from math import pi
from mathutils import Matrix, Quaternion, Vector, Euler
from .compat import mul
from .mesh import mesh_name

# The node graph in glTF needs to fixed up quite a bit before it will work for
# Blender. We first create a graph of "virtual nodes" to match the graph in the
# glTF file and then transform it in a bunch of passes to make it suitable for
# Blender import.

class VNode:
    def __init__(self):
        # The ID of the glTF node this vnode was created from, or None if there
        # wasn't one
        self.node_id = None
        # List of child vnodes
        self.children = []
        # Parent vnode, or None for the root
        self.parent = None
        # (Vector, Quaternion, Vector) triple of the local-to-parent TRS transform
        self.trs = (Vector((0, 0, 0)), Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0)), Vector((1, 1, 1)))

        # What type of Blender object will be created for this vnode: one of
        # OBJECT, ARMATURE, BONE, or ROOT (for the special vnode that we use the
        # turn the forest into a tree to make things easier to process).
        self.type = 'OBJECT'

        # Dicts of instance data
        self.mesh = None = None
        self.light = None
        # If this node had an instance in glTF but we moved it to another node,
        # we record where we put it here
        self.mesh_moved_to = None
        self.camera_moved_to = None
        self.light_moved_to = None

        # These will be filled out after realization with the Blender data
        # created for this vnode.
        self.blender_object = None
        self.blender_armature = None
        self.blender_editbone = None
        self.blender_name = None

        # The editbone's (Translation, Rotation)
        self.editbone_tr = None
        self.posebone_s = None
        self.editbone_local_to_armature = Matrix.Identity(4)
        self.bone_length = 0
        # Correction to apply to the original TRS to get the editbone TR
        self.correction_rotation = Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0))
        self.correction_homscale = 1

def create_vtree(op):

# In the first pass, create the vgraph from the forest from the glTF file,
# making one OBJECT for each node
#       OBJ
#      /  \
#     OBJ  OBJ
#         /  \
#       OBJ   OBJ
# (The ROOT is also added, but we won't draw it)
def initial_vtree(op):
    nodes = op.gltf.get('nodes', [])

    op.node_id_to_vnode = {}

    # Create a vnode for each node
    for node_id, node in enumerate(nodes):
        vnode = VNode()
        vnode.node_id = node_id = node.get('name', 'nodes[%d]' % node_id)
        vnode.trs = get_node_trs(op, node)
        vnode.type = 'OBJECT'

        if 'mesh' in node:
            vnode.mesh = {
                'mesh': node['mesh'],
                'primitive_idx': None, # use all primitives
                'skin': node.get('skin'),
                'weights': node.get('weights', op.gltf['meshes'][node['mesh']].get('weights')),
        if 'camera' in node:
   = {
                'camera': node['camera'],
        if 'KHR_lights_punctual' in node.get('extensions', {}):
            vnode.light = {
                'light': node['extensions']['KHR_lights_punctual']['light'],

        op.node_id_to_vnode[node_id] = vnode

    # Fill in the parent/child relationships
    for node_id, node in enumerate(nodes):
        vnode = op.node_id_to_vnode[node_id]
        for child_id in node.get('children', []):
            child_vnode = op.node_id_to_vnode[child_id]

            # Prevent cycles
            assert(child_vnode.parent == None)

            child_vnode.parent = vnode

    # Add a root node to make the forest of vnodes into a tree.
    op.root_vnode = VNode()
    op.root_vnode.type = 'ROOT'

    for vnode in op.node_id_to_vnode.values():
        if vnode.parent == None:
            vnode.parent = op.root_vnode

# There is no special kind of node used for skinning in glTF. Joints are just
# regular nodes. But in Blender, only a bone can be used for skinning and bones
# are descendants of armatures.
# In the second pass we insert enough ARMATURE vnodes into the vtree so that
# every vnode which is the joint of a skin is a descendant of an ARMATURE. All
# descendants of ARMATURES are then turned into bones.
#       OBJ
#      /  \
#    OBJ  ARMA
#          |
#         BONE
#         /  \
#      BONE   BONE
def insert_armatures(op):
    # Insert an armature for every skin
    skins = op.gltf.get('skins', [])
    for skin_id, skin in enumerate(skins):
        armature = VNode() = skin.get('name', 'skins[%d]' % skin_id)
        armature.type = 'ARMATURE'

        # We're going to find a place to insert the armature. It must be above
        # all of the joint nodes.
        vnodes_below = [op.node_id_to_vnode[joint_id] for joint_id in skin['joints']]
        # Add in the skeleton node too (which we hope is an ancestor of the joints).
        if 'skeleton' in skin:

        ancestor = lowest_common_ancestor(vnodes_below)

        ancestor_is_joint = ancestor.node_id in skin['joints']
        if ancestor_is_joint:
            insert_above(ancestor, armature)
            insert_below(ancestor, armature)

    # Walk down the tree, marking all children of armatures as bones and
    # deleting any armature which is a descendant of another.
    def visit(vnode, armature_ancestor):
        # Make a copy of this because we don't want it to change (when we delete
        # a vnode) while we're in the middle of iterating it
        children = list(vnode.children)

        # If we are below an armature...
        if armature_ancestor:
            # Found an armature descended of another
            if vnode.type == 'ARMATURE':

                vnode.type = 'BONE'
                vnode.armature_vnode = armature_ancestor

            if vnode.type == 'ARMATURE':
                armature_ancestor = vnode

        for child in children:
            visit(child, armature_ancestor)

    visit(op.root_vnode, None)

# Now we need to enforce Blender's rule that (1) and object may have only one
# data instance (ie. only one of a mesh or a camera or a light), and (2) a bone
# may not have a data instance at all. We also need to move all cameras/lights
# to new children so that we have somewhere to hang the glTF->Blender axis
# conversion they need.
#             OBJ               Eg. if there was a mesh and camera on OBJ1
#            /  \               we will move the camera to a new child OBJ3
#        OBJ1   ARMA            (leaving the mesh on OBJ1).
#         /      |              And if there was a mesh on BONE2 we will move
#     OBJ3      BONE            the mesh to OBJ4
#               /  \
#            BONE   BONE2
#                    |
#                   OBJ4
def move_instances(op):
    def move_instance_to_new_child(vnode, key):
        inst = getattr(vnode, key)
        setattr(vnode, key, None)

        if key == 'mesh':
            id = inst['mesh']
            name = op.gltf['meshes'][id].get('name', 'meshes[%d]' % id)
        elif key == 'camera':
            id = inst['camera']
            name = op.gltf['cameras'][id].get('name', 'cameras[%d]' % id)
        elif key == 'light':
            id = inst['light']
            lights = op.gltf['extensions']['KHR_lights_punctual']['lights']
            name = lights[id].get('name', 'lights[%d]' % id)

        new_child = VNode() = name
        new_child.parent = vnode
        new_child.type = 'OBJECT'

        setattr(new_child, key, inst)
        setattr(vnode, key + '_moved_to', [new_child])

        if key in ['camera', 'light']:
            # Quarter-turn around the X-axis. Needed for cameras or lights that
            # point along the -Z axis in Blender but glTF says should look along the
            # -Y axis
            new_child.trs = (
                Quaternion((2**(-1/2), 2**(-1/2), 0, 0)),

        return new_child

    def visit(vnode):
        # Make a copy of this so we don't re-process new children we just made
        children = list(vnode.children)

        # Always move a camera or light to a child because it needs the
        # gltf->Blender axis conversion
            move_instance_to_new_child(vnode, 'camera')
        if vnode.light:
            move_instance_to_new_child(vnode, 'light')

        if vnode.mesh and vnode.type == 'BONE':
            move_instance_to_new_child(vnode, 'mesh')

        for child in children:


    # The user can request that meshes be split into their primitives, like this
    #       OBJ      =>     OBJ
    #      (mesh)         /  |  \
    #                  OBJ  OBJ  OBJ
    #                (mesh)(mesh)(mesh)
    if op.options['split_meshes']:
        def visit(vnode):
            children = list(vnode.children)

            if vnode.mesh is not None:
                num_prims = len(op.gltf['meshes'][vnode.mesh['mesh']]['primitives'])
                if num_prims > 1:
                    new_children = []
                    for prim_idx in range(0, num_prims):
                        child = VNode()
               = mesh_name(op, (vnode.mesh['mesh'], prim_idx))
                        child.type = 'OBJECT'
                        child.parent = vnode
                        child.mesh = {
                            'mesh': vnode.mesh['mesh'],
                            'skin': vnode.mesh['skin'],
                            'weights': vnode.mesh['weights'],
                            'primitive_idx': prim_idx,
                    vnode.mesh = None
                    vnode.children += new_children
                    vnode.mesh_moved_to = new_children

            for child in children:


# Here's the compilcated pass.
# Brief review: every bone in glTF has a local-to-parent transform T(b;pose).
# Sometimes we suppress the dependence on the pose and just write T(b). The
# composition with the parent's local-to-parent, and so on up the armature is
# the local-to-armature transform
#     L(b) = T(root) ... T(ppb) T(pb) T(b)
# where pb is the parent of b, ppb is the grandparent, etc. In Blender the
# local-to-armature is
#     LB(b) = E(root) P(root) ... E(ppb) P(ppb) E(pb) P(pb) E(b) P(b)
# where E(b) is a TR transform for the edit bone and P(b) is a TRS transform for
# the pose bone.
# NOTE: I am note entirely sure of that formula.
# In the rest position P(b;rest) = 1 for all b, so we would like to just make
# E(b) = T(b;rest), but we can't since T(b;rest) might have a scaling, and we
# also want to try to rotate T(b) so we can pick which way the Blender
# octahedorn points.
# So we're going to change T(b). For every bone b pick a rotation cr(b) and a
# scalar cs(b) and define the correction matrix for b to be
#     C(b) = Rot[cr(b)] HomScale[cs(b)]
# and transform T(b) to
#     T'(b) = C(pb)^{-1} T(b) C(b)
# If we compute L'(b) using the T'(b), most of the C terms cancel out and we get
#     L'(b) = L(b) C(b)
# This is close enough; we'll be able to cancel off the extra C(b) later.
# How do we pick C(b)? Assume we've already computed C(pb) and calculate T'(b)
#       T'(b)
#     = C(pb)^{-1} T(b) C(b)
#     = Rot[cr(pb)^{-1}] HomScale[1/cs(pb)]
#       Trans[t] Rot[r] Scale[s]
#       Rot[cr(b)] HomScale[cs(b)]
#     { floating the Trans to the left, combining Rots }
#     = Trans[ Rot[cr(pb)^{-1}] t / cs(pb) ]
#       Rot[cr(pb)^{-1} r] HomScale[1/cs(pb)] Scale[s]
#       Rot[cr(b)] HomScale[cs(b)]
# Now assume Scale[s] = HomScale[s] (and s is not 0), ie. the bone has a
# homogeneous scaling. Then we can rearrange this and get
#       Trans[ Rot[cr(pb)^{-1}] t / cs(pb) ]
#       Rot[cr(pb)^{-1} r cr(b)]
#       HomScale[s cs(b) / cs(pb)]
# Now if we want the rotation to be R we can pick cr(b) = r^{-1} cr(pb) R. We
# also want the scale to be 1, because again, E(b) has a scaling of 1 in Blender
# always, so we pick cs(b) = cs(pb) / s.
# Okay, cool, so this is now a TR matrix and we can identify it with E(b).
# But what if Scale[s] **isn't** homogeneous? We appear to have no choice but to
# put it on P(b;loadtime) for some non-rest pose we'll set at load time. This is
# unfortunate because the rest pose in Blender won't be the same as the rest
# pose in glTF (and there's inverse bind matrix fallout too).
# So in that case we'll take C(b) = 1, and set
#     E(b) = Trans[ Rot[cr(pb)^{-1}] t / cs(pb) ] Rot[cr(pb)^{-1} r]
#     P(b;loadtime) = Scale[s / cs(pb)]
# So in both cases we now have LB(b) = L'(b).
# TODO: we can still pick a rotation when the scaling is heterogeneous

# Maps an axis into a rotation carrying that axis into +Y
    '-X': Euler([0, 0, -pi/2]).to_quaternion(),
    '+X': Euler([0, 0, pi/2]).to_quaternion(),
    '-Y': Euler([pi, 0, 0]).to_quaternion(),
    '+Y': Euler([0, 0, 0]).to_quaternion(),
    '-Z': Euler([pi/2, 0, 0]).to_quaternion(),
    '+Z': Euler([-pi/2, 0, 0]).to_quaternion(),
def adjust_bones(op):
    # List of distances between bone heads (used for computing bone lengths)
    interbone_dists = []

    def visit_bone(vnode):
        t, r, s = vnode.trs

        cr_pb_inv = vnode.parent.correction_rotation.conjugated()
        cs_pb = vnode.parent.correction_homscale

        # Trans[ Rot[cr(pb)^{-1}] t / cs(pb) ]
        editbone_t = mul(cr_pb_inv, t) / cs_pb

        if is_non_degenerate_homscale(s):
            # s is a homogeneous scaling (ie. scalar mutliplication)
            s = s[0]

            # cs(b) = cs(pb) / s
            vnode.correction_homscale = cs_pb / s

            if op.options['bone_rotation_mode'] == 'POINT_TO_CHILDREN':
                # We always pick a rotation for cr(b) that is, up to sign, a permutation of
                # the basis vectors. This is necessary for some of the algebra to work out
                # in animtion importing.

                # General idea: assume we have one child. We want to rotate so
                # that our tail comes close to the child's head. Out tail lies
                # on our +Y axis. The child head is going to be Rot[cr(b)^{-1}]
                # child_t / cs(b) where b is us and child_t is the child's
                # trs[0]. So we want to choose cr(b) so that this is as close as
                # possible to +Y, ie. we want to rotate it so that its largest
                # component is along the +Y axis. Note that only the sign of
                # cs(b) affects this, not its magnitude (since the largest
                # component of v, 2v, 3v, etc. are all the same).

                # Pick the targest to rotate towards. If we have one child, use
                # that.
                if len(vnode.children) == 1:
                    target = vnode.children[0].trs[0]
                elif len(vnode.children) == 0:
                    # As though we had a child displaced the same way we were
                    # from our parent.
                    target = vnode.trs[0]
                    # Mean of all our children.
                    center = Vector((0, 0, 0))
                    for child in vnode.children:
                        center += child.trs[0]
                    center /= len(vnode.children)
                    target = center
                if cs_pb / s < 0:
                    target = -target

                x, y, z = abs(target[0]), abs(target[1]), abs(target[2])
                if x > y and x > z:
                    axis = '-X' if target[0] < 0 else '+X'
                elif z > x and z > y:
                    axis = '-Z' if target[2] < 0 else '+Z'
                    axis = '-Y' if target[1] < 0 else '+Y'

                cr_inv = AXIS_TO_PLUS_Y[axis]
                cr = cr_inv.conjugated()

            elif op.options['bone_rotation_mode'] == 'NONE':
                cr = Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0))


            vnode.correction_rotation = cr

            # cr(pb)^{-1} r cr(b)
            editbone_r = mul(mul(cr_pb_inv, r), cr)

            # TODO: we could still use a rotation here.
            # C(b) = 1
            vnode.correction_rotation = Quaternion((1, 0, 0, 0))
            vnode.correction_homscale = 1
            # E(b) = Trans[ Rot[cr(pb)^{-1}] t / cs(pb) ] Rot[cr(pb)^{-1} r]
            # P(b;loadtime) = Scale[s / cs(pb)]
            editbone_r = mul(cr_pb_inv, r)
            vnode.pose_s = s / cs_pb

        vnode.editbone_tr = editbone_t, editbone_r
        vnode.editbone_local_to_armature = mul(
            mul(Matrix.Translation(editbone_t), editbone_r.to_matrix().to_4x4())


        # Try getting a bone length for our parent. The length that makes its
        # tail meet our head is considered best. Since the tail always lies
        # along the +Y ray, the closer we are to the this ray the better our
        # length will be compared to the legnths chosen by our siblings. This is
        # measured by the "goodness". Amoung siblings with equal goodness, we
        # pick the smaller length, so the parent's tail will meet the nearest
        # child.
        vnode.bone_length_goodness = -99999
        if vnode.parent.type == 'BONE':
            t_len = editbone_t.length
            if t_len > 0.0005:
                goodness =, 1, 0))) / t_len
                if goodness > vnode.parent.bone_length_goodness:
                    if vnode.parent.bone_length == 0 or vnode.parent.bone_length > t_len:
                        vnode.parent.bone_length = t_len
                    vnode.parent.bone_length_goodness = goodness

        # Recurse
        for child in vnode.children:
            if child.type == 'BONE':

        # We're on the way back up. Last chance to set our bone length if none
        # of our children did. Use our parent's, if it has one. Otherwise, use
        # the average inter-bone distance, if its not 0. Otherwise, just use 1
        # -_-
        if not vnode.bone_length:
            if vnode.parent.bone_length:
                vnode.bone_length = vnode.parent.bone_length
                avg = sum(interbone_dists) / max(1, len(interbone_dists))
                if avg > 0.0005:
                    vnode.bone_length = avg
                    vnode.bone_length = 1

    def visit(vnode):
        if vnode.type == 'ARMATURE':
            for child in vnode.children:
            for child in vnode.children:


    # Remember that L'(b) = L(b) C(b)? Remember that we had to move any
    # mesh/camera/light on a bone to an object? That's the perfect place to put
    # a transform of C(b)^{-1} to cancel out that extra factor!
    def visit_object_child_of_bone(vnode):
        t, r, s = vnode.trs

        # This moves us back along the bone, because for some reason Blender
        # puts us at the tail of the bone, not the head
        t -= Vector((0, vnode.parent.bone_length, 0))

        #   Rot[cr^{-1}] HomScale[1/cs] Trans[t] Rot[r] Scale[s]
        # = Trans[ Rot[cr^{-1}] t / cs] Rot[cr^{-1} r] Scale[s / cs]
        cr_inv = vnode.parent.correction_rotation.conjugated()
        cs = vnode.parent.correction_homscale
        t = mul(cr_inv, t) / cs
        r = mul(cr_inv, r)
        s /= cs

        vnode.trs = t, r, s

    def visit(vnode):
        if vnode.type == 'OBJECT' and vnode.parent.type == 'BONE':
        for child in vnode.children:


# Helper functions below here:

def get_node_trs(op, node):
    """Gets the TRS proerties from a glTF node JSON object."""
    if 'matrix' in node:
        m = node['matrix']
        # column-major to row-major
        m = Matrix([m[0:4], m[4:8], m[8:12], m[12:16]])
        loc, rot, sca = m.decompose()
        # wxyz -> xyzw
        # convert_rotation will switch back
        rot = [rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[0]]

        sca = node.get('scale', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        rot = node.get('rotation', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        loc = node.get('translation', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    # Switch glTF coordinates to Blender coordinates
    sca = op.convert_scale(sca)
    rot = op.convert_rotation(rot)
    loc = op.convert_translation(loc)

    return [Vector(loc), Quaternion(rot), Vector(sca)]

def lowest_common_ancestor(vnodes):
    Compute the lowest common ancestors of vnodes, ie. the lowest node of which
    all the given vnodes are (possibly impromper) descendants.

    def ancestor_list(vnode):
        Computes the ancestor-list of vnode: the list of all its ancestors
        starting at the root and ending at vnode itself.
        chain = []
        while vnode:
            vnode = vnode.parent
        return chain

    def first_difference(l1, l2):
        Returns the index of the first difference in two lists, or None if one is
        a prefix of the other.
        i = 0
        while True:
            if i == len(l1) or i == len(l2):
                return None
            if l1[i] != l2[i]:
                return i
            i += 1

    # Ancestor list for the lowest common ancestor so far
    lowest_ancestor_list = ancestor_list(vnodes[0])

    for vnode in vnodes[1:]:
        cur_ancestor_list = ancestor_list(vnode)
        d = first_difference(lowest_ancestor_list, cur_ancestor_list)
        if d is None:
            if len(cur_ancestor_list) < len(lowest_ancestor_list):
                lowest_ancestor_list = cur_ancestor_list
            lowest_ancestor_list = lowest_ancestor_list[:d]

    return lowest_ancestor_list[-1]

def insert_above(vnode, new_parent):
    Inserts new_parent between vnode and its parent. That is, turn

        parent -> sister              parent -> sister
               -> vnode      into            -> new_parent -> vnode
               -> sister                     -> sister
    if not vnode.parent:
        vnode.parent = new_parent
        new_parent.parent = None
        new_parent.children = [vnode]
        parent = vnode.parent
        i = parent.children.index(vnode)
        parent.children[i] = new_parent
        new_parent.parent = parent
        new_parent.children = [vnode]
        vnode.parent = new_parent

def insert_below(vnode, new_child):
    Insert new_child between vnode and its children. That is, turn

        vnode -> child              vnode -> new_child -> child
              -> child     into                        -> child
              -> child                                 -> child
    children = vnode.children
    vnode.children = [new_child]
    new_child.parent = vnode
    new_child.children = children
    for child in children:
        child.parent = new_child

def remove_vnode(vnode):
    Remove vnode from the tree, replacing it with its children. That is, turn

        parent -> sister                  parent -> sister
               -> vnode -> child   into          -> child
               -> sister                         -> sister
    assert(vnode.parent) # will never be called on the root

    parent = vnode.parent
    children = vnode.children

    i = parent.children.index(vnode)
    parent.children = (
        parent.children[:i] +
        children +
    for child in children:
        child.parent = parent

    vnode.parent = None
    vnode.children = []

def is_non_degenerate_homscale(s):
    """Returns true if Scale[s] is multiplication by a non-zero scalar."""
    largest = max(abs(x) for x in s)
    smallest = min(abs(x) for x in s)

    if smallest < 1e-5:
        # Too small; consider it zero
        return False
    return largest - smallest < largest * 0.001