import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.sparse as sps
import numpy.linalg as nla
import scipy.linalg as sla
import time

def nnlsm_blockpivot(A, B, is_input_prod=False, init=None):
    """ Nonnegativity-constrained least squares with block principal pivoting method and column grouping

    Solves min ||AX-B||_2^2 s.t. X >= 0 element-wise.

    J. Kim and H. Park, Fast nonnegative matrix factorization: An active-set-like method and comparisons,
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 
    vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 3261-3281, 2011.

    A : numpy.array, shape (m,n)
    B : numpy.array or scipy.sparse matrix, shape (m,k)

    Optional Parameters
    is_input_prod : True/False. -  If True, the A and B arguments are interpreted as
            AtA and AtB, respectively. Default is False.
    init: numpy.array, shape (n,k). - If provided, init is used as an initial value for the algorithm.
            Default is None.

    X, (success, Y, num_cholesky, num_eq, num_backup)
    X : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - solution
    success : True/False - True if the solution is found. False if the algorithm did not terminate
            due to numerical errors.
    Y : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - Y = A.T * A * X - A.T * B
    num_cholesky : int - the number of Cholesky factorizations needed
    num_eq : int - the number of linear systems of equations needed to be solved
    num_backup: int - the number of appearances of the back-up rule. See SISC paper for details.
    if is_input_prod:
        AtA = A
        AtB = B
        AtA =
        if sps.issparse(B):
            AtB =
            AtB = AtB.T
            AtB =

    (n, k) = AtB.shape
    MAX_ITER = n * 5

    if init is not  None:
        PassSet = init > 0
        X, num_cholesky, num_eq = normal_eq_comb(AtA, AtB, PassSet)
        Y = - AtB
        X = np.zeros([n, k])
        Y = -AtB
        PassSet = np.zeros([n, k], dtype=bool)
        num_cholesky = 0
        num_eq = 0

    p_bar = 3
    p_vec = np.zeros([k])
    p_vec[:] = p_bar
    ninf_vec = np.zeros([k])
    ninf_vec[:] = n + 1
    not_opt_set = np.logical_and(Y < 0, ~PassSet)
    infea_set = np.logical_and(X < 0, PassSet)

    not_good = np.sum(not_opt_set, axis=0) + np.sum(infea_set, axis=0)
    not_opt_colset = not_good > 0
    not_opt_cols = not_opt_colset.nonzero()[0]

    big_iter = 0
    num_backup = 0
    success = True
    while not_opt_cols.size > 0:
        big_iter += 1
        if MAX_ITER > 0 and big_iter > MAX_ITER:
            success = False

        cols_set1 = np.logical_and(not_opt_colset, not_good < ninf_vec)
        temp1 = np.logical_and(not_opt_colset, not_good >= ninf_vec)
        temp2 = p_vec >= 1
        cols_set2 = np.logical_and(temp1, temp2)
        cols_set3 = np.logical_and(temp1, ~temp2)

        cols1 = cols_set1.nonzero()[0]
        cols2 = cols_set2.nonzero()[0]
        cols3 = cols_set3.nonzero()[0]

        if cols1.size > 0:
            p_vec[cols1] = p_bar
            ninf_vec[cols1] = not_good[cols1]
            true_set = np.logical_and(not_opt_set, np.tile(cols_set1, (n, 1)))
            false_set = np.logical_and(infea_set, np.tile(cols_set1, (n, 1)))
            PassSet[true_set] = True
            PassSet[false_set] = False
        if cols2.size > 0:
            p_vec[cols2] = p_vec[cols2] - 1
            temp_tile = np.tile(cols_set2, (n, 1))
            true_set = np.logical_and(not_opt_set, temp_tile)
            false_set = np.logical_and(infea_set, temp_tile)
            PassSet[true_set] = True
            PassSet[false_set] = False
        if cols3.size > 0:
            for col in cols3:
                candi_set = np.logical_or(
                    not_opt_set[:, col], infea_set[:, col])
                to_change = np.max(candi_set.nonzero()[0])
                PassSet[to_change, col] = ~PassSet[to_change, col]
                num_backup += 1

        (X[:, not_opt_cols], temp_cholesky, temp_eq) = normal_eq_comb(
            AtA, AtB[:, not_opt_cols], PassSet[:, not_opt_cols])
        num_cholesky += temp_cholesky
        num_eq += temp_eq
        X[abs(X) < 1e-12] = 0
        Y[:, not_opt_cols] =[:, not_opt_cols]) - AtB[:, not_opt_cols]
        Y[abs(Y) < 1e-12] = 0

        not_opt_mask = np.tile(not_opt_colset, (n, 1))
        not_opt_set = np.logical_and(
            np.logical_and(not_opt_mask, Y < 0), ~PassSet)
        infea_set = np.logical_and(
            np.logical_and(not_opt_mask, X < 0), PassSet)
        not_good = np.sum(not_opt_set, axis=0) + np.sum(infea_set, axis=0)
        not_opt_colset = not_good > 0
        not_opt_cols = not_opt_colset.nonzero()[0]

    return X, (success, Y, num_cholesky, num_eq, num_backup)

def nnlsm_activeset(A, B, overwrite=False, is_input_prod=False, init=None):
    """ Nonnegativity-constrained least squares with active-set method and column grouping

    Solves min ||AX-B||_2^2 s.t. X >= 0 element-wise.

    Algorithm of this routine is close to the one presented in the following paper but
    is different in organising inner- and outer-loops:
    M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan, J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450

    A : numpy.array, shape (m,n)
    B : numpy.array or scipy.sparse matrix, shape (m,k)

    Optional Parameters
    is_input_prod : True/False. -  If True, the A and B arguments are interpreted as
            AtA and AtB, respectively. Default is False.
    init: numpy.array, shape (n,k). - If provided, init is used as an initial value for the algorithm.
            Default is None.

    X, (success, Y, num_cholesky, num_eq, num_backup)
    X : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - solution
    success : True/False - True if the solution is found. False if the algorithm did not terminate
            due to numerical errors.
    Y : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - Y = A.T * A * X - A.T * B
    num_cholesky : int - the number of Cholesky factorizations needed
    num_eq : int - the number of linear systems of equations needed to be solved
    if is_input_prod:
        AtA = A
        AtB = B
        AtA =
        if sps.issparse(B):
            AtB =
            AtB = AtB.T
            AtB =

    (n, k) = AtB.shape
    MAX_ITER = n * 5
    num_cholesky = 0
    num_eq = 0
    not_opt_set = np.ones([k], dtype=bool)

    if overwrite:
        X, num_cholesky, num_eq = normal_eq_comb(AtA, AtB)
        PassSet = X > 0
        not_opt_set = np.any(X < 0, axis=0)
    elif init is not None:
        X = init
        X[X < 0] = 0
        PassSet = X > 0
        X = np.zeros([n, k])
        PassSet = np.zeros([n, k], dtype=bool)

    Y = np.zeros([n, k])
    opt_cols = (~not_opt_set).nonzero()[0]
    not_opt_cols = not_opt_set.nonzero()[0]

    Y[:, opt_cols] =[:, opt_cols]) - AtB[:, opt_cols]

    big_iter = 0
    success = True
    while not_opt_cols.size > 0:
        big_iter += 1
        if MAX_ITER > 0 and big_iter > MAX_ITER:
            success = False

        (Z, temp_cholesky, temp_eq) = normal_eq_comb(
            AtA, AtB[:, not_opt_cols], PassSet[:, not_opt_cols])
        num_cholesky += temp_cholesky
        num_eq += temp_eq

        Z[abs(Z) < 1e-12] = 0

        infea_subset = Z < 0
        temp = np.any(infea_subset, axis=0)
        infea_subcols = temp.nonzero()[0]
        fea_subcols = (~temp).nonzero()[0]

        if infea_subcols.size > 0:
            infea_cols = not_opt_cols[infea_subcols]

            (ix0, ix1_subsub) = infea_subset[:, infea_subcols].nonzero()
            ix1_sub = infea_subcols[ix1_subsub]
            ix1 = not_opt_cols[ix1_sub]

            X_infea = X[(ix0, ix1)]

            alpha = np.zeros([n, len(infea_subcols)])
            alpha[:] = np.inf
            alpha[(ix0, ix1_subsub)] = X_infea / (X_infea - Z[(ix0, ix1_sub)])
            min_ix = np.argmin(alpha, axis=0)
            min_vals = alpha[(min_ix, range(0, alpha.shape[1]))]

            X[:, infea_cols] = X[:, infea_cols] + \
                (Z[:, infea_subcols] - X[:, infea_cols]) * min_vals
            X[(min_ix, infea_cols)] = 0
            PassSet[(min_ix, infea_cols)] = False

        elif fea_subcols.size > 0:
            fea_cols = not_opt_cols[fea_subcols]

            X[:, fea_cols] = Z[:, fea_subcols]
            Y[:, fea_cols] =[:, fea_cols]) - AtB[:, fea_cols]

            Y[abs(Y) < 1e-12] = 0

            not_opt_subset = np.logical_and(
                Y[:, fea_cols] < 0, ~PassSet[:, fea_cols])
            new_opt_cols = fea_cols[np.all(~not_opt_subset, axis=0)]
            update_cols = fea_cols[np.any(not_opt_subset, axis=0)]

            if update_cols.size > 0:
                val = Y[:, update_cols] * ~PassSet[:, update_cols]
                min_ix = np.argmin(val, axis=0)
                PassSet[(min_ix, update_cols)] = True

            not_opt_set[new_opt_cols] = False
            not_opt_cols = not_opt_set.nonzero()[0]

    return X, (success, Y, num_cholesky, num_eq)

def normal_eq_comb(AtA, AtB, PassSet=None):
    """ Solve many systems of linear equations using combinatorial grouping.

    M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan, J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450

    AtA : numpy.array, shape (n,n)
    AtB : numpy.array, shape (n,k)

    Z : numpy.array, shape (n,k) - solution
    num_cholesky : int - the number of unique cholesky decompositions done
    num_eq: int - the number of systems of linear equations solved
    num_cholesky = 0
    num_eq = 0
    if AtB.size == 0:
        Z = np.zeros([])
    elif (PassSet is None) or np.all(PassSet):
        Z = nla.solve(AtA, AtB)
        num_cholesky = 1
        num_eq = AtB.shape[1]
        Z = np.zeros(AtB.shape)
        if PassSet.shape[1] == 1:
            if np.any(PassSet):
                cols = PassSet.nonzero()[0]
                Z[cols] = nla.solve(AtA[np.ix_(cols, cols)], AtB[cols])
                num_cholesky = 1
                num_eq = 1
            # Both _column_group_loop() and _column_group_recursive() work well.
            # Based on preliminary testing,
            # _column_group_loop() is slightly faster for tiny k(<10), but
            # _column_group_recursive() is faster for large k's.
            grps = _column_group_recursive(PassSet)
            for gr in grps:
                cols = PassSet[:, gr[0]].nonzero()[0]
                if cols.size > 0:
                    ix1 = np.ix_(cols, gr)
                    ix2 = np.ix_(cols, cols)
                    # scipy.linalg.cho_solve can be used instead of numpy.linalg.solve.
                    # For small n(<200), numpy.linalg.solve appears faster, whereas
                    # for large n(>500), scipy.linalg.cho_solve appears faster.
                    # Usage example of scipy.linalg.cho_solve:
                    # Z[ix1] = sla.cho_solve(sla.cho_factor(AtA[ix2]),AtB[ix1])
                    Z[ix1] = nla.solve(AtA[ix2], AtB[ix1])
                    num_cholesky += 1
                    num_eq += len(gr)
                    num_eq += len(gr)
    return Z, num_cholesky, num_eq

def _column_group_loop(B):
    """ Given a binary matrix, find groups of the same columns
        with a looping strategy

    B : numpy.array, True/False in each element

    A list of arrays - each array contain indices of columns that are the same.
    initial = [np.arange(0, B.shape[1])]
    before = initial
    after = []
    for i in range(0, B.shape[0]):
        all_ones = True
        vec = B[i]
        for cols in before:
            if len(cols) == 1:
                all_ones = False
                subvec = vec[cols]
                trues = subvec.nonzero()[0]
                falses = (~subvec).nonzero()[0]
                if trues.size > 0:
                if falses.size > 0:
        before = after
        after = []
        if all_ones:
    return before

def _column_group_recursive(B):
    """ Given a binary matrix, find groups of the same columns
        with a recursive strategy

    B : numpy.array, True/False in each element

    A list of arrays - each array contain indices of columns that are the same.
    initial = np.arange(0, B.shape[1])
    return [a for a in column_group_sub(B, 0, initial) if len(a) > 0]

def column_group_sub(B, i, cols):
    vec = B[i][cols]
    if len(cols) <= 1:
        return [cols]
    if i == (B.shape[0] - 1):
        col_trues = cols[vec.nonzero()[0]]
        col_falses = cols[(~vec).nonzero()[0]]
        return [col_trues, col_falses]
        col_trues = cols[vec.nonzero()[0]]
        col_falses = cols[(~vec).nonzero()[0]]
        after = column_group_sub(B, i + 1, col_trues)
        after.extend(column_group_sub(B, i + 1, col_falses))
    return after

def _test_column_grouping(m=10, n=5000, num_repeat=5, verbose=False):
    print ('\nTesting column_grouping ...\n')
    A = np.array([[True, False, False, False, False],
                  [True, True, False, True, True]])
    grps1 = _column_group_loop(A)
    grps2 = _column_group_recursive(A)
    grps3 = [np.array([0]),
             np.array([1, 3, 4]),
    print ('OK' if all([np.array_equal(a, b) for (a, b) in zip(grps1, grps2)]) else 'Fail')
    print ('OK' if all([np.array_equal(a, b) for (a, b) in zip(grps1, grps3)]) else 'Fail')

    for i in iter(range(0, num_repeat)):
        A = np.random.rand(m, n)
        B = A > 0.5
        start = time.time()
        grps1 = _column_group_loop(B)
        elapsed_loop = time.time() - start
        start = time.time()
        grps2 = _column_group_recursive(B)
        elapsed_recursive = time.time() - start
        if verbose:
            print ('Loop     :', elapsed_loop)
            print ('Recursive:', elapsed_recursive)
        print ('OK' if all([np.array_equal(a, b) for (a, b) in zip(grps1, grps2)]) else 'Fail')
    # sorted_idx = np.concatenate(grps)
    # print B
    # print sorted_idx
    # print B[:,sorted_idx]

def _test_normal_eq_comb(m=10, k=3, num_repeat=5):
    print ('\nTesting normal_eq_comb() ...\n')
    for i in iter(range(0, num_repeat)):
        A = np.random.rand(2 * m, m)
        X = np.random.rand(m, k)
        C = (np.random.rand(m, k) > 0.5)
        X[~C] = 0
        B =
        B =
        A =
        Sol, a, b = normal_eq_comb(A, B, C)
        print ('OK' if np.allclose(X, Sol) else 'Fail')

def _test_nnlsm():
    print ('\nTesting nnls routines ...\n')
    m = 100
    n = 10
    k = 200
    rep = 5

    for r in iter(range(0, rep)):
        A = np.random.rand(m, n)
        X_org = np.random.rand(n, k)
        X_org[np.random.rand(n, k) < 0.5] = 0
        B =
        # B = np.random.rand(m,k)
        # A = np.random.rand(m,n/2)
        # A = np.concatenate((A,A),axis=1)
        # A = A + np.random.rand(m,n)*0.01
        # B = np.random.rand(m,k)

        import time
        start = time.time()
        C1, info = nnlsm_blockpivot(A, B)
        elapsed2 = time.time() - start
        rel_norm2 = nla.norm(C1 - X_org) / nla.norm(X_org)
        print ('nnlsm_blockpivot:    ', 'OK  ' if info[0] else 'Fail',\
            'elapsed:{0:.4f} error:{1:.4e}'.format(elapsed2, rel_norm2))

        start = time.time()
        C2, info = nnlsm_activeset(A, B)
        num_backup = 0
        elapsed1 = time.time() - start
        rel_norm1 = nla.norm(C2 - X_org) / nla.norm(X_org)
        print ('nnlsm_activeset:     ', 'OK  ' if info[0] else 'Fail',\
            'elapsed:{0:.4f} error:{1:.4e}'.format(elapsed1, rel_norm1))

        import scipy.optimize as opt
        start = time.time()
        C3 = np.zeros([n, k])
        for i in iter(range(0, k)):
            res = opt.nnls(A, B[:, i])
            C3[:, i] = res[0]
        elapsed3 = time.time() - start
        rel_norm3 = nla.norm(C3 - X_org) / nla.norm(X_org)
        print ('scipy.optimize.nnls: ', 'OK  ',\
            'elapsed:{0:.4f} error:{1:.4e}'.format(elapsed3, rel_norm3))

        if num_backup > 0:
        if rel_norm1 > 10e-5 or rel_norm2 > 10e-5 or rel_norm3 > 10e-5:
        print ('')

if __name__ == '__main__':