"""Classes and functions to store aggregated term article data."""

import os
import json

import nltk

from lisc.utils.io import check_ext
from lisc.utils.db import check_directory
from lisc.data.utils import combine_lists, convert_string, count_elements
from lisc.data.base_articles import BaseArticles


class ArticlesAll(BaseArticles):
    """An object to hold term data, aggregated across articles.

    label : str
        Label for the term.
    term : Term
        Definition of the search term, with inclusion and exclusion words.
    n_articles : int
        Number of articles included in object.
    ids : list of int
        Article ids for all articles included in object.
    journals : collections.Counter
        Counts for each journal.
    authors : collections.Counter
        Counts for each author.
    first_authors : collections.Counter
        Counts for each first author.
    last_authors : collections.Counter
        Counts for each last author.
    words : nltk.probability.FreqDist
        Frequency distribution of all words.
    keywords : nltk.probability.FreqDist
        Frequency distribution of all keywords.
    years : collections.Counter
        Counts for each year of publication.
    dois : list of str
        DOIs of each article included in object.
    summary : dict
        A summary of the data associated with the current object.

    def __init__(self, term_data, exclusions=None):
        """Initialize ArticlesAll object.

        term_data : Articles
            Data for all articles from a given search term.
        exclusions : list of str, optional
            Words to exclude from the word collections.

        Create an ``ArticlesAll`` object from an :class:`~.Articles` object:

        >>> from lisc.data import Articles
        >>> articles = Articles('frontal lobe')
        >>> articles_all = ArticlesAll(articles)

        # Inherit from the BaseArticles object
        BaseArticles.__init__(self, term_data.term)

        # Copy over tracking of included IDs & DOIs
        self.ids = term_data.ids
        self.dois = term_data.dois

        # Get counts of authors, journals, years
        self.journals = count_elements([journal[0] for journal in term_data.journals])
        self.years = count_elements(term_data.years)
        self.authors = _count_authors(term_data.authors)
        self.first_authors, self.last_authors = _count_end_authors(term_data.authors)

        # Convert lists of all words to frequency distributions
        exclusions = exclusions if exclusions else [] + self.term.search + self.term.inclusions
        temp_words = [convert_string(words) for words in term_data.words]
        self.words = self.create_freq_dist(combine_lists(temp_words), exclusions)
        self.keywords = self.create_freq_dist(combine_lists(term_data.keywords), exclusions)

        # Initialize summary dictionary
        self.summary = dict()

    def check_frequencies(self, data_type='words', n_check=20):
        """Prints out the most common items in a frequency distribution.

        data_type : {'words', 'keywords'}
            Which frequency distribution to check.
        n_check : int, optional, default: 20
            Number of most common items to print out.

        Print the most frequent words, assuming an initialized ``ArticlesAll`` object with data:

        >>> articles_all.check_frequencies() # doctest:+SKIP

        if data_type in ['words', 'keywords']:
            freqs = getattr(self, data_type)
            raise ValueError('Requested data not understood')

        # Reset number to check if there are fewer words available
        if n_check > len(freqs):
            n_check = len(freqs)

        # Get the requested number of most common words, and convert to str
        top = freqs.most_common()[0:n_check]
        top_str = ' , '.join([word[0] for word in top[:n_check]])

        # Print out the top words for the current term
        print("{:5} : ".format(self.label) + top_str)

    def create_summary(self):
        """Fill the summary dictionary of the current terms Words data.

        Create a summary for a term, assuming an initialized ``ArticlesAll`` object with collected
        ``Words`` data:

        >>> articles_all.create_summary() # doctest:+SKIP

        # Add data to summary dictionary.
        self.summary['label'] = self.label
        self.summary['n_articles'] = str(self.n_articles)
        self.summary['top_author_name'] = ' '.join(self.authors.most_common()[0][0])
        self.summary['top_author_count'] = str(self.authors.most_common()[0][1])
        self.summary['top_journal_name'] = self.journals.most_common()[0][0]
        self.summary['top_journal_count'] = str(self.journals.most_common()[0][1])
        self.summary['top_keywords'] = [freq[0] for freq in self.keywords.most_common()[0:5]]
        self.summary['first_publication'] = str(min(self.years.keys()))

    def print_summary(self):
        """Print out a summary of the collected words data.

        Print a summary for a term, assuming an initialized ``ArticlesAll`` object with data:

        >>> articles_all.create_summary() # doctest:+SKIP
        >>> articles_all.print_summary() # doctest:+SKIP

        # Print out summary information
        print(self.summary['label'], ':')
        print('  Number of articles: \t\t', self.summary['n_articles'])
        print('  First publication: \t\t', self.summary['first_publication'])
        print('  Most common author: \t\t', self.summary['top_author_name'])
        print('    number of publications: \t', self.summary['top_author_count'])
        print('  Most common journal: \t\t', self.summary['top_journal_name'])
        print('    number of publications: \t', self.summary['top_journal_count'], '\n')

    def save_summary(self, directory=None):
        """Save out a summary of the collected words data.

        directory : str or SCDB or None, optional
            Folder or database object specifying the save location.

        Save a summary for a term, assuming an initialized ``ArticlesAll`` object with data::

        >>> articles_all.create_summary() # doctest:+SKIP
        >>> articles_all.save_summary() # doctest:+SKIP

        directory = check_directory(directory, 'summary')

        with open(os.path.join(directory, check_ext(self.label, '.json')), 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(self.summary, outfile)

    def create_freq_dist(in_lst, exclude):
        """Create a frequency distribution.

        in_lst : list of str
            Words to create the frequency distribution from.
        exclude : list of str
            Words to exclude from the frequency distribution.

        freqs : nltk.FreqDist
            Frequency distribution of the words.

        Compute the frequency distribution of a collection of words:

        >>> ArticlesAll.create_freq_dist(in_lst=['brain', 'brain', 'head', 'body'], exclude=['body'])
        FreqDist({'brain': 2, 'head': 1})

        If you want to visualize a frequency distribution, you can plot them as a wordcloud:

        >>> from lisc.plts.words import plot_wordcloud
        >>> freq_dist = nltk.FreqDist({'frontal': 26, 'brain': 26, 'lobe': 23, 'patients': 19})
        >>> plot_wordcloud(freq_dist, len(freq_dist))

        freqs = nltk.FreqDist(in_lst)

        for excl in exclude:
            except KeyError:

        return freqs

def _count_authors(authors):
    """Count all authors.

    authors : list of list of tuple of (str, str, str, str)
        Authors, as (last name, first name, initials, affiliation).

    author_counts : collections.Counter
        Number of publications per author.

    # Reduce author fields to pair of tuples (last name, initials) & count # of pubs per author
    all_authors = [(author[0], author[2]) for art_authors in authors for author in art_authors]
    author_counts = count_elements(_fix_author_names(all_authors))

    return author_counts

def _count_end_authors(authors):
    """Count first and last authors only.

    authors : list of list of tuple of (str, str, str, str)
        Authors, as (last name, first name, initials, affiliation).

    first_counts, last_counts : collections.Counter
        Number of publications for each first and last author.

    # Pull out the full name for the first & last author of each article
    #  Last author is only considered if there is more than 1 author
    firsts = [auth[0] for auth in authors]
    f_names = [(author[0], author[2]) for author in firsts]

    lasts = [auth[-1] for auth in authors if len(auth) > 1]
    l_names = [(author[0], author[2]) for author in lasts]

    f_counts = count_elements(_fix_author_names(f_names))
    l_counts = count_elements(_fix_author_names(l_names))

    return f_counts, l_counts

def _fix_author_names(names):
    """Fix author names.

    names : list of tuple of (str, str)
        Author names, as (last name, initials).

    names : list of tuple of (str, str)
        Author names, as (last name, initials).

    Sometimes full author name ends up in the last name field.
    If first name is None, assume this happened:
    Split up the text in first name, and grab the first name initial.

    # Drop names where the contents is all None
    names = [name for name in names if name != (None, None)]

    # Fix names if full name ended up in last name field
    names = [(name[0].split(' ')[-1], ''.join([temp[0] for temp in name[0].split(' ')[:-1]]))
             if name[1] is None else name for name in names]

    return names