import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

class CompactBilinearPooling(nn.Module):
    Compute compact bilinear pooling over two bottom inputs.


        output_dim: output dimension for compact bilinear pooling.

        sum_pool: (Optional) If True, sum the output along height and width
                  dimensions and return output shape [batch_size, output_dim].
                  Otherwise return [batch_size, height, width, output_dim].
                  Default: True.

        rand_h_1: (Optional) an 1D numpy array containing indices in interval
                  `[0, output_dim)`. Automatically generated from `seed_h_1`
                  if is None.

        rand_s_1: (Optional) an 1D numpy array of 1 and -1, having the same shape
                  as `rand_h_1`. Automatically generated from `seed_s_1` if is

        rand_h_2: (Optional) an 1D numpy array containing indices in interval
                  `[0, output_dim)`. Automatically generated from `seed_h_2`
                  if is None.

        rand_s_2: (Optional) an 1D numpy array of 1 and -1, having the same shape
                  as `rand_h_2`. Automatically generated from `seed_s_2` if is

    def __init__(self, input_dim1, input_dim2, output_dim,
                 sum_pool=True, cuda=True,
                 rand_h_1=None, rand_s_1=None, rand_h_2=None, rand_s_2=None):
        super(CompactBilinearPooling, self).__init__()
        self.input_dim1 = input_dim1
        self.input_dim2 = input_dim2
        self.output_dim = output_dim
        self.sum_pool = sum_pool

        if rand_h_1 is None:
            rand_h_1 = np.random.randint(output_dim, size=self.input_dim1)
        if rand_s_1 is None:
            rand_s_1 = 2 * np.random.randint(2, size=self.input_dim1) - 1

        self.sparse_sketch_matrix1 = self.generate_sketch_matrix(
            rand_h_1, rand_s_1, self.output_dim)

        if rand_h_2 is None:
            rand_h_2 = np.random.randint(output_dim, size=self.input_dim2)
        if rand_s_2 is None:
            rand_s_2 = 2 * np.random.randint(2, size=self.input_dim2) - 1

        self.sparse_sketch_matrix2 = self.generate_sketch_matrix(
            rand_h_2, rand_s_2, self.output_dim)

        if cuda:
            self.sparse_sketch_matrix1 = self.sparse_sketch_matrix1.cuda()
            self.sparse_sketch_matrix2 = self.sparse_sketch_matrix2.cuda()

    def forward(self, bottom):

        batch_size, _, height, width = bottom.size()

        bottom_flat = bottom.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(-1, self.input_dim1)

        sketch_1 =
        sketch_2 =

        im_zeros_1 = torch.zeros(sketch_1.size()).to(sketch_1.device)
        im_zeros_2 = torch.zeros(sketch_2.size()).to(sketch_2.device)
        fft1 = torch.fft([sketch_1.unsqueeze(-1), im_zeros_1.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1), 1)
        fft2 = torch.fft([sketch_2.unsqueeze(-1), im_zeros_2.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1), 1)

        fft_product_real = fft1[..., 0].mul(fft2[..., 0]) - fft1[..., 1].mul(fft2[..., 1])
        fft_product_imag = fft1[..., 0].mul(fft2[..., 1]) + fft1[..., 1].mul(fft2[..., 0])

        cbp_flat = torch.ifft([
            dim=-1), 1)[..., 0]

        cbp = cbp_flat.view(batch_size, height, width, self.output_dim)

        if self.sum_pool:
            cbp = cbp.sum(dim=[1, 2])

        return cbp

    def generate_sketch_matrix(rand_h, rand_s, output_dim):
        Return a sparse matrix used for tensor sketch operation in compact bilinear
            rand_h: an 1D numpy array containing indices in interval `[0, output_dim)`.
            rand_s: an 1D numpy array of 1 and -1, having the same shape as `rand_h`.
            output_dim: the output dimensions of compact bilinear pooling.
            a sparse matrix of shape [input_dim, output_dim] for tensor sketch.

        # Generate a sparse matrix for tensor count sketch
        rand_h = rand_h.astype(np.int64)
        rand_s = rand_s.astype(np.float32)
        assert(rand_h.ndim == 1 and rand_s.ndim ==
               1 and len(rand_h) == len(rand_s))
        assert(np.all(rand_h >= 0) and np.all(rand_h < output_dim))

        input_dim = len(rand_h)
        indices = np.concatenate((np.arange(input_dim)[..., np.newaxis],
                                  rand_h[..., np.newaxis]), axis=1)
        indices = torch.from_numpy(indices)
        rand_s = torch.from_numpy(rand_s)
        sparse_sketch_matrix = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(
            indices.t(), rand_s, torch.Size([input_dim, output_dim]))
        return sparse_sketch_matrix.to_dense()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    bottom1 = torch.randn(128, 512, 14, 14).cuda()
    bottom2 = torch.randn(128, 512, 14, 14).cuda()

    layer = CompactBilinearPooling(512, 512, 8000)

    out = layer(bottom1, bottom2)