import argparse
import configparser
import os
import platform
import sys
from pkg_resources import resource_string

# global vars
verbose = False
startup = False
autostartup = False
force_dl = False
startupinterval = 0
startupattempts = 0
save = False
subs = []
minwidth = 0
minheight = 0
minratio = 0.0
titlesize = 0
titlealign_x = ""
titlealign_y = ""
titleoffset_x = 0
titleoffset_y = 0
maxlinks = 0
resize = False
settitle = False
randomsub = False
blacklistcurrent = False
setcmd = ''
walldir = ''
confdir = ''
savedir = ''
sortby = ''
opsys = platform.system()

def init_config():
    global walldir
    global confdir
    if opsys == "Windows":
        walldir = os.path.expanduser("~/Wallpaper-Reddit")
        confdir = os.path.expanduser("~/Wallpaper-Reddit/config")
        walldir = os.path.expanduser("~/.wallpaper")
        confdir = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/wallpaper-reddit")
    if not os.path.exists(walldir):
        log(walldir + " created")
    if not os.path.exists(walldir + '/blacklist.txt'):
        with open(walldir + '/blacklist.txt', 'w') as blacklist:
    if not os.path.exists(walldir + '/url.txt'):
        with open(walldir + '/url.txt', 'w') as urlfile:
    if not os.path.exists(walldir + '/fonts'):
        os.makedirs(walldir + '/fonts')
    if not os.path.exists(walldir + '/fonts/Cantarell-Regular.otf'):
        with open(walldir + '/fonts/Cantarell-Regular.otf', 'wb') as font:
            font.write(resource_string(__name__, 'fonts/Cantarell-Regular.otf'))
    if not os.path.exists(confdir):
        log(confdir + " created")
    if not os.path.isfile(confdir + '/wallpaper-reddit.conf'):
        if opsys == 'Windows':
            cfile = resource_string(__name__, 'conf_files/windows.conf')
            cfile = resource_string(__name__, 'conf_files/unix.conf')
        with open(confdir + '/wallpaper-reddit.conf', 'wb') as f:
    log("config and args parsed")

# reads the configuration at ~/.config/wallpaper-reddit
def parse_config():
    config = configparser.ConfigParser() + '/wallpaper-reddit.conf')
    global subs
    global maxlinks
    global minheight
    global minwidth
    global minratio
    global settitle
    global titlesize
    global titlealign_x
    global titlealign_y
    global titleoffset_x
    global titleoffset_y
    global resize
    global setcmd
    global startupinterval
    global startupattempts
    global savedir
    global randomsub
    global lottery
    global sortby
    if config.get('Title Overlay', 'titlegravity', fallback=None) is not None:
        print("You are using an old (pre v3) configuration file.  Please delete your config file at " + confdir +
              " and let the program create a new one.")
    subs = config.get('Options', 'subs', fallback='earthporn,spaceporn,skyporn,technologyporn,imaginarystarscapes')
    subs = [x.strip() for x in subs.split(',')]
    maxlinks = config.getint('Options', 'maxlinks', fallback=20)
    minwidth = config.getint('Options', 'minwidth', fallback=1920)
    minheight = config.getint('Options', 'minheight', fallback=1080)
    minratio = config.getfloat('Options', 'minratio', fallback=0.0)
    resize = config.getboolean('Options', 'resize', fallback=True)
    randomsub = config.getboolean('Options', 'random', fallback=False)
    lottery = config.getboolean('Options', 'lottery', fallback=False)
    sortby = config.get('Options', 'sortby', fallback="hot")
    setcmd = config.get('SetCommand', 'setcommand', fallback='')
    settitle = config.getboolean('Title Overlay', 'settitle', fallback=False)
    titlesize = config.getint('Title Overlay', 'titlesize', fallback=24)
    titlealign_x = config.get('Title Overlay', 'titlealignx', fallback='right').lower()
    titlealign_y = config.get('Title Overlay', 'titlealigny', fallback='top').lower()
    titleoffset_x = config.getint('Title Overlay', 'titleoffsetx', fallback=5)
    titleoffset_y = config.getint('Title Overlay', 'titleoffsety', fallback=5)
    startupinterval = config.getint('Startup', 'interval', fallback=3)
    startupattempts = config.getint('Startup', 'attempts', fallback=10)

    def get_default_savedir():
        if opsys == 'Windows':
            return "~/My Pictures/Wallpapers"
            return "~/Pictures/Wallpapers"

    savedir = os.path.expanduser(config.get('Save', 'directory', fallback=get_default_savedir()))

# parses command-line arguments and stores them to proper global variables
def parse_args():
    sort_by_values = ["hot", "new", "controversial", "top", "rising"]
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pulls wallpapers from specified subreddits in")
    parser.add_argument("subreddits", help="subreddits to check for wallpapers", nargs="*")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increases program verbosity", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--force",
                        help="forces wallpapers to re-download even if it has the same url as the current wallpaper",
    parser.add_argument("--startup", help="runs the program as a startup application, waiting on internet connection",
    parser.add_argument("--auto-startup", help="sets the program to automatically run on every login (Linux only)",
                        help='saves the current wallpaper (does not download a wallpaper)',
    parser.add_argument("--resize", help="resizes the image to the height and width specified in the config after "
                                         "wallpaper is set.  Enabled by default in the configuration file,",
    parser.add_argument("-b", "--blacklist", help="blacklists the current wallpaper and downloads a new wallpaper",
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--sort-by", help="choose Reddit's sorting algorithm from {} (default=hot)".format(sort_by_values))
                        help="will pick a random subreddit from the ones provided instead of turning them into a multireddit",
    parser.add_argument("--settitle", help="write title over the image", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--lottery", help="select a random image from a subreddit instead of the newest", action="store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    global subs
    global verbose
    global save
    global force_dl
    global startup
    global autostartup
    global resize
    global settitle
    global randomsub
    global blacklistcurrent
    global lottery
    global sortby
    if not args.subreddits == []:
        subs = args.subreddits
    verbose = args.verbose
    save =
    startup = args.startup
    autostartup = args.auto_startup
    force_dl = args.force
    if args.resize:
        resize = True
    if args.settitle:
        settitle = True
    if args.random:
        randomsub = True
    if args.blacklist:
        blacklistcurrent = True
    if args.lottery:
        lottery = True
    if args.sort_by in sort_by_values:
        sortby = args.sort_by

# in - string - messages to print
# takes a string and will print it as output if verbose
def log(info):
    if verbose: