
from __future__ import print_function

import re
import argparse
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import sys
import ast
import os
import io
import copy
import subprocess
import collections

import cairo
import math

  import pango
  import pangocairo
  use_pygobject = False
except ImportError:
  import gi
  gi.require_version('PangoCairo', '1.0')
  gi.require_version('Pango', '1.0')
  from gi.repository import Pango as pango
  from gi.repository import PangoCairo as pangocairo
  use_pygobject = True

  import webcolors
  have_webcolors = True
except ImportError:
  have_webcolors = False

__version__ = '1.1'

def cairo_font(tk_font):
  family, size, weight = tk_font
  return pango.FontDescription('{} {} {}'.format(family, weight, size))

def cairo_text_bbox(text, font_params, scale=1.0):
  surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 8, 8)
  ctx = cairo.Context(surf)

  # The scaling must match the final context.
  # If not there can be a mismatch between the computed extents here
  # and those generated for the final render.
  ctx.scale(scale, scale)

  font = cairo_font(font_params)

  if use_pygobject:
    layout = pangocairo.create_layout(ctx)
    pctx = layout.get_context()
    fo = cairo.FontOptions()
    pangocairo.context_set_font_options(pctx, fo)
    layout.set_text(text, len(text))
    re = layout.get_pixel_extents()[1]
    extents = (re.x, re.y, re.x + re.width, re.y + re.height)

  else: # pyGtk
    pctx = pangocairo.CairoContext(ctx)
    layout = pctx.create_layout()

    #print('@@ EXTENTS:', layout.get_pixel_extents()[1])
    extents = layout.get_pixel_extents()[1]
  w = extents[2] - extents[0]
  h = extents[3] - extents[1]
  x0 = - w // 2.0
  y0 = - h // 2.0
  return [x0,y0, x0+w,y0+h]

class NodeStyle(object):
  def __init__(self, name, node_style=None):
    self.name = name
    self.pattern = '.'
    self.shape = 'bubble'
    self.text_mod = None
    self.text_mod_func = None
    self.font = ['Sans', 14, 'bold']
    self.text_color = (0,0,0)
    self.fill = (144,164,174)

    if node_style is None:
      node_style = {}

    for k,v in node_style.iteritems():
      if hasattr(self, k):
        # Check for color styles
        if k.endswith('fill') or k.endswith('color'):
          v = convert_color(v)
        setattr(self, k, v)

    if self.text_mod is not None:
      self.text_mod_func = eval(self.text_mod) # WARNING: eval() on user input

  def __repr__(self):
    keys = (

    ini_keys = ['{} = {}'.format(k, repr(getattr(self, k))) for k in keys]
    return '[{}]\n{}\n'.format(self.name, '\n'.join(ini_keys))

class DrawStyle(object):
  def __init__(self, styles=None, node_styles=[]):
    # Set defaults
    self.line_width = 2
    self.line_color = (0,0,0)
    self.outline_width = 2
    self.padding = 5
    self.max_radius = 9
    self.h_sep = 17
    self.v_sep = 9
    self.arrows = True
    self.title_pos = 'tl'
    self.bullet_fill = (255,255,255)
    self.text_color = (0,0,0)
    self.shadow = True
    self.shadow_fill = (0,0,0, 127)
    self.title_font = ('Sans', 22, 'bold')

    # Load any styles
    if styles is None:
      styles = {}

    for k,v in styles.iteritems():
      if hasattr(self, k):
        # Check for color styles
        if k.endswith('_fill') or k.endswith('_color'):
          v = convert_color(v)

        setattr(self, k, v)

    # Set node style defaults
    if len(node_styles) == 0:
      node_styles = [
        ('bubble', {'shape':'bubble', 'pattern':'^\w', 'font':('Sans', 14, 'bold'), 'fill':(179, 229, 252)}),
        ('box', {'shape':'box', 'pattern':'^/', 'font':('Times', 14, 'italic'),
                'fill':(144, 164, 174), 'text_mod':'lambda txt: txt[1:]'}),
        ('token', {'shape':'bubble', 'pattern':'.', 'font':('Sans', 16, 'bold'), 'fill':(179, 229, 252)}),

    for _, ns in node_styles:
      if 'text_color' not in ns:
        ns['text_color'] = self.text_color

    # Init node styles
    self.node_styles = [NodeStyle(name, ns) for name,ns in node_styles]

  def __repr__(self):
    keys = ('line_width',

    ini_keys = ['{} = {}'.format(k, repr(getattr(self, k))) for k in keys]

    return '[style]\n{}\n'.format('\n'.join(ini_keys))

def convert_color(c):
  rgb = c

  # Check for hex string
    rgb = hex_to_rgb(rgb)
  except (TypeError, ValueError):

  # Check for named color
  if have_webcolors:
      rgb = webcolors.name_to_rgb(rgb)
    except AttributeError:

  # Restrict to valid range
  rgb = tuple(0 if c < 0 else 255 if c > 255 else c for c in rgb)
  return rgb

def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
  return '#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(*rgb[:3])

def hex_to_rgb(hex_color):
  v = int(hex_color[1:], 16)
  b = v & 0xFF
  g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF
  r = (v >> 16) & 0xFF
  return (r,g,b)

def rgb_to_cairo(rgb):
  if len(rgb) == 4:
    r,g,b,a = rgb
    return (r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0, a / 255.0)

    r,g,b = rgb
    return (r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0, 1.0)

def parse_style_config(fname):
  if os.path.exists(fname):
    print('Reading styles from "{}"'.format(fname))

  cp = ConfigParser()

  styles = {}

  # Extract all sections into a dictionary
  sd = collections.OrderedDict()
  for sname in cp.sections():
    opts = {}
    for opt in cp.options(sname):
      opts[opt] = ast.literal_eval(cp.get(sname, opt))
    sd[sname] = opts

  # Style section is main set of style settings
  if 'style' in sd:
    styles = sd['style']

  # All remaining sections are node styles
  node_styles = [(k,v) for k,v in sd.iteritems() if k != 'style']

  # Simplify title position
  if 'title_pos' in styles:
    pos = styles['title_pos'].lower()
    pos = pos.replace('top', 't')
    pos = pos.replace('bottom', 'b')
    pos = pos.replace('left', 'l')
    pos = pos.replace('right', 'r')
    pos = pos.replace('center', 'c')
    pos = pos.replace('-', '')
    pos = pos.replace(' ', '')
    styles['title_pos'] = pos

  return DrawStyle(styles, node_styles)

class BaseShape(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.options = {}
    self._bbox = [0,0,1,1]
    self.tags = set()

  def points(self):
    return tuple(self._bbox)

  def bbox(self):
    if 'width' in self.options:
      w = self.options['width'] / 2
      w = 1

    x0 = min(self._bbox[0], self._bbox[2])
    x1 = max(self._bbox[0], self._bbox[2])
    y0 = min(self._bbox[1], self._bbox[3])
    y1 = max(self._bbox[1], self._bbox[3])

    x0 -= w
    x1 += w
    y0 -= w
    y1 += w

    return (x0,y0,x1,y1)

  def is_tagged(self, item):
    return item in self.tags

  def update_tags(self):
    if 'tags' in self.options:
      self.tags = self.tags.union(self.options['tags'])
      del self.options['tags']

  def move(self, dx, dy):
    self._bbox[0] += dx
    self._bbox[1] += dy
    self._bbox[2] += dx
    self._bbox[3] += dy

  def dtag(self, tag=None):
    if tag is None:

  def addtag(self, tag=None):
    if tag is not None:

  def draw(self, c):

class LineShape(BaseShape):
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, options):
    self.options = options
    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1]

class RectShape(BaseShape):
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, options):
    self.options = options
    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1]

class OvalShape(BaseShape):
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, options):
    self.options = options
    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1]

class ArcShape(BaseShape):
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, options):
    self.options = options
    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1]

  def bbox(self):
    if 'width' in self.options:
      w = self.options['width']
      w = 0

    # Calculate bounding box for arc segment
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.points
    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2.0
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2.0
    rad = abs(x1 - x0) / 2.0
    rad += w / 2.0

    start = self.options['start'] % 360
    extent = self.options['extent']
    stop = (start + extent) % 360

    if extent < 0:
      start, stop = stop, start  # Swap points so we can rotate CCW

    if stop < start:
      stop += 360 # Make stop greater than start

    angles = [start, stop]

    # Find the extrema of the circle included in the arc
    ortho = (start // 90) * 90 + 90
    while ortho < stop:
      ortho += 90 # Rotate CCW

    # Convert all extrema points to cartesian
    points = [(rad * math.cos(math.radians(a)), -rad * math.sin(math.radians(a))) for a in angles]

    points = zip(*points)
    bx0 = min(points[0]) + xc
    by0 = min(points[1]) + yc
    bx1 = max(points[0]) + xc
    by1 = max(points[1]) + yc

    #print('@@ ARC BB:', (bx0,by0,bx1,by1), rad, angles, start, extent)
    return (bx0,by0,bx1,by1)

class TextShape(BaseShape):
  text_id = 1
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, text_bbox, options):
    self.options = options

    if 'anchor' in options:
      anchor = options['anchor'].lower()
      anchor = 'l'

    bx0,by0, bx1,by1 = text_bbox(options['text'], options['font'])
    w = bx1 - bx0
    h = by1 - by0

    if anchor == 'c':
      x0 -= w//2
      y0 -= h//2

    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x0+w, y0+h]
    #self._bbox = text_bbox(options['text'], options['font'])
    #print('## NEW TEXT:', x0, y0, self._bbox, anchor)

class BubbleShape(BaseShape):
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, options):
    self.options = options
    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1]

class BoxBubbleShape(BaseShape):
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, options):
    self.options = options
    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1]

class HexBubbleShape(BaseShape):
  def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, options):
    self.options = options
    self._bbox = [x0, y0, x1, y1]

def cairo_draw_arrow(head, tail, fill, c):
  width = c.get_line_width()
  dy = head[1] - tail[1]
  dx = head[0] - tail[0]
  angle = math.atan2(dy,dx)
  c.scale(width, width)

  # Now positioned to draw arrow at 0,0 with point facing right
  apath = [(-4,0), (-4.5,2), (0,0)]

  mirror = [(x,-y) for x, y in reversed(apath[1:-1])] # Mirror central points

  for p in apath[1:]:



def cairo_draw_text(x, y, text, font, text_color, c):
  #print('## TEXT COLOR:', text_color)
  font = cairo_font(font)

  c.translate(x, y)

  if use_pygobject:
    layout = pangocairo.create_layout(c)
    pctx = layout.get_context()
    fo = cairo.FontOptions()
    pangocairo.context_set_font_options(pctx, fo)
    layout.set_text(text, len(text))
    pangocairo.update_layout(c, layout)
    pangocairo.show_layout(c, layout)

  else: # pyGtk
    pctx = pangocairo.CairoContext(c)
    layout = pctx.create_layout()


def cairo_draw_shape(shape, c, styles):
  default_pen = rgb_to_cairo(styles.line_color)

  if 'width' in shape.options:
    width = shape.options['width']
    width = 2.0


  text_color = shape.options['text_color'] if 'text_color' in shape.options \
    else styles.text_color

  if isinstance(shape, TextShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    cairo_draw_text(x0, y0, shape.options['text'], shape.options['font'], text_color, c)

  elif isinstance(shape, LineShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points

    if 'arrow' not in shape.options or shape.options['arrow'] is None:

    else: # Draw line with arrowhead
      if shape.options['arrow'] == 'first':
        head = x0, y0
        tail = x1, y1
      else: # Last
        head = x1, y1
        tail = x0, y0

      # Adjust head point to show gaps between lines
      length = math.sqrt(abs(x1 - x0)**2 + abs(y1 - y0)**2)
      length -= 3
      angle = math.atan2(head[1] - tail[1], head[0] - tail[0])
      #print('# LEN:', length, angle * 180 / math.pi)


      cairo_draw_arrow(head, tail, default_pen, c)

  elif isinstance(shape, RectShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    c.rectangle(x0,y0, x1-x0,y1-y0)

    stroke = True if shape.options['width'] > 0 else False

    #print('%% RECT:', stroke, shape.options)
    if 'fill' in shape.options:
      if stroke:

    if stroke:

  elif isinstance(shape, BubbleShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points

    stroke = True if shape.options['width'] > 0 else False

    #print('%% BUBBLE:', stroke, shape.points, shape.options)

    rad = (y1 - y0) / 2.0
    left = x0 + rad
    right = x1 - rad

    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2.0

    if abs(right - left) <= 1: # Circular bubble
      c.arc(xc,yc, rad, 0, 2 * math.pi)
    else: # Rounded box
      c.move_to(xc, y1)
      c.line_to(right, y1)
      c.arc_negative(right,yc, rad, math.pi / 2, -math.pi / 2)
      c.line_to(left, y0)
      c.arc_negative(left,yc, rad, -math.pi / 2, math.pi / 2)

    if 'fill' in shape.options:
      if stroke:

    if stroke:

#    # Add text bounding box
#    w = x1-x0
#    h = y1-y0
#    bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = cairo_text_bbox(shape.options['text'], shape.options['font'])
#    bw = abs(bx1-bx0)
#    bh = abs(by1-by0)
#    c.rectangle(x0 + (w - bw)//2, y0 + (h - bh)//2, bw, bh)
#    c.set_source_rgba(*default_pen)
#    c.stroke()

    # Add the text
    if 'text' in shape.options:
      x, y = shape.options['text_pos']
      x += (x0 + x1) / 2
      y += (y0 + y1) / 2
      cairo_draw_text(x, y, shape.options['text'], shape.options['font'], text_color, c)

  elif isinstance(shape, HexBubbleShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points

    stroke = True if shape.options['width'] > 0 else False

    #print('%% HEXBUBBLE:', stroke, shape.points, shape.options)

    rad = (y1 - y0) / 2.0
    left = x0 + rad
    right = x1 - rad
    rpad = rad * 0.5

    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2.0

    if abs(right - left) <= 1: # Round hex
      left = xc
      right = xc

    c.move_to(xc, y1)
    c.line_to(right+rpad, y1)
    c.line_to(right+rad, yc) # Right point
    c.line_to(right+rpad, y0)
    c.line_to(left-rpad, y0)
    c.line_to(left-rad, yc) # Left point
    c.line_to(left-rpad, y1)

    if 'fill' in shape.options:
      if stroke:

    if stroke:

#    # Add text bounding box
#    w = x1-x0
#    h = y1-y0
#    bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = cairo_text_bbox(shape.options['text'], shape.options['font'])
#    bw = abs(bx1-bx0)
#    bh = abs(by1-by0)
#    c.rectangle(x0 + (w - bw)//2, y0 + (h - bh)//2, bw, bh)
#    c.set_source_rgba(*default_pen)
#    c.stroke()

    # Add the text
    if 'text' in shape.options:
      x, y = shape.options['text_pos']
      x += (x0 + x1) / 2
      y += (y0 + y1) / 2
      cairo_draw_text(x, y, shape.options['text'], shape.options['font'], text_color, c)

  elif isinstance(shape, BoxBubbleShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    w = x1-x0
    h = y1-y0
    c.rectangle(x0,y0, w,h)

    stroke = True if shape.options['width'] > 0 else False

    #print('%% BOXBUBBLE:', stroke, shape.options)
    if 'fill' in shape.options:
      if stroke:

    if stroke:

#    # Add text bounding box
#    bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = cairo_text_bbox(shape.options['text'], shape.options['font'])
#    bw = abs(bx1-bx0)
#    bh = abs(by1-by0)
#    c.rectangle(x0 + (w - bw)//2, y0 + (h - bh)//2, bw, bh)
#    c.set_source_rgba(*default_pen)
#    c.stroke()

    # Add the text
    if 'text' in shape.options:
      x, y = shape.options['text_pos']
      x += (x0 + x1) / 2
      y += (y0 + y1) / 2
      cairo_draw_text(x, y, shape.options['text'], shape.options['font'], text_color, c)

  elif isinstance(shape, OvalShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2
    rad = (x1 - x0) / 2

    c.arc(xc,yc, rad, 0, 2 * math.pi)

    stroke = True if shape.options['width'] > 0 else False

    if 'fill' in shape.options:
      if stroke:

    if stroke:

  elif isinstance(shape, ArcShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2
    rad = (x1 - x0) / 2

    start = shape.options['start']
    extent = shape.options['extent']

    # Start and end angles
    sa = -math.radians(start)
    ea = -math.radians(start + extent)

    # Tk has opposite angle convention from Cairo
    #   Positive extent is a negative rotation in Cairo
    #   Negative extent is a positive rotation in Cairo

    # Arc fill
    if 'fill' in shape.options:
      if extent >= 0:
        c.arc_negative(xc,yc, rad, sa, ea)
        c.arc(xc,yc, rad, sa, ea)

    # Stroke arc segment
    if extent >= 0:
      c.arc_negative(xc,yc, rad, sa, ea)
      c.arc(xc,yc, rad, sa, ea)


    #print('%% ARC:', xc, yc, rad, start, extent)

#    # Draw bounding box
#    bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = shape.bbox
#    bw = abs(bx1-bx0)
#    bh = abs(by1-by0)
#    c.rectangle(bx0, by0, bw, bh)
#    c.set_source_rgba(*rgb_to_cairo((255,0,0,127)))
#    c.set_line_width(1.0)
#    c.stroke()

def xml_escape(txt):
    txt = txt.replace('&', '&amp;')
    txt = txt.replace('<', '&lt;')
    txt = txt.replace('>', '&gt;')
    txt = txt.replace('"', '&quot;')
    return txt

def svg_draw_shape(shape, fh, styles):
  default_pen = rgb_to_hex(styles.line_color)

  if 'width' in shape.options:
    width = shape.options['width']
    width = 2.0

  attrs = {
    'stroke': 'none',
    'fill': '#fff'

  if width > 0:
    attrs['stroke-width'] = width
    attrs['stroke'] = default_pen

  if 'fill' in shape.options:
    attrs['fill'] = rgb_to_hex(shape.options['fill'])

    if len(shape.options['fill']) == 4:
      attrs['fill-opacity'] = shape.options['fill'][3] / 255.0

  if isinstance(shape, TextShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    x = (x0 + x1) / 2 # Center text
    y = y1 - 10 # FIXME: Adjust for baseline offset

    font_name = shape.options['font_name']
    fh.write(u'<text class="{}" x="{}" y="{}">{}</text>\n'.format(font_name, x, y,

  elif isinstance(shape, LineShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points

    # We don't need a fill attribute for lines
    del attrs['fill']

    attributes = ' '.join(['{}="{}"'.format(k,v) for k,v in attrs.iteritems()])

    if 'arrow' not in shape.options or shape.options['arrow'] is None:
      fh.write(u'<line x1="{}" y1="{}" x2="{}" y2="{}" {} />\n'.format(
        x0,y0,x1,y1, attributes))
    else: # Draw line with arrowhead
      attributes += ' marker-end="url(#arrow)"'

      if shape.options['arrow'] == 'first':
        head = x0, y0
        tail = x1, y1
      else: # Last
        head = x1, y1
        tail = x0, y0

      # Move end point back to account for arrow marker
      length = math.sqrt(abs(x1 - x0)**2 + abs(y1 - y0)**2)
      length -= 4
      angle = math.atan2(head[1] - tail[1], head[0] - tail[0])

      head = (tail[0] + length * math.cos(angle), tail[1] + length * math.sin(angle))

      fh.write(u'<line x1="{}" y1="{}" x2="{}" y2="{}" {} />\n'.format(
        tail[0],tail[1],head[0],head[1], attributes))

  elif isinstance(shape, RectShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    #c.rectangle(x0,y0, x1-x0,y1-y0)

    attributes = ' '.join(['{}="{}"'.format(k,v) for k,v in attrs.iteritems()])

    fh.write(u'<rect x="{}" y="{}" width="{}" height="{}" {}/>\n'.format(
      x0,y0, x1-x0, y1-y0, attributes))

  elif isinstance(shape, BubbleShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points

    attributes = ' '.join(['{}="{}"'.format(k,v) for k,v in attrs.iteritems()])

    rad = (y1 - y0) / 2.0
    left = x0 + rad
    right = x1 - rad

    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2.0

    if abs(right - left) <= 1: # Circular bubble
      fh.write(u'<circle cx="{}" cy="{}" r="{}" {}/>\n'.format(xc, yc, rad, attributes))
    else: # Rounded box
      fh.write(u'<path d="M{},{} A{},{} 0 0,1 {},{} H{} A{},{} 0 0,1 {},{} z" {}/>\n'.format(left,y1, rad,rad,left,y0, right, rad,rad,right,y1,  attributes))

    # Add the text
    if 'text' in shape.options:
      x, y = shape.options['text_pos']
      th = abs(y)
  #    y += (y0 + y1) / 2
      x = (x0 + x1) / 2 # Center in bubble
      y = ((y0 + y1) / 2) + th / 2

      txt = xml_escape(shape.options['text'])
      font_name = shape.options['font_name']
      if 'href' in shape.options and shape.options['href'] is not None: # Hyperlink
        href = shape.options['href']
        fh.write(u'<a xlink:href="{}" target="_parent">\n  <text class="{} link" x="{}" y="{}">{}</text></a>\n'.format(href, font_name, x, y, txt))
        fh.write(u'<text class="{}" x="{}" y="{}">{}</text>\n'.format(font_name, x, y, txt))

  elif isinstance(shape, HexBubbleShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points

    attributes = ' '.join(['{}="{}"'.format(k,v) for k,v in attrs.iteritems()])

    rad = (y1 - y0) / 2.0
    left = x0 + rad
    right = x1 - rad
    rpad = rad * 0.5

    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2.0

    if abs(right - left) <= 1: # Round hex
      left = xc
      right = xc

    fh.write(u'<path d="M{},{} H{} L{},{} L{},{} H{} L{},{} z" {}/>\n'.format(left-rpad,y1,
    right+rpad, right+rad,yc, right+rpad,y0, left-rpad, left-rad,yc,  attributes))

    # Add the text
    if 'text' in shape.options:
      x, y = shape.options['text_pos']
      th = abs(y)
  #    y += (y0 + y1) / 2
      x = (x0 + x1) / 2 # Center in bubble
      y = ((y0 + y1) / 2) + th / 2

      txt = xml_escape(shape.options['text'])
      font_name = shape.options['font_name']
      if 'href' in shape.options and shape.options['href'] is not None: # Hyperlink
        href = shape.options['href']
        fh.write(u'<a xlink:href="{}" target="_parent">\n  <text class="{} link" x="{}" y="{}">{}</text></a>\n'.format(href, font_name, x, y, txt))
        fh.write(u'<text class="{}" x="{}" y="{}">{}</text>\n'.format(font_name, x, y, txt))

  elif isinstance(shape, BoxBubbleShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points

    attributes = ' '.join(['{}="{}"'.format(k,v) for k,v in attrs.iteritems()])

    fh.write(u'<rect x="{}" y="{}" width="{}" height="{}" {}/>\n'.format(
      x0,y0, x1-x0, y1-y0, attributes))

    # Add the text
    if 'text' in shape.options:
      x, y = shape.options['text_pos']
      th = abs(y)
      #y += (y0 + y1) / 2
      x = (x0 + x1) / 2 # Center in bubble
      y = ((y0 + y1) / 2) + th / 2

      txt = xml_escape(shape.options['text'])
      font_name = shape.options['font_name']
      if 'href' in shape.options and shape.options['href'] is not None: # Hyperlink
        fh.write(u'<a xlink:href="{}" target="_parent">\n  <text class="{} link" x="{}" y="{}">{}</text></a>\n'.format(shape.options['href'], font_name, x, y, txt))
        fh.write(u'<text class="{}" x="{}" y="{}">{}</text>\n'.format(font_name, x, y, txt))

  elif isinstance(shape, OvalShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2
    rad = (x1 - x0) / 2

    attributes = ' '.join(['{}="{}"'.format(k,v) for k,v in attrs.iteritems()])

    fh.write(u'<circle cx="{}" cy="{}" r="{}" {}/>\n'.format(xc, yc, rad, attributes))

  elif isinstance(shape, ArcShape):
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = shape.points
    xc = (x0 + x1) / 2
    yc = (y0 + y1) / 2
    rad = (x1 - x0) / 2

    start = shape.options['start'] % 360
    extent = shape.options['extent']
    stop = (start + extent) % 360

    if extent < 0:
      start, stop = stop, start  # Swap points so we can rotate CCW

    # Start and end angles
    sa = math.radians(start)
    ea = math.radians(stop)

    attrs['fill'] = 'none'

    attributes = ' '.join(['{}="{}"'.format(k,v) for k,v in attrs.iteritems()])

    xs = xc + rad * math.cos(sa)
    ys = yc - rad * math.sin(sa)
    xe = xc + rad * math.cos(ea)
    ye = yc - rad * math.sin(ea)

    fh.write(u'<path d="M{},{} A{},{} 0 0,0 {},{}" {}/>\n'.format(xs,ys, rad,rad, xe,ye, attributes))

class RailCanvas(object):
  '''This is a clone of the Tk canvas subset used by the original Tcl
     It implements an abstracted canvas that can render objects to different
     backends other than just a Tk canvas widget.
  def __init__(self, text_bbox=cairo_text_bbox):
    self.text_bbox = text_bbox
    self.shapes = []

  def _get_shapes(self, item=None):
    # Filter shapes
    if item is None or item == 'all':
      shapes = self.shapes
      shapes = [s for s in self.shapes if s.is_tagged(item)]
    return shapes

  def create_arc(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, **options):
    shape = ArcShape(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

  def create_line(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, **options):
    shape = LineShape(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

  def create_oval(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, **options):
    shape = OvalShape(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

  def create_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, **options):
    shape = RectShape(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

  def create_bubble(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, **options):
    shape = BubbleShape(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

  def create_boxbubble(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, **options):
    shape = BoxBubbleShape(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

  def create_hexbubble(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, **options):
    shape = HexBubbleShape(x0, y0, x1, y1, options)

  def create_text(self, x0, y0, **options):
    shape = TextShape(x0, y0, self.text_bbox, options)

    # Add a unique tag to serve as an ID
    id_tag = 'id' + str(TextShape.text_id)
    TextShape.text_id += 1
    return id_tag

  def bbox(self, item=None):
    bx0 = 0
    bx1 = 0
    by0 = 0
    by1 = 0

    boxes = [s.bbox for s in self._get_shapes(item)]
    boxes = zip(*boxes)
    if len(boxes) > 0:
      bx0 = min(boxes[0])
      by0 = min(boxes[1])
      bx1 = max(boxes[2])
      by1 = max(boxes[3])

    #print('## BBB', (bx0, by0, bx1, by1), boxes)
    return (bx0, by0, bx1, by1)

  def move(self, item, dx, dy):
    #print('## MOVE 1', item, dx, dy, 'Shapes:', len(self._get_shapes(item)))
    for s in self._get_shapes(item):
      s.move(dx, dy)

  def tag_raise(self, item):
    to_raise = self._get_shapes(item)
    for s in to_raise:

  def addtag_withtag(self, tag, item):
    for s in self._get_shapes(item):

  def dtag(self, item, tag=None):
    for s in self._get_shapes(item):

  def draw(self, c):
    '''Draw all shapes on the canvas'''
    for s in self.shapes:
      tk_draw_shape(s, c)

  def delete(self, item):
    for s in self._get_shapes(item):

class RailroadLayout(object):
  def __init__(self, canvas, style, url_map=None):
    self.canvas = canvas
    self.tagcnt = 0
    self.style = style
    if url_map is None:
      url_map = {}
    self.url_map = url_map

  def get_tag(self, prefix='x', suffix=''):
    self.tagcnt += 1
    return '{}{}{}'.format(prefix, self.tagcnt, suffix)

  def draw_right_turnback(self, tag, x, y0, y1, flow='down'):
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style

    # Ensure y0 < y1
    y0, y1 = (min(y0,y1), max(y0,y1))

    #if y0 + 2*s.max_radius < y1:  # Two bends
    #print('## RT:', y1, y0, y1-y0, 5*s.max_radius)
    if y1 - y0 > 3*s.max_radius: # Two bends
      xr0 = x - s.max_radius
      xr1 = x + s.max_radius
      # Top curve
      c.create_arc(xr0,y0,xr1,y0+2*s.max_radius, width=s.line_width, start=90, extent=-90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
      yr0 = y0 + s.max_radius
      yr1 = y1 - s.max_radius
      if abs(yr1-yr0) > s.max_radius*2: # Two line segments with arrow in middle
        half_y = (yr1 + yr0) / 2
        if flow == 'down':
          c.create_line(xr1,yr0,xr1,half_y, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
          c.create_line(xr1,half_y,xr1,yr1, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
        else: # Up
          c.create_line(xr1,yr1,xr1,half_y, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
          c.create_line(xr1,half_y,xr1,yr0, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))

      else: # No arrow
        c.create_line(xr1,yr0,xr1,yr1, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
      # Bottom curve
      c.create_arc(xr0,y1-2*s.max_radius,xr1,y1, width=s.line_width, start=0, extent=-90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
    else: # Single arc turnback
      r = (y1 - y0) / 2
      x0 = x - r
      x1 = x + r
      c.create_arc(x0,y0,x1,y1, width=s.line_width, start=90, extent=-180, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
  def draw_left_turnback(self, tag, x, y0, y1, flow='up'):
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style

    # Ensure y0 < y1
    y0, y1 = (min(y0,y1), max(y0,y1))
    #if y0 + 2*s.max_radius < y1: # Two bends
    if y1 - y0 > 3*s.max_radius: # Two bends
      xr0 = x - s.max_radius
      xr1 = x + s.max_radius
      # Top curve
      c.create_arc(xr0,y0,xr1,y0+2*s.max_radius, width=s.line_width, start=90, extent=90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
      yr0 = y0 + s.max_radius
      yr1 = y1 - s.max_radius
      if abs(yr1-yr0) > s.max_radius*2:
        half_y = (yr1 + yr0) / 2
        if flow == 'down':
          c.create_line(xr0,yr0,xr0,half_y, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
          c.create_line(xr0,half_y,xr0,yr1, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
        else: # Up
          c.create_line(xr0,yr1,xr0,half_y, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
          c.create_line(xr0,half_y,xr0,yr0, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
        c.create_line(xr0,yr0,xr0,yr1, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
      # Bottom curve
      c.create_arc(xr0,y1-2*s.max_radius,xr1,y1, width=s.line_width, start=180, extent=90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
    else: # Single arc turnback
      r = (y1 - y0) / 2
      x0 = x - r
      x1 = x + r
      c.create_arc(x0,y0,x1,y1, width=s.line_width, start=90, extent=180, tags=(tag,), style='arc')

  def format_text(self, txt):
    s = self.style

    # Default to first node style
    node_style = s.node_styles[0]

    # Check each node pattern for a match
    for ns in s.node_styles:
      if re.match(ns.pattern, txt):
        node_style = ns

    # Apply any text transformation for this style
    if ns.text_mod_func:
      txt = ns.text_mod_func(txt)

    return (txt, node_style)

  def draw_bubble(self, txt):
    tag = self.get_tag()
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style

    if txt is None: # Line for skipped options
      c.create_line(0,0,1,0, width=s.outline_width, tags=(tag,))
      return [tag, 1, 0]
    elif txt == 'bullet': # Small bullet
      w = s.outline_width
      r = w+1
      c.create_oval(0,-r,2*r,r, width=s.outline_width, tags=(tag,), fill=s.bullet_fill)
      return [tag, 2*r, 0]
    else: # Bubble with text inside
      txt, node_style = self.format_text(txt)

      font = node_style.font
      font_name = node_style.name + '_font'
      fill = node_style.fill
      text_color = node_style.text_color

      if txt in self.url_map:
        href = self.url_map[txt]
        href = None

      id1 = c.create_text(0,0, anchor='c', text=txt, font=font, font_name=font_name,
                        text_color=text_color, tags=(tag,))
      x0, y0, x1, y1 = c.bbox(id1)
      #print('## TEXT BBOX', x0,y0,x1,y1, txt)

      h = y1 - y0 + 2

      rad = (h+1) // 2 # Round up
      #rad = h / 2.0
      #top = y0 - 2    # KPT: Not sure why "top" is derived from y0
      btm = y1
      top = btm - 2*rad
#      fudge = int(3*istoken + len(txt)*1.4)
#      left = x0 + fudge
#      right = x1 - fudge
      left = x0
      right = x1
      if node_style.shape in ('bubble', 'hex'):
        left += rad // 2 - 2
        right -= rad // 2 - 2
      else: # Add fixed padding
        left -= 5
        right += 5

      if left > right: # Too mutch fudge: Create a circle from two arcs
        left = (x0 + x1) / 2 # Left and right both at midpoint of text bbox
        right = left
      tag2 = self.get_tag(suffix='-box')
      tags = [tag, tag2]

      if node_style.shape == 'bubble': # Rounded bubble
        c.create_bubble(left-rad, top, right+rad, btm, text=txt, text_pos=(x0,y0),
          font=font, font_name=font_name, text_color=text_color, width=s.outline_width, tags=tags, fill=fill, href=href)

      elif node_style.shape == 'hex': # Hex bubble
        c.create_hexbubble(left-rad, top, right+rad, btm, text=txt, text_pos=(x0,y0),
          font=font, font_name=font_name, text_color=text_color, width=s.outline_width, tags=tags, fill=fill, href=href)

      else: # Box bubble
        c.create_boxbubble(left, top, right, btm, text=txt, text_pos=(x0,y0),
          font=font, font_name=font_name, text_color=text_color, width=s.outline_width, tags=tags, fill=fill, href=href)
      x0, y0, x1,y1 = c.bbox(tag2)
      #print('## BUBBLE BBOX:', x0, y0, x1, y1)
      width = x1 - x0
      c.move(tag, -x0, 2)
      c.tag_raise(id1) # Bring text above any filled bubbles
      #print('## BUBBLE EXIT: ({})'.format(txt), width, x0, y0, x1, y1)
      return [tag, width, 0]

  def draw_line(self, lx, ltor):
    '''Draw a series of elements from left to right'''
    tag = self.get_tag()
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style
    sep = s.h_sep
    exx = 0
    exy = 0
    terms = lx if ltor else reversed(lx) # Reverse so we can draw left to right

    for term in terms:
      t, texx, texy = self.draw_diagram(term, ltor) # Draw each element
      if exx > 0: # Second element onward
        xn = exx + sep # Add space between elements
        c.move(t, xn, exy) # Shift last element forward
        arr = 'last' if ltor else 'first'
        c.create_line(exx-1, exy, xn, exy, tags=(tag,), width=s.line_width, arrow=arr) # Connecting line (NOTE: -1 fudge)
        exx = xn + texx # Start at end of this element
      else: # First element
        exx = texx # Start at end of this element
      exy = texy
      c.addtag_withtag(tag, t) # Retag this element
      c.dtag(t, t) # Drop old tags
    if exx == 0: # Nothing drawn, Add a line segment with an arrow in the middle
      exx = sep * 2    
      c.create_line(0,0,sep,0, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
      c.create_line(sep, 0,exx,0, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
      exx = sep
    return [tag, exx, exy] # Exit point

  def draw_stack(self, indent, lx, ltor):
    tag = self.get_tag()
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style
    sep = s.v_sep * 2
    btm = 0
    n = len(lx)
    i = 0
    next_bypass_y = 0
    for term in lx:
      bypass_y = next_bypass_y
      if i > 0 and i < n and len(term) > 1 and indent >= 0 and \
        (term[0] == 'opt' or term[0] == 'optx'):
        bypass = 1
        term = ['line', term[1:]]
        bypass = 0
        next_bypass_y = 0
      t, exx, exy = self.draw_diagram(term, ltor)
      tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1 = c.bbox(t)
      if i == 0:
        btm = ty1
        exit_y = exy
        exit_x = exx
        enter_y = btm - ty0 + sep*2 + 2
        if bypass:
          next_bypass_y = enter_y - s.max_radius
        if indent < 0: # rightstack
          w = tx1 - tx0
          enter_x = exit_x - w + sep*indent
          ex2 = sep*2 - indent
          if ex2 > enter_x:
            enter_x = ex2
        else: # stack & indentstack
          enter_x = sep*2 + indent
        back_y = btm + sep + 1
        if bypass_y > 0:
          mid_y = (bypass_y + s.max_radius + back_y) / 2
          c.create_line(bypass_x, bypass_y, bypass_x, mid_y, \
            width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
          c.create_line(bypass_x, mid_y, bypass_x, back_y+s.max_radius, \
            width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
        c.move(t, enter_x, enter_y)
        e2 = exit_x + sep
        c.create_line(exit_x, exit_y, e2, exit_y, \
          width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
        self.draw_right_turnback(tag, e2, exit_y, back_y)
        e3 = enter_x - sep
        bypass_x = e3 - s.max_radius
        emid = (e2+e3)/2
        c.create_line(e2, back_y, emid, back_y, \
          width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
        c.create_line(emid, back_y, e3, back_y, \
          width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
        #r2 = (enter_y - back_y) / 2 # FIXME: unused
        self.draw_left_turnback(tag, e3, back_y, enter_y, 'down')
        c.create_line(e3, enter_y, enter_x, enter_y, \
          width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
        exit_x = enter_x + exx
        exit_y = enter_y + exy
      c.addtag_withtag(tag, t)
      c.dtag(t, t)
      btm = c.bbox(tag)[3]
      i += 1

    if bypass:
      fwd_y = btm + sep + 1
      mid_y = (next_bypass_y + s.max_radius + fwd_y) / 2
      descender_x = exit_x + s.max_radius
      c.create_line(bypass_x, next_bypass_y, bypass_x, mid_y, \
        width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
      c.create_line(bypass_x, mid_y, bypass_x, fwd_y-s.max_radius, \
        width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
      c.create_arc(bypass_x, fwd_y - 2*s.max_radius, bypass_x + 2*s.max_radius, fwd_y, \
        width=s.line_width, start=180, extent=90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
      c.create_arc(exit_x - s.max_radius, exit_y, descender_x, exit_y + 2*s.max_radius, \
        width=s.line_width, start=90, extent=-90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
      c.create_arc(descender_x, fwd_y - 2*s.max_radius, descender_x + 2*s.max_radius, fwd_y, \
        width=s.line_width, start=180, extent=90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
      exit_x = exit_x + 2*s.max_radius
      half_x = (exit_x + indent) / 2
      c.create_line(bypass_x + s.max_radius, fwd_y, half_x, fwd_y, \
        width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
      c.create_line(halfx_, fwd_y, exit_x, fwd_y, \
        width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
      c.create_line(descender_x, exit_y+s.max_radius, descender_x, fwd_y-s.max_radius, \
        width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow='last')
      exit_y = fwd_y      
    width = c.bbox(tag)[2]
    return [tag, exit_x, exit_y]

  def draw_loop(self, forward, back, ltor):
    tag = self.get_tag()
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style
    sep = s.h_sep
    vsep = s.v_sep

    if isinstance(back, basestring) or back is None:
      back = [back]

    if len(back) == 1:
      if back[0] == ',': # Tight space when loop back is single comma
        vsep = 0
      elif back[0] is None: # Tighten spacing when loop back is just a line
        vsep /= 2

    # Forward section
    ft, fexx, fexy = self.draw_diagram(forward, ltor)
    fx0, fy0, fx1, fy1 = c.bbox(ft)
    fw = fx1 - fx0 # Fwd width

    # Backward section, turn direction
    bt, bexx, bexy = self.draw_diagram(back, not ltor)
    bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = c.bbox(bt)
    bw = bx1 - bx0 # Back width
    dy = fy1 - by0 + vsep # Amount to shift backward objects
    #print('## LOOP:', dy, fy1, by0, vsep)
    c.move(bt, 0, dy) # Move backward objects up above fwd
    # Recompute input and exit points
    biny = dy
    bexy = dy + bexy
    by0 = dy + by0
    by1 = dy + by1

    mxx = 0

    if fw > bw: # Forward is longer
      if fexx < fw and fexx >= bw: # Fwd exit point is left of the right side of fwd
        dx = (fexx - bw) / 2 # Shift backward objects no further than exit point
        c.move(bt, dx, 0)
        bexx = dx + bexx
        # Add extension lines to each side of backward
        c.create_line(0,biny,dx,biny, width=s.line_width, tags=(bt,))
        c.create_line(bexx,bexy,fexx,bexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(bt,), arrow='first')
        mxx = fexx
      else: # Fwd exit is aligned with fwd
        dx = (fw - bw) / 2
        c.move(bt, dx, 0) # Shift backward objects to middle of fwd
        bexx = dx + bexx
        arr1 = None if ltor or dx < 2*vsep else 'last'
        arr2 = None if (not ltor) or dx < 2*vsep else 'first'
        # Add extension lines to each side of backward
        c.create_line(0,biny,dx,biny, width=s.line_width, tags=(bt,), arrow=arr1)
        c.create_line(bexx,bexy,fx1,bexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(bt,), arrow=arr2)
        mxx = fexx

    elif bw > fw: # Backward is longer
      dx = (bw - fw) / 2
      c.move(ft, dx, 0) # Shift fwd objects to middle of backward
      fexx = dx + fexx
      # Add extension lines to each side of fwd
      arr1 = 'first' if (not ltor) else 'last'
      c.create_line(0,0,dx,fexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(ft,), arrow=arr1)
      c.create_line(fexx,fexy,bx1,fexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(ft,))
      mxx = bexx
    else: # Same length
      mxx = fexx

    c.addtag_withtag(tag, bt) # Retag
    c.addtag_withtag(tag, ft)
    c.dtag(bt, bt) # Drop old tags
    c.dtag(ft, ft)
    c.move(tag, sep, 0) # Make space for left turnback
    mxx = mxx + sep
    c.create_line(0,0,sep,0, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,)) # Feed in line meeting above left turnback

    rot_cw = ltor
    left_tb_flow = 'up' if rot_cw else 'down'
    right_tb_flow = 'down' if rot_cw else 'up'

    self.draw_left_turnback(tag, sep, 0, biny, left_tb_flow)
    self.draw_right_turnback(tag, mxx, fexy, bexy, right_tb_flow)
    #x0, y0, x1, y1 = c.bbox(tag) # Bounds for the entire loop
    exit_x = mxx + s.max_radius # Add radius of right turnback to get full width
    c.create_line(mxx,fexy,exit_x,fexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,)) # Feed out line above right turnback

    return [tag, exit_x, fexy]

  def draw_toploop(self, forward, back, ltor):
    tag = self.get_tag()
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style

    sep = s.v_sep
    vsep = sep / 2 # Tighten spacing for top loops

    if isinstance(back, basestring) or back is None:
      back = [back]

    ft, fexx, fexy = self.draw_diagram(forward, ltor)
    fx0, fy0, fx1, fy1 = c.bbox(ft)
    fw = fx1 - fx0

    # Backward section, turn direction
    bt, bexx, bexy = self.draw_diagram(back, not ltor)

    bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = c.bbox(bt)
    bw = bx1 - bx0
    dy = -(by1 - fy0 + vsep)
    #print('## TLOOP:', dy, by1, fy0, vsep)
    c.move(bt, 0, dy)
    biny = dy
    bexy = dy + bexy
    by0 = dy + by0
    by1 = dy + by1

    mxx = 0

    if fw > bw: # Forward is longer
      dx = (fw - bw) / 2
      c.move(bt, dx, 0) # Shift backward objects to middle of fwd
      bexx = dx + bexx
      # Add extension lines to each side of backward
      arr2 = None if ltor or dx < 2*vsep else 'first'

      c.create_line(0,biny,dx,biny, width=s.line_width, tags=(bt,))
      c.create_line(bexx,bexy,fx1,bexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(bt,), arrow=arr2)
      mxx = fexx
    elif bw > fw: # Backward is longer
      dx = (bw - fw) / 2
      c.move(ft, dx, 0) # Shift fwd objects to middle of backward
      fexx = dx + fexx
      # Add extension lines to each side of fwd
      c.create_line(0,0,dx,fexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(ft,))
      c.create_line(fexx,fexy,bx1,fexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(ft,))
      mxx = bexx
    else: # Same length
      mxx = fexx

    c.addtag_withtag(tag, bt) # Retag
    c.addtag_withtag(tag, ft)
    c.dtag(bt, bt) # Drop old tags
    c.dtag(ft, ft)
    c.move(tag, sep, 0) # Make space for left turnback
    mxx = mxx + sep
    c.create_line(0,0,sep,0, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,)) # Feed in line meeting below left turnback

    rot_cw = ltor
    left_tb_flow = 'up' if rot_cw else 'down'
    right_tb_flow = 'down' if rot_cw else 'up'

    self.draw_left_turnback(tag, sep, 0, biny, left_tb_flow)
    self.draw_right_turnback(tag, mxx, fexy, bexy, right_tb_flow)
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = c.bbox(tag)
    c.create_line(mxx,fexy,x1,fexy, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,)) # Feed out line below right turnback
    return [tag, x1, fexy]

  def draw_or(self, lx, ltor):
    tag = self.get_tag()
    c = self.canvas
    s = self.style

    sep = s.v_sep
    vsep = sep / 2

    n = len(lx)
    m = {}
    mxw = 0
    for i, term in enumerate(lx):
      m[i] = mx = self.draw_diagram(term, ltor)
      tx = mx[0]
      x0, y0, x1, y1 = c.bbox(tx)
      w = x1 - x0
      if i > 0:
        w += 20 # Extra space for arrowheads
      if w > mxw:
        mxw = w

    x0 = 0
    x1 = sep
    x2 = sep * 2
    xc = mxw / 2
    x3 = mxw + x2
    x4 = x3 + sep
    x5 = x4 + sep

    for i in xrange(len(lx)):
      t, texx, texy = m[i]
      tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1 = c.bbox(t)
      w = tx1 - tx0
      dx = (mxw - w) / 2 + x2
      if w > 10 and dx > x2 + 10:
        dx = x2 + 10
      c.move(t, dx, 0)
      texx = texx + dx
      m[i] = [t, texx, texy]
      tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1 = c.bbox(t)
      if i == 0:
        arr1 = 'last' if ltor and dx > x2 else None
        arr2 = None if ltor else 'first'
        c.create_line(0,0,dx,0, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow=arr1)
        c.create_line(texx,texy,x5+1,texy, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow=arr2)
        exy = texy
        c.create_arc(-sep,0,sep,sep*2, width=s.line_width, start=90, extent=-90, tags=(tag,), style='arc')
        btm = ty1
        dy = btm - ty0 + vsep
        if dy < 2*sep:
          dy = 2*sep
        c.move(t, 0, dy)
        texy = texy + dy
        if dx > x2:
          arr1 = 'last' if ltor else None
          arr2 = 'first' if (not ltor) else None
          c.create_line(x2,dy,dx,dy, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow=arr1)
          c.create_line(texx,texy,x3,texy, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,), arrow=arr2)
        y1 = dy - 2*sep
        c.create_arc(x1,y1,x1+2*sep,dy, width=s.line_width, start=180, extent=90, style='arc', tags=(tag,))
        y2 = texy - 2*sep
        c.create_arc(x3-sep,y2,x4,texy, width=s.line_width, start=270, extent=90, style='arc', tags=(tag,))
        if i == len(lx)-1:
          c.create_arc(x4,exy,x4+2*sep,exy+2*sep, width=s.line_width, start=180, extent=-90, style='arc', tags=(tag,))
          c.create_line(x1,dy-sep,x1,sep, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
          c.create_line(x4,texy-sep,x4,exy+sep, width=s.line_width, tags=(tag,))
        btm = ty1 + dy
      c.addtag_withtag(tag, t)
      c.dtag(t, t)
    return [tag, x5, exy]

  def draw_diagram(self, spec, ltor):
    if isinstance(spec, basestring):
      spec = [spec]

    if spec is None:
      return self.draw_bubble(spec)
    if len(spec) == 1:
      return self.draw_bubble(spec[0])
    elif len(spec) == 0:
      return self.draw_bubble(None)

      if spec[0] == 'line':
        return self.draw_line(spec[1:], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'stack':
        return self.draw_stack(0, spec[1:], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'indentstack':
        hsep = self.style.h_sep * spec[1]
        return self.draw_stack(hsep, spec[2:], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'rightstack':
        return self.draw_stack(-1, spec[1:], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'loop':
        return self.draw_loop(spec[1], spec[2], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'toploop':
        return self.draw_toploop(spec[1], spec[2], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'or':
        return self.draw_or(spec[1:], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'opt':
        if len(spec) == 2 and is_listy(spec[1]):
          args = spec[1]
          args = ['line'] + spec[1:]

        return self.draw_or([None, args], ltor)

      elif spec[0] == 'optx': # opt with pass through on bottom
        if len(spec) == 2 and is_listy(spec[1]):
          args = spec[1]
          args = ['line'] + spec[1:]

        return self.draw_or([args, None], ltor)

      elif spec[0] == 'optloop': # opt with all args in a loop
        args = spec[1:]
        return self.draw_or([None, ['loop'] + args], ltor)
      elif spec[0] == 'tailbranch':
        # NOTE: The original Tcl had a draw_tail_branch proc that was unused here
        return self.draw_or(spec[1:], ltor)
        raise ValueError('Unrecognized diagram element: "{}"'.format(spec[0]))
    return None

svg_header = u'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Created by Syntax-Trax http://kevinpt.github.io/syntax-trax -->
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="{}" height="{}" version="1.1">
<style type="text/css">
.label {{fill:#000;
  font-size:16pt; font-weight:bold; font-family:Sans;}}
.link {{fill: #0D47A1;}}
.link:hover {{fill: #0D47A1; text-decoration:underline;}}
.link:visited {{fill: #4A148C;}}
  <marker id="arrow" markerWidth="5" markerHeight="4" refX="2.5" refY="2" orient="auto" markerUnits="strokeWidth">
    <path d="M0,0 L0.5,2 L0,4 L4.5,2 z" fill="{}" />

def render_railroad(spec, title, url_map, out_file, backend, styles, scale, transparent):
  print('Rendering to {} using {} backend'.format(out_file, backend))
  rc = RailCanvas(cairo_text_bbox)

  layout = RailroadLayout(rc, styles, url_map)
  layout.draw_diagram(spec, True)

  if title is not None: # Add title
    pos = styles.title_pos

    x0,y0,x1,y1 = rc.bbox('all')
    tid = rc.create_text(0, 0, anchor='l', text=title, font=styles.title_font,

    tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1 = rc.bbox(tid)
    h = ty1 - ty0
    w = tx1 - tx0
    mx = x0 if 'l' in pos else (x1 + x0 - w) / 2  if 'c' in pos else x0 + x1 - w
    my = (y0 - h - styles.padding) if 't' in pos else (y1 - y0 - styles.padding)

    rc.move(tid, mx, my)

  x0,y0,x1,y1 = rc.bbox('all')

  W = int((x1 - x0 + 2*styles.padding) * scale)
  H = int((y1 - y0 + 2*styles.padding) * scale)

  if not styles.arrows: # Remove arrow heads
    for s in rc.shapes:
      if 'arrow' in s.options:
        del s.options['arrow']

  if styles.shadow: # Draw shadows first
    bubs = [copy.deepcopy(s) for s in rc.shapes
      if isinstance(s, BoxBubbleShape) or isinstance(s, BubbleShape) or isinstance(s, HexBubbleShape)]

    # Remove all text and offset shadow
    for s in bubs:
      del s.options['text']
      s.options['fill'] = styles.shadow_fill
      w = s.options['width']
      s.options['width'] = 0

    # Put rest of shapes after the shadows
    rc.shapes = bubs

  if backend == 'svg':

    # Reposition all shapes in the viewport
    for s in rc.shapes:
      s.move(-x0 + styles.padding, -y0 + styles.padding)

    # Generate CSS for fonts
    text_color = rgb_to_hex(styles.text_color)
    css = []

    fonts = {}
    # Collect fonts from common styles
    for f in [k for k in dir(styles) if k.endswith('_font')]:
      fonts[f] = (getattr(styles, f), text_color)
    # Collect node style fonts
    for ns in styles.node_styles:
      fonts[ns.name + '_font'] = (ns.font, rgb_to_hex(ns.text_color))

    for f, fs in fonts.iteritems():
      family, size, weight = fs[0]
      text_color = fs[1]

      if weight == 'italic':
        style = 'italic'
        weight = 'normal'
        style = 'normal'

      css.append('''.{} {{fill:{}; text-anchor:middle;
    font-family:{}; font-size:{}pt; font-weight:{}; font-style:{};}}'''.format(f,
      text_color, family, size, weight, style))

    font_styles = '\n'.join(css)
    line_color = rgb_to_hex(styles.line_color)

    with io.open(out_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
      fh.write(svg_header.format(W,H, font_styles, line_color))
      if not transparent:
        fh.write(u'<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="white"/>')
      for s in rc.shapes:
        svg_draw_shape(s, fh, styles)

  else: # Cairo backend
    ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)[1].lower()

    if ext == '.svg':
      surf = cairo.SVGSurface(out_file, W, H)
    elif ext == '.pdf':
      surf = cairo.PDFSurface(out_file, W, H)
    elif ext in ('.ps', '.eps'):
      surf = cairo.PSSurface(out_file, W, H)
      if ext == '.eps':
    else: # Bitmap
      surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, W, H)

    ctx = cairo.Context(surf)

    if not transparent:
      # Fill background
      ctx.rectangle(0,0, W,H)

    ctx.scale(scale, scale)
    ctx.translate(-x0 + styles.padding, -y0 + styles.padding)

    for s in rc.shapes:
      cairo_draw_shape(s, ctx, styles)

    if ext in ('.svg', '.pdf', '.ps', '.eps'):

def line(*args):
  return ['line'] + list(args)

def loop(fwd, back):
  return ['loop', fwd, back]

def toploop(fwd, back):
  return ['toploop', fwd, back]

def choice(*args):
  return ['or'] + list(args)

def is_listy(v):
  return isinstance(v, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(v, basestring)

def opt(*args):
  largs = list(args)
  return ['opt'] + largs

def optx(*args):
  return ['optx'] + list(args)

def optloop(fwd, back):
  return ['optloop', fwd, [back]]

def stack(*args):
  return ['stack'] + list(args)

def rightstack(*args):
  return ['rightstack'] + list(args)

def indentstack(indent, *args):
  return ['indentstack', indent] + list(args)

url_map_re = re.compile(r'^\s*url_map\s*=\s*')

def parse_spec_file(fname):
  # Read input diagram
  with io.open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
    spec_lines = fh.readlines()

  map_line = -1
  # Split off any url_map
  for i,l in enumerate(spec_lines):
    if url_map_re.match(l):
      map_line = i

  if map_line >= 0:
    spec = ''.join(spec_lines[:map_line])
    url_map = ''.join(spec_lines[map_line:])
    # Strip off assignment
    url_map = url_map_re.sub('', url_map)
  else: # No URL map
    spec = ''.join(spec_lines)
    url_map = '{}'

  # Parse the spec into an object
  spec = eval(spec) # FIXME: Unsafe

  # Add start and end bullets
  spec = ['line', 'bullet', spec, 'bullet']

  url_map = ast.literal_eval(url_map)

  return spec, url_map

def dump_style_ini(ini_file):
  keys= ('line_width',

  defaults = DrawStyle()

  if os.path.exists(ini_file):
    print('Ini file "{}" exists'.format(ini_file))

  print('Creating ini with default styles in "{}"'.format(ini_file))
  with open(ini_file, 'w') as fh:
    for ns in defaults.node_styles:

def parse_args():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Railroad diagram generator')
  parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='input', action='store', help='Diagram spec file')
  parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', action='store', help='Output file')
  parser.add_argument('-s', '--style', dest='styles', action='store', default='syntrax.ini', help='Style config file')
  parser.add_argument('--title', dest='title', action='store', help='Diagram title')
  parser.add_argument('-t', '--transparent', dest='transparent', action='store_true',
    default=False, help='Transparent background')
  parser.add_argument('--scale', dest='scale', action='store', default='1', help='Scale image')
  parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', dest='version', action='store_true', default=False, help='Syntrax version')
  parser.add_argument('--get-style', dest='get_style', action='store_true', default=False,
    help='Create default style .ini')

  args, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args()
  if args.version:
    print('Syntrax {}'.format(__version__))

  if args.get_style:

  # Allow file to be passed in without -i
  if args.input is None and len(unparsed) > 0:
    args.input = unparsed[0]

  if args.input is None:
    print('Error: input file is required')
  if args.output is None: # Default to png
    args.output = os.path.splitext(args.input)[0] + '.png'

  if args.output.lower() in ('png', 'svg', 'pdf', 'ps', 'eps'):
    args.output = os.path.splitext(args.input)[0] + '.' + args.output.lower()

  args.scale = float(args.scale)
  return args

def main():  
  args = parse_args()
  # Process styles
  styles = parse_style_config(args.styles)

  spec, url_map = parse_spec_file(args.input)

  #print('## spec', spec)

  # Force SVG backend for SVG output
  backend = 'cairo'
  if os.path.splitext(args.output)[1].lower() == '.svg':
    backend = 'svg'
  #title = 'JSON syntax number'
  #title = None

  render_railroad(spec, args.title, url_map, args.output, backend, styles, args.scale, args.transparent)

if __name__ == '__main__':