# cbpro/AuthenticatedClient.py
# Daniel Paquin
# For authenticated requests to the Coinbase exchange

import hmac
import hashlib
import time
import requests
import base64
import json
from requests.auth import AuthBase
from .public_client import PublicClient
from .cbpro_auth import CBProAuth

class AuthenticatedClient(PublicClient):
    """ Provides access to Private Endpoints on the cbpro API.

    All requests default to the live `api_url`: 'https://api.pro.coinbase.com'.
    To test your application using the sandbox modify the `api_url`.

        url (str): The api url for this client instance to use.
        auth (CBProAuth): Custom authentication handler for each request.
        session (requests.Session): Persistent HTTP connection object.
    def __init__(self, key, b64secret, passphrase,
        """ Create an instance of the AuthenticatedClient class.

            key (str): Your API key.
            b64secret (str): The secret key matching your API key.
            passphrase (str): Passphrase chosen when setting up key.
            api_url (Optional[str]): API URL. Defaults to cbpro API.
        super(AuthenticatedClient, self).__init__(api_url)
        self.auth = CBProAuth(key, b64secret, passphrase)
        self.session = requests.Session()

    def get_account(self, account_id):
        """ Get information for a single account.

        Use this endpoint when you know the account_id.

            account_id (str): Account id for account you want to get.

            dict: Account information. Example::
                    "id": "a1b2c3d4",
                    "balance": "1.100",
                    "holds": "0.100",
                    "available": "1.00",
                    "currency": "USD"
        return self._send_message('get', '/accounts/' + account_id)

    def get_accounts(self):
        """ Get a list of trading all accounts.

        When you place an order, the funds for the order are placed on
        hold. They cannot be used for other orders or withdrawn. Funds
        will remain on hold until the order is filled or canceled. The
        funds on hold for each account will be specified.

            list: Info about all accounts. Example::
                        "id": "71452118-efc7-4cc4-8780-a5e22d4baa53",
                        "currency": "BTC",
                        "balance": "0.0000000000000000",
                        "available": "0.0000000000000000",
                        "hold": "0.0000000000000000",
                        "profile_id": "75da88c5-05bf-4f54-bc85-5c775bd68254"

        * Additional info included in response for margin accounts.
        return self.get_account('')

    def get_account_history(self, account_id, **kwargs):
        """ List account activity. Account activity either increases or
        decreases your account balance.

        Entry type indicates the reason for the account change.
        * transfer:	Funds moved to/from Coinbase to cbpro
        * match:	Funds moved as a result of a trade
        * fee:	    Fee as a result of a trade
        * rebate:   Fee rebate as per our fee schedule

        If an entry is the result of a trade (match, fee), the details
        field will contain additional information about the trade.

            account_id (str): Account id to get history of.
            kwargs (dict): Additional HTTP request parameters.

            list: History information for the account. Example::
                        "id": "100",
                        "created_at": "2014-11-07T08:19:27.028459Z",
                        "amount": "0.001",
                        "balance": "239.669",
                        "type": "fee",
                        "details": {
                            "order_id": "d50ec984-77a8-460a-b958-66f114b0de9b",
                            "trade_id": "74",
                            "product_id": "BTC-USD"
        endpoint = '/accounts/{}/ledger'.format(account_id)
        return self._send_paginated_message(endpoint, params=kwargs)

    def get_account_holds(self, account_id, **kwargs):
        """ Get holds on an account.

        This method returns a generator which may make multiple HTTP requests
        while iterating through it.

        Holds are placed on an account for active orders or
        pending withdraw requests.

        As an order is filled, the hold amount is updated. If an order
        is canceled, any remaining hold is removed. For a withdraw, once
        it is completed, the hold is removed.

        The `type` field will indicate why the hold exists. The hold
        type is 'order' for holds related to open orders and 'transfer'
        for holds related to a withdraw.

        The `ref` field contains the id of the order or transfer which
        created the hold.

            account_id (str): Account id to get holds of.
            kwargs (dict): Additional HTTP request parameters.

            generator(list): Hold information for the account. Example::
                        "id": "82dcd140-c3c7-4507-8de4-2c529cd1a28f",
                        "account_id": "e0b3f39a-183d-453e-b754-0c13e5bab0b3",
                        "created_at": "2014-11-06T10:34:47.123456Z",
                        "updated_at": "2014-11-06T10:40:47.123456Z",
                        "amount": "4.23",
                        "type": "order",
                        "ref": "0a205de4-dd35-4370-a285-fe8fc375a273",

        endpoint = '/accounts/{}/holds'.format(account_id)
        return self._send_paginated_message(endpoint, params=kwargs)

    def place_order(self, product_id, side, order_type, **kwargs):
        """ Place an order.

        The three order types (limit, market, and stop) can be placed using this
        method. Specific methods are provided for each order type, but if a
        more generic interface is desired this method is available.

            product_id (str): Product to order (eg. 'BTC-USD')
            side (str): Order side ('buy' or 'sell)
            order_type (str): Order type ('limit', 'market', or 'stop')
            **client_oid (str): Order ID selected by you to identify your order.
                This should be a UUID, which will be broadcast in the public
                feed for `received` messages.
            **stp (str): Self-trade prevention flag. cbpro doesn't allow self-
                trading. This behavior can be modified with this flag.
                'dc'	Decrease and Cancel (default)
                'co'	Cancel oldest
                'cn'	Cancel newest
                'cb'	Cancel both
            **overdraft_enabled (Optional[bool]): If true funding above and
                beyond the account balance will be provided by margin, as
            **funding_amount (Optional[Decimal]): Amount of margin funding to be
                provided for the order. Mutually exclusive with
            **kwargs: Additional arguments can be specified for different order
                types. See the limit/market/stop order methods for details.

            dict: Order details. Example::
                "id": "d0c5340b-6d6c-49d9-b567-48c4bfca13d2",
                "price": "0.10000000",
                "size": "0.01000000",
                "product_id": "BTC-USD",
                "side": "buy",
                "stp": "dc",
                "type": "limit",
                "time_in_force": "GTC",
                "post_only": false,
                "created_at": "2016-12-08T20:02:28.53864Z",
                "fill_fees": "0.0000000000000000",
                "filled_size": "0.00000000",
                "executed_value": "0.0000000000000000",
                "status": "pending",
                "settled": false

        # Margin parameter checks
        if kwargs.get('overdraft_enabled') is not None and \
                kwargs.get('funding_amount') is not None:
            raise ValueError('Margin funding must be specified through use of '
                             'overdraft or by setting a funding amount, but not'
                             ' both')

        # Limit order checks
        if order_type == 'limit':
            if kwargs.get('cancel_after') is not None and \
                    kwargs.get('tif') != 'GTT':
                raise ValueError('May only specify a cancel period when time '
                                 'in_force is `GTT`')
            if kwargs.get('post_only') is not None and kwargs.get('tif') in \
                    ['IOC', 'FOK']:
                raise ValueError('post_only is invalid when time in force is '
                                 '`IOC` or `FOK`')

        # Market and stop order checks
        if order_type == 'market' or order_type == 'stop':
            if not (kwargs.get('size') is None) ^ (kwargs.get('funds') is None):
                raise ValueError('Either `size` or `funds` must be specified '
                                 'for market/stop orders (but not both).')

        # Build params dict
        params = {'product_id': product_id,
                  'side': side,
                  'type': order_type}
        return self._send_message('post', '/orders', data=json.dumps(params))

    def buy(self, product_id, order_type, **kwargs):
        """Place a buy order.

        This is included to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions
        of cbpro-Python. For maximum support from docstrings and function
        signatures see the order type-specific functions place_limit_order,
        place_market_order, and place_stop_order.

            product_id (str): Product to order (eg. 'BTC-USD')
            order_type (str): Order type ('limit', 'market', or 'stop')
            **kwargs: Additional arguments can be specified for different order

            dict: Order details. See `place_order` for example.

        return self.place_order(product_id, 'buy', order_type, **kwargs)

    def sell(self, product_id, order_type, **kwargs):
        """Place a sell order.

        This is included to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions
        of cbpro-Python. For maximum support from docstrings and function
        signatures see the order type-specific functions place_limit_order,
        place_market_order, and place_stop_order.

            product_id (str): Product to order (eg. 'BTC-USD')
            order_type (str): Order type ('limit', 'market', or 'stop')
            **kwargs: Additional arguments can be specified for different order

            dict: Order details. See `place_order` for example.

        return self.place_order(product_id, 'sell', order_type, **kwargs)

    def place_limit_order(self, product_id, side, price, size,
        """Place a limit order.

            product_id (str): Product to order (eg. 'BTC-USD')
            side (str): Order side ('buy' or 'sell)
            price (Decimal): Price per cryptocurrency
            size (Decimal): Amount of cryptocurrency to buy or sell
            client_oid (Optional[str]): User-specified Order ID
            stp (Optional[str]): Self-trade prevention flag. See `place_order`
                for details.
            time_in_force (Optional[str]): Time in force. Options:
                'GTC'   Good till canceled
                'GTT'   Good till time (set by `cancel_after`)
                'IOC'   Immediate or cancel
                'FOK'   Fill or kill
            cancel_after (Optional[str]): Cancel after this period for 'GTT'
                orders. Options are 'min', 'hour', or 'day'.
            post_only (Optional[bool]): Indicates that the order should only
                make liquidity. If any part of the order results in taking
                liquidity, the order will be rejected and no part of it will
            overdraft_enabled (Optional[bool]): If true funding above and
                beyond the account balance will be provided by margin, as
            funding_amount (Optional[Decimal]): Amount of margin funding to be
                provided for the order. Mutually exclusive with

            dict: Order details. See `place_order` for example.

        params = {'product_id': product_id,
                  'side': side,
                  'order_type': 'limit',
                  'price': price,
                  'size': size,
                  'client_oid': client_oid,
                  'stp': stp,
                  'time_in_force': time_in_force,
                  'cancel_after': cancel_after,
                  'post_only': post_only,
                  'overdraft_enabled': overdraft_enabled,
                  'funding_amount': funding_amount}
        params = dict((k, v) for k, v in params.items() if v is not None)

        return self.place_order(**params)

    def place_market_order(self, product_id, side, size=None, funds=None,
        """ Place market order.

            product_id (str): Product to order (eg. 'BTC-USD')
            side (str): Order side ('buy' or 'sell)
            size (Optional[Decimal]): Desired amount in crypto. Specify this or
            funds (Optional[Decimal]): Desired amount of quote currency to use.
                Specify this or `size`.
            client_oid (Optional[str]): User-specified Order ID
            stp (Optional[str]): Self-trade prevention flag. See `place_order`
                for details.
            overdraft_enabled (Optional[bool]): If true funding above and
                beyond the account balance will be provided by margin, as
            funding_amount (Optional[Decimal]): Amount of margin funding to be
                provided for the order. Mutually exclusive with

            dict: Order details. See `place_order` for example.

        params = {'product_id': product_id,
                  'side': side,
                  'order_type': 'market',
                  'size': size,
                  'funds': funds,
                  'client_oid': client_oid,
                  'stp': stp,
                  'overdraft_enabled': overdraft_enabled,
                  'funding_amount': funding_amount}
        params = dict((k, v) for k, v in params.items() if v is not None)

        return self.place_order(**params)

    def place_stop_order(self, product_id, side, price, size=None, funds=None,
        """ Place stop order.

            product_id (str): Product to order (eg. 'BTC-USD')
            side (str): Order side ('buy' or 'sell)
            price (Decimal): Desired price at which the stop order triggers.
            size (Optional[Decimal]): Desired amount in crypto. Specify this or
            funds (Optional[Decimal]): Desired amount of quote currency to use.
                Specify this or `size`.
            client_oid (Optional[str]): User-specified Order ID
            stp (Optional[str]): Self-trade prevention flag. See `place_order`
                for details.
            overdraft_enabled (Optional[bool]): If true funding above and
                beyond the account balance will be provided by margin, as
            funding_amount (Optional[Decimal]): Amount of margin funding to be
                provided for the order. Mutually exclusive with

            dict: Order details. See `place_order` for example.

        params = {'product_id': product_id,
                  'side': side,
                  'price': price,
                  'order_type': 'stop',
                  'size': size,
                  'funds': funds,
                  'client_oid': client_oid,
                  'stp': stp,
                  'overdraft_enabled': overdraft_enabled,
                  'funding_amount': funding_amount}
        params = dict((k, v) for k, v in params.items() if v is not None)

        return self.place_order(**params)

    def cancel_order(self, order_id):
        """ Cancel a previously placed order.

        If the order had no matches during its lifetime its record may
        be purged. This means the order details will not be available
        with get_order(order_id). If the order could not be canceled
        (already filled or previously canceled, etc), then an error
        response will indicate the reason in the message field.

        **Caution**: The order id is the server-assigned order id and
        not the optional client_oid.

            order_id (str): The order_id of the order you want to cancel

            list: Containing the order_id of cancelled order. Example::
                [ "c5ab5eae-76be-480e-8961-00792dc7e138" ]

        return self._send_message('delete', '/orders/' + order_id)

    def cancel_all(self, product_id=None):
        """ With best effort, cancel all open orders.

            product_id (Optional[str]): Only cancel orders for this

            list: A list of ids of the canceled orders. Example::

        if product_id is not None:
            params = {'product_id': product_id}
            data = json.dumps(params)
            data = None
        return self._send_message('delete', '/orders', data=data)

    def get_order(self, order_id):
        """ Get a single order by order id.

        If the order is canceled the response may have status code 404
        if the order had no matches.

        **Caution**: Open orders may change state between the request
        and the response depending on market conditions.

            order_id (str): The order to get information of.

            dict: Containing information on order. Example::
                    "created_at": "2017-06-18T00:27:42.920136Z",
                    "executed_value": "0.0000000000000000",
                    "fill_fees": "0.0000000000000000",
                    "filled_size": "0.00000000",
                    "id": "9456f388-67a9-4316-bad1-330c5353804f",
                    "post_only": true,
                    "price": "1.00000000",
                    "product_id": "BTC-USD",
                    "settled": false,
                    "side": "buy",
                    "size": "1.00000000",
                    "status": "pending",
                    "stp": "dc",
                    "time_in_force": "GTC",
                    "type": "limit"

        return self._send_message('get', '/orders/' + order_id)

    def get_orders(self, product_id=None, status=None, **kwargs):
        """ List your current open orders.

        This method returns a generator which may make multiple HTTP requests
        while iterating through it.

        Only open or un-settled orders are returned. As soon as an
        order is no longer open and settled, it will no longer appear
        in the default request.

        Orders which are no longer resting on the order book, will be
        marked with the 'done' status. There is a small window between
        an order being 'done' and 'settled'. An order is 'settled' when
        all of the fills have settled and the remaining holds (if any)
        have been removed.

        For high-volume trading it is strongly recommended that you
        maintain your own list of open orders and use one of the
        streaming market data feeds to keep it updated. You should poll
        the open orders endpoint once when you start trading to obtain
        the current state of any open orders.

            product_id (Optional[str]): Only list orders for this
            status (Optional[list/str]): Limit list of orders to
                this status or statuses. Passing 'all' returns orders
                of all statuses.
                ** Options: 'open', 'pending', 'active', 'done',
                ** default: ['open', 'pending', 'active']

            list: Containing information on orders. Example::
                        "id": "d0c5340b-6d6c-49d9-b567-48c4bfca13d2",
                        "price": "0.10000000",
                        "size": "0.01000000",
                        "product_id": "BTC-USD",
                        "side": "buy",
                        "stp": "dc",
                        "type": "limit",
                        "time_in_force": "GTC",
                        "post_only": false,
                        "created_at": "2016-12-08T20:02:28.53864Z",
                        "fill_fees": "0.0000000000000000",
                        "filled_size": "0.00000000",
                        "executed_value": "0.0000000000000000",
                        "status": "open",
                        "settled": false

        params = kwargs
        if product_id is not None:
            params['product_id'] = product_id
        if status is not None:
            params['status'] = status
        return self._send_paginated_message('/orders', params=params)

    def get_fills(self, product_id=None, order_id=None, **kwargs):
        """ Get a list of recent fills.

        This method returns a generator which may make multiple HTTP requests
        while iterating through it.

        Fees are recorded in two stages. Immediately after the matching
        engine completes a match, the fill is inserted into our
        datastore. Once the fill is recorded, a settlement process will
        settle the fill and credit both trading counterparties.

        The 'fee' field indicates the fees charged for this fill.

        The 'liquidity' field indicates if the fill was the result of a
        liquidity provider or liquidity taker. M indicates Maker and T
        indicates Taker.

        As of 8/23/18 - Requests without either order_id or product_id
        will be rejected

            product_id (str): Limit list to this product_id
            order_id (str): Limit list to this order_id
            kwargs (dict): Additional HTTP request parameters.

            list: Containing information on fills. Example::
                        "trade_id": 74,
                        "product_id": "BTC-USD",
                        "price": "10.00",
                        "size": "0.01",
                        "order_id": "d50ec984-77a8-460a-b958-66f114b0de9b",
                        "created_at": "2014-11-07T22:19:28.578544Z",
                        "liquidity": "T",
                        "fee": "0.00025",
                        "settled": true,
                        "side": "buy"

        params = {}
        if product_id:
            params['product_id'] = product_id
        if order_id:
            params['order_id'] = order_id

        return self._send_paginated_message('/fills', params=params)

    def get_fundings(self, status=None, **kwargs):
        """ Every order placed with a margin profile that draws funding
        will create a funding record.

        This method returns a generator which may make multiple HTTP requests
        while iterating through it.

            status (list/str): Limit funding records to these statuses.
                ** Options: 'outstanding', 'settled', 'rejected'
            kwargs (dict): Additional HTTP request parameters.

            list: Containing information on margin funding. Example::
                        "id": "b93d26cd-7193-4c8d-bfcc-446b2fe18f71",
                        "order_id": "b93d26cd-7193-4c8d-bfcc-446b2fe18f71",
                        "profile_id": "d881e5a6-58eb-47cd-b8e2-8d9f2e3ec6f6",
                        "amount": "1057.6519956381537500",
                        "status": "settled",
                        "created_at": "2017-03-17T23:46:16.663397Z",
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "repaid_amount": "1057.6519956381537500",
                        "default_amount": "0",
                        "repaid_default": false

        params = {}
        if status is not None:
            params['status'] = status
        return self._send_paginated_message('/funding', params=params)

    def repay_funding(self, amount, currency):
        """ Repay funding. Repays the older funding records first.

            amount (int): Amount of currency to repay
            currency (str): The currency, example USD

            Not specified by cbpro.

        params = {
            'amount': amount,
            'currency': currency  # example: USD
        return self._send_message('post', '/funding/repay',

    def margin_transfer(self, margin_profile_id, transfer_type, currency,
        """ Transfer funds between your standard profile and a margin profile.

            margin_profile_id (str): Margin profile ID to withdraw or deposit
            transfer_type (str): 'deposit' or 'withdraw'
            currency (str): Currency to transfer (eg. 'USD')
            amount (Decimal): Amount to transfer

            dict: Transfer details. Example::
                  "created_at": "2017-01-25T19:06:23.415126Z",
                  "id": "80bc6b74-8b1f-4c60-a089-c61f9810d4ab",
                  "user_id": "521c20b3d4ab09621f000011",
                  "profile_id": "cda95996-ac59-45a3-a42e-30daeb061867",
                  "margin_profile_id": "45fa9e3b-00ba-4631-b907-8a98cbdf21be",
                  "type": "deposit",
                  "amount": "2",
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "account_id": "23035fc7-0707-4b59-b0d2-95d0c035f8f5",
                  "margin_account_id": "e1d9862c-a259-4e83-96cd-376352a9d24d",
                  "margin_product_id": "BTC-USD",
                  "status": "completed",
                  "nonce": 25

        params = {'margin_profile_id': margin_profile_id,
                  'type': transfer_type,
                  'currency': currency,  # example: USD
                  'amount': amount}
        return self._send_message('post', '/profiles/margin-transfer',

    def get_position(self):
        """ Get An overview of your margin profile.

            dict: Details about funding, accounts, and margin call.

        return self._send_message('get', '/position')

    def close_position(self, repay_only):
        """ Close position.

            repay_only (bool): Undocumented by cbpro.


        params = {'repay_only': repay_only}
        return self._send_message('post', '/position/close',

    def deposit(self, amount, currency, payment_method_id):
        """ Deposit funds from a payment method.

        See AuthenticatedClient.get_payment_methods() to receive
        information regarding payment methods.

            amount (Decmial): The amount to deposit.
            currency (str): The type of currency.
            payment_method_id (str): ID of the payment method.

            dict: Information about the deposit. Example::
                    "id": "593533d2-ff31-46e0-b22e-ca754147a96a",
                    "amount": "10.00",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "payout_at": "2016-08-20T00:31:09Z"

        params = {'amount': amount,
                  'currency': currency,
                  'payment_method_id': payment_method_id}
        return self._send_message('post', '/deposits/payment-method',

    def coinbase_deposit(self, amount, currency, coinbase_account_id):
        """ Deposit funds from a coinbase account.

        You can move funds between your Coinbase accounts and your cbpro
        trading accounts within your daily limits. Moving funds between
        Coinbase and cbpro is instant and free.

        See AuthenticatedClient.get_coinbase_accounts() to receive
        information regarding your coinbase_accounts.

            amount (Decimal): The amount to deposit.
            currency (str): The type of currency.
            coinbase_account_id (str): ID of the coinbase account.

            dict: Information about the deposit. Example::
                    "id": "593533d2-ff31-46e0-b22e-ca754147a96a",
                    "amount": "10.00",
                    "currency": "BTC",

        params = {'amount': amount,
                  'currency': currency,
                  'coinbase_account_id': coinbase_account_id}
        return self._send_message('post', '/deposits/coinbase-account',

    def withdraw(self, amount, currency, payment_method_id):
        """ Withdraw funds to a payment method.

        See AuthenticatedClient.get_payment_methods() to receive
        information regarding payment methods.

            amount (Decimal): The amount to withdraw.
            currency (str): Currency type (eg. 'BTC')
            payment_method_id (str): ID of the payment method.

            dict: Withdraw details. Example::
                    "amount": "10.00",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "payout_at": "2016-08-20T00:31:09Z"

        params = {'amount': amount,
                  'currency': currency,
                  'payment_method_id': payment_method_id}
        return self._send_message('post', '/withdrawals/payment-method',

    def coinbase_withdraw(self, amount, currency, coinbase_account_id):
        """ Withdraw funds to a coinbase account.

        You can move funds between your Coinbase accounts and your cbpro
        trading accounts within your daily limits. Moving funds between
        Coinbase and cbpro is instant and free.

        See AuthenticatedClient.get_coinbase_accounts() to receive
        information regarding your coinbase_accounts.

            amount (Decimal): The amount to withdraw.
            currency (str): The type of currency (eg. 'BTC')
            coinbase_account_id (str): ID of the coinbase account.

            dict: Information about the deposit. Example::
                    "currency": "BTC",

        params = {'amount': amount,
                  'currency': currency,
                  'coinbase_account_id': coinbase_account_id}
        return self._send_message('post', '/withdrawals/coinbase',

    def crypto_withdraw(self, amount, currency, crypto_address):
        """ Withdraw funds to a crypto address.

            amount (Decimal): The amount to withdraw
            currency (str): The type of currency (eg. 'BTC')
            crypto_address (str): Crypto address to withdraw to.

            dict: Withdraw details. Example::
                    "currency": "BTC",

        params = {'amount': amount,
                  'currency': currency,
                  'crypto_address': crypto_address}
        return self._send_message('post', '/withdrawals/crypto',

    def get_payment_methods(self):
        """ Get a list of your payment methods.

            list: Payment method details.

        return self._send_message('get', '/payment-methods')

    def get_coinbase_accounts(self):
        """ Get a list of your coinbase accounts.

            list: Coinbase account details.

        return self._send_message('get', '/coinbase-accounts')

    def create_report(self, report_type, start_date, end_date, product_id=None,
                      account_id=None, report_format='pdf', email=None):
        """ Create report of historic information about your account.

        The report will be generated when resources are available. Report status
        can be queried via `get_report(report_id)`.

            report_type (str): 'fills' or 'account'
            start_date (str): Starting date for the report in ISO 8601
            end_date (str): Ending date for the report in ISO 8601
            product_id (Optional[str]): ID of the product to generate a fills
                report for. Required if account_type is 'fills'
            account_id (Optional[str]): ID of the account to generate an account
                report for. Required if report_type is 'account'.
            report_format (Optional[str]): 'pdf' or 'csv'. Default is 'pdf'.
            email (Optional[str]): Email address to send the report to.

            dict: Report details. Example::
                    "id": "0428b97b-bec1-429e-a94c-59232926778d",
                    "type": "fills",
                    "status": "pending",
                    "created_at": "2015-01-06T10:34:47.000Z",
                    "completed_at": undefined,
                    "expires_at": "2015-01-13T10:35:47.000Z",
                    "file_url": undefined,
                    "params": {
                        "start_date": "2014-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "end_date": "2014-11-30T23:59:59.000Z"

        params = {'type': report_type,
                  'start_date': start_date,
                  'end_date': end_date,
                  'format': report_format}
        if product_id is not None:
            params['product_id'] = product_id
        if account_id is not None:
            params['account_id'] = account_id
        if email is not None:
            params['email'] = email

        return self._send_message('post', '/reports',

    def get_report(self, report_id):
        """ Get report status.

        Use to query a specific report once it has been requested.

            report_id (str): Report ID

            dict: Report details, including file url once it is created.

        return self._send_message('get', '/reports/' + report_id)

    def get_trailing_volume(self):
        """  Get your 30-day trailing volume for all products.

        This is a cached value that's calculated every day at midnight UTC.

            list: 30-day trailing volumes. Example::
                        "product_id": "BTC-USD",
                        "exchange_volume": "11800.00000000",
                        "volume": "100.00000000",
                        "recorded_at": "1973-11-29T00:05:01.123456Z"

        return self._send_message('get', '/users/self/trailing-volume')