dense Features with Sparse Text Bag of Words Features
X = hstack([csr_matrix(df.loc[traindex, :].values), ready_df[0:traindex.shape[0]]])  # Sparse Matrix
testing = hstack([csr_matrix(df.loc[testdex, :].values), ready_df[traindex.shape[0]:]])
tfvocab = df.columns.tolist() + tfvocab
for shape in [X, testing]:
    print("{} Rows and {} Cols".format(*shape.shape))
print("Feature Names Length: ", len(tfvocab))
del df

print("\nModeling Stage")
X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.10, random_state=23)

del ridge_preds, vectorizer, ready_df

print("Light Gradient Boosting Regressor")
lgbm_params = {
    'task': 'train',
    'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
    'objective': 'regression',
    'metric': 'rmse',
    # 'max_depth': 15,
    'num_leaves': 270,
    'feature_fraction': 0.5,
    'bagging_fraction': 0.75,
    'bagging_freq': 4,
    'learning_rate': 0.016,
    'verbose': 0

if VALID == True:
    X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(
        X, y, test_size=0.10, random_state=23)

    # LGBM Dataset Formatting 
    lgtrain = lgb.Dataset(X_train, y_train,
    lgvalid = lgb.Dataset(X_valid, y_valid,
    del X, X_train

    # Go Go Go
    lgb_clf = lgb.train(
        valid_sets=[lgtrain, lgvalid],
        valid_names=['train', 'valid'],
    print("Model Evaluation Stage")
    print('RMSE:', np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_valid, lgb_clf.predict(X_valid))))
    del X_valid

    # LGBM Dataset Formatting 
    lgtrain = lgb.Dataset(X, y,
    del X
    # Go Go Go
    lgb_clf = lgb.train(

# Feature Importance Plot
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[7, 10])
lgb.plot_importance(lgb_clf, max_num_features=50, ax=ax)
plt.title("Light GBM Feature Importance")

print("Model Evaluation Stage")
lgpred = lgb_clf.predict(testing)

# Mixing lightgbm with ridge. I haven't really tested if this improves the score or not
# blend = 0.95*lgpred + 0.05*ridge_oof_test[:,0]
lgsub = pd.DataFrame(lgpred, columns=["deal_probability"], index=testdex)
lgsub['deal_probability'].clip(0.0, 1.0, inplace=True)  # Between 0 and 1
lgsub.to_csv("lgsub.csv", index=True, header=True)
# print("Model Runtime: %0.2f Minutes"%((time.time() - modelstart)/60))
print("Notebook Runtime: %0.2f Minutes" % ((time.time() - notebookstart) / 60))