# coding=utf-8
"""Ladybug datetime."""
from __future__ import division

from datetime import datetime, date, time

MONTHNAMES = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',
              'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')

class DateTime(datetime):
    """Create Ladybug Date time.

        month: A value for month between 1-12 (Default: 1).
        day: A value for day between 1-31 (Default: 1).
        hour: A value for hour between 0-23 (Default: 0).
        minute: A value for month between 0-59 (Default: 0).
        leap_year: A boolean to indicate if datetime is for a leap year
            (Default: False).

        * month
        * day
        * hour
        * leap_year
        * doy
        * hoy
        * int_hoy
        * minute
        * moy
        * int_hoy
        * float_hour
        * tzinfo
        * year

    __slots__ = ()

    def __new__(cls, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug datetime.
        year = 2016 if leap_year else 2017
        hour, minute = Time._calculate_hour_and_minute(hour + minute / 60.0)
            return datetime.__new__(cls, year, month, day, hour, minute)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("{}:\n\t({}/{}@{}:{})(m/d@h:m)".format(
                e, month, day, hour, minute

    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
        """Call the __new__() constructor when the class instance is unpickled.

        This method is necessary for the pickle.loads() call to work.
        return (type(self), (self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute))

    def from_dict(cls, data):
        """Create datetime from a dictionary.

            data: A python dictionary in the following format

        .. code-block:: python

                'month': 1  #A value for month between 1-12. (Default: 1)
                'day': 1  # A value for day between 1-31. (Default: 1)
                'hour': 0  # A value for hour between 0-23. (Default: 0)
                'minute': 0  # A value for month between 0-59. (Default: 0)
        month = data['month'] if 'month' in data else 1
        day = data['day'] if 'day' in data else 1
        hour = data['hour'] if 'hour' in data else 0
        minute = data['minute'] if 'minute' in data else 0
        leap_year = data['leap_year'] if 'leap_year' in data else False
        return cls(month, day, hour, minute, leap_year)

    def from_hoy(cls, hoy, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug Datetime from an hour of the year.

            hoy: A float value 0 <= and < 8760
            leap_year: Boolean to note whether the Date Time is a part of a
                leap year. Default: False.
        return cls.from_moy(round(hoy * 60), leap_year)

    def from_moy(cls, moy, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug Datetime from a minute of the year.

            moy: An integer value 0 <= and < 525600
            leap_year: Boolean to note whether the Date Time is a part of a
                leap year. Default: False.
        if not leap_year:
            num_of_minutes_until_month = (0, 44640, 84960, 129600, 172800, 217440,
                                          260640, 305280, 349920, 393120, 437760,
                                          480960, 525600)
            num_of_minutes_until_month = (0, 44640, 84960 + 1440, 129600 + 1440,
                                          172800 + 1440, 217440 + 1440, 260640 + 1440,
                                          305280 + 1440, 349920 + 1440, 393120 + 1440,
                                          437760 + 1440, 480960 + 1440, 525600 + 1440)
        # find month
        moy = int(moy)
        for month_count in range(12):
            if moy < num_of_minutes_until_month[month_count + 1]:
                month = month_count + 1
            day = int((moy - num_of_minutes_until_month[month - 1]) / (60 * 24)) + 1
        except UnboundLocalError:
            raise ValueError(
                "moy must be positive and smaller than 525600. Invalid input %d" % (moy)
            hour = int((moy / 60) % 24)
            minute = int(moy % 60)

            return cls(month, day, hour, minute, leap_year)

    def from_date_time_string(cls, datetime_string, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug DateTime from a DateTime string.

            datetime_string: A text string representing a DateTime
                (ie. "21 Jun 12:00")
            leap_year: Boolean to note whether the Date Time is a part of a
                leap year. Default: False.


        .. code-block:: python

            dt = DateTime.from_date_time_string("31 Dec 12:00")
            dt = datetime.strptime(datetime_string, '%d %b %H:%M')
        except AttributeError:  # older Python version before strptime
            vals = datetime_string.split(' ')
            tim = vals[-1].split(':')
            dt = datetime(2016, MONTHNAMES.index(vals[1]) + 1, int(vals[0]),
                          int(tim[0]), int(tim[1]))
        return cls(dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, leap_year)

    def from_array(cls, datetime_array):
        """Create Ladybug DateTime from am array of integers.

            datetime_array: An array of 4 integers (and optional leap_year boolean)
                ordered as follows: (month, day, hour, minute, leap_year)
        return cls(*datetime_array)

    def from_date_and_time(cls, date, time):
        """Create Ladybug DateTime from a Date and a Time object.

            date: A ladybug Date object.
            time: A ladybug Time object.
        leap_year = True if date.year % 4 == 0 else False
        return cls(date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.minute, leap_year)

    def leap_year(self):
        """Boolean to note whether DateTime belongs to a leap year or not."""
        return self.year == 2016

    def doy(self):
        """Calculate day of the year for this date time."""
        return self.timetuple().tm_yday

    def hoy(self):
        """Calculate hour of the year for this date time."""
        return (self.doy - 1) * 24 + self.float_hour

    def moy(self):
        """Calculate minute of the year for this date time."""
        return self.int_hoy * 60 + self.minute  # minute of the year

    def float_hour(self):
        """Get hour and minute as a float value, e.g. 6.25 for 6:15."""
        return self.hour + self.minute / 60.0

    def int_hoy(self):
        """Calculate hour of the year for this date time as an integer.

        This output assumes the minute is 0.
        return (self.doy - 1) * 24 + self.hour

    def date(self):
        """Get a Date object associated with this DateTime."""
        return Date(self.month, self.day, self.leap_year)

    def time(self):
        """Get a Time object associated with this DateTime."""
        return Time(self.hour, self.minute)

    def add_minute(self, minute):
        """Create a new DateTime after the minutes are added.

            minute: An integer value for minutes.
        _moy = self.moy + int(minute)
        return self.__class__.from_moy(_moy)

    def sub_minute(self, minute):
        """Create a new DateTime after the minutes are subtracted.

            minute: An integer value for the number of minutes.
        return self.add_minute(-minute)

    def add_hour(self, hour):
        """Create a new DateTime from this time + timedelta.

            hour: A float value in hours (e.g. .5 = half an hour)
        return self.add_minute(hour * 60)

    def sub_hour(self, hour):
        """Create a new DateTime from this time - timedelta.

            hour: A float value in hours (e.g. .5 is half an hour and 2 is two hours).
        return self.add_hour(-hour)

    def to_simple_string(self, separator="_"):
        """Return a simplified string."""
        return self.strftime('%d_%b_%H_%M').replace("_", separator)

    def to_array(self):
        """Return datetime as an array of values."""
        if not self.leap_year:
            return (self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute)
        return (self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, 1)

    def to_dict(self):
        """Get datetime as a dictionary."""
        base = {
            'month': self.month,
            'day': self.day,
            'hour': self.hour,
            'minute': self.minute,
            'type': 'DateTime'
        if self.leap_year:
            base['leap_year'] = True
        return base

    def __str__(self):
        """Return date time as a string."""
        return self.strftime('%d %b %H:%M')

    def ToString(self):
        """Overwrite .NET ToString."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return date time as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

class Date(date):
    """Ladybug Date.

        month: A value for month between 1-12. Default: 1.
        day: A value for day between 1-31. Default: 1.
        leap_year: A boolean to indicate if date is for a leap year. Default: False.

        * day
        * doy
        * leap_year
        * month
        * year

    __slots__ = ()

    def __new__(cls, month=1, day=1, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug Date.
        year = 2016 if leap_year else 2017
            return date.__new__(cls, year, month, day)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("{}:\n\t({}/{})(m/d)".format(e, month, day))

    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
        """Call the __new__() constructor when the class instance is unpickled.

        This method is necessary for the pickle.loads() call to work.
        return (type(self), (self.month, self.day, self.leap_year))

    def from_dict(cls, data):
        """Create date from a dictionary.

            data: A python dictionary in the following format

        .. code-block:: python

                'month': 1  # A value for month between 1-12. (Default: 1)
                'day': 1  # A value for day between 1-31. (Default: 1)
        month = data['month'] if 'month' in data else 1
        day = data['day'] if 'day' in data else 1
        leap_year = data['leap_year'] if 'leap_year' in data else False
        return cls(month, day, leap_year)

    def from_doy(cls, doy, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug Date from an day of the year.

            doy: An int value 0 <= and < 366
        if not leap_year:
            days_until_month = (0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181,
                                212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 366)
            days_until_month = (0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182,
                                213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 367)

        doy = int(doy)
        for month_count in range(12):  # find month
            if doy < days_until_month[month_count + 1]:
                month = month_count + 1
            day = int(doy - days_until_month[month - 1])
            if day == 0:
                month -= 1
                day = int(doy - days_until_month[month - 1])
        except UnboundLocalError:
            raise ValueError(
                "doy must be positive and smaller than 366. Invalid input %d" % (doy)
        return cls(month, day, leap_year)

    def from_date_string(cls, date_string, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug Date from a Date string.


        .. code-block:: python

            dt = Date.from_date_string("31 Dec")
            dt = datetime.strptime(date_string, '%d %b')
        except AttributeError:  # older Python version before strptime
            vals = date_string.split(' ')
            dt = datetime(2016, MONTHNAMES.index(vals[1]) + 1, int(vals[0]))
        return cls(dt.month, dt.day, leap_year)

    def from_array(cls, date_array):
        """Create Ladybug Date from am array of integers.

            datetime_array: An array of 2 integers (and optional leap_year boolean)
                ordered as follows: (month, day, leap_year)
        return cls(*date_array)

    def leap_year(self):
        """Boolean to note whether Date belongs to a leap year or not."""
        return self.year == 2016

    def doy(self):
        """Calculate day of the year for this date."""
        return self.timetuple().tm_yday

    def to_array(self):
        """Return date as an array of values."""
        if not self.leap_year:
            return (self.month, self.day)
        return (self.month, self.day, 1)

    def to_dict(self):
        """Get date as a dictionary."""
        base = {'month': self.month, 'day': self.day, 'type': 'Date'}
        if self.leap_year:
            base['leap_year'] = True
        return base

    def __str__(self):
        """Return date as a string."""
        return self.strftime('%d %b')

    def ToString(self):
        """Overwrite .NET ToString."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return date as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

class Time(time):
    """Create Ladybug Time.

        hour: A value for hour between 0-23 (Default: 0).
        minute: A value for month between 0-59 (Default: 0).

        * hour
        * minute
        * mod
        * second
        * tzinfo

    __slots__ = ()

    def __new__(cls, hour=0, minute=0):
        """Create Ladybug Time.
        hour, minute = cls._calculate_hour_and_minute(hour + minute / 60.0)
            return time.__new__(cls, hour, minute)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("{}:\n\t({}:{})(h:m)".format(e, hour, minute))

    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
        """Call the __new__() constructor when the class instance is unpickled.

        This method is necessary for the pickle.loads() call to work.
        return (type(self), (self.hour, self.minute))

    def from_dict(cls, data):
        """Create time from a dictionary.

            data: A python dictionary in the following format

        .. code-block:: python

                'hour': 0  # A value for hour between 0-23. (Default: 0)
                'minute': 0  # A value for month between 0-59. (Default: 0)
        hour = data['hour'] if 'hour' in data else 0
        minute = data['minute'] if 'minute' in data else 0
        return cls(hour, minute)

    def from_mod(cls, mod):
        """Create Ladybug Time from a minute of the day.

            mod: An int value 0 <= and < 1440
        hour, minute = cls._calculate_hour_and_minute(mod / 60.0)
        return cls(hour, minute)

    def from_time_string(cls, time_string, leap_year=False):
        """Create Ladybug Time from a Time string.


        .. code-block:: python

            dt = Time.from_time_string("12:00")
            dt = datetime.strptime(time_string, '%H:%M')
        except AttributeError:  # older Python version before strptime
            vals = time_string.split(':')
            dt = datetime(int(vals[0]), int(vals[1]))
        return cls(dt.hour, dt.minute)

    def from_array(cls, time_array):
        """Create Ladybug Time from am array of integers.

            datetime_array: An array of 2 integers ordered as follows: (hour, minute)
        return cls(*time_array)

    def mod(self):
        """Calculate minute of the day for this time."""
        return self.hour * 60 + self.minute

    def float_hour(self):
        """Get hour and minute as a float value, e.g. 6.25 for 6:15."""
        return self.hour + self.minute / 60.0

    def to_array(self):
        """Return time as an array of values."""
        return (self.hour, self.minute)

    def to_dict(self):
        """Get time as a dictionary."""
        return {'hour': self.hour, 'minute': self.minute, 'type': 'Time'}

    def _calculate_hour_and_minute(float_hour):
        """Calculate hour and minutes as integers from a float hour."""
        hour = int(float_hour)
        minute = int(round((float_hour - hour) * 60))
        if minute == 60:
            return hour + 1, 0
            return hour, minute

    def __str__(self):
        """Return time as a string."""
        return self.strftime('%H:%M')

    def ToString(self):
        """Overwrite .NET ToString."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return time as a string."""
        return self.__str__()