#!/usr/bin/env python
# pylint: disable=E1120
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from affine import Affine
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from rasterio.warp import reproject

def _adjust_block_size(width, height, blocksize):
    """Adjusts blocksize by adding 1 if the remainder
    from the division of height/width by blocksize is 1.
    if width % blocksize == 1:
        blocksize += 1
    elif height % blocksize == 1:
        blocksize += 1
    return blocksize

def _make_windows(width, height, blocksize):
    """Manually makes windows of size equivalent to
    pan band image
    for x in range(0, width, blocksize):
        for y in range(0, height, blocksize):
            yield ((y, min((y + blocksize), height)),
                   (x, min((x + blocksize), width)))

def _make_affine(fr_shape, to_shape):
    """Given from and to width and height,
    compute affine transform defining the
    georeferencing of the output array
    fr_window_affine = Affine(
        1, 0, 0,
        0, -1, 0)

    to_window_affine = Affine(
        (fr_shape[1] / float(to_shape[1])), 0, 0,
        0, -(fr_shape[0] / float(to_shape[0])), 0)

    return fr_window_affine, to_window_affine

def _half_window(window):
    """Computes half window sizes
    return tuple((w[0] / 2, w[1] / 2) for w in window)

def _check_crs(inputs):
    """Checks if crs of inputs are the same
    for i in range(1, len(inputs)):
        if inputs[i-1]['crs'] != inputs[i]['crs']:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'CRS of inputs must be the same: '
                'received %s and %s' % (inputs[i-1]['crs'],

def _create_apply_mask(rgb):
    """Create a mask of pixels where any channel is 0 (nodata),
    then apply the mask to input numpy array.

    color_mask = np.all(
            np.rollaxis(rgb, 0, 3) != 0,
        ).astype(np.uint16) * np.iinfo(np.uint16).max

    masked_rgb = np.array([
        np.minimum(band, color_mask) for band in rgb])

    return masked_rgb

def _upsample(rgb, panshape, src_aff, src_crs, to_aff, to_crs):
    """upsamples rgb to the shape of the panchromatic band
    using reproject function from rasterio.warp
    up_rgb = np.empty(
            rgb.shape[0], panshape[0],
            panshape[1]), dtype=rgb.dtype

        rgb, up_rgb,

    return up_rgb

def _simple_mask(data, ndv):
    '''Exact nodata masking'''
    nd = np.iinfo(data.dtype).max
    alpha = np.invert(
        np.all(np.dstack(data) == ndv, axis=2)
        ).astype(data.dtype) * nd

    return alpha

def _pad_window(wnd, pad):
    """Add padding to windows
    return (
        (wnd[0][0] - pad, wnd[0][1] + pad),
        (wnd[1][0] - pad, wnd[1][1] + pad))

def _calc_windows(pan_src, customwindow):
    """Given raster data, pan_width, pan_height, and window size
    are used to compute and output appropriate windows
    if customwindow != 0 and isinstance(customwindow, int):
        blocksize = _adjust_block_size(pan_src.meta['width'],
        windows = [(window, (0, 0))
                   for window in _make_windows(pan_src.meta['width'],
        windows = [(window, ij) for ij, window in pan_src.block_windows()]

    return windows

def _rescale(arr, ndv, dst_dtype, out_alpha=True):
    """Convert an array from output dtype, scaling up linearly
    if dst_dtype == np.__dict__['uint16']:
        scale = 1
        # convert to 8bit value range in place
        scale = float(np.iinfo(np.uint16).max) / float(np.iinfo(np.uint8).max)

    res = (arr / scale).astype(dst_dtype)

    if out_alpha:
        mask = _simple_mask(
            (ndv, ndv, ndv)).reshape(
                1, arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2])
        return np.concatenate([res, mask])
        return res