# !/usr/bin/python3.6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @author breeze

import time

import cv2
import face_recognition
import win32com.client

import encoding_images
import pandas as pd
import threading
# This is a demo of running face recognition on live video from your webcam. It's a little more complicated than the
# other example, but it includes some basic performance tweaks to make things run a lot faster:
#   1. Process each video frame at 1/4 resolution (though still display it at full resolution)
#   2. Only detect faces in every other frame of video.

# PLEASE NOTE: This example requires OpenCV (the `cv2` library) to be installed only to read from your webcam.
# OpenCV is *not* required to use the face_recognition library. It's only required if you want to run this
# specific demo. If you have trouble installing it, try any of the other demos that don't require it instead.

# Load a sample picture and learn how to recognize it.
# face_recognition.api.batch_face_locations(images, number_of_times_to_upsample=1, batch_size=128)[source]
# face_recognition.api.compare_faces(known_face_encodings, face_encoding_to_check, tolerance=0.6)
# face_recognition.api.face_distance(face_encodings, face_to_compare)[source]
# face_recognition.api.face_encodings(face_image, known_face_locations=None, num_jitters=1)[source]
# face_recognition.api.face_landmarks(face_image, face_locations=None)[source]
# face_recognition.api.face_locations(img, number_of_times_to_upsample=1, model='hog')[source]
# face_recognition.api.load_image_file(file, mode='RGB')[source]

# Get a reference to webcam #0 (the default one)
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# 语音模块 voice model
speaker = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice")

name = "Unknown"
current_names = [name]
last_time = time.time()
known_face_names = []
known_face_encodings = []
known_face_encodings, known_face_names = encoding_images.load_encodings()

# Initialize some variables
face_locations = []
face_encodings = []
face_names = []
process_this_frame = True  #
TIME_DIFF = 20  # 持久化的时间间隔,当设置为 0 时候,每次识别的结果直接进行保存.
name_record = "./dataset/face_record.txt"  # 持久化识别出的人脸结果
NAME_DF = pd.DataFrame(known_face_names, columns=["name"])

import datetime
import time

last_ts = time.time()

def myprint(log, ts=time.time()):
    global last_ts
    diff = ts - last_ts
    print(log, '--------', diff)
    last_ts = ts

def process_face_records(name):
    处理每一条识别的记录 ,并在一定时间之后将数据持久化到文件中
    :param name:
    print('process_face_records start', time.time())

    global current_names, last_time
    # myprint("global current_names {}, last_time {}".format(current_names, last_time))

    # 判断是不是在识别的列表中,不在的话就进行问候
    if name not in current_names:
        print("ts ====", last_time, time.time())
        myprint("Hello {}, nice to meet you! ".format(name))
        # speaker.Speak("Hello {}, nice to meet you! ".format(name))

    # 在一定时间内,清空已经识别的人, 并进行
    if last_time < time.time() - TIME_DIFF:  # 每隔一段时间清空一下检测到的人
        last_time = time.time()
        time_format = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
        myprint(time_format + " update last_time and clear current_names.")
        with open(name_record, 'a') as f:
            if len(current_names) > 0:
                f.writelines("{}:{} \n".format(time_format, str(current_names)))
        print("======", current_names)
        current_names = []  # clear()
        current_names = [name]
        myprint('process_face_records end', time.time())

def vote_class(face_encoding, tolerance=0.3, topN=5):
    myprint('vote start ', time.time())
    当比较的结果小于tolerance的时候,有多个值,采用取topN 进行投票 ,决定最终的分类,此处没有对 distance 距离进行加权
    :param face_encoding: face encoding
    :param tolerance: 距离的阈值,越小越相似
    :param topN: 参与投票的最大数量
    :return: detect name
    # 计算出距离
    distance_ = face_recognition.face_distance(known_face_encodings, face_encoding)
    df = pd.DataFrame(distance_, columns=["dis"])  # 转换成 DataFrame
    topDF = df[df['dis'] <= tolerance].nsmallest(topN, columns=['dis'])  # 过滤结果集
    namedf = NAME_DF.loc[topDF.index]  # 从姓名列表中获取face距离对应的人脸名称
    con = pd.concat([topDF, namedf], axis=1)  # concat name and distance
    # print('con', con)
    group = con.groupby(["name"])['dis'].sum()
    gp = group.reset_index()
    print('vote -- ', gp)
    if len(gp) == 0:
        print("------unknown -----")
        return "Unknown", 10
    import numpy as np  # TODO  optimize
    arr = np.array(gp)
    name1 = arr[0, 0]
    dis1 = arr[0, 1]
    print("get top one:", name1, dis1)
    myprint('vote end', time.time())
    return name1, dis1

def face_process():
    myprint("face process start",time.time())
    # Find all the faces and face encodings in the current frame of video
    # face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb_small_frame, model="cnn")
    myprint('face_locations start', time.time())
    face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb_small_frame, model="hog")
    myprint('face_locations end', time.time())
    myprint('face_encodings start', time.time())
    face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb_small_frame, face_locations)
    myprint('face_encodings end', time.time())
    face_names = []
    for face_encoding in face_encodings:
        # optimize start 采用KNN 排名*权重, 在类别上进行叠加,然后排序取出top1
        name, dis = vote_class(face_encoding)
        # optimize end 采用 排名*权重, 在类别上进行叠加,然后排序取出top1
        face_names.append(name)  # 将人脸数据

    # Display the results
    for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(face_locations, face_names):
        # Scale back up face locations since the frame we detected in was scaled to 1/4 size
        top *= 4
        right *= 4
        bottom *= 4
        left *= 4
        myprint('putText start', time.time())
        # Draw a box around the face
        cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2)
        # Draw a label with a name below the face
        cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, bottom - 35), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
        font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
        cv2.putText(frame, name, (left + 6, bottom - 6), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 1)
        myprint("putText end " + name, time.time())
        # say hello and save record to file
        myprint('process_face_records start', time.time())
        myprint('process_face_records end', time.time())

    # Display the resulting image
    cv2.imshow('Video', frame)
    myprint("face process end", time.time())

while video_capture.isOpened():
    # Grab a single frame of video
    ret, frame = video_capture.read()
    # Resize frame of video to 1/4 size for faster face recognition processing
    small_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=0.25, fy=0.25)

    # Convert the image from BGR color (which OpenCV uses) to RGB color (which face_recognition uses)
    rgb_small_frame = small_frame[:, :, ::-1]

    # Only process every other frame of video to save time
    if process_this_frame:
        # t = threading.Thread(target=face_process, name='face_process')  # 线程对象.
        # t.start()  # 启动.

    process_this_frame = not process_this_frame

    # Hit 'q' on the keyboard to quit!
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

# Release handle to the webcam