import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from itertools import filterfalse

class MixLoss(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, bce_w=1.0, dice_w=0.0, focal_w=0.0, lovasz_w=0.0,
                 bce_kwargs={}, dice_kwargs={}, focal_kwargs={}, lovasz_kwargs={}):
        super(MixLoss, self).__init__()
        self.bce_w = bce_w
        self.dice_w = dice_w
        self.focal_w = focal_w
        self.lovasz_w = lovasz_w

        self.bce_loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(**bce_kwargs)
        self.dice_loss = DiceLoss(**dice_kwargs)
        self.focal_loss = FocalLoss(**focal_kwargs)
        self.lovasz_loss = LovaszHinge(**lovasz_kwargs)

    def forward(self, output, target):
        loss = 0.0

        if self.bce_w:
            loss += self.bce_w * self.bce_loss(output, target)
        if self.dice_w:
            loss += self.dice_w * self.dice_loss(output, target)
        if self.focal_w:
            loss += self.focal_w * self.focal_loss(output, target)
        if self.lovasz_w:
            loss += self.lovasz_w * self.lovasz_loss(output, target)

        return loss

class DiceLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, smooth=1.0, eps=1e-7):
        super(DiceLoss, self).__init__()
        self.smooth = smooth
        self.eps = eps

    def forward(self, output, target):
        output = torch.sigmoid(output)

        if torch.sum(target) == 0:
            output = 1.0 - output
            target = 1.0 - target

        return 1.0 - (2 * torch.sum(output * target) + self.smooth) / (
                torch.sum(output) + torch.sum(target) + self.smooth + self.eps)

class SoftIoULoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n_classes=19):
        super(SoftIoULoss, self).__init__()
        self.n_classes = n_classes

    def to_one_hot(tensor, n_classes):
        n, h, w = tensor.size()
        one_hot = torch.zeros(n, n_classes, h, w).scatter_(1, tensor.view(n, 1, h, w), 1)
        return one_hot

    def forward(self, logit, target):
        # logit => N x Classes x H x W
        # target => N x H x W

        N = len(logit)

        pred = F.softmax(logit, dim=1)
        target_onehot = self.to_one_hot(target, self.n_classes)

        # Numerator Product
        inter = pred * target_onehot
        # Sum over all pixels N x C x H x W => N x C
        inter = inter.view(N, self.n_classes, -1).sum(2)

        # Denominator
        union = pred + target_onehot - (pred * target_onehot)
        # Sum over all pixels N x C x H x W => N x C
        union = union.view(N, self.n_classes, -1).sum(2)

        loss = inter / (union + 1e-16)

        # Return average loss over classes and batch
        return -loss.mean()

class FocalLoss(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, gamma=2, eps=1e-7):
        super(FocalLoss, self).__init__()
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.eps = eps

    def forward(self, logit, target):
        prob = torch.sigmoid(logit)
        prob = prob.clamp(self.eps, 1. - self.eps)

        loss = -1 * target * torch.log(prob)
        loss = loss * (1 - logit) ** self.gamma

        return loss.sum()

def lovasz_grad(gt_sorted):
    Computes gradient of the Lovasz extension w.r.t sorted errors
    See Alg. 1 in paper
    p = len(gt_sorted)
    gts = gt_sorted.sum()
    intersection = gts - gt_sorted.float().cumsum(0)
    union = gts + (1 - gt_sorted).float().cumsum(0)
    jaccard = 1. - intersection / union
    if p > 1:  # cover 1-pixel case
        jaccard[1:p] = jaccard[1:p] - jaccard[0:-1]
    return jaccard

def isnan(x):
    return x != x

def mean(l, ignore_nan=True, empty=0):
    nanmean compatible with generators.
    l = iter(l)
    if ignore_nan:
        l = filterfalse(isnan, l)
        n = 1
        acc = next(l)
    except StopIteration:
        if empty == 'raise':
            raise ValueError('Empty mean')
        return empty
    for n, v in enumerate(l, 2):
        acc += v
    if n == 1:
        return acc
    return acc / n

def flatten_binary_scores(scores, labels, ignore=None):
    Flattens predictions in the batch (binary case)
    Remove labels equal to 'ignore'
    scores = scores.view(-1)
    labels = labels.view(-1)
    if ignore is None:
        return scores, labels
    valid = (labels != ignore)
    vscores = scores[valid]
    vlabels = labels[valid]
    return vscores, vlabels

class LovaszHinge(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, activation=lambda x: F.elu(x, inplace=True) + 1.0,
                 per_image=True, ignore=None):
        super(LovaszHinge, self).__init__()
        self.activation = activation
        self.per_image = per_image
        self.ignore = ignore

    def lovasz_hinge_flat(self, logits, labels):
        Binary Lovasz hinge loss
          logits: [P] Variable, logits at each prediction (between -\infty and +\infty)
          labels: [P] Tensor, binary ground truth labels (0 or 1)
          ignore: label to ignore
        if len(labels) == 0:
            # only void pixels, the gradients should be 0
            return logits.sum() * 0.
        signs = 2. * labels.float() - 1.
        errors = (1. - logits * signs)
        errors_sorted, perm = torch.sort(errors, dim=0, descending=True)
        perm =
        gt_sorted = labels[perm]
        grad = lovasz_grad(gt_sorted)
        loss =, grad)
        return loss

    def forward(self, logits, labels):
        if self.per_image:
            loss = mean(self.lovasz_hinge_flat(
                *flatten_binary_scores(log.unsqueeze(0), lab.unsqueeze(0), self.ignore)
            ) for log, lab in zip(logits, labels))
            loss = self.lovasz_hinge_flat(
                *flatten_binary_scores(logits, labels, self.ignore))
        return loss

def flatten_probas(probas, labels, ignore=None):
    Flattens predictions in the batch
    B, C, H, W = probas.size()
    probas = probas.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, C)  # B * H * W, C = P, C
    labels = labels.view(-1)
    if ignore is None:
        return probas, labels
    valid = (labels != ignore)
    vprobas = probas[valid.nonzero().squeeze()]
    vlabels = labels[valid]
    return vprobas, vlabels

def lovasz_softmax_flat(probas, labels, only_present=False):
    Multi-class Lovasz-Softmax loss
      probas: [P, C] Variable, class probabilities at each prediction (between 0 and 1)
      labels: [P] Tensor, ground truth labels (between 0 and C - 1)
      only_present: average only on classes present in ground truth
    if len(probas) == 0:
        return np.nan

    C = probas.size(1)
    losses = []
    for c in range(C):
        fg = (labels == c).float()  # foreground for class c
        if only_present and fg.sum() == 0:

        errors = (fg - probas[:, c]).abs()
        errors_sorted, perm = torch.sort(errors, 0, descending=True)
        perm =
        fg_sorted = fg[perm]
        losses.append(, lovasz_grad(fg_sorted)))
    return mean(losses)

class LovaszSoftmax(nn.Module):
    Multi-class Lovasz-Softmax loss
      logits: [B, C, H, W] class logits at each prediction (between 0 and 1)
      labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, ground truth labels (between 0 and C - 1)
      only_present: average only on classes present in ground truth
      per_image: compute the loss per image instead of per batch
      ignore: void class labels

    def __init__(self, only_present=False, per_image=True, ignore=None):
        super(LovaszSoftmax, self).__init__()
        self.only_present = only_present
        self.per_image = per_image
        self.ignore = ignore

    def forward(self, logits, labels):
        probas = F.softmax(logits, dim=1)
        if self.per_image:
            loss = mean(lovasz_softmax_flat(*flatten_probas(
                prob.unsqueeze(0), lab.unsqueeze(0), self.ignore), only_present=self.only_present)
                        for prob, lab in zip(probas, labels))
            loss = lovasz_softmax_flat(*flatten_probas(
                probas, labels, self.ignore), only_present=self.only_present)
        return loss

# Adapted from OCNet Repository (
class OhemCrossEntropy2d(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ignore_label=255, thresh=0.6, min_kept=0, use_weight=True):
        super(OhemCrossEntropy2d, self).__init__()
        self.ignore_label = ignore_label
        self.thresh = float(thresh)
        self.min_kept = int(min_kept)
        if use_weight:
            print("w/ class balance")
            weight = torch.FloatTensor(
                [0.8373, 0.918, 0.866, 1.0345, 1.0166, 0.9969, 0.9754, 1.0489, 0.8786, 1.0023, 0.9539, 0.9843, 1.1116,
                 0.9037, 1.0865, 1.0955, 1.0865, 1.1529, 1.0507])
            self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weight, ignore_index=ignore_label)
            print("w/o class balance")
            self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=ignore_label)

    def forward(self, predict, target, weight=None):
                predict:(n, c, h, w)
                target:(n, h, w)
                weight (Tensor, optional): a manual rescaling weight given to each class.
                                           If given, has to be a Tensor of size "nclasses"
        assert not target.requires_grad
        assert predict.dim() == 4
        assert target.dim() == 3
        assert predict.size(0) == target.size(0), "{0} vs {1} ".format(predict.size(0), target.size(0))
        assert predict.size(2) == target.size(1), "{0} vs {1} ".format(predict.size(2), target.size(1))
        assert predict.size(3) == target.size(2), "{0} vs {1} ".format(predict.size(3), target.size(3))

        n, c, h, w = predict.size()
        input_label =
        x = np.rollaxis(, 1).reshape((c, -1))
        input_prob = np.exp(x - x.max(axis=0).reshape((1, -1)))
        input_prob /= input_prob.sum(axis=0).reshape((1, -1))

        valid_flag = input_label != self.ignore_label
        valid_inds = np.where(valid_flag)[0]
        label = input_label[valid_flag]
        num_valid = valid_flag.sum()
        if self.min_kept >= num_valid:
            print('Labels: {}'.format(num_valid))
        elif num_valid > 0:
            prob = input_prob[:, valid_flag]
            pred = prob[label, np.arange(len(label), dtype=np.int32)]
            threshold = self.thresh
            if self.min_kept > 0:
                index = pred.argsort()
                threshold_index = index[min(len(index), self.min_kept) - 1]
                if pred[threshold_index] > self.thresh:
                    threshold = pred[threshold_index]
            kept_flag = pred <= threshold
            valid_inds = valid_inds[kept_flag]
            print('hard ratio: {} = {} / {} '.format(round(len(valid_inds)/num_valid, 4), len(valid_inds), num_valid))

        label = input_label[valid_inds].copy()
        input_label[valid_inds] = label
        print(np.sum(input_label != self.ignore_label))
        target = torch.from_numpy(input_label.reshape(target.size())).long().cuda()

        return self.criterion(predict, target)

class CriterionCrossEntropy(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ignore_index=255, weight='lightnet'):
        super(CriterionCrossEntropy, self).__init__()
        self.ignore_index = ignore_index

        if weight == 'lightnet':
            self.weight = torch.FloatTensor(
                [0.05570516, 0.32337477, 0.08998544, 1.03602707, 1.03413147, 1.68195437,
                 5.58540548, 3.56563995, 0.12704978, 1., 0.46783719, 1.34551528,
                 5.29974114, 0.28342531, 0.9396095, 0.81551811, 0.42679146, 3.6399074,
            self.weight = torch.FloatTensor(
                [0.8373, 0.918, 0.866, 1.0345, 1.0166, 0.9969, 0.9754, 1.0489, 0.8786, 1.0023, 0.9539, 0.9843, 1.1116,
                 0.9037, 1.0865, 1.0955, 1.0865, 1.1529, 1.0507])

        self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=self.weight, ignore_index=ignore_index)

    def forward(self, preds, target):
        h, w = target.size(1), target.size(2)
        scale_pred = F.interpolate(input=preds, size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
        loss = self.criterion(scale_pred, target)
        return loss

class CriterionDSN(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, ignore_index=255, use_weight=True, loss_balance_coefs=(0.4, 1.0)):
        super(CriterionDSN, self).__init__()
        self.ignore_index = ignore_index
        self.loss_balance_coefs = loss_balance_coefs
        weight = torch.FloatTensor(
            [0.8373, 0.918, 0.866, 1.0345, 1.0166, 0.9969, 0.9754, 1.0489, 0.8786, 1.0023, 0.9539, 0.9843, 1.1116,
             0.9037, 1.0865, 1.0955, 1.0865, 1.1529, 1.0507])
        if use_weight:
            self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weight, ignore_index=ignore_index)
            self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=ignore_index)

    def forward(self, preds, target):
        h, w = target.size(1), target.size(2)

        assert len(preds) == len(self.loss_balance_coefs)

        losses = []
        for pred, coef in zip(preds, self.loss_balance_coefs):
            scale_pred = F.interpolate(input=pred, size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
            losses.append(self.criterion(scale_pred, target) * coef)

        return sum(losses)

class CriterionOhemDSN(nn.Module):
    DSN + OHEM : We need to consider two supervision for the model.

    def __init__(self, ignore_index=255, thres=0.7, min_kept=100000, dsn_weight=0.4, use_weight=True):
        super(CriterionOhemDSN, self).__init__()
        self.ignore_index = ignore_index
        self.dsn_weight = dsn_weight
        self.criterion = OhemCrossEntropy2d(ignore_index, thres, min_kept, use_weight=use_weight)

    def forward(self, preds, target):
        h, w = target.size(1), target.size(2)
        scale_pred = F.interpolate(input=preds[0], size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
        loss1 = self.criterion(scale_pred, target)
        scale_pred = F.interpolate(input=preds[1], size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
        loss2 = self.criterion(scale_pred, target)
        return self.dsn_weight * loss1 + loss2

class CriterionOhemDSN_single(nn.Module):
    DSN + OHEM : we find that use hard-mining for both supervision harms the performance.
                Thus we choose the original loss for the shallow supervision
                and the hard-mining loss for the deeper supervision

    def __init__(self, ignore_index=255, thres=0.7, min_kept=100000, dsn_weight=0.4):
        super(CriterionOhemDSN_single, self).__init__()
        self.ignore_index = ignore_index
        self.dsn_weight = dsn_weight
        weight = torch.FloatTensor(
            [0.8373, 0.918, 0.866, 1.0345, 1.0166, 0.9969, 0.9754, 1.0489, 0.8786, 1.0023, 0.9539, 0.9843, 1.1116,
             0.9037, 1.0865, 1.0955, 1.0865, 1.1529, 1.0507])
        self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=weight, ignore_index=ignore_index)
        self.criterion_ohem = OhemCrossEntropy2d(ignore_index, thres, min_kept, use_weight=True)

    def forward(self, preds, target):
        h, w = target.size(1), target.size(2)

        scale_pred = F.interpolate(input=preds[0], size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
        loss1 = self.criterion(scale_pred, target)

        scale_pred = F.interpolate(input=preds[1], size=(h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
        loss2 = self.criterion_ohem(scale_pred, target)
        return self.dsn_weight * loss1 + loss2