Helper module with tools to dynamically convert :class:`~notifiers.core.Provider` and
:class:`~notifiers.core.ProviderResource` classes to :mod:`click` data types
from functools import partial

import click

    "required": "'{}' required schema",
    "schema": "'{}' full schema",
    "metadata": "'{}' metadata",
    "defaults": "'{}' default values",
    "string": click.STRING,
    "integer": click.INT,
    "number": click.FLOAT,
    "boolean": click.BOOL,
COMPLEX_TYPES = ["object", "array"]

def handle_oneof(oneof_schema: list) -> tuple:
    Custom handle of `oneOf` JSON schema validator. Tried to match primitive type and see if it should be allowed
     to be passed multiple timns into a command

    :param oneof_schema: `oneOf` JSON schema
    :return: Tuple of :class:`click.ParamType`, ``multiple`` flag and ``description`` of option
    oneof_dict = {schema["type"]: schema for schema in oneof_schema}
    click_type = None
    multiple = False
    description = None
    for key, value in oneof_dict.items():
        if key == "array":
        elif key in SCHEMA_BASE_MAP:
            if oneof_dict.get("array") and oneof_dict["array"]["items"]["type"] == key:
                multiple = True
            # Found a match to a primitive type
            click_type = SCHEMA_BASE_MAP[key]
            description = value.get("title")
    return click_type, multiple, description

def json_schema_to_click_type(schema: dict) -> tuple:
    A generic handler of a single property JSON schema to :class:`click.ParamType` converter

    :param schema: JSON schema property to operate on
    :return: Tuple of :class:`click.ParamType`, `description`` of option and optionally a :class:`click.Choice`
     if the allowed values are a closed list (JSON schema ``enum``)
    choices = None
    if isinstance(schema["type"], list):
        if "string" in schema["type"]:
            schema["type"] = "string"
    click_type = SCHEMA_BASE_MAP[schema["type"]]
    description = schema.get("title")
    if schema.get("enum"):
        # todo handle multi type enums better (or at all)
        enum = [value for value in schema["enum"] if isinstance(value, str)]
        choices = click.Choice(enum)
    return click_type, description, choices

def clean_data(data: dict) -> dict:
    """Removes all empty values and converts tuples into lists"""
    new_data = {}
    for key, value in data.items():
        # Verify that only explicitly passed args get passed on
        if not isinstance(value, bool) and not value:

        # Multiple choice command are passed as tuples, convert to list to match schema
        if isinstance(value, tuple):
            value = list(value)
        new_data[key] = value
    return new_data

def params_factory(schema: dict, add_message: bool) -> list:
    Generates list of :class:`click.Option` based on a JSON schema

    :param schema:  JSON schema to operate on
    :return: Lists of created :class:`click.Option` object to be added to a :class:`click.Command`

    # Immediately create message as an argument
    params = []
    if add_message:
        params.append(click.Argument(["message"], required=False))

    for property, prpty_schema in schema.items():
        multiple = False
        choices = None

        if any(char in property for char in ["@"]):
        if prpty_schema.get("type") in COMPLEX_TYPES:
        if prpty_schema.get("duplicate"):
        if property == "message":

        elif not prpty_schema.get("oneOf"):
            click_type, description, choices = json_schema_to_click_type(prpty_schema)
            click_type, multiple, description = handle_oneof(prpty_schema["oneOf"])
            # Not all oneOf schema can be handled by click
            if not click_type:

        # Convert bool values into flags
        if click_type == click.BOOL:
            param_decls = [get_flag_param_decals_from_bool(property)]
            click_type = None
            param_decls = [get_param_decals_from_name(property)]

        if description:
            description = description.capitalize()

            if multiple:
                if not description.endswith("."):
                    description += "."
                description += " Multiple usages of this option are allowed"
        # Construct the base command options
        option = partial(
            click.Option, param_decls=param_decls, help=description, multiple=multiple

        if choices:
            option = option(type=choices)
        elif click_type:
            option = option(type=click_type)
            option = option()
    return params

def schema_to_command(
    p, name: str, callback: callable, add_message: bool
) -> click.Command:
    Generates a ``notify`` :class:`click.Command` for :class:`~notifiers.core.Provider`

    :param p: Relevant Provider
    :param name: Command name
    :return: A ``notify`` :class:`click.Command`
    params = params_factory(p.schema["properties"], add_message=add_message)
    help = p.__doc__
    cmd = click.Command(name=name, callback=callback, params=params, help=help)
    return cmd

def get_param_decals_from_name(option_name: str) -> str:
    """Converts a name to a param name"""
    name = option_name.replace("_", "-")
    return f"--{name}"

def get_flag_param_decals_from_bool(option_name: str) -> str:
    """Return a '--do/not-do' style flag param"""
    name = option_name.replace("_", "-")
    return f"--{name}/--no-{name}"