import math
import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.special import logsumexp

from .utils import softmax

def _safe_exp(x):
    x = min(x, 500)
    return math.exp(x)

class PairwiseFcts:

    """Optimization-related methods for pairwise-comparison data.
    This class provides methods to compute the negative log-likelihood (the
    "objective"), its gradient and its Hessian, given model parameters and
    pairwise-comparison data.

    def __init__(self, data, penalty):
        self._data = data
        self._penalty = penalty

    def objective(self, params):
        """Compute the negative penalized log-likelihood."""
        val = self._penalty * np.sum(params**2)
        for win, los in self._data:
            val += np.logaddexp(0, -(params[win] - params[los]))
        return val

    def gradient(self, params):
        grad = 2 * self._penalty * params
        for win, los in self._data:
            z = 1 / (1 + _safe_exp(params[win] - params[los]))
            grad[win] += -z
            grad[los] += +z
        return grad

    def hessian(self, params):
        hess = 2 * self._penalty * np.identity(len(params))
        for win, los in self._data:
            z = _safe_exp(params[win] - params[los])
            val =  1 / (1/z + 2 + z)
            hess[(win,los),(los,win)] += -val
            hess[(win,los),(win,los)] += +val
        return hess

class Top1Fcts:

    """Optimization-related methods for top-1 data.

    This class provides methods to compute the negative log-likelihood (the
    "objective"), its gradient and its Hessian, given model parameters and
    top-1 data.

    The class also provides an alternative constructor for ranking data.

    def __init__(self, data, penalty):
        self._data = data
        self._penalty = penalty

    def from_rankings(cls, data, penalty):
        """Alternative constructor for ranking data."""
        top1 = list()
        for ranking in data:
            for i, winner in enumerate(ranking[:-1]):
                top1.append((winner, ranking[i+1:]))
        return cls(top1, penalty)

    def objective(self, params):
        """Compute the negative penalized log-likelihood."""
        val = self._penalty * np.sum(params**2)
        for winner, losers in self._data:
            idx = np.append(winner, losers)
            val += logsumexp(params.take(idx) - params[winner])
        return val

    def gradient(self, params):
        grad = 2 * self._penalty * params
        for winner, losers in self._data:
            idx = np.append(winner, losers)
            zs = softmax(params.take(idx))
            grad[idx] += zs
            grad[winner] += -1
        return grad

    def hessian(self, params):
        hess = 2 * self._penalty * np.identity(len(params))
        for winner, losers in self._data:
            idx = np.append(winner, losers)
            zs = softmax(params.take(idx))
            hess[np.ix_(idx, idx)] += -np.outer(zs, zs)
            hess[idx,idx] += zs
        return hess

def _opt(n_items, fcts, method, initial_params, max_iter, tol):
    if initial_params is not None:
        x0 = initial_params
        x0 = np.zeros(n_items)
    if method == "Newton-CG":
        # `xtol`: Average relative error in solution xopt acceptable for
        # convergence [scipy doc].
        res = minimize(
                fcts.objective, x0, method=method, jac=fcts.gradient,
                hess=fcts.hessian, options={"xtol": tol, "maxiter": max_iter})
    elif method == "BFGS":
        # `gtol`: Gradient norm must be less than gtol before successful
        # termination [scipy doc].
        res = minimize(
                fcts.objective, x0, method=method, jac=fcts.gradient,
                options={"gtol": tol, "maxiter": max_iter})
        raise ValueError("method not known")
    return res.x

def opt_pairwise(n_items, data, alpha=1e-6, method="Newton-CG",
        initial_params=None, max_iter=None, tol=1e-5):
    """Compute the ML estimate of model parameters using ``scipy.optimize``.

    This function computes the maximum-likelihood estimate of model parameters
    given pairwise-comparison data (see :ref:`data-pairwise`), using optimizers
    provided by the ``scipy.optimize`` module.

    If ``alpha > 0``, the function returns the maximum a-posteriori (MAP)
    estimate under an isotropic Gaussian prior with variance ``1 / alpha``. See
    :ref:`regularization` for details.

    n_items : int
        Number of distinct items.
    data : list of lists
        Pairwise-comparison data.
    alpha : float, optional
        Regularization strength.
    method : str, optional
        Optimization method. Either "BFGS" or "Newton-CG".
    initial_params : array_like, optional
        Parameters used to initialize the iterative procedure.
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations allowed.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance for termination (method-specific).

    params : numpy.ndarray
        The (penalized) ML estimate of model parameters.

        If the method is not "BFGS" or "Newton-CG".
    fcts = PairwiseFcts(data, alpha)
    return _opt(n_items, fcts, method, initial_params, max_iter, tol)

def opt_rankings(n_items, data, alpha=1e-6, method="Newton-CG",
        initial_params=None, max_iter=None, tol=1e-5):
    """Compute the ML estimate of model parameters using ``scipy.optimize``.

    This function computes the maximum-likelihood estimate of model parameters
    given ranking data (see :ref:`data-rankings`), using optimizers provided by
    the ``scipy.optimize`` module.

    If ``alpha > 0``, the function returns the maximum a-posteriori (MAP)
    estimate under an isotropic Gaussian prior with variance ``1 / alpha``. See
    :ref:`regularization` for details.

    n_items : int
        Number of distinct items.
    data : list of lists
        Ranking data.
    alpha : float, optional
        Regularization strength.
    method : str, optional
        Optimization method. Either "BFGS" or "Newton-CG".
    initial_params : array_like, optional
        Parameters used to initialize the iterative procedure.
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations allowed.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance for termination (method-specific).

    params : numpy.ndarray
        The (penalized) ML estimate of model parameters.

        If the method is not "BFGS" or "Newton-CG".
    fcts = Top1Fcts.from_rankings(data, alpha)
    return _opt(n_items, fcts, method, initial_params, max_iter, tol)

def opt_top1(n_items, data, alpha=1e-6, method="Newton-CG",
        initial_params=None, max_iter=None, tol=1e-5):
    """Compute the ML estimate of model parameters using ``scipy.optimize``.

    This function computes the maximum-likelihood estimate of model parameters
    given top-1 data (see :ref:`data-top1`), using optimizers provided by the
    ``scipy.optimize`` module.

    If ``alpha > 0``, the function returns the maximum a-posteriori (MAP)
    estimate under an isotropic Gaussian prior with variance ``1 / alpha``. See
    :ref:`regularization` for details.

    n_items : int
        Number of distinct items.
    data : list of lists
        Top-1 data.
    alpha : float, optional
        Regularization strength.
    method : str, optional
        Optimization method. Either "BFGS" or "Newton-CG".
    initial_params : array_like, optional
        Parameters used to initialize the iterative procedure.
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations allowed.
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance for termination (method-specific).

    params : numpy.ndarray
        The (penalized) ML estimate of model parameters.

        If the method is not "BFGS" or "Newton-CG".
    fcts = Top1Fcts(data, alpha)
    return _opt(n_items, fcts, method, initial_params, max_iter, tol)