import inspect
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import Any, Callable, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast

import attr
from hypothesis import strategies as st

from .models import Case, Endpoint
from .types import GenericTest
from .utils import GenericResponse

class HookLocation(Enum):
    path_parameters = 1
    headers = 2
    cookies = 3
    query = 4
    body = 5
    form_data = 6

class HookScope(Enum):
    GLOBAL = 1
    SCHEMA = 2
    TEST = 3

class RegisteredHook:
    signature: inspect.Signature = attr.ib()
    scopes: List[HookScope] = attr.ib()

@attr.s(slots=True)  # pragma: no mutate
class HookContext:
    """A context that is passed to some hook functions."""

    endpoint: Optional[Endpoint] = attr.ib(default=None)  # pragma: no mutate

@attr.s(slots=True)  # pragma: no mutate
class HookDispatcher:
    """Generic hook dispatcher.

    Provides a mechanism to extend Schemathesis in registered hook points.

    scope: HookScope = attr.ib()
    _hooks: DefaultDict[str, List[Callable]] = attr.ib(factory=lambda: defaultdict(list))  # pragma: no mutate
    _specs: Dict[str, RegisteredHook] = {}  # pragma: no mutate

    def register(self, hook: Union[str, Callable]) -> Callable:
        """Register a new hook.

        Can be used as a decorator in two forms.
        Without arguments for registering hooks and autodetecting their names:

            def before_generate_query(strategy, context):

        With a hook name as the first argument:

            def hook(strategy, context):
        if isinstance(hook, str):

            def decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable:
                hook_name = cast(str, hook)
                return self.register_hook_with_name(func, hook_name)

            return decorator
        return self.register_hook_with_name(hook, hook.__name__)

    def apply(self, hook: Callable, *, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Callable[[Callable], Callable]:
        """Register hook to run only on one test function.

            def before_generate_query(strategy, context):

            def test_api(case):


        if name is None:
            hook_name = hook.__name__
            hook_name = name

        def decorator(func: GenericTest) -> GenericTest:
            dispatcher = self.add_dispatcher(func)
            dispatcher.register_hook_with_name(hook, hook_name)
            return func

        return decorator

    def add_dispatcher(cls, func: GenericTest) -> "HookDispatcher":
        """Attach a new dispatcher instance to the test if it is not already present."""
        if not hasattr(func, "_schemathesis_hooks"):
            func._schemathesis_hooks = cls(scope=HookScope.TEST)  # type: ignore
        return func._schemathesis_hooks  # type: ignore

    def register_hook_with_name(self, hook: Callable, name: str) -> Callable:
        """A helper for hooks registration."""
        self._validate_hook(name, hook)
        return hook

    def register_spec(cls, scopes: List[HookScope]) -> Callable:
        """Register hook specification.

        All hooks, registered with `register` should comply with corresponding registered specs.

        def _register_spec(spec: Callable) -> Callable:
            cls._specs[spec.__name__] = RegisteredHook(inspect.signature(spec), scopes)
            return spec

        return _register_spec

    def _validate_hook(self, name: str, hook: Callable) -> None:
        """Basic validation for hooks being registered."""
        spec = self._specs.get(name)
        if spec is None:
            raise TypeError(f"There is no hook with name '{name}'")
        # Some hooks are not present on all levels. We need to avoid registering hooks on wrong levels
        if self.scope not in spec.scopes:
            scopes = ", ".join( for scope in spec.scopes)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Can not register hook '{name}' on {} scope dispatcher. "
                f"Use a dispatcher with {scopes} scope(s) instead"
        signature = inspect.signature(hook)
        if len(signature.parameters) != len(spec.signature.parameters):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Hook '{name}' takes {len(spec.signature.parameters)} arguments but {len(signature.parameters)} is defined"

    def get_all_by_name(self, name: str) -> List[Callable]:
        """Get a list of hooks registered for name."""
        return self._hooks.get(name, [])

    def dispatch(self, name: str, context: HookContext, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Run all hooks for the given name."""
        for hook in self.get_all_by_name(name):
            hook(context, *args, **kwargs)

    def unregister(self, hook: Callable) -> None:
        """Unregister a specific hook."""
        # It removes this function from all places
        for hooks in self._hooks.values():
            hooks[:] = [item for item in hooks if item is not hook]

    def unregister_all(self) -> None:
        """Remove all registered hooks.

        Useful in tests.
        self._hooks = defaultdict(list)

all_scopes = HookDispatcher.register_spec(list(HookScope))

def before_generate_path_parameters(context: HookContext, strategy: st.SearchStrategy) -> st.SearchStrategy:
    """Called on a strategy that generates values for ``path_parameters``."""

def before_generate_headers(context: HookContext, strategy: st.SearchStrategy) -> st.SearchStrategy:
    """Called on a strategy that generates values for ``headers``."""

def before_generate_cookies(context: HookContext, strategy: st.SearchStrategy) -> st.SearchStrategy:
    """Called on a strategy that generates values for ``cookies``."""

def before_generate_query(context: HookContext, strategy: st.SearchStrategy) -> st.SearchStrategy:
    """Called on a strategy that generates values for ``query``."""

def before_generate_body(context: HookContext, strategy: st.SearchStrategy) -> st.SearchStrategy:
    """Called on a strategy that generates values for ``body``."""

def before_generate_form_data(context: HookContext, strategy: st.SearchStrategy) -> st.SearchStrategy:
    """Called on a strategy that generates values for ``form_data``."""

def before_process_path(context: HookContext, path: str, methods: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Called before API path is processed."""

def before_load_schema(context: HookContext, raw_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    """Called before schema instance is created."""

def before_add_examples(context: HookContext, examples: List[Case]) -> None:
    """Called before explicit examples are added to a test via `@example` decorator.

    `examples` is a list that could be extended with examples provided by the user.

def add_case(context: HookContext, case: Case, response: GenericResponse) -> Optional[Case]:
    """Creates an additional test per endpoint. If this hook returns None, no additional test created.

    Called with a copy of the original case object and the server's response to the original case.

GLOBAL_HOOK_DISPATCHER = HookDispatcher(scope=HookScope.GLOBAL)
dispatch = GLOBAL_HOOK_DISPATCHER.dispatch
get_all_by_name = GLOBAL_HOOK_DISPATCHER.get_all_by_name
register = GLOBAL_HOOK_DISPATCHER.register
unregister = GLOBAL_HOOK_DISPATCHER.unregister
unregister_all = GLOBAL_HOOK_DISPATCHER.unregister_all