import logging
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import attr
import hypothesis
import requests
from _pytest.logging import LogCaptureHandler, catching_logs
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth, _basic_auth_str

from ..._hypothesis import make_test_or_exception
from ...constants import USER_AGENT
from ...exceptions import CheckFailed, InvalidSchema, get_grouped_exception
from ...hooks import HookContext, get_all_by_name
from ...models import Case, CheckFunction, Endpoint, Status, TestResult, TestResultSet
from ...runner import events
from ...schemas import BaseSchema
from ...stateful import ParsedData, StatefulTest
from ...types import RawAuth
from ...utils import GenericResponse, WSGIResponse, capture_hypothesis_output, format_exception
from ..targeted import Target

DEFAULT_DEADLINE = 500  # pragma: no mutate

def get_hypothesis_settings(hypothesis_options: Dict[str, Any]) -> hypothesis.settings:
    # Default settings, used as a parent settings object below
    hypothesis_options.setdefault("deadline", DEFAULT_DEADLINE)
    return hypothesis.settings(**hypothesis_options)

class StatefulData:
    """Storage for data that will be used in later tests."""

    stateful_test: StatefulTest = attr.ib()
    container: List[ParsedData] = attr.ib(factory=list)

    def make_endpoint(self) -> Endpoint:
        return self.stateful_test.make_endpoint(self.container)

    def store(self, case: Case, response: GenericResponse) -> None:
        """Parse and store data for a stateful test."""
        parsed = self.stateful_test.parse(case, response)

class Feedback:
    """Handler for feedback from tests.

    Provides a way to control runner's behavior from tests.

    stateful: Optional[str] = attr.ib()
    endpoint: Endpoint = attr.ib()
    stateful_tests: Dict[str, StatefulData] = attr.ib(factory=dict)

    def add_test_case(self, case: Case, response: GenericResponse) -> None:
        """Store test data to reuse it in the future additional tests."""
        for stateful_test in case.endpoint.get_stateful_tests(response, self.stateful):
            data = self.stateful_tests.setdefault(, StatefulData(stateful_test))
  , response)

    def get_stateful_tests(
        self, test: Callable, settings: hypothesis.settings, seed: Optional[int]
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[Endpoint, Union[Callable, InvalidSchema]], None, None]:
        """Generate additional tests that use data from the previous ones."""
        for data in self.stateful_tests.values():
            endpoint = data.make_endpoint()
            yield endpoint, make_test_or_exception(endpoint, test, settings, seed)

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
@attr.s  # pragma: no mutate
class BaseRunner:
    schema: BaseSchema = attr.ib()  # pragma: no mutate
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction] = attr.ib()  # pragma: no mutate
    targets: Iterable[Target] = attr.ib()  # pragma: no mutate
    hypothesis_settings: hypothesis.settings = attr.ib(converter=get_hypothesis_settings)  # pragma: no mutate
    auth: Optional[RawAuth] = attr.ib(default=None)  # pragma: no mutate
    auth_type: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None)  # pragma: no mutate
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = attr.ib(default=None)  # pragma: no mutate
    request_timeout: Optional[int] = attr.ib(default=None)  # pragma: no mutate
    store_interactions: bool = attr.ib(default=False)  # pragma: no mutate
    seed: Optional[int] = attr.ib(default=None)  # pragma: no mutate
    exit_first: bool = attr.ib(default=False)  # pragma: no mutate
    stateful: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None)  # pragma: no mutate
    stateful_recursion_limit: int = attr.ib(default=DEFAULT_STATEFUL_RECURSION_LIMIT)  # pragma: no mutate

    def execute(self) -> Generator[events.ExecutionEvent, None, None]:
        """Common logic for all runners."""
        results = TestResultSet()

        initialized = events.Initialized.from_schema(schema=self.schema)
        yield initialized

        for event in self._execute(results):
            if (
                and isinstance(event, events.AfterExecution)
                and event.status in (Status.error, Status.failure)
            yield event

        yield events.Finished.from_results(results=results, running_time=time.monotonic() - initialized.start_time)

    def _execute(self, results: TestResultSet) -> Generator[events.ExecutionEvent, None, None]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _run_tests(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        maker: Callable,
        template: Callable,
        settings: hypothesis.settings,
        seed: Optional[int],
        recursion_level: int = 0,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Generator[events.ExecutionEvent, None, None]:
        """Run tests and recursively run additional tests."""
        if recursion_level > self.stateful_recursion_limit:
        for endpoint, test in maker(template, settings, seed):
            feedback = Feedback(self.stateful, endpoint)
            for event in run_test(endpoint, test, feedback=feedback, recursion_level=recursion_level, **kwargs):
                yield event
                if isinstance(event, events.Interrupted):
            # Additional tests, generated via the `feedback` instance
            yield from self._run_tests(
                feedback.get_stateful_tests, template, settings, seed, recursion_level=recursion_level + 1, **kwargs

def run_test(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    endpoint: Endpoint,
    test: Union[Callable, InvalidSchema],
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction],
    targets: Iterable[Target],
    results: TestResultSet,
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    recursion_level: int,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Generator[events.ExecutionEvent, None, None]:
    """A single test run with all error handling needed."""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    result = TestResult(endpoint=endpoint, overridden_headers=headers)
    yield events.BeforeExecution.from_endpoint(endpoint=endpoint, recursion_level=recursion_level)
    hypothesis_output: List[str] = []
    test_start_time = time.monotonic()
        if isinstance(test, InvalidSchema):
            status = Status.error
            with capture_hypothesis_output() as hypothesis_output:
                test(checks, targets, result, headers=headers, **kwargs)
            status = Status.success
    except (CheckFailed, hypothesis.errors.MultipleFailures):
        status = Status.failure
    except hypothesis.errors.Flaky:
        status = Status.error
        # Sometimes Hypothesis detects inconsistent test results and checks are not available
        if result.checks:
            flaky_example = result.checks[-1].example
            flaky_example = None
                "Tests on this endpoint produce unreliable results: \n"
                "Falsified on the first call but did not on a subsequent one"
    except hypothesis.errors.Unsatisfiable:
        # We need more clear error message here
        status = Status.error
        result.add_error(hypothesis.errors.Unsatisfiable("Unable to satisfy schema parameters for this endpoint"))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        yield events.Interrupted()
    except AssertionError as exc:  # comes from `hypothesis-jsonschema`
        error = reraise(exc)
        status = Status.error
    except Exception as error:
        status = Status.error
    test_elapsed_time = time.monotonic() - test_start_time
    # Fetch seed value, hypothesis generates it during test execution
    result.seed = getattr(test, "_hypothesis_internal_use_seed", None) or getattr(
        test, "_hypothesis_internal_use_generated_seed", None
    yield events.AfterExecution.from_result(
        result=result, status=status, elapsed_time=test_elapsed_time, hypothesis_output=hypothesis_output

def reraise(error: AssertionError) -> InvalidSchema:
    traceback = format_exception(error, True)
    if "assert type_ in TYPE_STRINGS" in traceback:
        message = "Invalid type name"
        message = "Unknown schema error"
        raise InvalidSchema(message) from error
    except InvalidSchema as exc:
        return exc

def run_checks(case: Case, checks: Iterable[CheckFunction], result: TestResult, response: GenericResponse) -> None:
    errors = []

    for check in checks:
        check_name = check.__name__
            check(response, case)
            result.add_success(check_name, case)
        except AssertionError as exc:
            result.add_failure(check_name, case, str(exc))

    if errors:
        raise get_grouped_exception(*errors)

def run_targets(targets: Iterable[Target], elapsed: float) -> None:
    for target in targets:
        if target == Target.response_time:
  , label="response_time")

def add_cases(case: Case, response: GenericResponse, test: Callable, *args: Any) -> None:
    context = HookContext(case.endpoint)
    for case_hook in get_all_by_name("add_case"):
        _case = case_hook(context, case.partial_deepcopy(), response)
        # run additional test if _case is not an empty value
        if _case:
            test(_case, *args)

def network_test(
    case: Case,
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction],
    targets: Iterable[Target],
    result: TestResult,
    session: requests.Session,
    request_timeout: Optional[int],
    store_interactions: bool,
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    feedback: Feedback,
) -> None:
    """A single test body that will be executed against the target."""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    headers = headers or {}
    headers.setdefault("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
    timeout = prepare_timeout(request_timeout)
    response = _network_test(case, checks, targets, result, session, timeout, store_interactions, headers, feedback)
        case, response, _network_test, checks, targets, result, session, timeout, store_interactions, headers, feedback

def _network_test(
    case: Case,
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction],
    targets: Iterable[Target],
    result: TestResult,
    session: requests.Session,
    timeout: Optional[float],
    store_interactions: bool,
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    feedback: Feedback,
) -> requests.Response:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    response =, headers=headers, timeout=timeout)
    run_targets(targets, response.elapsed.total_seconds())
    if store_interactions:
    run_checks(case, checks, result, response)
    feedback.add_test_case(case, response)
    return response

def get_session(auth: Optional[Union[HTTPDigestAuth, RawAuth]] = None) -> Generator[requests.Session, None, None]:
    with requests.Session() as session:
        if auth is not None:
            session.auth = auth
        yield session

def prepare_timeout(timeout: Optional[int]) -> Optional[float]:
    """Request timeout is in milliseconds, but `requests` uses seconds."""
    output: Optional[Union[int, float]] = timeout
    if timeout is not None:
        output = timeout / 1000
    return output

def wsgi_test(
    case: Case,
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction],
    targets: Iterable[Target],
    result: TestResult,
    auth: Optional[RawAuth],
    auth_type: Optional[str],
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    store_interactions: bool,
    feedback: Feedback,
) -> None:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    headers = _prepare_wsgi_headers(headers, auth, auth_type)
    response = _wsgi_test(case, checks, targets, result, headers, store_interactions, feedback)
    add_cases(case, response, _wsgi_test, checks, targets, result, headers, store_interactions, feedback)

def _wsgi_test(
    case: Case,
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction],
    targets: Iterable[Target],
    result: TestResult,
    headers: Dict[str, Any],
    store_interactions: bool,
    feedback: Feedback,
) -> WSGIResponse:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    with catching_logs(LogCaptureHandler(), level=logging.DEBUG) as recorded:
        start = time.monotonic()
        response = case.call_wsgi(headers=headers)
        elapsed = time.monotonic() - start
    run_targets(targets, elapsed)
    if store_interactions:
        result.store_wsgi_response(case, response, headers, elapsed)
    run_checks(case, checks, result, response)
    feedback.add_test_case(case, response)
    return response

def _prepare_wsgi_headers(
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], auth: Optional[RawAuth], auth_type: Optional[str]
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    headers = headers or {}
    headers.setdefault("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
    wsgi_auth = get_wsgi_auth(auth, auth_type)
    if wsgi_auth:
        headers["Authorization"] = wsgi_auth
    return headers

def get_wsgi_auth(auth: Optional[RawAuth], auth_type: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
    if auth:
        if auth_type == "digest":
            raise ValueError("Digest auth is not supported for WSGI apps")
        return _basic_auth_str(*auth)
    return None

def asgi_test(
    case: Case,
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction],
    targets: Iterable[Target],
    result: TestResult,
    store_interactions: bool,
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    feedback: Feedback,
) -> None:
    """A single test body that will be executed against the target."""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    headers = headers or {}

    response = _asgi_test(case, checks, targets, result, store_interactions, headers, feedback)
    add_cases(case, response, _asgi_test, checks, targets, result, store_interactions, headers, feedback)

def _asgi_test(
    case: Case,
    checks: Iterable[CheckFunction],
    targets: Iterable[Target],
    result: TestResult,
    store_interactions: bool,
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    feedback: Feedback,
) -> requests.Response:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    response = case.call_asgi(headers=headers)
    run_targets(targets, response.elapsed.total_seconds())
    if store_interactions:
    run_checks(case, checks, result, response)
    feedback.add_test_case(case, response)
    return response