""""Configuration file for pytest, for testing LISC."""

import pytest

import os
import shutil
import pkg_resources as pkg

import nltk

from lisc.objects import Counts, Words
from lisc.requester import Requester
from lisc.core.modutils import safe_import
from lisc.utils.db import create_file_structure
from lisc.tests.utils import create_files, load_base, load_arts, load_arts_all
from lisc.tests.utils import TestDB as TDB

plt = safe_import('.pyplot', 'matplotlib')


def pytest_configure(config):

    # Set backend for matplotlib tests, if mpl is available
    if plt:

@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def download_data():

    # Download required nltk data for tokenizing

@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def check_db():
    """Once, prior to session, this will clear and re-initialize the test file database."""

    # Create the test database directory
    tests_dir = pkg.resource_filename('lisc', 'tests')
    test_db_name = 'test_db'

    # If the directories already exist, clear them
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tests_dir, test_db_name)):
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tests_dir, test_db_name))

    tdb = create_file_structure(tests_dir, test_db_name)

def tdb():
    return TDB()

def tcounts():
    return Counts()

def twords():
    return Words()

def treq():
    return Requester()

def tbase():
    return load_base()

def tbase_terms():
    return load_base(True, True)

def tarts_empty():
    return load_arts()

def tarts_full():
    return load_arts(add_data=True, n_data=2)

def tarts_all():
    return load_arts_all()