from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import add_metaclass

from itertools import combinations

from boltons.cacheutils import LRU
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from tqdm import tqdm

from .generics import progressinfo
from .saliency_map_models import (SaliencyMapModel, handle_stimulus,
from .datasets import FixationTrains, get_image_hash, as_stimulus
from .metrics import probabilistic_image_based_kl_divergence, convert_saliency_map_to_density
from .sampling_models import SamplingModelMixin
from .utils import Cache, average_values, deprecated_class, remove_trailing_nans

def sample_from_logprobabilities(log_probabilities, size=1, rst=None):
    """ Sample from log probabilities (robust to many bins and small probabilities).

        +-np.inf and np.nan will be interpreted as zero probability
    if rst is None:
        rst = np.random
    log_probabilities = np.asarray(log_probabilities)

    valid_indices = np.nonzero(np.isfinite(log_probabilities))[0]
    valid_log_probabilities = log_probabilities[valid_indices]

    ndxs = valid_log_probabilities.argsort()
    sorted_log_probabilities = valid_log_probabilities[ndxs]
    cumsums = np.logaddexp.accumulate(sorted_log_probabilities)
    cumsums -= cumsums[-1]

    tmps = -rst.exponential(size=size)
    js = np.searchsorted(cumsums, tmps)
    valid_values = ndxs[js]
    values = valid_indices[valid_values]

    return values

def sample_from_logdensity(log_density, count=None, rst=None):
    if count is None:
        real_count = 1
        real_count = count

    height, width = log_density.shape
    flat_log_density = log_density.flatten(order='C')
    samples = sample_from_logprobabilities(flat_log_density, size=real_count, rst=rst)
    sample_xs = samples % width
    sample_ys = samples // width

    if count is None:
        return sample_xs[0], sample_ys[0]
        return np.asarray(sample_xs), np.asarray(sample_ys)

def sample_from_image(densities, count=None, rst=None):
    if rst is None:
        rst = np.random
    height, width = densities.shape
    sorted_densities = densities.flatten(order='C')
    cumsums = np.cumsum(sorted_densities)
    if count is None:
        real_count = 1
        real_count = count
    sample_xs = []
    sample_ys = []
    tmps = rst.rand(real_count)
    js = np.searchsorted(cumsums, tmps)
    for j in js:
        sample_xs.append(j % width)
        sample_ys.append(j // width)
    sample_xs = np.asarray(sample_xs)
    sample_ys = np.asarray(sample_ys)
    if count is None:
        return sample_xs[0], sample_ys[0]
        return np.asarray(sample_xs), np.asarray(sample_ys)

class ScanpathModel(SamplingModelMixin, object):
    General probabilistic saliency model.

    Inheriting classes have to implement `conditional_log_density`

    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, out=None):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def conditional_log_density_for_fixation(self, stimuli, fixations, fixation_index, out=None):
        return self.conditional_log_density(
            attributes={key: getattr(fixations, key)[fixation_index] for key in fixations.__attributes__},

    def conditional_log_densities(self, stimuli, fixations, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        """ returns conditional log density predictions for each fixation """
        return [self.conditional_log_density_for_fixation(stimuli, fixations, fixation_index) for fixation_index in tqdm(range(len(fixations)), disable=not verbose)]

    def log_likelihoods(self, stimuli, fixations, verbose=False):
        log_likelihoods = np.empty(len(fixations.x))
        for i in tqdm(range(len(fixations.x)), disable=not verbose):
            conditional_log_density = self.conditional_log_density_for_fixation(stimuli, fixations, i)
            log_likelihoods[i] = conditional_log_density[fixations.y_int[i], fixations.x_int[i]]

        return log_likelihoods

    def log_likelihood(self, stimuli, fixations, verbose=False, average='fixation'):
        log_likelihoods = self.log_likelihoods(stimuli, fixations, verbose=verbose)

        return average_values(self.log_likelihoods(stimuli, fixations, verbose=verbose), fixations, average=average)

    def information_gains(self, stimuli, fixations, baseline_model=None, verbose=False, average='fixation'):
        if average != 'fixation':
            raise NotImplementedError()
        if baseline_model is None:
            baseline_model = UniformModel()

        own_log_likelihoods = self.log_likelihoods(stimuli, fixations, verbose=verbose)
        baseline_log_likelihoods = baseline_model.log_likelihoods(stimuli, fixations, verbose=verbose)
        return (own_log_likelihoods - baseline_log_likelihoods) / np.log(2)

    def information_gain(self, stimuli, fixations, baseline_model=None, verbose=False, average='fixation'):
        return average_values(self.information_gains(stimuli, fixations, baseline_model, verbose=verbose), fixations, average=average)

    def _expand_sample_arguments(self, stimuli, train_counts, lengths=None, stimulus_indices=None):
        if isinstance(train_counts, int):
            train_counts = [train_counts]*len(stimuli)

        if stimulus_indices is None:
            if len(train_counts) > len(stimuli):
                raise ValueError('Number of train counts higher than count of stimuli!')
            stimulus_indices = range(len(train_counts))

        if isinstance(stimulus_indices, int):
            stimulus_indices = [stimulus_indices]

        if len(stimulus_indices) != len(train_counts):
            raise ValueError('Number of train counts must match number of stimulus_indices!')

        if isinstance(lengths, int):
            lengths = [lengths for i in range(len(stimuli))]

        if len(train_counts) != len(lengths):
            raise ValueError('Number of train counts and number of lengths do not match!')

        new_lengths = []
        for k, l in enumerate(lengths):
            if isinstance(l, int):
                ll = [l for i in range(train_counts[k])]
                ll = l
        lengths = new_lengths

        for k, (c, ls) in enumerate(zip(train_counts, lengths)):
            if c != len(ls):
                raise ValueError('{}th train count ({}) does not match given number of lengths ({})!'.format(k, c, len(ls)))

        return stimuli, train_counts, lengths, stimulus_indices

    def sample(self, stimuli, train_counts, lengths=1, stimulus_indices=None, rst=None):
        Sample fixations for given stimuli


        >>> model.sample(stimuli, 10)  # sample 10 fixations per image
        >>> # sample 5 fixations from the first image, 10 from the second and
        >>> # 30 fixations from the third image
        >>> model.sample(stimuli, [5, 10, 30])
        >>> # Sample 10 fixation trains per image, each consiting of 5 fixations
        >>> model.sample(stimuli, 10, lengths=5)
        >>> # Sample 10 fixation trains per image, consisting of 2 fixations
        >>> # for the first image, 4 fixations for the second, ...
        >>> model.sample(stimuli, 10, lengths=[2, 4, 3])
        >>> # Sample
        >>> model.sample(stimuli, 3, lengths=[[1,2,3], [1,2,3]])

        >>> # Sample 3 fixations from the 10th stimulus
        >>> model.sample(stimuli, 3, stimulus_indices = 10)

        >>> # Sample 3 fixations from the 20th and the 42th stimuli each
        >>> model.sample(stimuli, 3, stimulus_indices = [20, 42])

        stimuli, train_counts, lengths, stimulus_indices = self._expand_sample_arguments(stimuli,

        xs = []
        ys = []
        ts = []
        ns = []
        subjects = []
        for stimulus_index, ls in progressinfo(zip(stimulus_indices, lengths)):
            stimulus = stimuli[stimulus_index]
            for l in ls:
                this_xs, this_ys, this_ts = self._sample_fixation_train(stimulus, l, rst=rst)
        return FixationTrains.from_fixation_trains(xs, ys, ts, ns, subjects)

    def _sample_fixation_train(self, stimulus, length, rst=None):
        """Sample one fixation train of given length from stimulus"""
        return self.sample_scanpath(stimulus, [], [], [], length, rst=rst)

    def sample_fixation(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, verbose=False, rst=None):
        log_densities = self.conditional_log_density(stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=attributes)
        x, y = sample_from_image(np.exp(log_densities), rst=rst)
        return x, y, len(t_hist)

class Model(ScanpathModel):
    Time independend probabilistic saliency model.

    Inheriting classes have to implement `_log_density`.
    def __init__(self, cache_location=None, caching=True, memory_cache_size=None):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self._cache = Cache(cache_location, memory_cache_size=memory_cache_size)
        self.caching = caching
        #self._log_density_cache = Cache(cache_location)
        # This make the property `cache_location` work.
        #self._saliency_map_cache = self._log_density_cache

    def cache_location(self):
        return self._cache.cache_location

    def cache_location(self, value):
        self._cache.cache_location = value

    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, out=None):
        return self.log_density(stimulus)

    def log_density(self, stimulus):
        Get log_density for given stimulus.

        To overwrite this function, overwrite `_log_density` as otherwise
        the caching mechanism is disabled.
        stimulus = handle_stimulus(stimulus)
        if not self.caching:
            return self._log_density(stimulus.stimulus_data)
        stimulus_id = stimulus.stimulus_id
        if not stimulus_id in self._cache:
            self._cache[stimulus_id] = self._log_density(stimulus.stimulus_data)
        return self._cache[stimulus_id]

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        Overwrite this to implement you own SaliencyMapModel.


        @type  stimulus: ndarray
        @param stimulus: stimulus for which the saliency map should be computed.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def log_likelihoods(self, stimuli, fixations, verbose=False):
        log_likelihoods = np.empty(len(fixations.x))
        for n in tqdm(range(len(stimuli)), disable=not verbose):
            inds = fixations.n == n
            if not inds.sum():
            log_density = self.log_density(stimuli.stimulus_objects[n])
            this_log_likelihoods = log_density[fixations.y_int[inds], fixations.x_int[inds]]
            log_likelihoods[inds] = this_log_likelihoods

        return log_likelihoods

    def _sample_fixation_train(self, stimulus, length, rst=None):
        """Sample one fixation train of given length from stimulus"""
        # We could reuse the implementation from `ScanpathModel`
        # but this implementation is much faster for long trains.
        log_densities = self.log_density(stimulus)
        xs, ys = sample_from_image(np.exp(log_densities), count=length, rst=rst)
        ts = np.arange(len(xs))
        return xs, ys, ts

    def pixel_space_information_gain(self, baseline, gold_standard, stimulus, eps=1e-20):
        log_p_gold = gold_standard.log_density(stimulus)
        log_p_baseline = baseline.log_density(stimulus)
        log_p_model = self.log_density(stimulus)
        p_gold = np.exp(log_p_gold)
        p_gold[p_gold == 0] = p_gold[p_gold > 0].min()
        ig = (p_gold)*(np.logaddexp(log_p_model, np.log(eps))-np.logaddexp(log_p_baseline, np.log(eps)))
        return ig

    def kl_divergences(self, stimuli, gold_standard, log_regularization=0, quotient_regularization=0, verbose=False):
        """Calculate KL Divergence between model and gold standard for each stimulus.

        This metric works only for probabilistic models.
        For the existing saliency metrics known as KL Divergence, see
        `image_based_kl_divergence` and `fixation_based_kl_divergence`.

        log_regularization and quotient_regularization are regularization constants that are used as in
        kldiv(p1, p2) = sum(p1*log(log_regularization + p1 / (p2 + quotient_regularization))).
        assert isinstance(self, Model)
        assert isinstance(gold_standard, Model)

        kl_divs = []
        for s in tqdm(stimuli, disable=not verbose):
            logp_model = self.log_density(s)
            logp_gold = gold_standard.log_density(s)
                probabilistic_image_based_kl_divergence(logp_model, logp_gold, log_regularization=log_regularization, quotient_regularization=quotient_regularization)

        return kl_divs

    def set_params(self, **kwargs):
	        Set model parameters, if the model has parameters

	        This method has to reset caches etc., if the depend on the parameters
        if kwargs:
            raise ValueError('Unkown parameters!', kwargs)

class CachedModel(Model):
    """Density model which uses only precached densities
    def __init__(self, cache_location, **kwargs):
        if cache_location is None:
            raise ValueError("CachedModel needs a cache location!")
        super(CachedModel, self).__init__(cache_location=cache_location, **kwargs)

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class UniformModel(Model):
    """Saliency model assuming uniform fixation distribution over space
    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        return np.zeros((stimulus.shape[0], stimulus.shape[1])) - np.log(stimulus.shape[0]) - np.log(stimulus.shape[1])

    def log_likelihoods(self, stimuli, fixations, verbose=False):
        lls = []
        for n in fixations.n:
            lls.append(-np.log(stimuli.shapes[n][0]) - np.log(stimuli.shapes[n][1]))
        return np.array(lls)

class MixtureModel(Model):
    """ A saliency model being a weighted mixture of a number of other models
    def __init__(self, models, weights=None, **kwargs):
        """Create a mixture model from a list of models and a list of weights

           :param models: list of `Model` instances
           :param weights: list of weights for the different models. Do not have
                           to sum up to one, they will be normalized.
                           If `None`, will be set to a uniform mixture.
        super(MixtureModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.models = models
        if weights is None:
            weights = np.ones(len(self.models))
        weights = np.asarray(weights, dtype=float)
        weights /= weights.sum()
        if not len(weights) == len(models):
            raise ValueError('models and weights must have same length!')
        self.weights = weights

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        log_densities = []
        for i, model in enumerate(self.models):
            log_density = model.log_density(stimulus).copy()
            log_density += np.log(self.weights[i])

        log_density = logsumexp(log_densities, axis=0)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(np.exp(log_density).sum(), 1.0, rtol=1e-7)
        if not log_density.shape == (stimulus.shape[0], stimulus.shape[1]):
            raise ValueError('wrong density shape in mixture model! stimulus shape: ({}, {}), density shape: {}'.format(stimulus.shape[0], stimulus.shape[1], log_density.shape))
        return log_density

class MixtureScanpathModel(ScanpathModel):
    """ A scanpath model being a weighted mixture of a number of other models
    def __init__(self, models, weights=None, check_norm=True, **kwargs):
        """Create a mixture scanpath model from a list of models and a list of weights

           :param models: list of `ScanpathModel` instances
           :param weights: list of weights for the different models. Do not have
                           to sum up to one, they will be normalized.
                           If `None`, will be set to a uniform mixture.
        super(MixtureScanpathModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.models = models
        if weights is None:
            weights = np.ones(len(self.models))
        weights = np.asarray(weights, dtype=float)
        weights /= weights.sum()
        if not len(weights) == len(models):
            raise ValueError('models and weights must have same length!')
        self.weights = weights
        self.check_norm = check_norm

    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, out=None):
        log_densities = []
        for i, model in enumerate(self.models):
            log_density = model.conditional_log_density(stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=attributes).copy()
            log_density += np.log(self.weights[i])

        log_density = logsumexp(log_densities, axis=0)
        if self.check_norm:
            np.testing.assert_allclose(np.exp(log_density).sum(), 1.0, rtol=1e-7)
        if not log_density.shape == (stimulus.shape[0], stimulus.shape[1]):
            raise ValueError('wrong density shape in mixture model! stimulus shape: ({}, {}), density shape: {}'.format(stimulus.shape[0], stimulus.shape[1], log_density.shape))
        return log_density

class ResizingModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, parent_model, verbose=True, **kwargs):
        if 'caching' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['caching'] = False
        self.verbose = verbose
        super(ResizingModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.parent_model = parent_model

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        smap = self.parent_model.log_density(stimulus)

        target_shape = (stimulus.shape[0],

        if smap.shape != target_shape:
            if self.verbose:
                print("Resizing saliency map", smap.shape, target_shape)
            x_factor = target_shape[1] / smap.shape[1]
            y_factor = target_shape[0] / smap.shape[0]

            smap = zoom(smap, [y_factor, x_factor], order=1, mode='nearest')

            smap -= logsumexp(smap)

            assert smap.shape == target_shape

        return smap

class ResizingScanpathModel(ScanpathModel):
    def __init__(self, parent_model, verbose=True, **kwargs):
        self.verbose = verbose
        super(ResizingScanpathModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.parent_model = parent_model

    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, out=None):
        smap = self.parent_model.conditional_log_density(stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=attributes, out=out)

        target_shape = (stimulus.shape[0],

        if smap.shape != target_shape:
            if self.verbose:
                print("Resizing saliency map", smap.shape, target_shape)
            x_factor = target_shape[1] / smap.shape[1]
            y_factor = target_shape[0] / smap.shape[0]

            smap = zoom(smap, [y_factor, x_factor], order=1, mode='nearest')

            smap -= logsumexp(smap)

            assert smap.shape == target_shape

        return smap

class DisjointUnionModel(DisjointUnionMixin, ScanpathModel):
    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, *args, **kwargs):

    def log_likelihoods(self, stimuli, fixations, **kwargs):
        return self.eval_metric('log_likelihoods', stimuli, fixations, **kwargs)

class SubjectDependentModel(DisjointUnionModel):
    def __init__(self, subject_models, **kwargs):
        super(SubjectDependentModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.subject_models = subject_models

    def _split_fixations(self, stimuli, fixations):
        for s in self.subject_models:
            yield fixations.subjects == s, self.subject_models[s]

    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, out=None, **kwargs):
        if 'subjects' not in attributes:
            raise ValueError("SubjectDependentModel can't compute conditional log densities without subject indication!")
        return self.subject_models[attributes['subjects']].conditional_log_density(
            stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=attributes, **kwargs)

    def get_saliency_map_model_for_sAUC(self, baseline_model):
        return SubjectDependentSaliencyMapModel({
            s: ShuffledAUCSaliencyMapModel(self.subject_models[s], baseline_model)
            for s in self.subject_models})

    def get_saliency_map_model_for_NSS(self):
        return SubjectDependentSaliencyMapModel({
            s: ExpSaliencyMapModel(self.subject_models[s])
            for s in self.subject_models})

class StimulusDependentModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, stimuli_models, check_stimuli=True, fallback_model=None, **kwargs):
        super(StimulusDependentModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.stimuli_models = stimuli_models
        self.fallback_model = fallback_model
        if check_stimuli:

    def check_stimuli(self):
        for s1, s2 in tqdm(list(combinations(self.stimuli_models, 2))):
            if not set(s1.stimulus_ids).isdisjoint(s2.stimulus_ids):
                raise ValueError('Stimuli not disjoint')

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        stimulus_hash = get_image_hash(stimulus)
        for stimuli, model in self.stimuli_models.items():
            if stimulus_hash in stimuli.stimulus_ids:
                return model.log_density(stimulus)
            if self.fallback_model is not None:
                return self.fallback_model.log_density(stimulus)
                raise ValueError('stimulus not provided by these models')

class StimulusDependentScanpathModel(ScanpathModel):
    def __init__(self, stimuli_models, check_stimuli=True, fallback_model=None, **kwargs):
        super(StimulusDependentScanpathModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.stimuli_models = stimuli_models
        self.fallback_model = fallback_model
        if check_stimuli:

    def check_stimuli(self):
        for s1, s2 in tqdm(list(combinations(self.stimuli_models, 2))):
            if not set(s1.stimulus_ids).isdisjoint(s2.stimulus_ids):
                raise ValueError('Stimuli not disjoint')

    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, out=None):
        stimulus_hash = get_image_hash(as_stimulus(stimulus).stimulus_data)
        for stimuli, model in self.stimuli_models.items():
            if stimulus_hash in stimuli.stimulus_ids:
                return model.conditional_log_density(stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=attributes, out=out)
            if self.fallback_model is not None:
                return self.fallback_model.conditional_log_density(stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=attributes, out=out)
                raise ValueError('stimulus not provided by these models')

class FixationIndexDependentModel(ScanpathModel):
    """ a scanpath that uses different models depending of the index of a fixation within a scanpath. """
    def __init__(self, models, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.models = models

    def _get_model_for_index(self, fixation_index):
        for (start, end), model in self.models.items():
            if start <= fixation_index < end:
                return model
        raise KeyError(fixation_index)

    def conditional_log_density(self, stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=None, out=None):
        fixation_index = len(remove_trailing_nans(x_hist))
        return self._get_model_for_index(fixation_index).conditional_log_density(stimulus, x_hist, y_hist, t_hist, attributes=attributes, out=out)

class ShuffledAUCSaliencyMapModel(SaliencyMapModel):
    def __init__(self, probabilistic_model, baseline_model):
        super(ShuffledAUCSaliencyMapModel, self).__init__(caching=False)
        self.probabilistic_model = probabilistic_model
        self.baseline_model = baseline_model

    def _saliency_map(self, stimulus):
        return self.probabilistic_model.log_density(stimulus) - self.baseline_model.log_density(stimulus)

class ShuffledBaselineModel(Model):
    """Predicts a mixture of all predictions for other images.
    This model will usually be used as baseline model for computing sAUC saliency maps.

    use the library parameter to define whether the logsumexp should be computed
    with torch (default), tensorflow or numpy.
    def __init__(self, parent_model, stimuli, resized_predictions_cache_size=5000,
                 compute_size=(500, 500),
        super(ShuffledBaselineModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.parent_model = parent_model
        self.stimuli = stimuli
        self.compute_size = compute_size
        self.resized_predictions_cache = LRU(
        if library not in ['torch', 'tensorflow', 'numpy']:
            raise ValueError(library)
        self.library = library

    def _resize_prediction(self, prediction, target_shape):
        if prediction.shape != target_shape:
            x_factor = target_shape[1] / prediction.shape[1]
            y_factor = target_shape[0] / prediction.shape[0]

            prediction = zoom(prediction, [y_factor, x_factor], order=1, mode='nearest')

            prediction -= logsumexp(prediction)

            assert prediction.shape == target_shape

        return prediction

    def _cache_miss(self, key):
        stimulus = self.stimuli[key]
        return self._resize_prediction(self.parent_model.log_density(stimulus), self.compute_size)

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        stimulus_id = get_image_hash(stimulus)

        predictions = []
        prediction = None

        target_shape = (stimulus.shape[0], stimulus.shape[1])

        for k, other_stimulus in enumerate((self.stimuli)):
            if other_stimulus.stimulus_id == stimulus_id:
            other_prediction = self.resized_predictions_cache[k]

        predictions = np.array(predictions) - np.log(len(predictions))

        if self.library == 'tensorflow':
            from .tf_utils import tf_logsumexp
            prediction = tf_logsumexp(predictions, axis=0)
        elif self.library == 'torch':
            import torch
            device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
            prediction = torch.logsumexp(torch.Tensor(predictions).to(device), dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy()
        elif self.library == 'numpy':
            prediction = logsumexp(predictions, axis=0)
            raise ValueError(self.library)

        prediction = self._resize_prediction(prediction, target_shape)

        return prediction

class GaussianModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, width=0.5, center_x=0.5, center_y=0.5, **kwargs):
        super(GaussianModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.parent_model = GaussianSaliencyMapModel(width=width, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y)

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        saliency_map = self.parent_model.saliency_map(stimulus)

        density = saliency_map / saliency_map.sum()
        return np.log(density)

class SaliencyMapNormalizingModel(Model):
    """ Probabilistic model that converts saliency maps into
        fixation densities by dividing by their sum
    def __init__(self, model, minimum_value=0.0):
        self.model = model
        self.minimum_value = minimum_value
        super(SaliencyMapNormalizingModel, self).__init__(caching=False)

    def _log_density(self, stimulus):
        smap = convert_saliency_map_to_density(self.model.saliency_map(stimulus), minimum_value=self.minimum_value)
        return np.log(smap)

GeneralModel = deprecated_class(deprecated_in='0.2.16', removed_in='1.0.0', details="Use ScanpathModel instead")(ScanpathModel)
StimulusDependentGeneralModel = deprecated_class(deprecated_in='0.2.16', removed_in='1.0.0', details="Use StimulusDependentScanpathModel instead")(StimulusDependentScanpathModel)