# See the original pyTweetCleaner at https://github.com/kevalmorabia97/pyTweetCleaner

REMOVE:        TWEETS THAT HAVE in_reply_to_status_id !=null i.e. COMMENTS ON SOMEONE ELSE'S TWEETS
               TWEETS THAT HAVE lang != en i.e. NOT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE
               NON-ASCII CHARACTERS FROM text
               HYPERLINKS FROM text
               STOPWORDS from text
               #tags & @name mentions
               digits[0-9] FROM text
KEEP:          created_at
               text IN LOWERCASE
               entities_hashtags, entities_user_mentions
               retweeted_status REPLACES ACTUAL tweet BUT PRESERVES RETWEETER'S USER INFO

import json
import re
import string 

from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

class TweetCleaner:
    def __init__(self, remove_stop_words=True, remove_retweets=False):
        clean unnecessary twitter data
        if remove_stop_words: self.stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
        else: self.stop_words = set()
        self.remove_retweets = remove_retweets    
        self.punc_table = str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation) # to remove punctuation from each word in tokenize
    def remove_non_ascii_chars(self, text):
        return text after removing non-ascii characters i.e. characters with ascii value >= 128
        return ''.join([w if ord(w) < 128 else ' ' for w in text])
    def remove_hyperlinks(self,text):
        return text after removing hyperlinks
        return ' '.join([w for w in text.split(' ')  if not 'http' in w])
    def get_cleaned_text(self, text):
        cleaned_text = text.replace('\"','').replace('\'','').replace('-',' ')
        cleaned_text =  self.remove_non_ascii_chars(cleaned_text)
        cleaned_text = self.remove_hyperlinks(cleaned_text)
        # remove digits
        cleaned_text = re.sub('[0-9]+','',cleaned_text)
        # remove hashtags
        cleaned_text = re.sub('#[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*','',cleaned_text)
        # remove @name
        cleaned_text = ' '.join([w for w in cleaned_text.split() if not w.startswith('@')])
        tokens = [w.translate(self.punc_table) for w in word_tokenize(cleaned_text)] # remove punctuations and tokenize
        tokens = [w.lower() for w in tokens if not w.lower() in self.stop_words and len(w)>1]
        cleaned_text = ' '.join(tokens)
        return cleaned_text
    def clean_tweets(self, input_file, output_file='cleaned_tweets.json'):    
        input_file: name or path of input twitter json data
        output_file: file name or path where cleaned twitter json data is stored (default='cleaned_tweets.json')
        in_file = open(input_file, 'r')
        out_file = open(output_file, 'w')
        while True:
            line = in_file.readline()
            if line=='': break
            tweet = json.loads(line)
            if 'retweeted_status' in tweet:
                if self.remove_retweets: continue
                retweeter_user_info = tweet['user']
                tweet = tweet['retweeted_status'] # replace retweet with original tweet but preserve user info of retweeter
                tweet['retweet_count'] = 0
                tweet['user'] = retweeter_user_info
            if not "created_at" in tweet: continue # remove info about deleted tweets
            if not tweet['lang'] == 'en': continue # remove tweets in non engligh(or lang) language
            if not tweet['in_reply_to_status_id'] == None or not tweet['in_reply_to_user_id'] == None: continue # remove comments of any tweet
            cleaned_text = self.get_cleaned_text(tweet['text'])
            if cleaned_text == '': continue
            cleaned_tweet = {}
            cleaned_tweet['created_at'] = tweet['created_at']
            cleaned_tweet['id'] = tweet['id']
            cleaned_tweet['text'] = cleaned_text
            cleaned_tweet['user'] = {}
            cleaned_tweet['user']['id'] = tweet['user']['id']
            cleaned_tweet['user']['followers_count'] = tweet['user']['followers_count']
            cleaned_tweet['retweet_count'] = tweet['retweet_count']
            cleaned_tweet['entities'] = {}
            cleaned_tweet['entities']['hashtags'] = [ht['text'] for ht in tweet['entities']['hashtags']]
            cleaned_tweet['entities']['user_mentions'] = [self.remove_non_ascii_chars(um['name']) for um in tweet['entities']['user_mentions']]
if __name__  == '__main__':
    tc = TweetCleaner(remove_stop_words=True, remove_retweets=True)
    print(tc.get_cleaned_text('The movie The Twilight Saga: New Moon was the biggest winner in MTV Movie Awards 2010; it took 4 out of 10 "Best" Awards #IAmGreat'))
    print('\nTweetCleaning DONE...')