# Copyright 2016, Massimo Santini <santini@di.unimi.it>
# This file is part of "GraphvizAnim".
# "GraphvizAnim" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# "GraphvizAnim" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# "GraphvizAnim". If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from email.utils import quote
import shlex

from gvanim import action

class ParseException( Exception ):

class Step( object ):

	def __init__( self, step = None ):
		if step:
			self.V = step.V.copy()
			self.E = step.E.copy()
			self.lV = step.lV.copy()
			self.lE = step.lE.copy()
			self.V = set()
			self.E = set()
			self.lV = dict()
			self.lE = dict()
		self.hV = dict()
		self.hE = dict()

	def node_format( self, v ):
		fmt = []
		if v in self.lV:
			fmt.append( 'label="{}"'.format( quote( str( self.lV[ v ] ) ) ) )
		if v in self.hV:
			fmt.append( 'color={}'.format( self.hV[ v ] ) )
		elif v not in self.V:
			fmt.append( 'style=invis' )
		if fmt:
			return '[{}]'.format( ', '.join( fmt ) )
		return ''

	def edge_format( self, e ):
		fmt = []
		if e in self.lE:
			fmt.append('label="{}"'.format( quote( str( self.lE[ e ] ) ) ) )
		if e in self.hE:
			fmt.append('color={}'.format( self.hE[ e ] ) )
		elif e not in self.E:
		if fmt:
			return '[{}]'.format( ', '.join( fmt ) )
		return ''

	def __repr__( self ):
		return '{{ V = {}, E = {}, hV = {}, hE = {}, L = {}, lE = {} }}'.format( self.V, self.E, self.hV, self.hE, self.lV, self.lE )

class Animation( object ):

	def __init__( self ):
		self._actions = []

	def next_step( self, clean = False ):
		self._actions.append( action.NextStep( clean ) )

	def add_node( self, v ):
		self._actions.append( action.AddNode( v ) )

	def highlight_node( self, v, color = 'red' ):
		self._actions.append( action.HighlightNode( v, color = color ) )

	def label_node( self, v, label ):
		self._actions.append( action.LabelNode( v, label ) )

	def unlabel_node( self, v ):
		self._actions.append( action.UnlabelNode( v ) )

	def remove_node( self, v ):
		self._actions.append( action.RemoveNode( v ) )

	def add_edge( self, u, v ):
		self._actions.append( action.AddEdge( u, v ) )

	def highlight_edge( self, u, v, color = 'red' ):
		self._actions.append( action.HighlightEdge( u, v, color = color ) )

	def label_edge( self, u, v, label ):
		self._actions.append( action.LabelEdge( u, v, label ) )

	def unlabel_edge( self, u, v ):
		self._actions.append( action.UnlabelEdge( u, v ) )

	def remove_edge( self, u, v ):
		self._actions.append( action.RemoveEdge( u, v ) )

	def parse( self, lines ):
		action2method = {
			'ns' : self.next_step,
			'an' : self.add_node,
			'hn' : self.highlight_node,
			'ln' : self.label_node,
			'un' : self.unlabel_node,
			'rn' : self.remove_node,
			'ae' : self.add_edge,
			'he' : self.highlight_edge,
			'le' : self.label_edge,
			'ue' : self.unlabel_edge,
			're' : self.remove_edge,
		for line in lines:
			parts = shlex.split( line.strip(), True )
			if not parts: continue
			action, params = parts[ 0 ], parts[ 1: ]
				action2method[ action ]( *params )
			except KeyError:
				raise ParseException( 'unrecognized command: {}'.format( action ) )
			except TypeError:
				raise ParseException( 'wrong number of parameters: {}'.format( line.strip() ) )

	def steps( self ):
		steps = [ Step() ]
		for action in self._actions:
			action( steps )
		return steps

	def graphs( self ):
		steps = self.steps()
		V, E = set(), set()
		for step in steps:
			V |= step.V
			E |= step.E
		graphs = []
		for n, s in enumerate( steps ):
			graph = [ 'digraph G {' ]
			for v in V: graph.append( '"{}" {};'.format( quote( str( v ) ), s.node_format( v ) ) )
			for e in E: graph.append( '"{}" -> "{}" {};'.format( quote( str( e[ 0 ] ) ), quote( str( e[ 1 ] ) ), s.edge_format( e ) ) )
			graph.append( '}' )
			graphs.append( '\n'.join( graph ) )
		return graphs