# Repository: https://github.com/lgervasoni/urbansprawl
# MIT License

import osmnx as ox
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np

from .tags import height_tags

from ..settings import storage_folder

# Format for load/save the geo-data ['geojson','shp']
geo_format = 'geojson' # 'shp'
geo_driver = 'GeoJSON' # 'ESRI Shapefile'

### I/O utils

def get_dataframes_filenames(city_ref_file):
	Get data frame file names for input city

	city_ref_file : string
		name of input city

	[ string, string, string ]
		returns filenames for buildings, building parts, and points of interest
	import os
	if not(os.path.isdir(storage_folder)): 
	geo_poly_file = storage_folder+"/"+city_ref_file+"_buildings."+geo_format
	geo_poly_parts_file = storage_folder+"/"+city_ref_file+"_building_parts."+geo_format
	geo_point_file = storage_folder+"/"+city_ref_file+"_poi."+geo_format
	return geo_poly_file, geo_poly_parts_file, geo_point_file

def load_geodataframe(geo_filename):
	Load input GeoDataFrame

	geo_filename : string
		input GeoDataFrame filename

		loaded data

	# Load using geopandas
	df_osm_data = gpd.read_file(geo_filename)
	# Set None as NaN
	df_osm_data.fillna(value=np.nan, inplace=True)
	# Replace empty string (Json NULL sometimes read as '') for NaN
	df_osm_data.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True)
	def list_int_from_string(x): # List of integers given input in string format
		return [ int(id_) for id_ in x.split(",") ]
	def list_str_from_string(x): # List of strings given input in string format
		return x.split(",")

	# Recover list
	if ( "activity_category" in df_osm_data.columns): 
		df_osm_data[ "activity_category" ] = df_osm_data.activity_category.apply(lambda x: list_str_from_string(x) if pd.notnull(x) else np.nan )
	if ( "containing_parts" in df_osm_data.columns): 
		df_osm_data[ "containing_parts" ] = df_osm_data.containing_parts.apply( lambda x: list_int_from_string(x) if pd.notnull(x) else np.nan )
	if ( "containing_poi" in df_osm_data.columns): 
		df_osm_data[ "containing_poi" ] = df_osm_data.containing_poi.apply( lambda x: list_int_from_string(x) if pd.notnull(x) else np.nan )
	# To UTM coordinates
	return ox.project_gdf( df_osm_data )

def store_geodataframe(df_osm_data, geo_filename):
	Store input GeoDataFrame

	df_osm_data : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
		input OSM data frame
	geo_filename : string
		filename for GeoDataFrame storage

	# To EPSG 4326 (GeoJSON does not store projection information)
	df_osm_data = ox.project_gdf(df_osm_data, to_latlong=True)
	# Lists to string (needed to save GeoJSON files)
	if ( "activity_category" in df_osm_data.columns): 
		df_osm_data.activity_category = df_osm_data.activity_category.apply( lambda x: ','.join(str(e) for e in x) if isinstance(x,list) else np.nan )	
	if ( "containing_parts" in df_osm_data.columns):
		df_osm_data.containing_parts = df_osm_data.containing_parts.apply( lambda x: ','.join(str(e) for e in x) if isinstance(x,list) else np.nan )	
	if ( "containing_poi" in df_osm_data.columns):
		df_osm_data.containing_poi = df_osm_data.containing_poi.apply( lambda x: ','.join(str(e) for e in x) if isinstance(x,list) else np.nan )	
	# Save to file
	df_osm_data.to_file(geo_filename, driver=geo_driver)

### GeoDataFrame processing utils

def sanity_check_height_tags(df_osm):
	Compute a sanity check for all height tags
	If incorrectly tagged, try to replace with the correct tag
	Any meter or level related string are replaced, and heights using the imperial units are converted to the metric system

	df_osm : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
		input OSM data frame

	def sanity_check(value):
		### Sanity check for height tags (sometimes wrongly-tagged)
		if not( (value is np.nan) or (value is None) ): # Non-null value
			try: # Can be read as float?
				return float(value)
				try: # Try removing incorrectly tagged information: meters/levels 
					return float( value.replace('meters','').replace('meter','').replace('m','').replace('levels','').replace('level','').replace('l','') )
					try: # Feet and inch values? e.g.: 4'7''
						split_value = value.split("'")
						feet, inches = split_value[0], split_value[1]
						if (inches is ''): # Non existent inches
							inches = '0'
						tot_inches = float(feet)*12 + float(inches)
						# Return meters equivalent
						return tot_inches * 0.0254
					except: # None. Incorrect tag
						return None
		return value

	# Available height tags
	available_height_tags = [ col for col in height_tags if col in df_osm.columns ]
	# Apply-map sanity check
	df_osm[ available_height_tags ] = df_osm[ available_height_tags ].applymap(sanity_check)

def associate_structures(df_osm_encompassing_structures, df_osm_structures, operation='contains', column='containing_'):
	Associate input structure geometries to its encompassing structures
	Structures are associated using the operation 'contains' or 'intersects'
	A new column in the encompassing data frame is added, incorporating the indices of the containing structures

	df_osm_encompassing_structures : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
		encompassing data frame
	df_osm_structures : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
		structures data frame
	operation : string
		spatial join operation to associate structures
	column : string
		name of the column to add in encompassing data frame

	# Find, for each geometry, all containing structures
	sjoin = gpd.sjoin(df_osm_encompassing_structures[['geometry']], df_osm_structures[['geometry']], op=operation, rsuffix='cont')
	# Group by: polygon_index -> list of containing points indices
	group_indices = sjoin.groupby( sjoin.index, as_index=True )['index_cont'].apply(list)
	# Create new column
	df_osm_encompassing_structures.loc[ group_indices.index, column ] = group_indices.values
	# Reset indices