import os
import time
import dropbox.exceptions

from dropbox.paper import ExportFormat
from git import Repo, GitCommandError
from papergit.errors import NoDestinationError, DocDoesNotExist
from papergit.utilities.dropbox import dropbox_api
from papergit.utilities.modules import create_file_name
from papergit.utilities.general import generate_metadata
from papergit.config import config
from peewee import ( Model, CharField, ForeignKeyField, IntegerField,
                     TimestampField, PrimaryKeyField)

__all__ = [

class BasePaperModel(Model):
    """This is base model from Dropbox Paper. All the paper documents
    be it folder or document subclass this. It provides some very basic
    class Meta:
        database = config.db.db

class PaperFolder(BasePaperModel):
    """Representation of a Dropbox Paper folder"""
    name = CharField()
    folder_id = CharField()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Folder {}".format(self.name)

class PaperDoc(BasePaperModel):
    """Representation of a Dropbox Paper document."""
    title = CharField()
    paper_id = CharField()
    version = IntegerField(default=0)
    folder = ForeignKeyField(PaperFolder, null=True, related_name='docs')
    last_updated = TimestampField()
    last_published = TimestampField(null=True)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}: Document {} at version {}".format(
            self.id, self.title, self.version)

    def get_by_paper_id(self, paper_id):
        return PaperDoc.get(PaperDoc.paper_id == paper_id)

    def get_changes(self):
        """Update this record with the latest version of the document. Also,
        download the latest version to the file.
        title, rev = PaperDoc.download_doc(self.paper_id)
        if rev > self.version:
            print('Update revision for doc {0} from {1} to {2}'.format(
                  self.title, self.version, rev))
            self.version = rev
            self.last_updated = time.time()
        if self.title != title:
            self.title = title
            self.last_updated = time.time()

    def generate_file_path(self, doc_id):
        return os.path.join(config.CACHE_DIR, doc_id + '.md')

    def sync_docs(self, dbx):
        """Fetches all the doc ids from the given dropbox handler.
            dbx(dropbox.Dropbox): an instance of initialized dropbox handler
            An array of all the doc ids.
        docs = dbx.paper_docs_list()
        for doc_id in docs.doc_ids:
                doc = PaperDoc.get(PaperDoc.paper_id == doc_id)
                if not os.path.exists(self.generate_file_path(doc_id)):
            except PaperDoc.DoesNotExist:
                title, rev = self.download_doc(doc_id)
                doc = PaperDoc.create(paper_id=doc_id, title=title, version=rev,

    def download_doc(self, dbx, doc_id):
        """Downloads the given doc_id to the local file cache.
        path = self.generate_file_path(doc_id)
        result = dbx.paper_docs_download_to_file(
            path, doc_id, ExportFormat.markdown)
        return (result.title, result.revision)

    def update_folder_info(self, dbx):
        """Fetch and update the folder information for the current PaperDoc.
        folders = dbx.paper_docs_get_folder_info(self.paper_id)
        if folders.folders is None:
        folder = folders.folders[0]
        f = PaperFolder.get_or_create(folder_id=folder.id, name=folder.name)[0]
        self.folder = f

    def publish(self, push=False):
        """Publish the document as a blog post.
        - Find if this document belongs to a PaperFolder,
        - If yes, find if that PaperFolder is a part of a Sync,
        - If yes, find if there already exists a file at the destination,
        - If no, create the file, copy it to destination
        - If yes, still copy the file to the destination
          (Later it will fail and allow to view a diff of the changes that will
           be made to the destination file.)
        if self.folder:
                sync = Sync.get(folder=self.folder)
                sync.sync_single(doc=self, commit=True, push=push)
                self.last_published = time.time()
            except Sync.DoesNotExist:
                raise NoDestinationError
            except DocDoesNotExist:
            return True
        raise NoDestinationError

    def sync_path(self):
        """Returns the destination path if the sync were to run on doc.
        It needs this doc to belong to a PaperFolder and that PaperFolder to be
        a part of a Sync.
        Otherwise, it returns None

        Returns (document's path, destination path)
            sync = Sync.get(folder=self.folder)
            return sync.get_doc_sync_path(self)
        except Sync.DoesNotExist:
            return None
        except DocDoesNotExist:
            return self.sync_path

class Sync(BasePaperModel):
    """Representation of a synchronization between a Git repo and a
    PaperFolder. Files are synchronized only after a few changes are made and
    the metadata is added.

    Files with #draft in them is not synchronized to the git repo.
    # Path to the Git Repo.
    repo = CharField()
    # Path to the directories in the git repo.
    path_in_repo = CharField()
    folder = ForeignKeyField(PaperFolder)
    last_run = TimestampField(null=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Folder {} to Git repo at {} at path {}".format(
            self.folder.name, self.repo, self.path_in_repo)

    def sync(self, commit=True, push=False):
        for doc in self.folder.docs:
            self.sync_single(doc, commit=False, push=False)
        if commit:

    def sync_single(self, doc, commit=True, push=False):
        original_path, final_path = self.get_doc_sync_path(doc)
        with open(final_path, 'w+') as fp:
            print(generate_metadata(doc=doc), file=fp)
            with open(original_path, 'r') as op:
                print(op.read(), file=fp)
        if commit:

    def get_doc_sync_path(self, doc):
        original_path = PaperDoc.generate_file_path(doc.paper_id)
        file_name = create_file_name(doc.title)
        final_path = os.path.join(self.repo, self.path_in_repo, file_name)
        return (original_path, final_path)

    def commit_changes(self, push=False):
        git_repo = Repo(self.repo)
            git_repo.git.commit('-m', 'Commit added by PaperGit')
            self.last_run = time.time()
        except GitCommandError:
            print('Nothing to commit')
        if push:
            print("Pushing changes to remote")