# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Franco M. Luque
# URL: <http://www.cs.famaf.unc.edu.ar/~francolq/>
# For license information, see LICENSE.txt

import itertools
import nltk

from nltk.util import LazyMap

from . import wsj
from . import util

class WSJn(wsj.WSJ):

    def __init__(self, n, basedir=None, load=True, extra_tags=None):
        wsj.WSJ.__init__(self, basedir)
        self.n = n
        self.filename = '%s.treebank' % basedir
        self.extra_tags = extra_tags
        if load:

    def _generate_trees(self):
        # trees = util.load_obj(self.filename + '_gold_len10')
        trees = None

        if trees is None:
            print("Parsing treebank...")

            f = lambda t: len(t.leaves()) <= self.n
            m = lambda t: self._prepare(t)
            # f = lambda t: t
            # m = lambda t: t
            trees = [t for t in filter(f, map(m, self.parsed()))]

            # util.save_obj(trees, self.filename + '_gold_len10')

            # w/o filtering
            # trees = [t for t in self.parsed()]

        # add hmm induced tags
        if self.extra_tags is not None:
            # new_trees = util.load_obj(self.filename + '_35_len10')
            new_trees = None
            if new_trees is None:
                new_trees = []
                # cnt = 0
                for t, tags in zip(self.parsed(), self.extra_tags):
                    # if cnt % 100 == 0:
                    #     print cnt
                    # cnt += 1
                    for st, tag in zip(t.subtrees(lambda x: x.height() == 2), tags):
                        st.insert(0, tag)
                    t = self._prepare(t)
                    if len(t.leaves()) / 2 <= self.n:
                        new_trees += [t]
                # util.save_obj(new_trees, self.filename + '_35_len10')

        self.gold_tag_sents = [[(sub.label(), sub.leaves()[0]) \
                              for sub in t.subtrees(lambda x: x.height() == 2)] \
                              for t in trees]

        if self.extra_tags is not None:
            self.induce_tag_sents = [[(sub.leaves()[0], sub.leaves()[1]) \
                                  for sub in t.subtrees(lambda x: x.height() == 2)] \
                                  for t in new_trees]
            self.induce_tag_sents = None

        return trees

    def _prepare(self, t):
        # t.remove_leaves()
        # Remove punctuation, ellipsis and currency ($, #) at the same time:
        t.filter_tags(lambda x: x in wsj.word_tags)
        return t

    def tagged_sents(self):
        return self.gold_tag_sents, self.induce_tag_sents

class WSJ10(WSJn):

    def __init__(self, basedir=None, load=True, extra_tags=None):
        WSJn.__init__(self, 10, basedir, load, extra_tags)

class WSJ40(WSJn):

    def __init__(self, basedir=None, load=True):
        WSJn.__init__(self, 40, basedir, load)

class WSJ10P(wsj.WSJ):
    """The 7422 sentences of the WSJ10 treebank but including punctuation.
    # antes era puntuacion pero sin el punto final
    #valid_tags = wsj.word_tags + wsj.punctuation_tags[1:]
    #punctuation_tags = wsj.punctuation_tags[1:]
    # pero no da para dejar afuera el punto porque no solo aparece al final (y es tag de ? y !):
    valid_tags = wsj.word_tags + wsj.punctuation_tags
    punctuation_tags = wsj.punctuation_tags
    stop_punctuation_tags = [',', '.', ':']
    bracket_punctuation_tag_pairs = [('-LRB-', '-RRB-'), ('``', '\'\'')]

    def __init__(self, basedir=None, load=True):
        n = 10
        wsj.WSJ.__init__(self, basedir)
        self.n = n
        self.filename = 'wsj%02ip.treebank' % n
        if load:

    def _generate_trees(self):
        print("Parsing treebank...")
        f = lambda t: len([x for x in t.leaves() if x not in self.punctuation_tags]) <= self.n
        m = lambda t: self._prepare(t)
        trees = [t for t in filter(f, map(m, self.parsed()))]
        return trees

    def _prepare(self, t):
        # Con esto elimino ellipsis y $ y # (currency) al mismo tiempo:
        t.filter_tags(lambda x: x in self.valid_tags)
        return t

Comparo la version vieja con la nueva:

>>> from wsj10 import *
>>> tbold = WSJ10P(load=False)
>>> tbold.filename = 'wsj10p.treebank.old'
>>> ts = tbold.get_trees()
>>> tb = WSJ10P()

# l son los indices de los arboles con hojas distintas
>>> l = [i for i in range(len(tbold.trees)) if tbold.trees[i].leaves() != tb.trees[i].leaves()]
>>> len(l)
# l2 son los indices de los arboles que cambian algo mas ademas del punto al final. Vemos que quedan pocos, 683.
>>> l2 = [j for j in l if tbold.trees[j].leaves() != tb.trees[j].leaves()[:-1]]
>>> len(l2)
# entre los 683 de l2 hay algunos que agregan punto pero no al final sino un lugar antes (despues se suele cerrar comillas). quitamos estos en l3 para quedarnos con los que realmente hacen alguna diferencia:
>>> l3 = [k for k in l2 if tbold.trees[j].leaves()[:-1] != tb.trees[j].leaves()[:-2]]
>>> len(l3)
# NO HAY NINGUNO! o sea que son masomenos lo mismo los corpus, PERO SOLO PARA EL CASO DEL WSJ10.

class WSJnTagged(WSJn):

    def __init__(self, n, basedir=None, load=True):
        wsj.WSJ.__init__(self, basedir)
        self.n = n
        self.filename = 'wsj%02i.tagged_treebank' % n
        self.tagger = WSJTagger()
        if load:

    def _prepare(self, t):
        # quito puntuacion, ellipsis y monedas, sin quitar las hojas:
        #t.filter_tags(lambda x: x not in wsj.currency_tags_words)
        t.filter_subtrees(lambda t: type(t) == str or len([x for x in t.pos() if x[1] in wsj.word_tags]) > 0)
        return t

class WSJ10Tagged(WSJnTagged):

    def __init__(self, basedir=None, load=True):
        WSJnTagged.__init__(self, 10, basedir, load)

class WSJTagger:

    filename = '../obj/clusters.nem.32'

    def __init__(self):
        f = open(self.filename)
        self.tag_dict = {}
        for l in f:
            l2 = l.split()
            self.tag_dict[l2[0]] = l2[1]+'C'

    def tag(self, word):
        return self.tag_dict[word.upper()]

Chequeo del corpus (pa ver si saca los mismos arboles que WSJ10):

>>> from wsj10 import *
>>> tb2 = WSJ10Tagged()
>>> len(tb2.trees)
# significa que faltan arboles... deberian  ser 7422
>>> tb = WSJ10()
>>> l = [i for i in range(len(tb2.trees)) if tb.trees[i].labels != tb2.trees[i].labels]
>>> l[0]
>>> i = l[0]
>>> l[1]
>>> tb.trees[i].labels
['07/wsj_0758.mrg', 74]
>>> tb2.trees[i].labels
['07/wsj_0758.mrg', 75]


( (S
    (NP-SBJ (PRP You) )
    (VP (MD might) (RB not)
      (VP (VB find)
        (NP (NN one) )
        (PP-LOC (IN in)
          (NP (DT the) (`` `) (NN Jurisprudence) ('' ') (NN column) ))))
    (. .) ))

class WSJnLex(WSJn):

    def __init__(self, n, load=True):
        self.n = n
        self.filename = 'wsj%02i.lex_treebank' % n
        self.tagger = WSJTagger()
        if load:

    def _prepare(self, t):
        # quito puntuacion, ellipsis y monedas, sin quitar las hojas:
        #t.filter_tags(lambda x: x not in wsj.currency_tags_words)
        t.filter_subtrees(lambda t: type(t) == str or len([x for x in t.pos() if x[1] in wsj.word_tags]) > 0)
        return t

class WSJ10Lex(WSJnLex):
    def __init__(self, load=True):
        WSJnLex.__init__(self, 10, load)


>>> from wsj10 import *
>>> tb = WSJ10Lex()
>>> for t in tb.trees:
...     s = string.join(t.leaves())+'\n'
...     f.write(s)
>>> f.close()


def test():
    tb = WSJ10()
    return tb