from functools import wraps

from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_fsm.signals import post_transition as post_transition_signal

__all__ = ["post_transition"]

Implements post_transition decorator hooks for Django-FSM.


    @transition(field=state, source="abc", target="def)
    def my_state_change(self):
        # self.state hasn't updated yet!
        assert self.state == "abc"

    def post_my_state_change(self):
        # self.state has updated, but has not been saved
        assert self.state == "def"

_POST_TRANSITION_IDENTIFIER = "_fsm_post_transition"

def post_transition(transition_method):
    Links a post transition hook to the transition, so that our receiver can
    identify the hook.

    def inner_function(func):
        def _post_transition_hook(instance):
            return func(instance)

        setattr(transition_method, _POST_TRANSITION_IDENTIFIER, func.__name__)
        return _post_transition_hook

    return inner_function

def post_transition_handler(sender, instance, name, source, target, **kwargs):
    Identifies the hook linked to the transition method, and calls it with no

    The transition has **not** been saved at this point.
    transition_method = getattr(instance, name)
        post_hook_name = getattr(transition_method, _POST_TRANSITION_IDENTIFIER)
    except AttributeError:
    post_func = getattr(instance, post_hook_name)