# Flask framework
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, render_template

# Werkzeug utilities
from werkzeug.utils import find_modules, import_string

# Project specific utilities
import website.utils as utils

def create_app(config):
    Flask application factory, Development, Test, Staging, and Production
    configs may engage / disengage different application features.
    # Create unconfigured flask application
    app = Flask(

    # Configure flask application
    app.static_folder = config.STATIC_FOLDER

    # register functions are like set-methods for blueprints, databases, etc.
    registration_functions = [
        # register_database,
        # register_context_processors,

    # attach blueprints, databases, plugins, etc to application context
    for r in registration_functions:

    return app

def register_blueprints(app):
    Will find all blueprints within website.views and update them to the app
    view_modules = map(import_string, find_modules("website.views"))

    for view_module in view_modules:
        blueprints = utils.get_classes_of_type(

        for blueprint in blueprints:

def register_error_pages(app):
    Handle all errors mentioned by the "Digital Ocean common http error codes"
    webpage. All errors get stylized by the same errorpage jinja template.

    A list of HTTP statuses can be found at https://httpstatuses.com/
    class Error(object):
        def __init__(self, error_code, error_title):
            self.code = error_code
            self.title = error_title

    def bad_request(e):
        error = Error(400, "Bad Request")
        return render_template("errorpage.html", data=error), 400

    def unauthorized(e):
        error = Error(401, "Unauthorized")
        return render_template("errorpage.html", data=error), 401

    def forbidden(e):
        error = Error(403, "Forbidden")
        return render_template("errorpage.html", data=error), 403

    def page_not_found(e):
        error = Error(404, "Page Not Found")
        return render_template('errorpage.html', error=error), 404

    def teapot(e):  # This is hillarious
        error = Error(418, "I'm a Teapot")
        return render_template('errorpage.html'), 418

    def server_error(e):
        error = Error(500, "Internal Server Error")
        return render_template("errorpage.html", data=error), 500

    def bad_gateway(e):
        error = Error(502, "Bad Gateway")
        return render_template("errorpage.html", data=error), 502

    def gateway_timeout(e):
        error = Error(503, "Gateway Timeout")
        return render_template("errorpage.html", data=error), 503