#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright 2019 California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# United States Government Sponsorship acknowledged. This software is subject to
# U.S. export control laws and regulations and has been classified as 'EAR99 NLR'
# (No [Export] License Required except when exporting to an embargoed country,
# end user, or in support of a prohibited end use). By downloading this software,
# the user agrees to comply with all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations.
# The user has the responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
# authority as may be required before exporting this software to any 'EAR99'
# embargoed foreign country or citizen of those countries.
# Author: Yang Lei

import pdb
from osgeo import gdal, osr

def runCmd(cmd):
    import subprocess
    out = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
    return out

def cmdLineParse():
    Command line parser.
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Output geo grid')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--input_m', dest='indir_m', type=str, required=True,
            help='Input master image file name (in ISCE format and radar coordinates) or Input master image file name (in GeoTIFF format and Cartesian coordinates)')
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--input_s', dest='indir_s', type=str, required=True,
            help='Input slave image file name (in ISCE format and radar coordinates) or Input slave image file name (in GeoTIFF format and Cartesian coordinates)')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--input_g', dest='grid_location', type=str, required=False,
            help='Input pixel indices file name')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--input_o', dest='init_offset', type=str, required=False,
            help='Input search center offsets ("downstream" reach location) file name')
    parser.add_argument('-sr', '--input_sr', dest='search_range', type=str, required=False,
            help='Input search range file name')
    parser.add_argument('-csmin', '--input_csmin', dest='chip_size_min', type=str, required=False,
            help='Input chip size min file name')
    parser.add_argument('-csmax', '--input_csmax', dest='chip_size_max', type=str, required=False,
            help='Input chip size max file name')
    parser.add_argument('-vx', '--input_vx', dest='offset2vx', type=str, required=False,
            help='Input pixel offsets to vx conversion coefficients file name')
    parser.add_argument('-vy', '--input_vy', dest='offset2vy', type=str, required=False,
            help='Input pixel offsets to vy conversion coefficients file name')
    parser.add_argument('-fo', '--flag_optical', dest='optical_flag', type=bool, required=False, default=0,
            help='flag for reading optical data (e.g. Landsat): use 1 for on and 0 (default) for off')
    parser.add_argument('-nc', '--sensor_flag_netCDF', dest='nc_sensor', type=str, required=False, default=None,
            help='flag for packaging output formatted for Sentinel ("S") and Landsat ("L") dataset; default is None')

    return parser.parse_args()

class Dummy(object):

def loadProduct(filename):
    Load the product using Product Manager.
    import isce
    import logging
    from imageMath import IML
    IMG = IML.mmapFromISCE(filename, logging)
    img = IMG.bands[0]
#    pdb.set_trace()
    return img

def loadProductOptical(filename):
    import numpy as np
    Load the product using Product Manager.
    ds = gdal.Open(filename)
#    pdb.set_trace()
    band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
    img = band.ReadAsArray()
    img = img.astype(np.float32)
    return img

def runAutorift(I1, I2, xGrid, yGrid, Dx0, Dy0, SRx0, SRy0, CSMINx0, CSMINy0, CSMAXx0, CSMAXy0, noDataMask, optflag, nodata):
    Wire and run geogrid.

    import isce
    from components.contrib.geo_autoRIFT.autoRIFT import autoRIFT_ISCE
    import numpy as np
    import isceobj
    import time
    import subprocess
    obj = autoRIFT_ISCE()

#    ##########     uncomment if starting from preprocessed images
#    I1 = I1.astype(np.uint8)
#    I2 = I2.astype(np.uint8)

    # take the amplitude only for the radar images
    if optflag == 0:
        I1 = np.abs(I1)
        I2 = np.abs(I2)

    obj.I1 = I1
    obj.I2 = I2

#    # test with lena image (533 X 533)
#    obj.ChipSizeMinX=16
#    obj.ChipSizeMaxX=32
#    obj.ChipSize0X=16
#    obj.SkipSampleX=16
#    obj.SkipSampleY=16

#    # test with Venus image (407 X 407)
#    obj.ChipSizeMinX=8
#    obj.ChipSizeMaxX=16
#    obj.ChipSize0X=8
#    obj.SkipSampleX=8
#    obj.SkipSampleY=8

    # create the grid if it does not exist
    if xGrid is None:
        m,n = obj.I1.shape
        xGrid = np.arange(obj.SkipSampleX+10,n-obj.SkipSampleX,obj.SkipSampleX)
        yGrid = np.arange(obj.SkipSampleY+10,m-obj.SkipSampleY,obj.SkipSampleY)
        nd = xGrid.__len__()
        md = yGrid.__len__()
        obj.xGrid = np.int32(np.dot(np.ones((md,1)),np.reshape(xGrid,(1,xGrid.__len__()))))
        obj.yGrid = np.int32(np.dot(np.reshape(yGrid,(yGrid.__len__(),1)),np.ones((1,nd))))
        noDataMask = np.logical_not(obj.xGrid)
        obj.xGrid = xGrid
        obj.yGrid = yGrid

    # generate the nodata mask where offset searching will be skipped based on 1) imported nodata mask and/or 2) zero values in the image
    for ii in range(obj.xGrid.shape[0]):
        for jj in range(obj.xGrid.shape[1]):
            if (obj.yGrid[ii,jj] != nodata)&(obj.xGrid[ii,jj] != nodata):
                if (I1[obj.yGrid[ii,jj]-1,obj.xGrid[ii,jj]-1]==0)|(I2[obj.yGrid[ii,jj]-1,obj.xGrid[ii,jj]-1]==0):
                    noDataMask[ii,jj] = True

    ######### mask out nodata to skip the offset searching using the nodata mask (by setting SearchLimit to be 0)

    if SRx0 is None:
#        ###########     uncomment to customize SearchLimit based on velocity distribution (i.e. Dx0 must not be None)
#        obj.SearchLimitX = np.int32(4+(25-4)/(np.max(np.abs(Dx0[np.logical_not(noDataMask)]))-np.min(np.abs(Dx0[np.logical_not(noDataMask)])))*(np.abs(Dx0)-np.min(np.abs(Dx0[np.logical_not(noDataMask)]))))
#        obj.SearchLimitY = 5
#        ###########
        obj.SearchLimitX = obj.SearchLimitX * np.logical_not(noDataMask)
        obj.SearchLimitY = obj.SearchLimitY * np.logical_not(noDataMask)
        obj.SearchLimitX = SRx0
        obj.SearchLimitY = SRy0
#        ############ add buffer to search range
#        obj.SearchLimitX[obj.SearchLimitX!=0] = obj.SearchLimitX[obj.SearchLimitX!=0] + 2
#        obj.SearchLimitY[obj.SearchLimitY!=0] = obj.SearchLimitY[obj.SearchLimitY!=0] + 2

    if CSMINx0 is not None:
        obj.ChipSizeMaxX = CSMAXx0
        obj.ChipSizeMinX = CSMINx0
        chipsizex0 = float(str.split(subprocess.getoutput('fgrep "Smallest Allowable Chip Size in m:" testGeogrid.txt'))[-1])
            pixsizex = float(str.split(subprocess.getoutput('fgrep "Ground range pixel size:" testGeogrid.txt'))[-1])
            pixsizex = float(str.split(subprocess.getoutput('fgrep "X-direction pixel size:" testGeogrid.txt'))[-1])
        obj.ChipSize0X = int(np.ceil(chipsizex0/pixsizex/4)*4)
#        obj.ChipSize0X = np.min(CSMINx0[CSMINx0!=nodata])
        RATIO_Y2X = CSMINy0/CSMINx0
        obj.ScaleChipSizeY = np.mean(RATIO_Y2X[(CSMINx0!=nodata)&(CSMINy0!=nodata)])
        if ((optflag == 1)&(xGrid is not None)):
            obj.ChipSizeMaxX = 32
            obj.ChipSizeMinX = 16
            obj.ChipSize0X = 16

    # create the downstream search offset if not provided as input
    if Dx0 is not None:
        obj.Dx0 = Dx0
        obj.Dy0 = Dy0
        obj.Dx0 = obj.Dx0 * np.logical_not(noDataMask)
        obj.Dy0 = obj.Dy0 * np.logical_not(noDataMask)

    # replace the nodata value with zero
    obj.xGrid[noDataMask] = 0
    obj.yGrid[noDataMask] = 0
    obj.Dx0[noDataMask] = 0
    obj.Dy0[noDataMask] = 0
    if SRx0 is not None:
        obj.SearchLimitX[noDataMask] = 0
        obj.SearchLimitY[noDataMask] = 0
    if CSMINx0 is not None:
        obj.ChipSizeMaxX[noDataMask] = 0
        obj.ChipSizeMinX[noDataMask] = 0

    # convert azimuth offset to vertical offset as used in autoRIFT convention
    if optflag == 0:
        obj.Dy0 = -1 * obj.Dy0

    ######## preprocessing
    t1 = time.time()
    print("Pre-process Start!!!")
#    obj.zeroMask = 1
#    obj.I1 = np.abs(I1)
#    obj.I2 = np.abs(I2)
    print("Pre-process Done!!!")

    t1 = time.time()
#    obj.DataType = 0
    print("Uniform Data Type Done!!!")

#    pdb.set_trace()

#    obj.sparseSearchSampleRate = 16

#    obj.OverSampleRatio = 32

    #   OverSampleRatio can be assigned as a scalar (such as the above line) or as a Python dictionary below for intellgient use (ChipSize-dependent).
    #   Here, four chip sizes are used: ChipSize0X*[1,2,4,8] and four OverSampleRatio are considered [16,32,64,128]. The intelligent selection of OverSampleRatio (as a function of chip size) was determined by analyzing various combinations of (OverSampleRatio and chip size) and comparing the resulting image quality and statistics with the reference scenario (where the largest OverSampleRatio of 128 and chip size of ChipSize0X*8 are considered).
    #   The selection for the optical data flag is based on Landsat-8 data over an inland region (thus stable and not moving much) of Greenland, while that for the radar flag (optflag = 0) is based on Sentinel-1 data over the same region of Greenland.
    if CSMINx0 is not None:
        if (optflag == 1):
            obj.OverSampleRatio = {obj.ChipSize0X:16,obj.ChipSize0X*2:32,obj.ChipSize0X*4:64,obj.ChipSize0X*8:64}
            obj.OverSampleRatio = {obj.ChipSize0X:32,obj.ChipSize0X*2:64,obj.ChipSize0X*4:128,obj.ChipSize0X*8:128}

#    ########## export preprocessed images to files; can be commented out if not debugging
#    t1 = time.time()
#    I1 = obj.I1
#    I2 = obj.I2
#    length,width = I1.shape
#    filename1 = 'I1_uint8_hpsnew.off'
#    slcFid = open(filename1, 'wb')
#    for yy in range(length):
#        data = I1[yy,:]
#        data.astype(np.float32).tofile(slcFid)
#    slcFid.close()
#    img = isceobj.createOffsetImage()
#    img.setFilename(filename1)
#    img.setBands(1)
#    img.setWidth(width)
#    img.setLength(length)
#    img.setAccessMode('READ')
#    img.renderHdr()
#    filename2 = 'I2_uint8_hpsnew.off'
#    slcFid = open(filename2, 'wb')
#    for yy in range(length):
#        data = I2[yy,:]
#        data.astype(np.float32).tofile(slcFid)
#    slcFid.close()
#    img = isceobj.createOffsetImage()
#    img.setFilename(filename2)
#    img.setBands(1)
#    img.setWidth(width)
#    img.setLength(length)
#    img.setAccessMode('READ')
#    img.renderHdr()
#    print("output Done!!!")
#    print(time.time()-t1)

    ########## run Autorift
    t1 = time.time()
    print("AutoRIFT Start!!!")
    print("AutoRIFT Done!!!")

    import cv2
    kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8)
    noDataMask = cv2.dilate(noDataMask.astype(np.uint8),kernel,iterations = 1)
    noDataMask = noDataMask.astype(np.bool)

    return obj.Dx, obj.Dy, obj.InterpMask, obj.ChipSizeX, obj.ScaleChipSizeY, obj.SearchLimitX, obj.SearchLimitY, obj.origSize, noDataMask

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Main driver.
    import numpy as np
    import time
    inps = cmdLineParse()
    if inps.optical_flag == 1:
        data_m = loadProductOptical(inps.indir_m)
        data_s = loadProductOptical(inps.indir_s)
#        # test with lena/Venus image
#        import scipy.io as sio
#        conts = sio.loadmat(inps.indir_m)
#        data_m = conts['I']
#        data_s = conts['I1']
        data_m = loadProduct(inps.indir_m)
        data_s = loadProduct(inps.indir_s)

    xGrid = None
    yGrid = None
    Dx0 = None
    Dy0 = None
    SRx0 = None
    SRy0 = None
    CSMINx0 = None
    CSMINy0 = None
    CSMAXx0 = None
    CSMAXy0 = None
    noDataMask = None
    nodata = None
    if inps.grid_location is not None:
        ds = gdal.Open(inps.grid_location)
        tran = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        proj = ds.GetProjection()
        srs = ds.GetSpatialRef()
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        nodata = band.GetNoDataValue()
        xGrid = band.ReadAsArray()
        noDataMask = (xGrid == nodata)
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(2)
        yGrid = band.ReadAsArray()
    if inps.init_offset is not None:
        ds = gdal.Open(inps.init_offset)
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        Dx0 = band.ReadAsArray()
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(2)
        Dy0 = band.ReadAsArray()

    if inps.search_range is not None:
        ds = gdal.Open(inps.search_range)
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        SRx0 = band.ReadAsArray()
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(2)
        SRy0 = band.ReadAsArray()

    if inps.chip_size_min is not None:
        ds = gdal.Open(inps.chip_size_min)
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        CSMINx0 = band.ReadAsArray()
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(2)
        CSMINy0 = band.ReadAsArray()

    if inps.chip_size_max is not None:
        ds = gdal.Open(inps.chip_size_max)
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
        CSMAXx0 = band.ReadAsArray()
        band = ds.GetRasterBand(2)
        CSMAXy0 = band.ReadAsArray()

    Dx, Dy, InterpMask, ChipSizeX, ScaleChipSizeY, SearchLimitX, SearchLimitY, origSize, noDataMask = runAutorift(data_m, data_s, xGrid, yGrid, Dx0, Dy0, SRx0, SRy0, CSMINx0, CSMINy0, CSMAXx0, CSMAXy0, noDataMask, inps.optical_flag, nodata)

    if inps.optical_flag == 0:
        Dy = -Dy

    DX = np.zeros(origSize,dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
    DY = np.zeros(origSize,dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
    INTERPMASK = np.zeros(origSize,dtype=np.float32)
    CHIPSIZEX = np.zeros(origSize,dtype=np.float32)
    SEARCHLIMITX = np.zeros(origSize,dtype=np.float32)
    SEARCHLIMITY = np.zeros(origSize,dtype=np.float32)
    DX[0:Dx.shape[0],0:Dx.shape[1]] = Dx
    DY[0:Dy.shape[0],0:Dy.shape[1]] = Dy
    INTERPMASK[0:InterpMask.shape[0],0:InterpMask.shape[1]] = InterpMask
    CHIPSIZEX[0:ChipSizeX.shape[0],0:ChipSizeX.shape[1]] = ChipSizeX
    SEARCHLIMITX[0:SearchLimitX.shape[0],0:SearchLimitX.shape[1]] = SearchLimitX
    SEARCHLIMITY[0:SearchLimitY.shape[0],0:SearchLimitY.shape[1]] = SearchLimitY

    DX[noDataMask] = np.nan
    DY[noDataMask] = np.nan
    INTERPMASK[noDataMask] = 0
    CHIPSIZEX[noDataMask] = 0
    SEARCHLIMITX[noDataMask] = 0
    SEARCHLIMITY[noDataMask] = 0

    import scipy.io as sio

#    #####################  Uncomment for debug mode
#    sio.savemat('debug.mat',{'Dx':DX,'Dy':DY,'InterpMask':INTERPMASK,'ChipSizeX':CHIPSIZEX,'ScaleChipSizeY':ScaleChipSizeY,'SearchLimitX':SEARCHLIMITX,'SearchLimitY':SEARCHLIMITY})
#    conts = sio.loadmat('debug.mat')
#    DX = conts['Dx']
#    DY = conts['Dy']
#    INTERPMASK = conts['InterpMask']
#    CHIPSIZEX = conts['ChipSizeX']
#    ScaleChipSizeY = conts['ScaleChipSizeY']
#    SEARCHLIMITX = conts['SearchLimitX']
#    SEARCHLIMITY = conts['SearchLimitY']
#    #####################

    if inps.grid_location is not None:

        t1 = time.time()
        print("Write Outputs Start!!!")

        # Create the GeoTiff
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')

        outRaster = driver.Create("offset.tif", int(xGrid.shape[1]), int(xGrid.shape[0]), 4, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(2)
        outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(3)
        outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(4)

        if inps.offset2vx is not None:
            ds = gdal.Open(inps.offset2vx)
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
            offset2vx_1 = band.ReadAsArray()
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(2)
            offset2vx_2 = band.ReadAsArray()

            ds = gdal.Open(inps.offset2vy)
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
            offset2vy_1 = band.ReadAsArray()
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(2)
            offset2vy_2 = band.ReadAsArray()

            VX = offset2vx_1 * DX + offset2vx_2 * DY
            VY = offset2vy_1 * DX + offset2vy_2 * DY
            VX = VX.astype(np.float32)
            VY = VY.astype(np.float32)

            outRaster = driver.Create("velocity.tif", int(xGrid.shape[1]), int(xGrid.shape[0]), 2, gdal.GDT_Float32)
            outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
            outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(2)
            ############   netCDF packaging for Sentinel and Landsat dataset; can add other sensor format as well
            if inps.nc_sensor == "S":
                rangePixelSize = float(str.split(runCmd('fgrep "Ground range pixel size:" testGeogrid.txt'))[4])
                azimuthPixelSize = float(str.split(runCmd('fgrep "Azimuth pixel size:" testGeogrid.txt'))[3])
                dt = float(str.split(runCmd('fgrep "Repeat Time:" testGeogrid.txt'))[2])
                epsg = float(str.split(runCmd('fgrep "EPSG:" testGeogrid.txt'))[1])
#                print (str(rangePixelSize)+"      "+str(azimuthPixelSize))

#                import scipy.io as sio
                conts = sio.loadmat('topsinsar_filename.mat')
                master_filename = conts['master_filename'][0]
                slave_filename = conts['slave_filename'][0]
                master_split = str.split(master_filename,'_')
                slave_split = str.split(slave_filename,'_')

                import netcdf_output as no
                version = '1.0.5'
                pair_type = 'radar'
                detection_method = 'feature'
                coordinates = 'radar'
#                out_nc_filename = 'Jakobshavn.nc'
                out_nc_filename = master_filename[0:-4]+'_'+slave_filename[0:-4]+'.nc'
                out_nc_filename = './' + out_nc_filename
                roi_valid_percentage = np.sum(CHIPSIZEX!=0)/np.sum(SEARCHLIMITX!=0)*100.0
                CHIPSIZEY = np.round(CHIPSIZEX * ScaleChipSizeY / 2) * 2

                from datetime import date
                d0 = date(np.int(master_split[5][0:4]),np.int(master_split[5][4:6]),np.int(master_split[5][6:8]))
                d1 = date(np.int(slave_split[5][0:4]),np.int(slave_split[5][4:6]),np.int(slave_split[5][6:8]))
                date_dt_base = d1 - d0
                date_dt = np.float64(np.abs(date_dt_base.days))
                if date_dt_base.days < 0:
                    date_ct = d1 + (d0 - d1)/2
                    date_center = date_ct.strftime("%Y%m%d")
                    date_ct = d0 + (d1 - d0)/2
                    date_center = date_ct.strftime("%Y%m%d")
                IMG_INFO_DICT = {'mission_img1':master_split[0][0],'sensor_img1':'C','satellite_img1':master_split[0][1:3],'acquisition_img1':master_split[5][0:8],'absolute_orbit_number_img1':master_split[7],'mission_data_take_ID_img1':master_split[8],'product_unique_ID_img1':master_split[9][0:4],'mission_img2':slave_split[0][0],'sensor_img2':'C','satellite_img2':slave_split[0][1:3],'acquisition_img2':slave_split[5][0:8],'absolute_orbit_number_img2':slave_split[7],'mission_data_take_ID_img2':slave_split[8],'product_unique_ID_img2':slave_split[9][0:4],'date_dt':date_dt,'date_center':date_center,'roi_valid_percentage':roi_valid_percentage,'autoRIFT_software_version':version}

                no.netCDF_packaging(VX, VY, DX, DY, INTERPMASK, CHIPSIZEX, CHIPSIZEY, rangePixelSize, azimuthPixelSize, dt, epsg, srs, tran, out_nc_filename, pair_type, detection_method, coordinates, IMG_INFO_DICT)

            elif inps.nc_sensor == "L":
                XPixelSize = float(str.split(runCmd('fgrep "X-direction pixel size:" testGeogrid.txt'))[3])
                YPixelSize = float(str.split(runCmd('fgrep "Y-direction pixel size:" testGeogrid.txt'))[3])
                epsg = float(str.split(runCmd('fgrep "EPSG:" testGeogrid.txt'))[1])
                master_filename = inps.indir_m
                slave_filename = inps.indir_s
                master_split = str.split(master_filename,'_')
                slave_split = str.split(slave_filename,'_')
                import netcdf_output as no
                version = '1.0.5'
                pair_type = 'optical'
                detection_method = 'feature'
                coordinates = 'map'
#                out_nc_filename = 'Jakobshavn_opt.nc'
                out_nc_filename = master_filename[0:-4]+'_'+slave_filename[0:-4]+'.nc'
                out_nc_filename = './' + out_nc_filename
                roi_valid_percentage = np.sum(CHIPSIZEX!=0)/np.sum(SEARCHLIMITX!=0)*100.0
                CHIPSIZEY = np.round(CHIPSIZEX * ScaleChipSizeY / 2) * 2

                from datetime import date
                d0 = date(np.int(master_split[3][0:4]),np.int(master_split[3][4:6]),np.int(master_split[3][6:8]))
                d1 = date(np.int(slave_split[3][0:4]),np.int(slave_split[3][4:6]),np.int(slave_split[3][6:8]))
                date_dt_base = d1 - d0
                date_dt = np.float64(np.abs(date_dt_base.days))
                if date_dt_base.days < 0:
                    date_ct = d1 + (d0 - d1)/2
                    date_center = date_ct.strftime("%Y%m%d")
                    date_ct = d0 + (d1 - d0)/2
                    date_center = date_ct.strftime("%Y%m%d")

                IMG_INFO_DICT = {'mission_img1':master_split[0][0],'sensor_img1':master_split[0][1],'satellite_img1':np.float64(master_split[0][2:4]),'correction_level_img1':master_split[1],'path_img1':np.float64(master_split[2][0:3]),'row_img1':np.float64(master_split[2][3:6]),'acquisition_date_img1':master_split[3][0:8],'processing_date_img1':master_split[4][0:8],'collection_number_img1':np.float64(master_split[5]),'collection_category_img1':master_split[6],'mission_img2':slave_split[0][0],'sensor_img2':slave_split[0][1],'satellite_img2':np.float64(slave_split[0][2:4]),'correction_level_img2':slave_split[1],'path_img2':np.float64(slave_split[2][0:3]),'row_img2':np.float64(slave_split[2][3:6]),'acquisition_date_img2':slave_split[3][0:8],'processing_date_img2':slave_split[4][0:8],'collection_number_img2':np.float64(slave_split[5]),'collection_category_img2':slave_split[6],'date_dt':date_dt,'date_center':date_center,'roi_valid_percentage':roi_valid_percentage,'autoRIFT_software_version':version}
                no.netCDF_packaging(VX, VY, DX, DY, INTERPMASK, CHIPSIZEX, CHIPSIZEY, XPixelSize, YPixelSize, None, epsg, srs, tran, out_nc_filename, pair_type, detection_method, coordinates, IMG_INFO_DICT)

            elif inps.nc_sensor is None:
                print('netCDF packaging not performed')

                raise Exception('netCDF packaging not supported for the type "{0}"'.format(inps.nc_sensor))

        print("Write Outputs Done!!!")