import collections
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import platform
import queue
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    import wmi
    from scripts import win32
        from . import udisks
    except ImportError:
        import udisks

def log(message, info=True, error=False, debug=False, _print=True):
    Dirty function to log messages to file and also print on screen.
    :param message:
    :param info:
    :param error:
    :param debug:
    if _print is True:

    # remove ANSI color codes from logs
    # message_clean = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m').sub('', message)

    if info is True:
    elif error is not False:
    elif debug is not False:

def resource_path(relativePath):
    Function to detect the correct path of file when working with sourcecode/install or binary.
    :param relativePath: Path to file/data.
    :return: Modified path to file/data.
    # This is not strictly needed because Windows recognize '/'
    # as a path separator but we follow the discipline here.
    relativePath = relativePath.replace('/', os.sep)
    for dir_ in [
            getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', None),
            os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( # go up two levels
            '/usr/share/multibootusb'.replace('/', os.sep),
        if dir_ is None:
        fullpath = os.path.join(dir_, relativePath)
        if os.path.exists(fullpath):
            return fullpath
    log("Could not find resource '%s'." % relativePath)

def get_physical_disk_number(usb_disk):
    Get the physical disk number as detected ny Windows.
    :param usb_disk: USB disk (Like F:)
    :return: Disk number.
    partition, logical_disk = wmi_get_drive_info(usb_disk)
    log("Physical Device Number is %d" % partition.DiskIndex)
    return partition.DiskIndex

def wmi_get_drive_info(usb_disk):
    assert platform.system() == 'Windows'
    for partition in wmi.WMI().Win32_DiskPartition():
        logical_disks = partition.associators("Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition")
        # Here, 'disk' is a windows logical drive rather than a physical drive
        for disk in logical_disks:
            if disk.Caption == usb_disk:
                return (partition, disk)
    raise RuntimeError('Failed to obtain drive information ' + usb_disk)

def collect_relevant_info(obj, tuple_name, attributes, named_tuple):
    if len(named_tuple)==0:
        names = [x[0] for x in attributes]
        named_tuple.append(collections.namedtuple(tuple_name, names))
    L = []
    for (attr, convfunc) in attributes:
        v = getattr(obj, attr)
        L.append(None if v is None else convfunc(v))
    return named_tuple[0](*L)

def collect_relevant_physicaldrive_info(d, physicaldrive_info_tuple=[]):
    attributes = [
        ('BytesPerSector', int),
        ('DeviceID', str),
        ('Index', int),
        ('Manufacturer', str),
        ('MediaType', str),
        ('Model', str),
        ('Partitions', int),
        ('SerialNumber', str),
        ('Size', int),
        ('TotalSectors', int),
    return collect_relevant_info(d, 'PhysicalDrive', attributes,

def collect_relevant_volume_info(v, volume_info_tuple=[]):
    attributes = [
        ('DeviceID', str),
        ('DriveType', int),
        ('FreeSpace', int),
        ('FileSystem', str),
        ('Size', int),
    return collect_relevant_info(v, 'Volume', attributes, volume_info_tuple)

def wmi_get_physicaldrive_info(usb_disk):
   "Return information about the drive that contains 'usb_disk'."
   partition, disk = wmi_get_drive_info(usb_disk)
   import wmi
   c = wmi.WMI()
   drv_list = [d for d in c.Win32_DiskDrive()
               if d.Index == partition.DiskIndex]
   assert len(drv_list)==1
   return collect_relevant_physicaldrive_info(drv_list[0])

def wmi_get_physicaldrive_info_all():
   c = wmi.WMI()
   L = [collect_relevant_physicaldrive_info(d) for d in c.Win32_DiskDrive()]
   L.sort(key=lambda x: x.Index)
   return L

def wmi_get_volume_info_on(diskIndex):
    L = [volumes for (dindex, volumes) in wmi_get_volume_info_all().items()
         if dindex==diskIndex]
    return [] if len(L)==0 else L[0]

def wmi_get_volume_info_all():
    r = {}
    for dindex, volumes in [
            (p.DiskIndex, map(lambda d: collect_relevant_volume_info(d),
            for p in wmi.WMI().Win32_DiskPartition()]:
        r.setdefault(dindex, []).extend(volumes)
    for dindex, volumes in r.items():
        volumes.sort(key=lambda x: x.DeviceID)
    return r

def wmi_get_volume_info_ex(usb_disk):
    assert platform.system() == 'Windows'
    partition, disk = wmi_get_drive_info(usb_disk)
    #print (disk.Caption, partition.StartingOffset, partition.DiskIndex,
    #       disk.FileSystem, disk.VolumeName)

    # Extract Volume serial number off of the boot sector because 
    # retrieval via COM object 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' or wmi interface
    # truncates NTFS serial number to 32 bits.
    with open('//./Physicaldrive%d'%partition.DiskIndex, 'rb') as f:
        bs_ =
        serial_extractor = {
            'NTFS'  : lambda bs: \
            ''.join('%02X' % c for c in reversed(bs[0x48:0x48+8])),
            'FAT32' : lambda bs: \
            '%02X%02X-%02X%02X' % tuple(
            }.get(disk.FileSystem, lambda bs: None)
        uuid = serial_extractor(bs_)
    mount_point = usb_disk + '\\'
    size_total, size_used, size_free \
        = shutil.disk_usage(mount_point)[:3]
    r = {
        'uuid' : uuid,
        'file_system' : disk.FileSystem,
        'label' : disk.VolumeName.strip() or 'No_label',
        'mount_point' : mount_point,
        'size_total' : size_total,
        'size_used'  : size_used,
        'size_free'  : size_free,
        'vendor'     : 'Not_Found',
        'model'      : 'Not_Found',
        'devtype'    : 'partition',
        'mediatype'    : {
            0 : 'Unknown',
            1 : 'Fixed Disk',
            2 : 'Removable Disk',
            3 : 'Local Disk',
            4 : 'Network Drive',
            5 : 'Compact Disc',
            6 : 'RAM Disk',
        }.get(disk.DriveType, 'DiskType(%d)' % disk.DriveType),
        'disk_index' : partition.DiskIndex,
    # print (r)
    return r

def wmi_get_physicaldrive_info_ex(diskIndex):
   drv_list = [d for d in wmi.WMI().Win32_DiskDrive()
               if d.Index == diskIndex]
   assert len(drv_list)==1
   d = collect_relevant_physicaldrive_info(drv_list[0])
   r = {}
   for src, dst in [
           ('Size', 'size_total'),
           ('Model', 'model'),
           ('Manufacturer', 'vendor'),
           ('MediaType', 'mediatype'),
           ('SerialNumber', 'uuid'),
           ('DeviceID', 'label'),
       r[dst] = getattr(d, src)
   r['devtype'] = 'disk'
   r['size_free'] = 0
   r['file_system'] = 'N/A'
   r['mount_point'] = 'N/A'
   return r

def win_physicaldrive_to_listbox_entry(pdrive):
    return '%d:%s' % (pdrive.Index,pdrive.Model)

def win_volume_to_listbox_entry(v):
    return v.DeviceID

class Base:

    def run_dd(self, input, output, bs, count):
        cmd = [self.dd_exe, 'if='+input, 'of='+output,
               'bs=%d' % bs, 'count=%d'%count]
        self.dd_add_args(cmd, input, output, bs, count)
        if != 0:
            log('Failed to execute [%s]' % str(cmd))
            log("%s succeeded." % str(cmd))

    def dd_iso_image(self, input_, output, gui_update, status_update):
        ''' Implementation for OS that use dd to write the iso image. 
        in_file_size = os.path.getsize(input_)
        cmd = [self.dd_exe, 'if=' + input_,
               'of=' + self.physical_disk(output), 'bs=1M']
        self.dd_iso_image_add_args(cmd, input_, output)
        kw_args = {
            'stdout' : subprocess.PIPE,
            'stderr' : subprocess.PIPE,
            'shell'  : False,
        self.dd_iso_image_prepare(input, output, status_update)
        log('Executing => ' + str(cmd))
        dd_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kw_args)
        output_q = queue.Queue()
        while dd_process.poll() is None:
            self.dd_iso_image_readoutput(dd_process, gui_update, in_file_size,
        output_lines = [output_q.get() for i in range(output_q.qsize())]
        for l in output_lines:
            log('dd: ' + l)
        return self.dd_iso_image_interpret_result(
            dd_process.returncode, output_lines)

class Windows(Base):

    def __init__(self):
        self.dd_exe = resource_path('data/tools/dd/dd.exe')

    def dd_add_args(self, cmd_vec, input, output, bs, count):

    def dd_iso_image(self, input_, output, gui_update, status_update):
        assert type(output) is int
        status_update('Zapping PhyiscalDisk%d' % output)
        win32.ZapPhysicalDrive(output, wmi_get_volume_info_on, log)
        # Ouch. Needs sometime for the zapping to take effect...
        # Better way than sleeping constant time?
        status_update('Writing to PhysicalDisk%d' % output)
        in_file_size = os.path.getsize(input_)
        with win32.openHandle('\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d' % output,
                              True, False, log) as hDrive:
            hDrive.CopyFrom(input_, lambda bytes_copied:

    def physical_disk(self, usb_disk):
        if type(usb_disk) is str:
            usb_disk = get_physical_disk_number(usb_disk)
        return r'\\.\physicaldrive%d' % usb_disk

    def mbusb_log_file(self):
        return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'multibootusb.log')

    def find_mounted_partitions_on(self, usb_disk):
        return []  # No-op until UnmountedContext() get implemented for Windows

    def multibootusb_host_dir(self):
        return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "multibootusb")

    def gpt_device(self, dev_name):
        if type(dev_name) is int:
            diskIndex = dev_name
            for p in wmi.WMI().Win32_DiskPartition():
                if p.DiskIndex == diskIndex:
                    return p.Type.startswith('GPT:')
            log(usb_disk_desc(dev_name) + ' seems not partitioned. ' +
                'assuming msdos.')
            return False
            partition, disk = wmi_get_drive_info(dev_name)
            return  partition.Type.startswith('GPT:')

    def usb_disk_desc(self, dev_name):
        if type(dev_name) is int:
            return 'PhysicalDrive%d' % dev_name
        return dev_name

    def listbox_entry_to_device(self, lb_entry):
        left = lb_entry.split(':', 1)[0]
        if left.isdigit():
            return int(left)  # see win_physicaldrive_to_listbox_entry()
            return lb_entry     # see win_volume_to_listbox_entry()

    def qemu_more_params(self, disk):
        return ['-L', '.', '-boot', 'c', '-hda', self.physical_disk(disk)]

class Linux(Base):

    def __init__(self):
        self.dd_exe = 'dd'

    def dd_iso_image_prepare(self, input, output, status_update):

    def dd_add_args(self, cmd_vec, input, output, bs, count):

    def dd_iso_image_add_args(self, cmd_vec, input_, output):

    def add_dd_iso_image_popen_args(self, dd_iso_image_popen_args):

    def dd_iso_image_readoutput(self, dd_process, gui_update, in_file_size,
        # If this time delay is not given, the Popen does not execute
        # the actual command
        while True:
            out_error = dd_process.stderr.readline().decode()
            if out_error:
                if 'bytes' in out_error:
                    bytes_copied = float(out_error.split(' ', 1)[0])
                    gui_update( bytes_copied / in_file_size * 100. )
                if 15 < output_q.qsize():
                # stderr is closed

    def dd_iso_image_interpret_result(self, returncode, output_list):
        return None if returncode==0 else '\n'.join(output_list)

    def physical_disk(self, usb_disk):
        return usb_disk.rstrip('0123456789')

    def mbusb_log_file(self):
        return '/var/log/multibootusb.log'

    def find_mounted_partitions_on(self, usb_disk):
        return udisks.find_mounted_partitions_on(usb_disk)

    def multibootusb_host_dir(self):
        return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".multibootusb")

    def gpt_device(self, dev_name):
        disk_dev = self.physical_disk(dev_name)
        cmd = ['parted', disk_dev, '-s', 'print']
        with open(os.devnull) as devnull:
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=devnull)
            _cmd_out, _err_out = p.communicate()
        if p.returncode != 0:
            lang = os.getenv('LANG')
            encoding = lang.rsplit('.')[-1] if lang else 'utf-8'
            raise RuntimeError(str(_err_out, encoding))
        subprocess.check_call(['partprobe', disk_dev])
        if b'msdos' in _cmd_out:
            return False
        if b'gpt' in _cmd_out:
            return True
        raise RuntimeError("Disk '%s' is uninitialized and not usable." %

    def usb_disk_desc(self, dev_name):
        return dev_name

    def listbox_entry_to_device(self, lb_entry):
        return lb_entry

    def qemu_more_params(self, disk):
        return ['-hda', self.physical_disk(disk), '-vga', 'std']

driverClass = {
    'Windows' : Windows,
    'Linux'   : Linux,
}.get(platform.system(), None)
if driverClass is None:
    raise Exception('Platform [%s] is not supported.' % platform.system())
osdriver = driverClass()

for func_name in [
    globals()[func_name] = getattr(osdriver, func_name)

def initialize():
    fmt = '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
    datefmt = '%H:%M:%S'
    the_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
        osdriver.mbusb_log_file(), 'a', 1024*1024, 5)
    the_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt))

    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        import pythoncom