#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""A command line application to unpack Sony camera firmware images, based on fwtool by oz_paulb / nex-hack"""

from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
import io
import os
import shutil
from stat import *
import sys
import yaml

from fwtool import archive, pe, zip
from fwtool.sony import backup, bootloader, dat, fdat, flash, msfirm, wbi

scriptRoot = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(__file__))

def mkdirs(path):
 except OSError:

def setmtime(path, time):
 os.utime(path, (time, time))

def writeFileTree(files, path):
 """Writes a list of UnixFiles to the disk, unpacking known archive files"""
 files = [(path + file.path, file) for file in files]

 # Write files:
 for fn, file in files:
  if S_ISDIR(file.mode):
  elif S_ISREG(file.mode):
   with open(fn, 'wb') as dstFile:
    shutil.copyfileobj(file.contents, dstFile)

 # Recursion:
 for fn, file in files:
  if S_ISREG(file.mode):
   with open(fn, 'rb') as dstFile:
    if archive.isArchive(dstFile):
     print('Unpacking %s' % fn)
     writeFileTree(archive.readArchive(dstFile), fn + '_unpacked')

 # Set mtimes:
 for fn, file in files:
  if S_ISDIR(file.mode) or S_ISREG(file.mode):
   setmtime(fn, file.mtime)

def toUnixFile(path, file, mtime=0):
 return archive.UnixFile(
  path = path,
  size = -1,
  mtime = mtime,
  mode = S_IFREG | 0o775,
  uid = 0,
  gid = 0,
  contents = file,

def writeYaml(yamlData, file):
 yaml.add_representer(tuple, lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_list(data))
 yaml.add_representer(dict, lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_mapping(dumper.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, data, flow_style=False))
 representInt = lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_int('0x%X' % data if data >= 10 else data)
 yaml.add_representer(int, representInt)
  yaml.add_representer(long, representInt)
  yaml.add_representer(unicode, lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_str(str(data)))
 except NameError:
  # Python 3
 yaml.dump(yamlData, file)

class OrderedSafeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader):
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  yaml.SafeLoader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
  def constructMapping(loader, node):
   return OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))
  self.add_constructor(yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, constructMapping)

def getDevices():
 with open(scriptRoot + '/devices.yml', 'r') as f:
  return yaml.load(f, OrderedSafeLoader)

def unpackInstaller(exeFile, datFile):
 print('Extracting installer binary')
 exeSectors = pe.readExe(exeFile)
 zipFile = exeSectors['_winzip_']
 zippedFiles = dict((file.path, file) for file in zip.readZip(zipFile))

 zippedDatFile = zippedFiles[dat.findDat(zippedFiles.keys())]
 shutil.copyfileobj(zippedDatFile.contents, datFile)

 return zippedDatFile.mtime

def unpackDat(datFile, fdatFile):
 print('Decrypting firmware image')
 datContents = dat.readDat(datFile)
 crypterName, data = fdat.decryptFdat(datContents.firmwareData)
 shutil.copyfileobj(data, fdatFile)

 return {
  'normalUsbDescriptors': datContents.normalUsbDescriptors,
  'updaterUsbDescriptors': datContents.updaterUsbDescriptors,
  'isLens': datContents.isLens,
  'crypterName': crypterName,

def unpackFdat(fdatFile, outDir, mtime):
 print('Extracting files')
 fdatContents = fdat.readFdat(fdatFile)

  toUnixFile('/firmware.tar', fdatContents.firmware, mtime),
  toUnixFile('/updater.img', fdatContents.fs, mtime),
 ], outDir)

 return {
  'model': fdatContents.model,
  'region': fdatContents.region,
  'version': fdatContents.version,
  'isAccessory': fdatContents.isAccessory,

def unpackMsFirm(file, outDir):
 print('Decrypting firmware image')
 msFirmContents = msfirm.readMsFirm(file)

 writeFileTree(msFirmContents.files, outDir)

 return {
  'model': msFirmContents.model,
  'region': msFirmContents.region,
  'version': msFirmContents.version,

def unpackDump(dumpFile, outDir, mtime):
 print('Extracting partitions')
 writeFileTree((toUnixFile('/nflasha%d' % i, f, mtime) for i, f in flash.readPartitionTable(dumpFile)), outDir)

def unpackBootloader(file, outDir, mtime):
 print('Extracting bootloader partition')
 files = list(bootloader.readBootloader(file))
 writeFileTree((toUnixFile('/' + f.name, f.contents, mtime) for f in files), outDir)
 with open(outDir + '/bootfiles.yaml', 'w') as yamlFile:
  writeYaml([{f.name: {'version': f.version, 'loadaddr': f.loadaddr}} for f in files], yamlFile)

def unpackWbi(file, outDir, mtime):
 print('Extracting warm boot image')
 writeFileTree((toUnixFile('/0x%08x.dat' % c.physicalAddr, c.contents, mtime) for c in wbi.readWbi(file)), outDir)

def unpackCommand(file, outDir):
 """Extracts the input file to the specified directory"""
 mtime = os.stat(file.name).st_mtime

 datConf = None
 fdatConf = None

 if pe.isExe(file):
  with open(outDir + '/firmware.dat', 'w+b') as datFile, open(outDir + '/firmware.fdat', 'w+b') as fdatFile:
   mtime = unpackInstaller(file, datFile)
   datConf = unpackDat(datFile, fdatFile)
   fdatConf = unpackFdat(fdatFile, outDir, mtime)
 elif dat.isDat(file):
  with open(outDir + '/firmware.fdat', 'w+b') as fdatFile:
   datConf = unpackDat(file, fdatFile)
   fdatConf = unpackFdat(fdatFile, outDir, mtime)
 elif fdat.isFdat(file):
  fdatConf = unpackFdat(file, outDir, mtime)
 elif msfirm.isMsFirm(file):
  datConf = {'crypterName': 'msfirm'}
  fdatConf = unpackMsFirm(file, outDir)
 elif flash.isPartitionTable(file):
  unpackDump(file, outDir, mtime)
 elif bootloader.isBootloader(file):
  unpackBootloader(file, outDir, mtime)
 elif wbi.isWbi(file):
  unpackWbi(file, outDir, mtime)
  raise Exception('Unknown file type!')

 with open(outDir + '/config.yaml', 'w') as yamlFile:
  writeYaml({'dat': datConf, 'fdat': fdatConf}, yamlFile)

def packCommand(firmwareFile, fsFile, bodyFile, configFile, device, outDir, defaultVersion='9.99'):

 if configFile:
  config = yaml.safe_load(configFile)
  datConf = config['dat']
  fdatConf = config['fdat']
 elif device:
  devices = getDevices()
  if device not in devices:
   raise Exception('Unknown device')
  config = devices[device]

  datConf = {
   'crypterName': 'gen%d' % config['gen'],
   'normalUsbDescriptors': [],
   'updaterUsbDescriptors': [],
   'isLens': False,
  fdatConf = {
   'model': config['model'],
   'region': config['region'] if 'region' in config else 0,
   'version': defaultVersion,
   'isAccessory': False,

 isMsFirm = datConf and datConf['crypterName'] == 'msfirm'

 if not fsFile and bodyFile:
  print('Packing updater file system')
  fsFile = open(outDir + '/updater_packed.img', 'w+b')
  path = '/bodylib/libupdaterbody.so' if not isMsFirm else '/BodyUdtr.sh'
  archive.cramfs.writeCramfs([toUnixFile(path, bodyFile)], fsFile)

 if fdatConf:
  print('Creating firmware image')
  with open(outDir + '/firmware_packed.fdat', 'w+b') as fdatFile:
   if not isMsFirm:
     model = fdatConf['model'],
     region = fdatConf['region'],
     version = fdatConf['version'],
     isAccessory = fdatConf['isAccessory'],
     firmware = firmwareFile if firmwareFile else io.BytesIO(),
     fs = fsFile if fsFile else io.BytesIO(),
    ), fdatFile)

    if datConf:
     print('Encrypting firmware image')
     encrypted = fdat.encryptFdat(fdatFile, datConf['crypterName'])
     with open(outDir + '/firmware_packed.dat', 'w+b') as datFile:
       normalUsbDescriptors = datConf['normalUsbDescriptors'],
       updaterUsbDescriptors = datConf['updaterUsbDescriptors'],
       isLens = datConf['isLens'],
       firmwareData = encrypted,
      ), datFile)

     model = fdatConf['model'],
     region = fdatConf['region'],
     version = fdatConf['version'],
     fs = fsFile if fsFile else io.BytesIO(),
     files = [toUnixFile('firmware.dat', firmwareFile)] if firmwareFile else [],
    ), fdatFile)

def printHexDump(data, n=16, indent=0):
 for i in range(0, len(data), n):
  line = bytearray(data[i:i+n])
  hex = ' '.join('%02x' % c for c in line)
  text = ''.join(chr(c) if 0x21 <= c <= 0x7e else '.' for c in line)
  print('%*s%-*s %s' % (indent, '', n*3, hex, text))

def printBackupCommand(file):
 """Prints all properties in a Backup.bin file"""
 for property in backup.readBackup(file):
  print('id=0x%08x, size=0x%04x, attr=0x%02x:' % (property.id, len(property.data), property.attr))
  printHexDump(property.data, indent=2)
  if property.resetData and property.resetData != property.data:
   print('reset data:')
   printHexDump(property.resetData, indent=2)

def listDevicesCommand():
 for device in getDevices():

def main():
 """Command line main"""
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', title='commands')
 unpack = subparsers.add_parser('unpack', description='Unpack a firmware file')
 unpack.add_argument('-f', dest='inFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), required=True, help='input file')
 unpack.add_argument('-o', dest='outDir', required=True, help='output directory')
 pack = subparsers.add_parser('pack', description='Pack a firmware file')
 packConfig = pack.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
 packConfig.add_argument('-c', dest='configFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='configuration file (config.yaml)')
 packConfig.add_argument('-d', dest='device', help='device name')
 packBody = pack.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
 packBody.add_argument('-u', dest='updaterFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='updater file (updater.img)')
 packBody.add_argument('-b', dest='updaterBodyFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='updater body file (libupdaterbody.so)')
 pack.add_argument('-f', dest='firmwareFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='firmware file (firmware.tar)')
 pack.add_argument('-o', dest='outDir', required=True, help='output directory')
 printBackup = subparsers.add_parser('print_backup', description='Print the contents of a Backup.bin file')
 printBackup.add_argument('-f', dest='backupFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), required=True, help='backup file')
 subparsers.add_parser('list_devices', description='List all known devices')

 args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.command == 'unpack':
  unpackCommand(args.inFile, args.outDir)
 elif args.command == 'pack':
  packCommand(args.firmwareFile, args.updaterFile, args.updaterBodyFile, args.configFile, args.device, args.outDir)
 elif args.command == 'print_backup':
 elif args.command == 'list_devices':

if __name__ == '__main__':