Implementation of normalized cut segmentation methods.

    Jianbo Shi and Jitendra Malik. Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation.
    VOL. 22, NO. 8, AUGUST 2000.
from __future__ import division
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from past.utils import old_div
import os
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import itertools as it
import abc

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
from scipy.sparse import diags
from scipy import sparse, ndimage

import sima.misc
from sima.ROI import ROI, ROIList
from .segment import SegmentationStrategy, _check_single_plane
from . import oPCA
from . import _opca
from future.utils import with_metaclass

    import cv2
except ImportError:
    cv2_available = False
    cv2_available = LooseVersion(cv2.__version__) >= LooseVersion('2.4.8')

def normcut_vectors(affinity_matrix, k):
    """Return the normalized cut vectors.

    These vectors satisfy are the largest eigenvalues of $D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2}$,
    or equivalently the smallest of $D^{-1/2} (D - W) D^{-1/2}$. The first
    eigenvalue should be constant in all entries, but the second eigenvalue
    can be used to determine the normalized cut. See Shi & Malik, 2000.

    A : array
        The affinity matrix containing the weight between graph nodes.
    k : int
        The number of cut eigenvectors to return.

        The normcut vectors.  Shape (num_nodes, k).


    node_degrees = np.array(affinity_matrix.sum(axis=0)).flatten()
    transformation_matrix = diags(np.sqrt(old_div(1., node_degrees)), 0)
    normalized_affinity_matrix = transformation_matrix * affinity_matrix * \
    _, vects = eigsh(normalized_affinity_matrix, k + 1, sigma=1.001,
                     which='LM')  # Get the largest eigenvalues.
    cuts = transformation_matrix * vects
    return cuts

class CutRegion(object):

    """A subgraph of an affinity matrix used for iteratively cutting with the
    normalized cut procedure.

    affinity_matrix : (sparse) array
        The affinities between the nodes of the graph.
    indices : array-like
        Indices of the nodes in the original graph that are contained in the
    shape : tuple
        The shape of the image represented by the graph.


    def __init__(self, affinity_matrix, indices, shape):
        self.affinity_matrix = affinity_matrix
        self.indices = indices
        self.shape = shape
        assert self.affinity_matrix.shape[0] == self.affinity_matrix.shape[1]
        assert self.affinity_matrix.shape[0] == len(self.indices)
        assert self.affinity_matrix.shape[0] == self.affinity_matrix.shape[1]
        assert self.affinity_matrix.shape[0] == len(self.indices)

    def _discard_isolated_nodes(self):
        """Removes any nodes with degree 0 from the region."""
        node_degrees = np.array(self.affinity_matrix.sum(axis=0)).flatten()
        ix = np.nonzero(node_degrees)[0]
        if len(ix):
            self.affinity_matrix = self.affinity_matrix[ix, :][:, ix]
            self.indices = self.indices[ix]
            self.affinity_matrix = np.zeros((0, 0))
            self.indices = self.indices[ix]

    def _normalized_cut_cost(self, cut):
        """Return the normalized cut cost for a given cut.

        cut : ndarray of bool
            True/False indicating one of the segments.


        node_degrees = self.affinity_matrix.sum(axis=0)
        k = old_div(node_degrees[:, cut].sum(), node_degrees.sum())
        node_degrees = diags(np.array(node_degrees).flatten(), 0)
        b = old_div(k, (1 - k))
        y = np.matrix(cut - b * np.logical_not(cut)).T
        return float(y.T * (node_degrees - self.affinity_matrix) * y) / (
            y.T * node_degrees * y)

    def split(self):
        """Split the region according to the normalized cut criterion.

        list of CutRegion
            The regions created by splitting.
            The normalized cut cost.


        if not cv2_available:
            raise ImportError('OpenCV >= 2.4.8 required')
        tmp_im = np.zeros(self.shape[0] * self.shape[1])
        tmp_im[self.indices] = 1
        labeled_array, num_features = ndimage.label(tmp_im.reshape(self.shape))
        if num_features > 1:
            labeled_array = labeled_array.reshape(-1)[self.indices]
            segments = []
            for i in range(1, num_features + 1):
                idx = np.nonzero(labeled_array == i)[0]
                segments.append(CutRegion(self.affinity_matrix[idx, :][:, idx],
                                          self.indices[idx], self.shape))
            return segments, 0.0

        C = normcut_vectors(self.affinity_matrix, 1)
        im = C[:, -2]
        im -= im.min()
        im /= im.max()
        markers = -np.ones(self.shape[0] * self.shape[1]).astype('uint16')
        markers[self.indices] = 0
        markers[self.indices[im < 0.02]] = 1
        markers[self.indices[im > 0.98]] = 2
        markers = markers.reshape(self.shape)
        vis2 = 0.5 * np.ones(self.shape[0] * self.shape[1])
        vis2[self.indices] = im
        vis2 *= (2 ** 8 - 1)
        vis2 = cv2.cvtColor(np.uint8(vis2.reshape(self.shape)),
        markers = np.int32(markers)
        cv2.watershed(vis2, markers)
        cut = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(markers == 2).reshape(-1)[
        cut[im > 0.98] = True
        cost = self._normalized_cut_cost(cut)
        for thresh in np.linspace(0, 1, 20)[1:-1]:
            tmp_cut = im > thresh
            tmp_cost = self._normalized_cut_cost(tmp_cut)
            if tmp_cost < cost:
                cost = tmp_cost
                cut = tmp_cut
        a = cut.nonzero()[0]
        a = cut.nonzero()[0]
        b = np.logical_not(cut).nonzero()[0]

        return (
            [CutRegion(self.affinity_matrix[x, :][:, x], self.indices[x],
                       self.shape) for x in [a, b] if len(x)],

def itercut(affinity_matrix, shape, max_pen=0.01, min_size=40, max_size=200):
    """Iteratively cut the graph represented by the affinity matrix.

    affinity_matrix : (sparse) array
        The affinities between the nodes of the graph.
    shape : tuple
        The shape of the image represented by the graph.
    max_pen : float
        Iterative cutting will continue as long as the cut cost is less than
    min_size, max_size : int
        Regardless of the cut cost, iterative cutting will not be performed on
        regions with fewer pixels than min_size and will always be performed
        on regions larger than max_size.

    list of CutRegion
        The regions produced by the iterative cutting procedure.

    cut_cue = [CutRegion(affinity_matrix, np.arange(affinity_matrix.shape[0]),
    region_list = []

    while len(cut_cue):
        cut = cut_cue.pop()
        if len(cut.indices) < min_size:
            cuts, penalty = cut.split()
            # assert set(cut.indices) == set.union(
            #     *[set(c.indices) for c in cuts])
            if penalty < max_pen or len(cut.indices) > max_size:
    return region_list

class AffinityMatrixMethod(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):

    """Method for calculating the affinity matrix"""

    def calculate(self, dataset):
        """Calculate the affinity matrix for a dataset.

        dataset : sima.ImagingDataset
            The dataset for which the affinity matrix is to be calculated.

        affinities : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix
            The affinities between the image pixels.


def _direction(vects, weights=None):
    if weights is None:
        vects_ = vects
        vects_ = vects * weights
    return (vects_.T / np.sqrt((vects_ ** 2).sum(axis=-1).T)).T

def _offset_corrs(dataset, pixel_pairs, channel=0, method='EM',
                  num_pcs=75, verbose=False):
    Calculate the offset correlation for specified pixel pairs.

    dataset : sima.ImagingDataset
        The dataset to be used.
    pixel_pairs : ndarray of int
        The pairs of pixels, indexed ((y0, x0), (y1, x1)) for
        which the correlation is to be calculated.
    channel : string or int, optional
        Channel to be used for estimating the pixel correlations, either an
        integer index or a channel name. Default: 0.
    method : {'EM', 'fast'}, optional
        The method for estimating the correlations. EM uses the EM
        algorithm to perform OPCA. Fast calculates the offset correlations
        directly, but is more noisy since all PCs are used. Default: EM.
    num_pcs : int, optional
        The number of principal components to be used in the estimated
        correlations with the EM method. Default: 75.
    verbose : bool, optional
        Whether to print progress status. Default: False.

    correlations: dict
        A dictionary whose keys are the elements of the pixel_pairs
        input list, and whose values are the calculated offset


    channel = sima.misc.resolve_channels(channel, dataset.channel_names)

    if method == 'EM':
        if dataset.savedir is not None:
            path = os.path.join(
                dataset.savedir, 'opca_' + str(channel) + '.npz')
            path = None
        oPC_vars, oPCs, _ = oPCA.dataset_opca(dataset, channel, num_pcs, path,
        weights = np.sqrt(np.maximum(0, oPC_vars))
        D = _direction(oPCs[0], weights)  # TODO: Generalize to 3D datasets
        return {
            ((u, v), (w, x)): np.dot(D[u, v, :], D[w, x, :])
            for u, v, w, x in pixel_pairs
    elif method == 'fast':
        ostdevs, correlations, pixels = _opca._fast_ocorr(
            dataset, pixel_pairs, channel)
        ostdevs /= dataset.num_frames - 1.
        correlations /= 2. * (dataset.num_frames - 1)
        ostdevs = np.sqrt(np.maximum(0., ostdevs))
        for pair_idx, pair in enumerate(pixel_pairs):
            denom = ostdevs[pair[0], pair[1]] * ostdevs[pair[2], pair[3]]
            if denom <= 0:
                correlations[pair_idx] = 0.
                correlations[pair_idx] = max(
                    -1., min(1., correlations[pair_idx] / denom))
        return {
            ((PAIR[0], PAIR[1]), (PAIR[2], PAIR[3])): correlations[pair_idx]
            for pair_idx, PAIR in enumerate(pixel_pairs)}

class BasicAffinityMatrix(AffinityMatrixMethod):

    """Return a sparse affinity matrix for use with normalized cuts.

    The affinity :math:`A_{ij}` between each pair of pixels :math:`i,j` is a
    function of the correlation :math:`c_{i,j}` of the pixel-intensity time
    series, and the relative locations (:math:`\\mathbf X_i,\mathbf X_j`) of
    the pixels:

    .. math::

        A_{ij} = e^{k_cc_{ij}} \cdot
        e^{-\\frac{|\mathbf X_i-\mathbf X_j|_2^2}{\\sigma_{\\mathbf X}^2}},

    with :math:`k_c` and :math:`\\sigma_{\mathbf X}^2` being automatically
    determined constants.

    channel : string or int, optional
        Channel containing the signal to be processed, either an integer
        index or a channel name. Default: 0.
    max_dist : tuple of int, optional
        Defaults to (2, 2).
    spatial_decay : tuple of int, optional
        Defaults to (2, 2).
    num_pcs : int, optional
        The number of principal component to use. Default: 75.
    verbose : bool, optional
        Whether to print progress status. Default: False.


    def __init__(self, channel=0, max_dist=None, spatial_decay=None,
                 num_pcs=75, verbose=False):
        if max_dist is None:
            max_dist = (2, 2)
        if spatial_decay is None:
            spatial_decay = (2, 2)
        self._params = dict(locals())
        del self._params['self']

    def _calculate_correlations(self, dataset):
        shape = dataset.frame_shape[1:3]
        max_dist = self._params['max_dist']
        pairs = []
        for y, x in it.product(range(shape[0]), range(shape[1])):
            for dx in range(max_dist[1] + 1):
                if dx == 0:
                    yrange = list(range(1, max_dist[0] + 1))
                    yrange = list(range(-max_dist[0], max_dist[0] + 1))
                for dy in yrange:
                    if (x + dx < shape[1]) and (y + dy >= 0) and \
                            (y + dy < shape[0]):
                            np.reshape([y, x, y + dy, x + dx], (1, 4)))
        channel = sima.misc.resolve_channels(self._params['channel'],
        return _offset_corrs(
            dataset, np.concatenate(pairs, 0), channel,
            num_pcs=self._params['num_pcs'], verbose=self._params['verbose'])

    def _weight(self, r0, r1):
        Y, X = self._params['spatial_decay']
        dy = r1[0] - r0[0]
        dx = r1[1] - r0[1]
        return np.exp(9. * self._correlations[(r0, r1)]) * np.exp(
            -0.5 * ((float(dx) / X) ** 2 + (float(dy) / Y) ** 2))

    def _setup(self, dataset):
        self._correlations = self._calculate_correlations(dataset)

    def calculate(self, dataset):
        max_dist = self._params['max_dist']
        shape = dataset.frame_shape[1:3]
        A = sparse.dok_matrix((shape[0] * shape[1], shape[0] * shape[1]))
        for y, x in it.product(range(shape[0]), range(shape[1])):
            for dx in range(max_dist[1] + 1):
                if dx == 0:
                    yrange = list(range(1, max_dist[0] + 1))
                    yrange = list(range(-max_dist[0], max_dist[0] + 1))
                for dy in yrange:
                    r0 = (y, x)
                    r1 = (y + dy, x + dx)
                    if (x + dx < shape[1]) and (y + dy >= 0) and \
                            (y + dy < shape[0]):
                        w = self._weight(r0, r1)
                        assert np.isfinite(w)
                        a = x + y * shape[1]
                        b = a + dx + dy * shape[1]
                        A[a, b] = w
                        A[b, a] = w  # TODO: Use symmetric matrix structure
        return sparse.csr_matrix(sparse.coo_matrix(A), dtype=float)

class PlaneNormalizedCuts(SegmentationStrategy):

    """Segment image by iteratively performing normalized cuts.

    affinity_method : AffinityMatrixMethod
        The method used to calculate the affinity matrix.
    max_pen : float
        Iterative cutting will continue as long as the cut cost is less than
    cut_min_size, cut_max_size : int
        Regardless of the cut cost, iterative cutting will not be performed on
        regions with fewer pixels than min_size and will always be performed
        on regions larger than max_size.

    The normalized cut procedure [3]_ is iteratively applied, first to the
    entire image, and then to each cut made from the previous application of
    the procedure.

    .. [3] Jianbo Shi and Jitendra Malik. Normalized Cuts and Image
       INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 8, AUGUST 2000.

    In version 1.0, this method currently only works on datasets with a
    single plane, or in conjunction with


    def __init__(self, affinity_method=None, cut_max_pen=0.01,
                 cut_min_size=40, cut_max_size=200):
        super(PlaneNormalizedCuts, self).__init__()
        if affinity_method is None:
            affinity_method = BasicAffinityMatrix(channel=0, num_pcs=75)
        self._params = dict(locals())
        del self._params['self']

    def _rois_from_cuts(cls, cuts):
        """Return ROI structures each containing the full extent of a cut.

        cuts : list of sima.normcut.CutRegion
            The segmented regions identified by normalized cuts.

            ROI structures corresponding to each cut.
        ROIs = ROIList([])
        for cut in cuts:
            if len(cut.indices):
                mask = np.zeros(cut.shape)
                for x in cut.indices:
                    mask[np.unravel_index(x, cut.shape)] = 1
        return ROIs

    def _segment(self, dataset):
        params = self._params
        affinity = params['affinity_method'].calculate(dataset)
        shape = dataset.frame_shape[1:3]
        cuts = itercut(affinity, shape, params['cut_max_pen'],
                       params['cut_min_size'], params['cut_max_size'])
        return self._rois_from_cuts(cuts)