import marshmallow as m
import marshmallow.fields as f
from marshmallow_oneofschema import OneOfSchema
import pytest

REQUIRED_ERROR = "Missing data for required field."

class Foo:
    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Foo value=%s>" % self.value

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.value == other.value

class FooSchema(m.Schema):
    value = f.String(required=True)

    def make_foo(self, data, **kwargs):
        return Foo(**data)

class Bar:
    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Bar value=%s>" % self.value

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.value == other.value

class BarSchema(m.Schema):
    value = f.Integer(required=True)

    def make_bar(self, data, **kwargs):
        return Bar(**data)

class Baz:
    def __init__(self, value1=None, value2=None):
        self.value1 = value1
        self.value2 = value2

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Bar value1={} value2={}>".format(self.value1, self.value2)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            isinstance(other, self.__class__)
            and self.value1 == other.value1
            and self.value2 == other.value2

class BazSchema(m.Schema):
    value1 = f.Integer(required=True)
    value2 = f.String(required=True)

    def make_baz(self, data, **kwargs):
        return Baz(**data)

class Empty:

class EmptySchema(m.Schema):
    def make_empty(self, data, **kwargs):
        return Empty(**data)

class MySchema(OneOfSchema):
    type_schemas = {
        "Foo": FooSchema,
        "Bar": BarSchema,
        "Baz": BazSchema,
        "Empty": EmptySchema,

class TestOneOfSchema:
    def test_dump(self):
        foo_result = MySchema().dump(Foo("hello"))
        assert {"type": "Foo", "value": "hello"} == foo_result

        bar_result = MySchema().dump(Bar(123))
        assert {"type": "Bar", "value": 123} == bar_result

    def test_dump_many(self):
        result = MySchema().dump([Foo("hello"), Bar(123)], many=True)
        assert [
            {"type": "Foo", "value": "hello"},
            {"type": "Bar", "value": 123},
        ] == result

    def test_dump_many_in_constructor(self):
        result = MySchema(many=True).dump([Foo("hello"), Bar(123)])
        assert [
            {"type": "Foo", "value": "hello"},
            {"type": "Bar", "value": 123},
        ] == result

    def test_dump_with_empty_keeps_type(self):
        result = MySchema().dump(Empty())
        assert {"type": "Empty"} == result

    def test_load(self):
        foo_result = MySchema().load({"type": "Foo", "value": "world"})
        assert Foo("world") == foo_result

        bar_result = MySchema().load({"type": "Bar", "value": 456})
        assert Bar(456) == bar_result

    def test_load_many(self):
        result = MySchema().load(
            [{"type": "Foo", "value": "hello world!"}, {"type": "Bar", "value": 123}],
        assert Foo("hello world!"), Bar(123) == result

    def test_load_many_in_constructor(self):
        result = MySchema(many=True).load(
            [{"type": "Foo", "value": "hello world!"}, {"type": "Bar", "value": 123}]
        assert Foo("hello world!"), Bar(123) == result

    def test_load_removes_type_field(self):
        class Nonlocal:
            data = None

        class MySchema(m.Schema):
            def load(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
       = data
                return super().load(data, *args, **kwargs)

        class FooSchema(MySchema):
            foo = f.String(required=True)

        class BarSchema(MySchema):
            bar = f.Integer(required=True)

        class TestSchema(OneOfSchema):
            type_schemas = {"Foo": FooSchema, "Bar": BarSchema}

        TestSchema().load({"type": "Foo", "foo": "hello"})
        assert "type" not in

        TestSchema().load({"type": "Bar", "bar": 123})
        assert "type" not in

    def test_load_keeps_type_field(self):
        class Nonlocal:
            data = None
            type = None

        class MySchema(m.Schema):
            def load(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
       = data
                return super().load(data, *args, **kwargs)

        class FooSchema(MySchema):
            foo = f.String(required=True)

        class BarSchema(MySchema):
            bar = f.Integer(required=True)

        class TestSchema(OneOfSchema):
            type_field_remove = False
            type_schemas = {"Foo": FooSchema, "Bar": BarSchema}

        TestSchema(unknown="exclude").load({"type": "Foo", "foo": "hello"})
        assert["type"] == "Foo"

        TestSchema(unknown="exclude").load({"type": "Bar", "bar": 123})
        assert["type"] == "Bar"

    def test_load_non_dict(self):
        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
        assert {} != exc_info.value

        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
        assert {} != exc_info.value

    def test_load_errors_no_type(self):
        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
            MySchema().load({"value": "Foo"})
        assert {"type": [REQUIRED_ERROR]} == exc_info.value.messages

    def test_load_errors_field_error(self):
        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
            MySchema().load({"type": "Foo"})
        assert {"value": [REQUIRED_ERROR]} == exc_info.value.messages

    def test_load_errors_strict(self):
        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
            MySchema().load({"type": "Foo"})

        assert {
            "value": ["Missing data for required field."]
        } == exc_info.value.messages

    def test_load_many_errors_are_indexed_by_object_position(self):
        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
            MySchema().load([{"type": "Foo"}, {"type": "Bar", "value": 123}], many=True)
        assert {0: {"value": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}} == exc_info.value.messages

    def test_load_many_errors_strict(self):
        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
                    {"type": "Foo", "value": "hello world!"},
                    {"type": "Foo"},
                    {"type": "Bar", "value": 123},
                    {"type": "Bar", "value": "hello"},

        assert {
            1: {"value": ["Missing data for required field."]},
            3: {"value": ["Not a valid integer."]},
        } == exc_info.value.messages

    def test_load_partial_specific(self):
        result = MySchema().load({"type": "Foo"}, partial=("value", "value2"))
        assert Foo() == result

        result = MySchema().load(
            {"type": "Baz", "value1": 123}, partial=("value", "value2")
        assert Baz(value1=123) == result

    def test_load_partial_any(self):
        result = MySchema().load({"type": "Foo"}, partial=True)
        assert Foo() == result

        result = MySchema().load({"type": "Baz", "value1": 123}, partial=True)
        assert Baz(value1=123) == result

        result = MySchema().load({"type": "Baz", "value2": "hello"}, partial=True)
        assert Baz(value2="hello") == result

    def test_load_partial_specific_in_constructor(self):
        result = MySchema(partial=("value", "value2")).load({"type": "Foo"})
        assert Foo() == result

        result = MySchema(partial=("value", "value2")).load(
            {"type": "Baz", "value1": 123}
        assert Baz(value1=123) == result

    def test_load_partial_any_in_constructor(self):
        result = MySchema(partial=True).load({"type": "Foo"})
        assert Foo() == result

        result = MySchema(partial=True).load({"type": "Baz", "value1": 123})
        assert Baz(value1=123) == result

        result = MySchema(partial=True).load({"type": "Baz", "value2": "hello"})
        assert Baz(value2="hello") == result

    def test_validate(self):
        assert {} == MySchema().validate({"type": "Foo", "value": "123"})
        assert {"value": [REQUIRED_ERROR]} == MySchema().validate({"type": "Bar"})
        assert {"value": [REQUIRED_ERROR]} == MySchema().validate({"type": "Bar"})

    def test_validate_many(self):
        errors = MySchema().validate(
            [{"type": "Foo", "value": "123"}, {"type": "Bar", "value": 123}], many=True
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema().validate([{"value": "123"}, {"type": "Bar"}], many=True)
        assert {0: {"type": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}, 1: {"value": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}} == errors

        errors = MySchema().validate([{"value": "123"}, {"type": "Bar"}], many=True)
        assert {0: {"type": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}, 1: {"value": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}} == errors

    def test_validate_many_in_constructor(self):
        errors = MySchema(many=True).validate(
            [{"type": "Foo", "value": "123"}, {"type": "Bar", "value": 123}]
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema(many=True).validate([{"value": "123"}, {"type": "Bar"}])
        assert {0: {"type": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}, 1: {"value": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}} == errors

    def test_validate_partial_specific(self):
        errors = MySchema().validate({"type": "Foo"}, partial=("value", "value2"))
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema().validate(
            {"type": "Baz", "value1": 123}, partial=("value", "value2")
        assert {} == errors

    def test_validate_partial_any(self):
        errors = MySchema().validate({"type": "Foo"}, partial=True)
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema().validate({"type": "Baz", "value1": 123}, partial=True)
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema().validate({"type": "Baz", "value2": "hello"}, partial=True)
        assert {} == errors

    def test_validate_partial_specific_in_constructor(self):
        errors = MySchema(partial=("value", "value2")).validate({"type": "Foo"})
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema(partial=("value", "value2")).validate(
            {"type": "Baz", "value1": 123}
        assert {} == errors

    def test_validate_partial_any_in_constructor(self):
        errors = MySchema(partial=True).validate({"type": "Foo"})
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema(partial=True).validate({"type": "Baz", "value1": 123})
        assert {} == errors

        errors = MySchema(partial=True).validate({"type": "Baz", "value2": "hello"})
        assert {} == errors

    def test_using_as_nested_schema(self):
        class SchemaWithList(m.Schema):
            items = f.List(f.Nested(MySchema))

        schema = SchemaWithList()
        result = schema.load(
                "items": [
                    {"type": "Foo", "value": "hello world!"},
                    {"type": "Bar", "value": 123},
        assert {"items": [Foo("hello world!"), Bar(123)]} == result

        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
                {"items": [{"type": "Foo", "value": "hello world!"}, {"value": 123}]}
        assert {"items": {1: {"type": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}}} == exc_info.value.messages

    def test_using_as_nested_schema_with_many(self):
        class SchemaWithMany(m.Schema):
            items = f.Nested(MySchema, many=True)

        schema = SchemaWithMany()
        result = schema.load(
                "items": [
                    {"type": "Foo", "value": "hello world!"},
                    {"type": "Bar", "value": 123},
        assert {"items": [Foo("hello world!"), Bar(123)]} == result

        with pytest.raises(m.ValidationError) as exc_info:
                {"items": [{"type": "Foo", "value": "hello world!"}, {"value": 123}]}
        assert {"items": {1: {"type": [REQUIRED_ERROR]}}} == exc_info.value.messages

    def test_using_custom_type_names(self):
        class MyCustomTypeNameSchema(OneOfSchema):
            type_schemas = {"baz": FooSchema, "bam": BarSchema}

            def get_obj_type(self, obj):
                return {"Foo": "baz", "Bar": "bam"}.get(obj.__class__.__name__)

        schema = MyCustomTypeNameSchema()
        data = [Foo("hello"), Bar(111)]
        marshalled = schema.dump(data, many=True)
        assert [
            {"type": "baz", "value": "hello"},
            {"type": "bam", "value": 111},
        ] == marshalled

        unmarshalled = schema.load(marshalled, many=True)
        assert data == unmarshalled

    def test_using_custom_type_field(self):
        class MyCustomTypeFieldSchema(MySchema):
            type_field = "object_type"

        schema = MyCustomTypeFieldSchema()
        data = [Foo("hello"), Bar(111)]
        marshalled = schema.dump(data, many=True)
        assert [
            {"object_type": "Foo", "value": "hello"},
            {"object_type": "Bar", "value": 111},
        ] == marshalled

        unmarshalled = schema.load(marshalled, many=True)
        assert data == unmarshalled