from helper import *
import tensorflow as tf

Abbreviations used in variable names:
	et: event-time
	de: dependency parse
Recommendation: View with tab-size 8

class DCT_NN(object):

	def padData(self, data, seq_len):
		Pads the data in a batch | Used as a helper function by pad_dynamic

		data:		batch to be padded
		seq_len:	maximum number of words in the batch

		Padded data and mask
		temp = np.zeros((len(data), seq_len), np.int32)
		mask = np.zeros((len(data), seq_len), np.float32)
		for i, ele in enumerate(data):
			temp[i, :len(ele)] = ele[:seq_len]
			mask[i, :len(ele)] = np.ones(len(ele[:seq_len]), np.float32)

		return temp, mask

	def getOneHot(self, data, num_class):
		Generates the one-hot representation

		data:		Batch to be padded
		num_class:	Total number of relations 

		One-hot representation of batch
		temp = np.zeros((len(data), num_class), np.int32)
		for i, ele in enumerate(data):
			temp[i, ele] = 1
		return temp

	def getBatches(self, data, shuffle = True):
	        Generates batches of multiple bags

	        data:		Data to be used for creating batches.
	        shuffle:	Decides whether to shuffle the data or not.
	        Generator for creating batches. 
		if shuffle: random.shuffle(data)
		num_batches = len(data) // self.p.batch_size

		for i in range(num_batches):
			start_idx = i * self.p.batch_size
			yield data[start_idx : start_idx + self.p.batch_size]

	def updateEdges(self, data, merge_edges=False):
	        Merges edge labels or Ignores Edge labels based on cmd arguments

	        data:		full dataset
	        merge_edges:	Whether to merge Event Time graph edge labels or not
	        data:		Updated dataset

		for dtype in ['train', 'test', 'valid']:
			for i, edges in enumerate(data[dtype]['ETEdges']):
				for j in range(len(edges)-1, -1, -1):
					edge = edges[j]
					lbl  = self.id2ce[edge[2]]
					if lbl not in self.n_et2id: del data[dtype]['ETEdges'][i][j]
					else: 			    data[dtype]['ETEdges'][i][j] = (edge[0], edge[1], self.n_et2id[lbl])

			if merge_edges:
				for i, edges in enumerate(data[dtype]['ETEdges']):
					for j, edge in enumerate(edges):
						if   edge[2] == self.n_et2id['BEFORE']: 	data[dtype]['ETEdges'][i][j] = (edge[1], edge[0], self.n_et2id['AFTER'])
						elif edge[2] == self.n_et2id['INCLUDES']: 	data[dtype]['ETEdges'][i][j] = (edge[1], edge[0], self.n_et2id['IS_INCLUDED'])
			# Remove dependency edges with negative source/destination ids
			for i, edges in enumerate(data[dtype]['DepEdges']):
				for j in range(len(edges)-1, -1, -1):
					edge = edges[j]
					if edge[0] < 0 or edge[1] < 0:
						del data[dtype]['DepEdges'][i][j]

		if merge_edges: self.num_etLabel -= 2
		return data
	def rm_hdeg_docs(self, data):
	        Remove documents with very large number of edges in Event-Time Graph

	        data:		full dataset
	        data:		Updated dataset
		rm_idx = {}
		for dtype in ['train', 'test', 'valid']:
			rm_idx[dtype] = set()
			for i,vec in enumerate(data[dtype]['ETIdx']):
				if len(vec) > self.p.th_maxet: 
			for i,vec in enumerate(data[dtype]['ET']):
				if len(vec)> self.p.th_seq_len:

			for i, etIdx in enumerate(data[dtype]['ETIdx']):
				if len(etIdx) == 0: 
		return rm_idx

	def load_data(self):
		Reads the data from pickle file

		self.p.dataset: The path of the dataset to be loaded

		self.voc2id:		Mapping of word to its unique identifier
		self.Id2voc:		Inverse of self.voc2id
		self.e2id:		Mapping of event time graph edge label to its unique identifier
		self.n_et2id:		New Mapping of event time graph edge label to its unique identifier
		self.num_etLabel:	Number of edge labels in event-time graph
		self.de2id:		Mapping of dependency graph edge label to its unique identifier
		self.num_deLabel:	Number of edge labels in dependency graph
		self.num_class:		Total number of years to be predicted
		self.wrd_list:		Words in vocabulary		Contains all split of the data train/valid/test
		data = pickle.load(open(self.p.dataset, 'rb'))

		self.voc2id 	= data['voc2id']
		self.et2id 	= data['et2id']
		self.id2ce  	= dict([(v,k) for k,v in self.et2id.items()])
		self.de2id 	= data['de2id']

		self.n_et2id = {
			'AFTER': 	0,
			'IS_INCLUDED':	1,
			'DURING':	2,
			'BEFORE':	3,
			'INCLUDES':	4,

		self.num_etLabel  = len(self.n_et2id)
		self.num_deLabel  = len(self.de2id)
		data 		  = self.updateEdges(data, self.p.merge_edges)			# Merge edge labels
		rm_idx 		  = self.rm_hdeg_docs(data)					# Indexes to be removed

		print('Number of classes {}'.format(len(np.unique(data['train']['Y']))))
		self.num_class = self.p.num_class'Removing Train:{}, Test:{}, Valid:{}'.format(len(rm_idx['train']), len(rm_idx['test']), len(rm_idx['valid'])))

		# Get Word List
		self.wrd_list 	= list(self.voc2id.items())					# Get vocabulary
		self.wrd_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])						# Sort vocabulary based on ids
		self.wrd_list, _ = zip(*self.wrd_list)
		self.data_list = {}
		key_list =  ['X', 'Y', 'ETIdx', 'ETEdges', 'DepEdges']

		for dtype in ['train', 'test', 'valid']:

			if self.p.use_et_labels == False:
				for i, edges in enumerate(data[dtype]['ETEdges']):							# if you want to ignore level information in event time graph
					for j, edge in enumerate(edges): data[dtype]['ETEdges'][i][j] = (edge[0], edge[1], 0)   
				self.num_etLabel = 1

			if self.p.use_de_labels == False:
				for i, edges in enumerate(data[dtype]['DepEdges']):							# if you want to ignore level information in dependency graph
					for j, edge in enumerate(edges): data[dtype]['DepEdges'][i][j] = (edge[0], edge[1], 0)
				self.num_deLabel = 1

			data[dtype]['Y'] = self.getOneHot(data[dtype]['Y'], self.num_class)						# Representing labels by one hot notation

			self.data_list[dtype] = []
			for i in range(len(data[dtype]['X'])):
				if i in rm_idx[dtype]: continue
				self.data_list[dtype].append([data[dtype][key][i] for key in key_list])          			# data_list contains all the fields for train test and valid documents'Document count [{}]: {}'.format(dtype, len(self.data_list[dtype]))) = data

	def get_adj(self, edgeList, batch_size, max_nodes, max_labels):
		Loads adjacency matrix in sparse matrix format, required for feeding to Tensorflow

		edgeList:	List of list of edges 
		batch_size:	Number of bags in a batch
		max_nodes:	Maximum number of nodes in the graph
		max_labels:	Maximum number of edge labels in the graph 

		adj_mat		Contains dependency/event-time graph for each sentence in the batch
		adj_main = []
		for edges in edgeList:
			ind, vals, adj   = ddict(list), ddict(list), {}

			for src, dest, lbl in edges:
				ind [lbl].append((dest, src))

			for lbl in range(max_labels):
				if lbl not in ind: 	adj[lbl] = sp.coo_matrix((max_nodes, max_nodes))
				else: 			adj[lbl] = sp.coo_matrix((vals[lbl],  zip(*ind[lbl])),  shape=(max_nodes, max_nodes))


		return adj_main

	def add_placeholders(self):
		Defines the placeholder required for the model

		self.input_x  		= tf.placeholder(tf.int32,   shape=[None, None],   name='input_data')		# Words in a document (batch_size x max_words)
		self.input_y 		= tf.placeholder(tf.int32,   shape=[None, None],   name='input_labels')		# Actual document creation year of the document

		self.x_len		= tf.placeholder(tf.int32,   shape=[None],         name='input_len')		# Number of words in each document in a batch
		self.et_idx 		= tf.placeholder(tf.int32,   shape=[None, None],   name='et_idx')		# Index of tokens which are events/time_expressions
		self.et_mask 		= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None],   name='et_mask')

		# Array of batch_size number of dictionaries, where each dictionary is mapping of label to sparse_placeholder [Temporal graph]
		self.de_adj_mat	= [{lbl: tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32,  shape=[None, None]) for lbl in range(self.num_deLabel)}  for _ in range(self.p.batch_size)]

		# Array of batch_size number of dictionaries, where each dictionary is mapping of label to sparse_placeholder [Syntactic graph]
		self.et_adj_mat	= [{lbl: tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32,  shape=[None, None]) for lbl in range(self.num_etLabel)}  for _ in range(self.p.batch_size)]

		self.seq_len 		= tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(), name='seq_len')				# Maximum number of words in documents of a batch
		self.max_et 		= tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(), name='max_et')				# Maximum number of events/time_expressions in documents of a batch

		self.dropout 		= tf.placeholder_with_default(self.p.dropout, 	  shape=(), name='dropout')	# Dropout used in GCN Layer
		self.rec_dropout 	= tf.placeholder_with_default(self.p.rec_dropout, shape=(), name='rec_dropout')	# Dropout used in Bi-LSTM

	def pad_dynamic(self, X, et_idx):
		Pads each batch during runtime.

		X:		For each sentence in the batch, list of words
		et_idx:		Indices of event-time tokens in the sentence

		x_pad		Padded words 
		x_len		Number of words in each sentence
		et_pad 		padded  event-time token indices
		et_mask 	Mask for et_pad
		seq_len 	Maximum sentence length in the batch
		max_et  	maximum number of event-time tokens in the batch
		seq_len, max_et = 0, 0

		x_len = np.zeros((len(X)), np.int32)

		for i, x in enumerate(X): 	  
			seq_len  = max(seq_len, len(x))
			x_len[i] = len(x)

		for et in et_idx: max_et  = max(max_et,  len(et))

		x_pad,  _ 	= self.padData(X, seq_len)
		et_pad, et_mask = self.padData(et_idx, max_et)

		return x_pad, x_len, et_pad, et_mask, seq_len, max_et

	def create_feed_dict(self, batch, wLabels=True, dtype='train'):
		Creates a feed dictionary for the batch

		batch:		contains a batch of bags
		wLabels:	Whether batch contains labels or not
		split:		Indicates the split of the data - train/valid/test

		feed_dict	Feed dictionary to be fed during
		X, Y, et_idx, ETEdges, DepEdges = zip(*batch)

		x_pad, x_len, et_pad, et_mask, seq_len, max_et = self.pad_dynamic(X, et_idx)

		feed_dict = {}
		feed_dict[self.input_x] 		= np.array(x_pad)
		feed_dict[self.x_len] 			= np.array(x_len)
		if wLabels: feed_dict[self.input_y] 	= np.array(Y)

		feed_dict[self.et_idx] 			= np.array(et_pad)
		feed_dict[self.et_mask] 		= np.array(et_mask)

		feed_dict[self.seq_len]			= seq_len
		feed_dict[self.max_et]			= max_et

		et_adj = self.get_adj(ETEdges,  self.p.batch_size, max_et+1,  self.num_etLabel)  # max_et + 1(DCT)
		de_adj = self.get_adj(DepEdges, self.p.batch_size, seq_len, self.num_deLabel)

		for i in range(self.p.batch_size):
			for lbl in range(self.num_etLabel):
				feed_dict[self.et_adj_mat[i][lbl]] = tf.SparseTensorValue( 	indices 	= np.array([et_adj[i][lbl].row, et_adj[i][lbl].col]).T,
											      	values  	= et_adj[i][lbl].data,
												dense_shape	= et_adj[i][lbl].shape)

			for lbl in range(self.num_deLabel):
				feed_dict[self.de_adj_mat[i][lbl]] = tf.SparseTensorValue( 	indices 	= np.array([de_adj[i][lbl].row, de_adj[i][lbl].col]).T,
											      	values  	= de_adj[i][lbl].data,
												dense_shape	= de_adj[i][lbl].shape)
		if dtype != 'train':
			feed_dict[self.dropout]     = 1.0
			feed_dict[self.rec_dropout] = 1.0

		return feed_dict

	def GCNLayer(self, gcn_in, in_dim, gcn_dim, batch_size, max_nodes, max_labels, adj, num_layers=1, name="GCN"):
		GCN Layer Implementation

		gcn_in:		Input to GCN Layer
		in_dim:		Dimension of input to GCN Layer 
		gcn_dim:	Hidden state dimension of GCN
		batch_size:	Batch size
		max_nodes:	Maximum number of nodes in graph
		max_labels:	Maximum number of edge labels
		adj:		Adjacency matrix indices
		num_layers:	Number of GCN Layers
		name 		Name of the layer (used for creating variables, keep it different for different layers)

		out		List of output of different GCN layers with first element as input itself, i.e., [gcn_in, gcn_layer1_out, gcn_layer2_out ...]

		out = []

		for layer in range(num_layers):
			gcn_in    = out[-1]						# out contains the output of all the GCN layers, intitally contains input to first GCN Layer
			if len(out) > 1: in_dim = gcn_dim 				# After first iteration the in_dim = gcn_dim

			with tf.name_scope('%s-%d' % (name,layer)):

				act_sum = tf.zeros([batch_size, max_nodes, gcn_dim])
				for lbl in range(max_labels):

					with tf.variable_scope('label-%d_name-%s_layer-%d' % (lbl, name, layer)) as scope:

						w_in   = tf.get_variable('w_in',   [in_dim, gcn_dim],  	initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), 	regularizer=self.regularizer)
						b_in   = tf.get_variable('b_in',   [1, gcn_dim],   	initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), 		regularizer=self.regularizer)
						w_out  = tf.get_variable('w_out',  [in_dim, gcn_dim], 	initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), 	regularizer=self.regularizer)
						b_out  = tf.get_variable('b_out',  [1, gcn_dim],  	initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), 		regularizer=self.regularizer)
						w_loop = tf.get_variable('w_loop', [in_dim, gcn_dim], 	initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), 	regularizer=self.regularizer)

						if self.p.wGate:
							w_gin  = tf.get_variable('w_gin',  [in_dim, 1], 	initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), 	regularizer=self.regularizer)
							b_gin  = tf.get_variable('b_gin',  [1], 	  	initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), 		regularizer=self.regularizer)
							w_gout = tf.get_variable('w_gout', [in_dim, 1], 	initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), 	regularizer=self.regularizer)
							b_gout = tf.get_variable('b_gout', [1], 	  	initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), 		regularizer=self.regularizer)
							w_gloop = tf.get_variable('w_gloop',[in_dim, 1], 	initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), 	regularizer=self.regularizer)

					with tf.name_scope('in_arcs-%s_name-%s_layer-%d' % (lbl, name, layer)):
						inp_in  = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_in, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_in, axis=0)
						in_t    = tf.stack([tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(adj[i][lbl], inp_in[i]) for i in range(batch_size)])
						if self.p.dropout != 1.0: in_t    = tf.nn.dropout(in_t, keep_prob=self.p.dropout)

						if self.p.wGate:
							inp_gin = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_gin, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_gin, axis=0)
							in_gate = tf.stack([tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(adj[i][lbl], inp_gin[i]) for i in range(batch_size)])
							in_gsig = tf.sigmoid(in_gate)
							in_act   = in_t * in_gsig
							in_act   = in_t

					with tf.name_scope('out_arcs-%s_name-%s_layer-%d' % (lbl, name, layer)):
						inp_out  = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_out, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_out, axis=0)
						out_t    = tf.stack([tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf.sparse_transpose(adj[i][lbl]), inp_out[i]) for i in range(batch_size)])
						if self.p.dropout != 1.0: out_t    = tf.nn.dropout(out_t, keep_prob=self.p.dropout)

						if self.p.wGate:
							inp_gout = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_gout, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_gout, axis=0)
							out_gate = tf.stack([tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(tf.sparse_transpose(adj[i][lbl]), inp_gout[i]) for i in range(batch_size)])
							out_gsig = tf.sigmoid(out_gate)
							out_act  = out_t * out_gsig
							out_act = out_t

					with tf.name_scope('self_loop'):
						inp_loop  = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_loop,  axes=[2,0])
						if self.p.dropout != 1.0: inp_loop  = tf.nn.dropout(inp_loop, keep_prob=self.p.dropout)

						if self.p.wGate:
							inp_gloop = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_gloop, axes=[2,0])
							loop_gsig = tf.sigmoid(inp_gloop)
							loop_act  = inp_loop * loop_gsig
							loop_act = inp_loop

					act_sum += in_act + out_act + loop_act
				gcn_out = tf.nn.relu(act_sum)

		return out

	def gather(self, data, pl_idx, pl_mask, max_len, name=None):
		Lookup equivalent for tensors with dim > 2 (Can be simplified using tf.batch_gather)

		data:		Tensor in which lookup has to be performed
		pl_idx:		The indices to be taken
		pl_mask:	For handling padding in pl_idx
		max_len:	Maximum length of indices

		et_vecs * mask_vec:	Extracted vectors at given indices
		idx1  = tf.range(self.p.batch_size, dtype=tf.int32)
		idx1  = tf.reshape(idx1, [-1, 1])
		idx1_ = tf.reshape(tf.tile(idx1, [1, max_len]) , [-1, 1])
		idx_reshape = tf.reshape(pl_idx, [-1, 1])
		indices = tf.concat((idx1_, idx_reshape), axis=1)
		et_vecs = tf.gather_nd(data, indices)
		et_vecs = tf.reshape(et_vecs, [self.p.batch_size, self.max_et, -1])
		mask_vec = tf.expand_dims(pl_mask, axis=2)
		return et_vecs * mask_vec

	def add_model(self):
		Creates the Computational Graph


		nn_out:		Logits for each bag in the batch
		nn_in = self.input_x

		with tf.variable_scope('Embeddings') as scope:
			embed_init = getEmbeddings(self.p.embed_loc, self.wrd_list, self.p.embed_dim)
			embed_init = np.vstack( (np.zeros(self.p.embed_dim, np.float32), embed_init))
			embeddings = tf.get_variable('embeddings', initializer=embed_init, trainable=True, regularizer=self.regularizer)
			embeds     = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, self.input_x)

		with tf.variable_scope('Bi-LSTM') as scope:
			fw_cell    = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(self.p.lstm_dim), output_keep_prob=self.rec_dropout)
			bk_cell    = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(self.p.lstm_dim), output_keep_prob=self.rec_dropout)
			val, state = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(fw_cell, bk_cell, embeds, sequence_length=self.x_len, dtype=tf.float32)
			lstm_out   = tf.concat((val[0], val[1]), axis=2)

		de_in     = lstm_out
		de_in_dim = self.p.lstm_dim*2		# Concatenated output of forward and backward LSTM (Bi-LSTM)

		de_out = self.GCNLayer( gcn_in 		= de_in, 		in_dim 	    = de_in_dim, 		gcn_dim    = self.p.de_gcn_dim, 
					batch_size 	= self.p.batch_size, 	max_nodes   = self.seq_len, 		max_labels = self.num_deLabel, 
					adj 		= self.de_adj_mat, 	num_layers  = self.p.de_layers, 	name 	   = "GCN_DE")

		ce_in_dim = self.p.de_gcn_dim
		ce_in 	  = de_out[-1]			# GCNLayer returns list containing output of all layers; last entry is its final output

		et_vecs = self.gather(ce_in, self.et_idx, self.et_mask, self.max_et, name='ET_pick')
		with tf.name_scope('DCT_init'):
			dct_sum  = tf.reduce_sum(et_vecs, axis=1)
			dct_cnt  = tf.reduce_sum(self.et_mask, axis=1)
			dct_init = tf.expand_dims(dct_sum / tf.expand_dims(dct_cnt,axis=1), axis=1)

		et_con = tf.concat( [dct_init, et_vecs], axis=1)
		ce_out = self.GCNLayer( gcn_in 		= et_con, 		in_dim 		= ce_in_dim, 			gcn_dim    = self.p.et_gcn_dim, 
					batch_size 	= self.p.batch_size, 	max_nodes 	= self.max_et+1, 		max_labels = self.num_etLabel,
					adj 		= self.et_adj_mat, 	num_layers	= self.p.et_layers, 		name 	   = "GCN_CE")

		dct_vec = ce_out[-1][:,0]

		con_mean  = tf.reduce_mean(ce_in, axis=1)			# Context  Embedding
		dct_final = tf.concat([dct_vec, con_mean], axis=1)		# Concatenating contextual and temporal embedding
		fc_in_dim = self.p.et_gcn_dim + ce_in_dim 

		with tf.variable_scope('FC1') as scope:
			w = tf.get_variable('w', [fc_in_dim, self.num_class], 	initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(),  regularizer=self.regularizer)
			b = tf.get_variable('b', [self.num_class], 	  	initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), 	regularizer=self.regularizer)
			nn_out = tf.matmul(dct_final, w) + b

		# debug_nn([dct_final], self.create_feed_dict(self.data_list['train'][0:self.p.batch_size]))
		return nn_out

	def add_loss(self, nn_out):
		Computes loss based on logits and actual labels

		nn_out:		Logits for each bag in the batch

		loss:		Computes loss based on prediction and actual labels 

		with tf.name_scope('Loss_op'):
			loss  = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=nn_out, labels=self.input_y))
			if self.regularizer != None: loss += tf.contrib.layers.apply_regularization(self.regularizer, tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES))
		return loss

	def add_optimizer(self, loss):
		Add optimizer for training variables

		loss:		Computed loss

		train_op:	Training optimizer
		with tf.name_scope('Optimizer'):
			optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(
			train_op  = optimizer.minimize(loss)
		return train_op

	def __init__(self, params):
		Constructor for the main function. Loads data and creates computation graph. 

		params:		Hyperparameters of the model

		self.p  = params
		self.logger = get_logger(, self.p.log_dir, self.p.config_dir)
		self.p.batch_size = self.p.batch_size

		if self.p.l2 == 0.0: 	self.regularizer = None
		else: 			self.regularizer = tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(scale=self.p.l2)

		nn_out = self.add_model()

		self.loss      	= self.add_loss(nn_out)				# Compute the loss
		self.train_op  	= self.add_optimizer(self.loss)			# Update the parameters
		self.logits 	= tf.nn.softmax(nn_out)

		y_pred 	  = tf.argmax(self.logits, 1)				# Predictions by the model
		corr_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.input_y, 1), y_pred)
		self.corr_pred = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(corr_pred, 'int32'))

		self.merged_summ = tf.summary.merge_all()
		self.summ_writer = None

	def predict(self, sess, data, wLabels=True, shuffle=False):
		Evaluate model on valid/test data

		sess:		Session of tensorflow
		data:		Data to evaluate on
		wLabels:	Does data include labels or not
		shuffle:	Shuffle data while before creates batches

		losses:		Loss over the entire data
		accuracies:	Overall Accuracy
		y: 		Actual label
		y_pred:		Predicted labels
		logit_list:	Logit list for each bag in the data

		losses, y_pred, y, logit_list = [], [], [], [], []
		total_correct, total_cnt = 0, 0

		for step, batch in enumerate(self.getBatches(data, shuffle)):
			if not wLabels:
				feed   = self.create_feed_dict(batch, wLabels, dtype='test')
				logits, correct =[self.logits, self.corr_pred] , feed_dict = feed)
				feed  = self.create_feed_dict(batch, dtype='test')
				loss, logits, correct =[self.loss, self.logits, self.corr_pred], feed_dict = feed)

			total_correct += correct
			total_cnt += len(batch)

			pred_ind    = logits.argmax(axis=1)
			logit_list += logits.tolist()
			y_pred   += pred_ind.tolist()
			_, Y, _, _, _ = zip(*batch)
			y += np.array(Y).argmax(axis=1).tolist()

			if step % 5 == 0:'Evaluating Test/Valid ({}/{}):\t{:.5}\t{:.5}\t{}'.format(step, len(data)//self.p.batch_size, total_correct/total_cnt, np.mean(losses),

		accuracy = float(total_correct)/total_cnt * 100.0'Accuracy: {}'.format(accuracy))

		if wLabels: 	return np.mean(losses), accuracy, y, y_pred, logit_list
		else: 		return 0, accuracy, y, y_pred, logit_list

	def run_epoch(self, sess, data, epoch, shuffle=True):
		Runs one epoch of training

		sess:		Session of tensorflow
		data:		Data to train on
		epoch:		Epoch number
		shuffle:	Shuffle data while before creates batches

		losses:		Loss over the entire data
		Accuracy:	Overall accuracy
		drop_rate = self.p.dropout

		losses = []
		total_correct, total_cnt = 0, 0

		for step, batch in enumerate(self.getBatches(data, shuffle)):
			feed = self.create_feed_dict(batch)
			loss, correct, _=[self.loss, self.corr_pred, self.train_op], feed_dict=feed)
			total_cnt     += len(batch)
			total_correct += correct


			if step % 5 == 0:'E:{} Train Accuracy ({}/{}):\t{:.5}\t{:.5}\t{}\t{:.5}'.format(epoch, step, len(data)//self.p.batch_size, total_correct/total_cnt, np.mean(losses),, self.best_val_acc))

		accuracy = float(total_correct)/total_cnt * 100.0'Training Loss:{}, Accuracy: {}'.format(np.mean(losses), accuracy))
		return np.mean(losses), accuracy

	def fit(self, sess):
		Trains the model and finally evaluates on test

		sess:		Tensorflow session object

		self.summ_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("tf_board/DCT_NN/" +, sess.graph)
		self.best_val_acc, self.best_train_acc = 0.0, 0.0
		saver = tf.train.Saver()
		save_dir = 'checkpoints/' + + '/'
		if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir)
		save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'best_validation')
		if self.p.restore: saver.restore(sess, save_path)

		# Train Model
		for epoch in range(self.p.max_epochs):'Epoch: {}'.format(epoch))

			train_loss, train_acc 			 = self.run_epoch(sess,  self.data_list['train'], epoch)
			val_loss, val_acc, y, y_pred, logit_list = self.predict(sess,	self.data_list['valid'])

			if val_acc > self.best_val_acc:
				self.best_val_acc   = val_acc
				self.best_train_acc = train_acc, save_path=save_path)'[Epoch {}]: Training Loss: {:.5}, Training Acc: {:.5}, Valid Loss: {:.5}, Valid Acc: {:.5} Best Acc: {:.5}\n'.format(epoch, train_loss, train_acc, val_loss, val_acc, self.best_val_acc))

		# Evaluate on Test'Running on Test set')
		test_loss, test_pred, test_acc, y, y_pred, logit_list = self.predict(sess, self.data_list['test'])'Test Acc:{}'.format(test_acc))

if __name__== "__main__":

	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Main Neural Network for Time Stamping Documents')

	parser.add_argument('-data', 	 dest="dataset", 	required=True,			help='Dataset to use')
	parser.add_argument('-class',	 dest="num_class", 	required=True,   type=int, 	help='Number of classes (years/months)')
	parser.add_argument('-gpu', 	 dest="gpu", 		default='0',			help='GPU to use')

	parser.add_argument('-name', 	 dest="name", 		default='test_'+str(uuid.uuid4()),help='Name of the run')
	parser.add_argument('-drop',	 dest="dropout", 	default=1.0,  	type=float,	help='Dropout for full connected layer')
	parser.add_argument('-rdrop',	 dest="rec_dropout", 	default=1.0,  	type=float,	help='Recurrent dropout for LSTM')
	parser.add_argument('-lr',	 dest="lr", 		default=0.001,  type=float,	help='Learning rate')
	parser.add_argument('-batch', 	 dest="batch_size", 	default=64,   	type=int, 	help='Batch size')
	parser.add_argument('-epoch', 	 dest="max_epochs", 	default=50,   	type=int, 	help='Max epochs')
	parser.add_argument('-l2', 	 dest="l2", 		default=0.001, 	type=float, 	help='L2 regularization')
	parser.add_argument('-seed', 	 dest="seed", 		default=1234, 	type=int, 	help='Seed for randomization')
	parser.add_argument('-fix_emb',	 dest="fix_emb",	action='store_true',		help='fix embedding for fast training')
	parser.add_argument('-lstm_dim', dest="lstm_dim", 	default=128,   	type=int, 	help='Hidden state dimension of Bi-LSTM')
	parser.add_argument('-de_dim',   dest="de_gcn_dim", 	default=128,   	type=int, 	help='Hidden state dimension of GCN over dependency tree')
	parser.add_argument('-et_dim',   dest="et_gcn_dim", 	default=128,   	type=int, 	help='Hidden state dimension of GCN over ET-graphs')
	parser.add_argument('-fc1_dim',  dest="fc1_dim", 	default=128,   	type=int, 	help='Hidden state dimension of FC layer')
	parser.add_argument('-de_layer', dest="de_layers", 	default=1,   	type=int, 	help='Number of layers in GCN over dependency tree')
	parser.add_argument('-et_layer', dest="et_layers", 	default=2,   	type=int, 	help='Number of layers in GCN over ET-graph')
	parser.add_argument('-th_et',	 dest="th_maxet", 	default=300 , 	type=int,	help='maximum et_nodes')
	parser.add_argument('-th_seq',	 dest="th_seq_len", 	default=800 , 	type=int,	help='maximum de_nodes or sequence_length')

	# Include/Exclude network parts
	parser.add_argument('-no-CE',	 dest="wCE", 		action='store_false', 		help='With or without ET graph')
	parser.add_argument('-noGate', 	 dest="wGate", 		action='store_false', 		help='Use gating in GCN')
	parser.add_argument('-no-et_lbl',dest="use_et_labels", 	action='store_false', 		help='Ignore edge labels in ET-graph')
	parser.add_argument('-merge', 	 dest="merge_edges", 	action='store_true', 		help='Merge edge labels in ET-graph')
	parser.add_argument('-de_lbl', 	 dest="use_de_labels", 	action='store_true', 		help='Use edge labels in dependency tree')

	parser.add_argument('-restore',	 dest="restore", 	action='store_true', 		help='Restore from the previously saved model')
	parser.add_argument('-logdir',	 dest="log_dir", 	default='./log/', 		help='Log directory')
	parser.add_argument('-config',	 dest="config_dir", 	default='./config/', 		help='Config directory')
	parser.add_argument('-embed_loc',dest="embed_loc", 	default='./glove/glove.6B.300d_word2vec.txt', 		help='Log directory')
	parser.add_argument('-embed_dim',dest="embed_dim", 	default=300, type=int,		help='Dimension of embedding')

	args = parser.parse_args()
	if not args.restore: = + '_' + time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y") + '_' + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")


	model  = DCT_NN(args)

	config = tf.ConfigProto()
	with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: