import networkx as nx
import sys
import operator
import pickle
import argparse
import os

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#parser.add_argument('-a','--assembly', help='Contig assembly', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-x','--graph', help='GFA file for assembly graph', required=False,default='abc')
parser.add_argument('-l','--links', help='Links sorted by relative score', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-c','--cutoff', help='Minimum length contig to consider for scaffolding', required=False, default=1000)
parser.add_argument('-i','--iteration',help='Iteration number',required=False,default=1)
parser.add_argument('-u','--unitigs',help='Bed file for unitig to contig tiline',required=False,default = 'abc')
parser.add_argument('-t','--tenx',help='Links obtained from 10x file sorted by last column',required=False,default = 'abc')
parser.add_argument('-d','--directory',help='Output Directory',required=False,default='out')
args = parser.parse_args()

G = nx.Graph()
contigs = set()
all_G = nx.Graph()
contig_length = {}

hic_edges = 0
tiling_edges = 0
gfa_edges = 0
tenx_links = 0

contig_lengths_original = {}
with open('/scaffold_length_iteration_1','r') as f:
    for line in f:
        attrs = line.split()
        contig_length[attrs[0]] = int(attrs[1])

OVl_G = nx.Graph()

Given two nodes, it finds the ratio of shortest with second shortest path
def get_best_path(start, end):

   for link in ["B:E", "B:B", "E:B", "E:E"]:
      p = get_path_two(start+"-"+edgeType[0], end+"-"+edgeType[1])
      if minpath == -1 or len(p) < minpath:
         if (minpath != -1):
            ratio = (float)(len(p))/minpath
   return [minpath, ori, ratio]

Helper function for get_best_path(start,end)
def get_path_two(start,end):
    v1 = start.split('-')
    v2 = end.split('-')

    if v1[1] == 'B':
        or1 = 'REV'
        or1 = 'FOW'

    if v2[1] == 'B':
        or2 = 'FOW'
        or2 = 'REV'
    start = v1[0]+'$'+or1
    end = v2[0] + '$'+or2
    paths = nx.single_source_dijkstra(OVl_G,source=start,target=end)

    paths = paths[1]
    path = []
    if end in paths:
        path = paths[end]
        return "NO PATH FOUND"
    ret = []
    for node in path:
        n = node.split('$')
        if n[1] == 'REV':
    return ret

Loads GFA file for either unitigs or contigs, given the file path
def load_GFA(path):
    #f = open(path,'r')
    with open(path,'r') as f:
        for line in f:
           line = line.strip().split()

           #S   tig00000001 *   LN:i:20388
           #L   tig00023281 -   tig00008904 +   21556M  cv:A:F
           if (line[0] == "S"):
              OVl_G.add_node(line[1]+"$REV", name=line[1], length=line[3].split(":")[2])
              OVl_G.add_node(line[1]+"$FOW", name=line[1], length=line[3].split(":")[2])
           if (line[0] == "L"):
              #BUG BUG BUG in GFA inverting edges on input
              # ctg1=line[3]+"_pilon"
              # ctg2=line[1]+"_pilon"
              # tmp=line[2]
              # line[2]=line[4]
              # line[4]=tmp
              #assume orientations are correct
              ctg1 = line[1]
              ctg2 = line[3]
              if (line[2] == "+" and line[4] == "+"):
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg1+"$FOW", ctg2+"$FOW", weight=1)
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg2+"$REV", ctg1+"$REV", weight=1)
              if (line[2] == "+" and line[4] == "-"):
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg1+"$FOW", ctg2+"$REV", weight=1)
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg2+"$FOW", ctg1+"$REV", weight=1)
              if (line[2] == "-" and line[4] == "+"):
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg1+"$REV", ctg2+"$FOW", weight=1)
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg2+"$REV", ctg1+"$FOW", weight=1)
              if (line[2] == "-" and line[4] == "-"):
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg1+"$REV", ctg2+"$REV", weight=1)
                OVl_G.add_edge(ctg2+"$FOW", ctg1+"$FOW", weight=1)

Find reverse complement of current orientation of contig
def reverse_complement(contig):
   # print contig
    c1, o1 = contig.split(':')
    if o1 == 'B':
        return c1+':E'
        return c1+':B'

Creates a graph based on unitig tiling bed file.
Currently, all the orientations in the bed file are forward
def load_unitig_mapping():
    unitig_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    prev_line = ''
    with open(args.unitigs,'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if prev_line == '':
                prev_line = line
            attrs = line.split()
            prev_attrs = prev_line.split()
            contig = attrs[0]
            prev_contig = prev_attrs[0]
            if prev_contig == contig:
                #this is to take into account the naming
                prev_unitig = 'tig'+str(prev_attrs[3][3:])
                curr_unitig = 'tig'+str(attrs[3][3:])
                prev_orient = prev_attrs[-1]
                curr_orient = attrs[-1]
                if prev_orient == '+' and curr_orient == '+':
                    unitig_graph.add_edge(curr_unitig+':E', prev_unitig+':B')
                if prev_orient == '+' and curr_orient == '-':
                if prev_orient == '-' and curr_unitig == '-':
                    unitig_graph.add_edge(curr_unitig+':B', prev_unitig+':E')
                if prev_orient == '-' and curr_orient == '+':

            prev_line = line
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Unitig tiling graph loaded, nodes = ' + str(len(unitig_graph.nodes())) + ' edges = ' + str(len(unitig_graph.edges()))
    return unitig_graph

Loads the 10x graph based on the bed links. Note that in this graph, only best weight edge between
nodes is stored. Cutoff is for the score above which we want to keep the links
def load_tenx_graph(cutoff):
    G_tenx = nx.Graph()
    with open(args.tenx,'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            attrs = line.split()
            v1 = attrs[0]
            v2 = attrs[1]
            if float(attrs[4]) >= cutoff and v1 not in tenx_graph.nodes() and v2 not in tenx_graph.nodes():

    return G_tenx

iteration = int(args.iteration)

If GFA is given as an argument, load it
# shortest_paths = {}
# if args.graph !='abc':
#     print >> sys.stderr, 'started loading GFA'
#     load_GFA(args.graph)
#     shortest_paths = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(OVl_G)
# print >> sys.stderr, 'Finished loading GFA, nodes =  ' + str(len(OVl_G.nodes())) + ' edges = ' + str(len(OVl_G.edges()))

Load the contigs/scaffolds from the previous iteration if possible.
Also store the mapping for the contigs to the end of the scaffolds to scaffold id
previous_scaffolds = {}
contig2scaffold = {}
if int(args.iteration) > 1:
        previous_scaffolds = pickle.load(open('/scaffolds_iteration_'+str(iteration-1)+'.p','r'))
        for key in previous_scaffolds:
            contigs_1 = previous_scaffolds[key]
            first = contigs_1[0].split(':')[0]
            last = contigs_1[-1].split(':')[0]
            contig2scaffold[first] = key
            contig2scaffold[last] = key
        previous_scaffolds = {}

Load the unitig tiling and 10x graphs if possible.
unitig_graph = nx.DiGraph()
tenx_graph = nx.Graph()

#Load the best score graph first, keep log of used and unused links
print >> sys.stderr,  'Loading Hi-C links '
Counts to keep log of each types of edge loaded in the graph

Given two scaffolds and either a unitig tiling or 10x graph, it finds out
which orientations two scaffolds should be there if possible from the graph.
Only applicable after first iteration.

def test_edge(scaffold_first,scaffold_second,G_test,type):
    first_first = scaffold_first[0]
    last_first = scaffold_first[-1]
    first_second = scaffold_second[0]
    last_second = scaffold_second[-1]
    print 'testing'
    print first_first
    print first_second
    print last_first
    print last_second
    if G_test.has_edge(last_first,first_second):
        v1 = c1+':E'
        v2 = c2 +':B'
        if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():

    if G_test.has_edge(reverse_complement(first_first),first_second):
        v1 = c1 + ':B'
        v2 = c2 + ':B'
        if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():

    if G_test.has_edge(last_first,reverse_complement(last_second)):
        v1 = c1 + ':E'
        v2 = c2 + ':E'
        if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():

    if G_test.has_edge(reverse_complement(first_first),reverse_complement(last_second)):
        v1 = c1 + ':E'
        v2 = c2 + ':B'
        if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():

            #tiling_edges += 1

This function loads 10x links

def load_tenx_links():
    if iteration == 1:
        if args.tenx != 'abc':
            with open(args.tenx,'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    attrs = line.split()
                    v1 = attrs[0]
                    v2 = attrs[1]
                    if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
                        #tenx_links += 1

        if args.tenx != 'abc':
            for u,v in tenx_graph.edges():
                contig_1 = u.split(':')[0]
                contig_2 = v.split(':')[0]
                if contig_1 in contig2scaffold and contig_2 in contig2scaffold:
                    scaffold_1 = contig2scaffold[contig_1]
                    scaffold_2 = contig2scaffold[contig_2]

This function loads unitig links

def load_unitig_links():
    if iteration == 1:
        if args.unitigs != 'abc':
            #print 'here'
            for u,v in unitig_graph.edges():
                if u not in G.nodes() and v not in G.nodes():
                    #print >> sys.stderr, 'here abcd'
                    #print "adding"
                    c1 = u.split(':')[0]
                    c2 = v.split(':')[0]
                    #tiling_edges += 1

        print 'here'
        if args.unitigs != 'abc':
            for u,v in unitig_graph.edges():
                contig_1 = u.split(':')[0]
                contig_2 = v.split(':')[0]
                if contig_1 in contig2scaffold and contig_2 in contig2scaffold:
                    scaffold_1 = contig2scaffold[contig_1]
                    scaffold_2 = contig2scaffold[contig_2]
                    print 'testing'


def load_unitigs_first():
    for u,v in unitig_graph.edges():
        if u not in G.nodes() and v not in G.nodes():

def generate_scaffold_graph():
    gfa_edges = 0
    tiling_edges = 0
    with open('/contig_links_scaled_sorted_iteration_'+str(iteration),'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            # i += 1
            # print i
            attrs = line.split()
            #print line
            if len(attrs) < 5:
            v1 = attrs[0]
            v2 = attrs[1]
            c1 = attrs[0].split(':')[0]
            o1 = attrs[0].split(':')[1]
            c2 = attrs[1].split(':')[0]
            o2 = attrs[1].split(':')[1]
            #print float(attrs[4])
            #filter out links
            if iteration == 1:
                if contig_length[c1] <= int(args.cutoff) or contig_length[c2] <= int(args.cutoff):
            if float(attrs[4]) < 1 and float(attrs[5]) >= 100:
                if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
                    #print line
                    #hic_edges += 1
                    added = False
                    if iteration == 1 and args.unitigs != 'abc':
                        for ori in ['B:B','B:E','E:B','E:E']:
                            if unitig_graph.has_edge(c1+':'+ori[0],c2+':'+ori[1]):
                                added = True
                # if args.unitigs !='abc':

                #     '''
                #     Before anything, check if any of the node is present in the graph. If not then no point of doing this
                #     '''
                # if iteration == 1:
                #     #break
                #     to_continue = True
                #     for link in ["B:E", "B:B", "E:B", "E:E"]:
                #         v1 = c1 + ':'+link[0]
                #         v2 = c2 + ':' + link[2]
                #         v3 = c1 + ':' + link[2]
                #         v4 = c2 + ':' + link[0]
                #         nodes = G.nodes()
                #         if v1 in nodes or v2 in nodes or v3 in nodes or v4 in nodes:
                #             to_continue = False

                #     if not to_continue:
                #         #print 'continue'
                #         continue

                #     '''
                #     First check if the edge is present in the unitig graph in both the orientations
                #     If the unitig graph can not provide this information, then check the GFA graph
                #     '''
                #     added = False
                #     if args.unitigs != 'abc':

                #         for link in ["B:E", "B:B", "E:B", "E:E"]:
                #             edgeType = link.split(':')
                #             if unitig_graph.has_edge(c1+':'+edgeType[0], c2+':'+edgeType[1]):
                #                 v1 = c1+':'+edgeType[0]
                #                 v2 = c2+':'+edgeType[1]
                #                 if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
                #                     G.add_edge(v1,v2,score=2)
                #                     tiling_edges += 1
                #                     contigs.add(c1)
                #                     contigs.add(c2)
                #                     added = True

                #             if unitig_graph.has_edge(c1+':'+edgeType[1], c2+':'+edgeType[0]):
                #                 v1 = c1+':'+edgeType[1]
                #                 v2 = c2+':'+edgeType[0]
                #                 if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
                #                     G.add_edge(v1,v2,score=2)
                #                     tiling_edges += 1
                #                     contigs.add(c1)
                #                     contigs.add(c2)
                #                     added = True

                #     if not added:
                #         if args.graph != 'abc':
                #             p = 10000
                #             minpath = -1
                #             ori = ''
                #             ratio = -1
                #             for link in ["B:E", "B:B", "E:B", "E:E"]:
                #                 edgeType = link.split(':')
                #                 if edgeType[0] == 'B':
                #                     vertex1 = c1 + '$REV'
                #                 else:
                #                     vertex1 = c1 + '$FOW'

                #                 if edgeType[1] == 'B':
                #                     vertex2 = c2 + '$FOW'
                #                 else:
                #                     vertex2 = c2 + '$REV'

                #                 if vertex1 in OVl_G.nodes() and vertex2 in OVl_G.nodes():
                #                     #print 'present'
                #                     if vertex1 in shortest_paths:
                #                         if vertex2 in shortest_paths[vertex1]:
                #                             p = shortest_paths[vertex1][vertex2]
                #                             #print p
                #                     if minpath == -1 or p < minpath:
                #                         if minpath != -1:
                #                             ratio = p*1.0/minpath
                #                         minpath = p
                #                         ori = link

                #             if minpath != -1 and ratio > 0:
                #                 G.add_edge(v1,v2,score=1.5)
                #                 contigs.add(c1)
                #                 contigs.add(c2)
                #                 gfa_edges += 1

            # else:
            #     '''
            #     Here too, first check 10x links and then unitigs
            #     '''

            #     if args.unitigs != 'abc':
            #         '''
            #         This is tricky. Scaffold is the series of contigs. Check just for the terminal contigs. Look up for their
            #         path in the unitig tiling and decide if to put an edge or not
            #         '''
            #         scaffold_first = previous_scaffolds[c1]
            #         scaffold_second = previous_scaffolds[c2]
            #         #if len(scaffold_first) > 2 and len(scaffold_second) > 2:
            #         first_first = scaffold_first[0]
            #         last_first = scaffold_first[-1]
            #         first_second = scaffold_second[0]
            #         last_second = scaffold_second[-1]

            #         if unitig_graph.has_edge(last_first,first_second):
            #             v1 = c1+':E'
            #             v2 = c2 + ':B'
            #             if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
            #                 G.add_edge(v1,v2,score=2)

            #         if unitig_graph.has_edge(reverse_complement(first_first),first_second):
            #             v1 = c1 + ':B'
            #             v2 = c2 + ':B'
            #             if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
            #                 G.add_edge(v1,v2,score=2)

            #         if unitig_graph.has_edge(last_first,reverse_complement(last_second)):
            #             v1 = c1 + ':E'
            #             v2 = c2 + ':E'
            #             if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
            #                 G.add_edge(v1,v2,score=2)

            #         if unitig_graph.has_edge(reverse_complement(first_first),reverse_complement(last_second)):
            #             v1 = c1 + ':E'
            #             v2 = c2 + ':B'
            #             if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
            #                 G.add_edge(v1,v2,score=2)
            #                 contigs.add(c1)
            #                 contigs.add(c2)
            #                 tiling_edges += 1

        #     continue

                if v1 not in G.nodes() and v2 not in G.nodes():
                    #print line
                    #hic_edges += 1
                    added = False
                    if iteration == 1 and args.unitigs != 'abc':
                        for ori in ['B:B','B:E','E:B','E:E']:
                            if unitig_graph.has_edge(c1+':'+ori[0],c2+':'+ori[1]):
                                added = True
                        if not added:

                        if int(attrs[5]) >= 20 and float(attrs[4]) >= 1.12:
            # else:
            #     print "UNUSED "+ line
    #print >> sys.stderr,  'Finished loading Hi-C links, Loading unitig links now..'

    Now try to add 10x and unitig links to the graph. Note that current preference is
    10x links first and then unitig tiling.
    TODO: probably give an option to provide preference


    #Now do usual layout
    for ctg in list(contigs):
        G.add_edge(ctg+":B", ctg+":E", t="c", score=0, linktype='implicit')

    print >> sys.stderr, 'Hybrid scaffold graph loaded, nodes = ' + str(len(G.nodes())) + ' edges = ' + str(len(G.edges()))
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Hi-C implied edges = ' + str(hic_edges)

This function generates seeds scaffolds from the hybrid Graph G
def get_seed_scaffold():

    g_idx = 1
    seed_scaffolds = {} #this stores initial long scaffolds
    to_merge = set()

    for subg in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G):
        p = []
        for node in subg.nodes():
            if == 1:

        #If this is 2 then we have found the path!
        if len(p) == 2:
            path = nx.shortest_path(subg,p[0],p[1])
            seed_scaffolds[g_idx] = path
            g_idx += 1

        #else try to insert these contigs in the long scaffolds generated previously
            for node in subg.nodes():

    return seed_scaffolds, to_merge

Given a small contig, it finds best scaffold where small contig can go in

def assign_small_to_seed(to_merge, seed_scaffolds):
    assignment = {}

    for contig in to_merge:
        max_sum = -1
        max_path = -1
        for key in seed_scaffolds:
            path = seed_scaffolds[key]
            cur_sum = 0
            cnt = 0
            five_prime = contig+':B'
            three_prime = contig+':E'
            for node in path:
                if all_G.has_edge(five_prime,node):
                    cur_sum += all_G[five_prime][node]['score']
                    cnt += 1
                if all_G.has_edge(three_prime,node):
                    cur_sum += all_G[three_prime][node]['score']
                    cnt += 1
            if cnt != 0 and cur_sum > max_sum:
                max_sum = cur_sum
                max_path = key

        if max_sum != -1:
            assignment[contig] = max_path

    return assignment

Given assignment of small to seed, this methods tries to put small scaffolds on seed in
all possible orientation and orderings
def insert(assignment, seed_scaffolds):
    to_add_later = set()
    for contig in assignment:
        #print contig
        #print assignment[contig]
        path = seed_scaffolds[assignment[contig]]
        #print path
        five_prime = contig+':B'
        three_prime = contig+':E'
        total_max = -1
        orientation = ''
        pos = -1
        #first check at all middle positions
        for i in xrange(1,len(path)-1,2):
            score_fow = -1
            score_rev = -1
            if all_G.has_edge(five_prime,path[i]) and all_G.has_edge(three_prime,path[i+1]):
                score_fow = all_G[five_prime][path[i]]['score'] + all_G[three_prime][path[i+1]]['score']
            if all_G.has_edge(three_prime,path[i]) and all_G.has_edge(five_prime,path[i+1]):
                score_rev = all_G[three_prime][path[i]]['score'] + all_G[five_prime][path[i+1]]['score']

            # print score_fow, score_rev
            if score_fow >= score_rev:
                if score_fow > total_max:
                    total_max = score_fow
                    orientation = 'fow'
                    pos = i
                    if score_rev > total_max:
                        total_max = score_rev
                        orientation = 'rev'
                        pos = i

        if total_max != -1:
            #print contig
            if orientation == 'fow':
                #print "INSERTING " + contig + ' between ' + path[pos-1] + ' and ' + path[pos+1]

                #print "INSERTING " + contig + ' between ' + path[pos-1] + ' and ' + path[pos+1]
            seed_scaffolds[assignment[contig]] = path

            #print contig

    return seed_scaffolds, to_add_later

def update_bed(expanded_scaffold):
    contig2scaffold = {}
    contig2info = {}
    scaffold_length = {}

    re_counts = {}
    with open('/re_counts_iteration_1','r') as f:
        for line in f:
            attrs = line.split()
            re_counts[attrs[0]] = (int(attrs[1]),int(attrs[2]))

    #print re_counts

    for key in expanded_scaffold:
        path = expanded_scaffold[key]
        scaffold_length[key] = 0
        offset = 0
        for i in xrange(0,len(path),2):
            contig = path[i].split(':')[0]
            contig2scaffold[contig] = key
            ori = path[i].split(':')[1] + path[i+1].split(':')[1]
            if ori == 'BE':
                contig2info[contig] = (offset,offset+contig_length[contig],'FOW')
                contig2info[contig] = (offset,offset+contig_length[contig],'REV')
            offset += contig_length[contig]
            scaffold_length[key] += contig_length[contig]

    scaffold_re = {}
    for key in expanded_scaffold:
        print key
        path = expanded_scaffold[key]
        length = scaffold_length[key]
        offset = 0
        s_left = 0
        s_right = 0
        if len(path) == 2:
            contig = path[0].split(':')[0]
            scaffold_re[key] = re_counts[contig]
            for i in xrange(0,len(path),2):
                contig = path[i].split(':')[0]
                contig2scaffold[contig] = key
                left,right = re_counts[contig]
                midpoint = length/2
                curr_contig_start = contig2info[contig][0]
                curr_contig_end = contig2info[contig][1]
                curr_contig_ori = contig2info[contig][2]
                #print contig
                #print curr_contig_start
                #print curr_contig_end
                #print curr_contig_ori
                if curr_contig_end <= midpoint:
                    s_left += (left+right)
                if curr_contig_start >= midpoint:
                    s_right += (left+right)

                if curr_contig_start <= midpoint and curr_contig_end >= midpoint:
                    left_part = midpoint - curr_contig_start
                    right_part = curr_contig_end - midpoint
                    #print "Left part = " + str(left_part)
                    #print "Right part = " + str(right_part)
                    if curr_contig_ori == "FOW":
                        s_left += (left+right)*left_part/contig_length[contig]
                        s_right += (left+right)*right_part/contig_length[contig]
                        #print "Left RE = " + str(left*left_part/contig_length[contig])
                        #print "Right RE = " + str(right*right_part/contig_length[contig])
                        s_left += (left+right)*right_part/contig_length[contig]
                        s_right += (right+left)*left_part/contig_length[contig]
                        #print "Right RE = " + str(left_part/contig_length[contig])
                        #print "Left RE = " + str(right*right_part/contig_length[contig])

                if offset <= length/2 and i+2 < len(path):
                    if contig2info[path[i+2].split(':')[0]][0] <= length/2:
                        s_left += (left + right)
                        contig_next = path[i+2].split(':')[0]
                        if contig2info[contig_next][0] >= length/2:
                            left_part = length/2 - offset
                            right_part = contig2info[path[i+2].split(':')[0]][0] - length/2
                            s_left += left*left_part/contig_length[contig]
                            s_right += right*right_part/contig_length[contig]

                if offset <= length/2 and i + 2 >= len(path):
                    left_part = length/2 - offset
                    right_part = length/2
                    s_left += left*left_part/contig_length[contig]
                    s_right += right*right_part/contig_length[contig]

                if offset >= length/2:
                    s_right += (left+right)
                offset += contig_length[contig]
                #scaffold_length[key] += contig_length[contig]
            #print key+"\t"+str(s_left)+"\t"+str(s_right)
            scaffold_re[key] = (s_left,s_right)
            #print "=============================="

    o_lines = ""
    count = 0
    prev_line = ""

    if not os.path.isfile('/alignment_iteration_'+str(iteration+1)+'.bed'):
        output = open('/alignment_iteration_'+str(iteration+1)+'.bed','w')
        with open('/alignment_iteration_1.bed','r') as f:
            for line in f:
                if prev_line == "":
                    prev_line = line
                    prev_attrs = prev_line.split()
                    curr_attrs = line.split()
                    prev_contig = prev_attrs[0]
                    curr_contig = curr_attrs[0]
                    #if prev_contig == curr_contig:
                    #    continue
                    prev_read = prev_attrs[3].split('/')[0]
                    curr_read = curr_attrs[3].split('/')[0]
                    first = prev_attrs[3].split('/')[1]
                    second = curr_attrs[3].split('/')[1]
                    if prev_contig in contig2scaffold and curr_contig in contig2scaffold:
                        prev_scaffold = contig2scaffold[prev_contig]
                        curr_scaffold = contig2scaffold[curr_contig]
                       # if prev_read == curr_read and prev_scaffold != curr_scaffold and first == '1' and second == '2':
                        if prev_read == curr_read and first == '1' and second == '2':
                            prev_info = contig2info[prev_contig]
                            prev_start = int(prev_attrs[1])
                            prev_end = int(prev_attrs[2])
                            new_prev_start = prev_start + prev_info[0]
                            new_prev_end = prev_end + prev_info[0]
                            o_lines += prev_scaffold+'\t'+str(new_prev_start)+'\t'+str(new_prev_end)+'\t'+prev_attrs[3]+'\n'
                            count += 1

                            curr_info = contig2info[curr_contig]
                            curr_start = int(curr_attrs[1])
                            curr_end = int(curr_attrs[2])
                            new_curr_start = curr_start + curr_info[0]
                            new_curr_end = curr_end + curr_info[0]
                            o_lines += curr_scaffold+'\t'+str(new_curr_start)+'\t'+str(new_curr_end)+'\t'+curr_attrs[3]+'\n'
                            count += 1
                            if count == 1000000:
                                count = 0
                                o_lines = ""

                prev_line = line

            #write remaining lines
    len_output = open('/scaffold_length_iteration_'+str(iteration+1),'w')
    for key in scaffold_length:

    re_out = open('/re_counts_iteration_'+str(iteration+1),'w')
    for key in scaffold_re:

#print assignment
#now try to place these contigs on these paths in all possible orientations and at all possible positions
#print assignment

def merge(contigs):
    #print "MERGING " + str(contigs)
    scaffolds = []
    subg = all_G.subgraph(contigs)
    best_hic_graph = nx.Graph()
    edges = []
    contigs = set()
    for u,v,data in subg.edges(data=True):
    edges.sort(key=lambda x: x[2],reverse=True)
    #print edges
    for u,v,score in edges:
        if u not in best_hic_graph.nodes() and v not in best_hic_graph.nodes():

    for contig in contigs:

    #print best_hic_graph.nodes()

    for g in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(best_hic_graph):
        #print g.nodes()
        p = []
        for node in g.nodes():
            if == 1:

        if len(p) == 2:
            path = nx.shortest_path(g,p[0],p[1])
            contigs = set()
            for node in g.nodes():
            for each in contigs:
    #print scaffolds
    return scaffolds

def correct_scaffolds(curr_scaffolds):
    Do single threaded now. First

Call all the methods here

seed_scaffolds,to_merge =  get_seed_scaffold()
assignment = assign_small_to_seed(to_merge,seed_scaffolds)
seed_scaffolds,to_add_later = insert(assignment,seed_scaffolds)

#try to merge alternating scaffolds
merged = {}
final_scaffolds = {}
scaffold_id = 1

#add scaffolds that are not merged
for key in seed_scaffolds:
    if key not in merged:
        final_scaffolds[scaffold_id] = seed_scaffolds[key]
        scaffold_id += 1

#print to_add_later
for key in to_add_later:
    final_scaffolds[scaffold_id] = [key+':B',key+':E']
    scaffold_id += 1
#now here expand the scaffolds with the map loaded before. Assumption here is that the map will not contain any path that has scaffolds in it.
#Everything is contig

scaffolded_contigs = {}
expanded_scaffold_paths = {}
visited = {}

breakpoints = open('/breakpoints_iteration_'+str(iteration+1)+'.txt','w')
prev_len = {}
with open('/scaffold_length_iteration_'+str(iteration),'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        attrs = line.split()
        prev_len[attrs[0]] = int(attrs[1])

for key in final_scaffolds:
    path = final_scaffolds[key]
    new_path = []
    #print path
    for i in xrange(0,len(path)-1,2):
        #print path
        contig = path[i].split(':')[0]
        scaffolded_contigs[contig] = True
        if contig[0] == 's' and iteration > 1:
            visited[contig] = True
            #print contig
            actual_path = previous_scaffolds[contig]
            link_type = path[i].split(':')[1] + path[i+1].split(':')[1]
            if link_type != 'BE':
              actual_path = actual_path[::-1]
            #print actual_path
            for each in actual_path:

    expanded_scaffold_paths['scaffold_'+str(key)] = new_path

    Code to write the breakpoints in current scaffold
    oline = ''
    oline += 'scaffold_'+str(key) +'\t'
    cum_len = 0
    for i in xrange(0,len(path)-1,2):
        #print path
        contig = path[i].split(':')[0]
        cum_len += prev_len[contig]
        #if i == len(path) - 2:
         #   continue
        oline += str(cum_len) +'\t'

#check scaffolds which were not scaffolded in this round but present in previous round

if iteration > 1:
    for key in previous_scaffolds:
        #key1 = 'scaffold_'+str(key)
        if key not in scaffolded_contigs:
            #print key
            expanded_scaffold_paths['scaffold_'+str(scaffold_id)] = previous_scaffolds[key]
            scaffold_id += 1

if iteration == 1:
    for contig in contig_length:
        if contig not in scaffolded_contigs:
            #print contig
            expanded_scaffold_paths["scaffold_"+str(scaffold_id)] = [contig+':B',contig+':E']
            scaffold_id += 1

new_id = 1
new_scaffolds = {}
for key in expanded_scaffold_paths:
    new_scaffolds['scaffold_'+str(new_id)] = expanded_scaffold_paths[key]
    new_id += 1


Now break the scaffolds at all the junctions where link support is less than 10, to do this, load the graph from first iteration

# if iteration > 1:
#     G_first = nx.Graph()
#     with open('/contig_links_iteration_1','r') as f:
#         for line in f:
#             attrs = line.split()
#             G_first.add_edge(attrs[0],attrs[1],score=float(attrs[2]),links=int(attrs[3]))

#     new_id = 1
#     updated_scaffolds = {}
#     for key in final_scaffolds:
#         scaffold_path = final_scaffolds[key]
#         to_break = []
#         for i in xrange(1,len(scaffold_path)-1,2):
#             curr = scaffold_path[i]
#             next = scaffold_path[i+1]
#             if G_first.has_edge(curr,next):
#                 if G[curr][next]['links'] <= 10:
#                     to_break.append(i)

#         #now break scaffold
#         if len(to_break) >= 1:
#             for i in xrange(len(to_break)):
#                 if i == 0:
#                     scaff = scaffold_path[0:to_break[i]+1]
#                     updated_scaffolds['scaffold_'+str(new_id)] = scaff
#                     new_id += 1
#                     continue
#                 if i == len(to_break) - 1:
#                     scaff = scaffold_path[to_break[i]:]
#                     updated_scaffolds['scaffold_'+str(new_id)] = scaff
#                     new_id += 1
#                     continue
#                 scaff = scaffold_path[to_break[i-1]+1 : to_break[i] + 1]
#                 updated_scaffolds['scaffold_'+str(new_id)] = scaff
#                 new_id += 1
#         else:
#             updated_scaffolds['scaffold_'+str(new_id)] = scaffold_path
#             new_id += 1
# else:
#     updated_scaffolds = expanded_scaffold_paths

# expanded_scaffold_paths = updated_scaffolds
