"""Additional autograd differential operators."""

from functools import wraps
    from autograd import make_vjp as vjp_and_value
    from autograd.wrap_util import unary_to_nary
    from autograd.builtins import tuple as atuple
    from autograd.core import make_vjp
    from autograd.extend import vspace
    import autograd.numpy as np
except ImportError:

def _wrapped_unary_to_nary(func):
    """Use functools.wraps with unary_to_nary decorator."""
        return wraps(func)(unary_to_nary(func))
        return func

def grad_and_value(fun, x):
    Makes a function that returns both gradient and value of a function.
    vjp, val = make_vjp(fun, x)
    if not vspace(val).size == 1:
        raise TypeError("grad_and_value only applies to real scalar-output"
                        " functions.")
    return vjp(vspace(val).ones()), val

def jacobian_and_value(fun, x):
    Makes a function that returns both the Jacobian and value of a function.

    Assumes that the function `fun` broadcasts along the first dimension of the
    input being differentiated with respect to such that a batch of outputs can
    be computed concurrently for a batch of inputs.
    val = fun(x)
    v_vspace = vspace(val)
    x_vspace = vspace(x)
    x_rep = np.tile(x, (v_vspace.size,) + (1,) * x_vspace.ndim)
    vjp_rep, _ = make_vjp(fun, x_rep)
    jacobian_shape = v_vspace.shape + x_vspace.shape
    basis_vectors = np.array([b for b in v_vspace.standard_basis()])
    jacobian = vjp_rep(basis_vectors)
    return np.reshape(jacobian, jacobian_shape), val

def mhp_jacobian_and_value(fun, x):
    Makes a function that returns MHP, Jacobian and value of a function.

    For a vector-valued function `fun` the matrix-Hessian-product (MHP) is here
    defined as a function of a matrix `m` corresponding to

        mhp(m) = sum(m[:, :, None] * h[:, :, :], axis=(0, 1))

    where `h` is the vector-Hessian of `f = fun(x)` wrt `x` i.e. the rank-3
    tensor of second-order partial derivatives of the vector-valued function,
    such that

        h[i, j, k] = ∂²f[i] / (∂x[j] ∂x[k])

    Assumes that the function `fun` broadcasts along the first dimension of the
    input being differentiated with respect to such that a batch of outputs can
    be computed concurrently for a batch of inputs.
    mhp, (jacob, val) = make_vjp(
        lambda x: atuple(jacobian_and_value(fun)(x)), x)
    return lambda m: mhp((m, vspace(val).zeros())), jacob, val

def hessian_grad_and_value(fun, x):
    Makes a function that returns the Hessian, gradient & value of a function.

    Assumes that the function `fun` broadcasts along the first dimension of the
    input being differentiated with respect to such that a batch of outputs can
    be computed concurrently for a batch of inputs.
    def grad_fun(x):
        vjp, val = make_vjp(fun, x)
        return vjp(vspace(val).ones()), val
    x_vspace = vspace(x)
    x_rep = np.tile(x, (x_vspace.size,) + (1,) * x_vspace.ndim)
    vjp_grad, (grad, val) = make_vjp(lambda x: atuple(grad_fun(x)), x_rep)
    hessian_shape = x_vspace.shape + x_vspace.shape
    basis_vectors = np.array([b for b in x_vspace.standard_basis()])
    hessian = vjp_grad((basis_vectors, vspace(val).zeros()))
    return np.reshape(hessian, hessian_shape), grad[0], val[0]

def mtp_hessian_grad_and_value(fun, x):
    Makes a function that returns MTP, Jacobian and value of a function.

    For a scalar-valued function `fun` the matrix-Tressian-product (MTP) is
    here defined as a function of a matrix `m` corresponding to

        mtp(m) = sum(m[:, :] * t[:, :, :], axis=(-1, -2))

    where `t` is the 'Tressian' of `f = fun(x)` wrt `x` i.e. the 3D array of
    third-order partial derivatives of the scalar-valued function such that

        t[i, j, k] = ∂³f / (∂x[i] ∂x[j] ∂x[k])

    Assumes that the function `fun` broadcasts along the first dimension of the
    input being differentiated with respect to such that a batch of outputs can
    be computed concurrently for a batch of inputs.
    mtp, (hessian, grad, val) = make_vjp(
        lambda x: atuple(hessian_grad_and_value(fun)(x)), x)
    return (
        lambda m: mtp((m, vspace(grad).zeros(), vspace(val).zeros())),
        hessian, grad, val)