#! /usr/bin/python

import ctypes as ct
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev, interp1d
import os
import time
import sys
import matplotlib.patches as patches

prefix = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if prefix == '': prefix = '.'
lib = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(prefix+'/lib/_tools.so')

DOC_PATH = '../Fig/'

mod = np.mod
sin = np.sin
cos = np.cos
pi = np.pi
PI2 = 2.*pi

notImplimentedString = "The function is not implimented."


lib.crossings.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_double), ct.c_uint, ct.POINTER(ct.c_double), ct.c_double]
def crossings(x, threshold):
	x = np.array(x)
	ti = x.size*np.ones((1+x.size/2), float)	 # this is definitively the maximum number of possible crossings

	lib.crossings(x.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)), ct.c_uint(x.size),
	return ti[:ti.searchsorted(x.size)]

def find_crossings(x, trigger):
	ti = [crossings(x[j], trigger) for j in xrange(x.shape[0])]
	return ti

def unwrapped_phase(recurrences, times):
		f = interp1d(recurrences, PI2*np.arange(recurrences.size))
		return f(times)

def unwrapped_phase_differences(recurrences, reference_index=None, startAtZero=True):

	start = np.max([t_j[0] for t_j in recurrences]) # last of the first recurrence events,
	end = np.min([t_j[-1] for t_j in recurrences])  # first of the last recurrence events:		in between, all phases can be interpolated

	if reference_index == None:
		times = np.sort(np.concatenate(recurrences))
		times = times[times.searchsorted(start):times.searchsorted(end)]	# these are all times in between
		t_ref = np.asarray(recurrences[reference_index])
		times = t_ref[t_ref.searchsorted(start):t_ref.searchsorted(end)]

		phases = np.array([unwrapped_phase(t_j, times) for t_j in recurrences])

		phase_differences = np.array([phases[0]-phases[i] for i in xrange(1, len(recurrences), 1)])	# Delta = phi_ref-phi_j

	if startAtZero:
		for i in xrange(phase_differences.shape[0]):
			phase_differences[i] -= phase_differences[i, 0]  # differences should start diffusing at zero

	return times, phase_differences

def compute_phase_difference(ti):
	idx = [ti[i].searchsorted(ti[0]) for i in xrange(1, len(ti), 1)]	 # idx contains closest crossings

	dti0_inv = 1./(ti[0][1:]-ti[0][:-1]) 	# period for normalization

	d, Ti = [], []
	for i in xrange(ti[0].size-1):	 # for each return time of Neuron 1


			for j in xrange(1, len(ti), 1):


	return np.asarray(Ti), np.asarray(d)

def phase_difference(V, V_trigger=-40.): # V should be in millivolt!
	ti = find_crossings(V, V_trigger)
	return compute_phase_difference(ti)


class splineLS1D():

	def __init__(self, s=0., isphase=False, verbose=0):
		self.isphase = isphase
		self.s = s
		self.tck = None
		self.verbose = verbose

	def set(self, what, value):
		print "# Setting", what, "to", value
		if what == 's': 
			self.s = float(value)
		if what == 'isphase': 
			self.isphase = value
			if value:
				self.xmin, self.xmax = 0., 2.*np.pi	
			print "#", what, "cannot be set to", value

	def get(self, what):
		if what == 'params':
			return self.tck

	def makeModel(self, f, x, w=None):
		#print "splineLS1D: computing smoothing spline to the data ..."
		f, x = np.asarray(f), np.asarray(x)

		if self.isphase:	# we have to append x=0, and x=2*pi, in order to have the algorithm compute 2*pi periodic values
			self.xmin, self.xmax=0., 2.*np.pi
			x = np.mod(x, 2.*np.pi)
			fmin, fmax = f[x.argmin()], f[x.argmax()]
			xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
			f, x = list(f), list(x)
			if self.xmin != xmin: f.append(fmin-xmin/(xmin-(xmax-2.*np.pi))*(fmin-fmax)), x.append(self.xmin)
			if self.xmax != xmax: f.append(fmax+(2.*np.pi-xmax)/(xmin-(xmax-2.*np.pi))*(fmin-fmax)), x.append(self.xmax)
			f, x = np.array(f), np.array(x)

			if np.iterable(w):
				w = list(w)
				w = np.asarray(w)

			self.xmin = x.min(); self.xmax = x.max()

		index = np.argsort(x)
		xs, fs = x[index], f[index]
		self.tck = splrep(xs, fs, w=w, s=self.s, per=self.isphase)

		if self.verbose:
			print "computation done"
			plot(x, f, 'k,')
			plot(xs, self(xs), 'k--')

			if self.isphase:

			if self.verbose == 1:

	def __call__(self, x):

		if self.isphase:
			return splev(np.mod(x, 2.*np.pi), self.tck)

		if self.tck:
			XMIN = x>self.xmin; XMAX = x<self.xmax
			return splev(x*XMIN*XMAX+XMAX*(1.-XMIN)*self.xmin+XMIN*(1.-XMAX)*self.xmax, self.tck)

			return np.zeros((x.size), float)

	def df(self, x):
		if self.isphase:
			return spalde(np.mod(x, 2.*np.pi), self.tck)[:, 1]

		return np.array(spalde(x, self.tck))[:, 1]

	def saveCoefs(self, filename=None, file=None, close=True):
		p = self.get('params')
		if not file: file = open(filename, 'w')
		#print "# ", self.tck
		for i in range(1, self.tck[0].size):
		for i in range(1, self.tck[1].size):
		if close: file.close()
			return file

	def loadCoefs(self, filename=None, file=None, close=True):
		self.pindex = []
		p = []
		if not file: file = open(filename, 'r')
		tmp = file.readline().split(',')
		self.xmin = float(tmp[0]); self.xmax = float(tmp[1]); Nc = int(tmp[2])
		c, t = [], []
		tmp = file.readline().split(',')
		for i in range(Nc):
		tmp = file.readline().split(',')
		for i in range(Nc):
		self.tck = (c, t, 3)
		if close: file.close()
		else: return file

########################## PLOTTING ########################

def adjustForPlotting(x, y, ratio, threshold):	# ratio = xscale/yscale

	x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)

	dx, dy = x[1:]-x[:-1], ratio*(y[1:]-y[:-1]) 

	xnew, ynew = [x[0]], [y[0]]
	for i in xrange(1, x.size, 1):

		if np.sqrt((x[i]-xnew[-1])**2 + (ratio*(y[i]-ynew[-1]))**2) > threshold:

	return np.asarray(xnew), np.asarray(ynew)

def tailHead(tx, ty):
	# Add arrows half way along each trajectory.
        s = np.cumsum( np.sqrt( np.diff(tx)**2+np.diff(ty)**2 ) )
        n = np.searchsorted(s, 0.5 * s[-1] )
	#n = tx.size/2
	return (tx[n], ty[n]), (np.mean(tx[n:n + 2]), np.mean(ty[n:n + 2]))	# return tail, head

def add_arrow(ax, tailhead, **kwargs):
	arrowDict = dict(linewidth=1., color='k', arrowstyle='-|>', mutation_scale=12 * 1)
	p = patches.FancyArrowPatch(tailhead[0], tailhead[1], transform=ax.transData, **arrowDict)

def plot_phase_2D(phase_1, phase_2, axes, **kwargs):
	-	arrows: (True, False).  If True, plots an arrow in the middle of the trace.
	-	PI: float.  Indicates periodicity/2 of the phase.  If the periodicity is 2 pi, it's PI=pi.
	-	Other kwargs are passed to 'pylab.plot'.

	if "PI" in kwargs:	PI = kwargs.pop('PI')
	else:			PI = np.pi

	if "arrows" in kwargs:	arrows = kwargs.pop("arrows")	# arrows: True or False
	else:			arrows = False

	dphi_1, dphi_2 = phase_1[1:]-phase_1[:-1], phase_2[1:]-phase_2[:-1]

	j0 = 0	# start trace at this index.
	for j in xrange(1, phase_1.size, 1):
		if abs(dphi_1[j-1]) < PI and abs(dphi_2[j-1]) < PI:

			x, y = phase_1[j0:j], phase_2[j0:j]
			axes.plot(x, y, '-', **kwargs)
			if arrows: add_arrow(axes, tailHead(x, y), **kwargs)

			j0 = j	# ... new trace starts here.

	x, y = phase_1[j0:], phase_2[j0:]
	axes.plot(x, y, '-', **kwargs)
	if arrows: add_arrow(axes, tailHead(x, y), **kwargs)

def plot_phase_3D(phase_1, phase_2, phase_3, axes, **kwargs):
	from pylab import plot, subplot

	if "PI" in kwargs:	PI = kwargs.pop('PI')
	else:			PI = np.pi

	#assert isinstance(Axes3D)

	dphi_1, dphi_2, dphi_3 = phase_1[1:]-phase_1[:-1], phase_2[1:]-phase_2[:-1], phase_3[1:]-phase_3[:-1]

	j0 = 0
	for j in xrange(1, phase_1.size):
		if abs(dphi_1[j-1]) < PI and abs(dphi_2[j-1]) < PI and abs(dphi_3[j-1]) < PI:

			x, y, z = phase_1[j0:j], phase_2[j0:j], phase_3[j0:j]
				axes.plot(x, y, z, '-', **kwargs)


			j0 = j

		x, y, z = phase_1[j0:], phase_2[j0:], phase_3[j0:]
		axes.plot(x, y, z, '-', **kwargs)


rb = 0.4
gb = 0.4
bb = 0.4
sh1 = pi/4.+0.5
sh2 = -pi/4.-0.5

def clmap_bin(th1, th2):
	r = cos(.5*(th1))*cos(0.5*(th2-pi))
	g = cos(.5*(th1-pi))*cos(0.5*(th2))
	b = cos(.5*(th1-pi))*cos(0.5*(th2-pi))
	k = cos(.5*(th1-4.*pi/3.))*cos(0.5*(th2-2.*pi/3.))
	p = cos(.5*(th1-2.*pi/3.))*cos(0.5*(th2-4.*pi/3.))
	x = np.zeros((3), float)
	ncolor = argmax(array([r, g, b, k**2, p**2])**2)
	if ncolor < 3:
		x[ncolor] = 1.
		return (x[0], x[1], x[2], 1.)
		if ncolor == 3:
			return (0., 0., 0., 1.)
		if ncolor == 4:
			return (1., 0., 1., 1.)

def clmap_bin_river(th1, th2):
	r = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6+cos(th2/2.)**6 + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	g = cos(th1/2.)**6+0.3*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6) + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	b = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6 + sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6
	x = np.zeros((3), float)
	n = argmax([r, g, b])
	if n == 0: x[0] = 1. 
	else: x = x+0.6
	return (x[0], x[1], x[2], 1.)

def clmap_bin_crossriver(th1, th2):
	r = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6+cos(th2/2.)**6 + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	g = cos(th1/2.)**6+0.3*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6) + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	b = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6 + sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6
	x = np.zeros((3), float)
	n = argmax([r, g, b])
	if n == 1: x[1] = 1. 
	else: x = x+0.6
	return (x[0], x[1], x[2], 1.)

def clmap(th1, th2):
	r = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6+cos(th2/2.)**6 + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	g = cos(th1/2.)**6+0.3*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6) + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	b = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6 + sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6
	return (r/(1.+rb), g/(1.+gb), b/(1.+bb), 1.)

def clmap_grey(th1, th2):
	if th2 > np.pi/4. and th2 < 7.*np.pi/4.:
		return (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.)
		return clmap(th1, th2)

def clmap2(th1, th2):
	th1, th2 = mod(7.*th1, 2.*pi), mod(7.*th2, 2.*pi)
	r = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6+cos(th2/2.)**6 + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	g = cos(th1/2.)**6+0.3*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6) + 0.1*(sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6)
	b = sin((th1+sh1)/2.)**6*sin((th2+sh2)/2.)**6 + sin(th1/2.)**6*sin(th2/2.)**6
	return (r/(1.+rb), g/(1.+gb), b/(1.+bb), 1.)

def torus_distance(t_1, t_2): # phases range (0, 1)
	delta = abs(t_1-t_2)
	return np.sqrt((min(delta[0], 1.-delta[0])**2+min(delta[1], 1.-delta[1])**2).sum())

torus_patterns = PI2*np.array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.], [0., 0.5], [2./3., 1./3.], [1./3., 2./3.]])
torus_colors = [(0., 0., 1.), (1., 0., 0.), (0., 0.5, 0.), (0., 0., 0.), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)]   # blue, green, red, black, grey
def clmap_patterns(phase_1, phase_2): # phases in range (0, 1)
	phase = np.array([phase_1, phase_2])
	# select which pattern
	return torus_colors[
			np.argmin( [torus_distance(phase, pattern)
					for pattern in torus_patterns] )]


import pylab as pl
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

xblue, yblue, xgreen, ygreen, xred, yred, width, radius = 0.23, 0.65, 0.77, 0.65, 0.47, 0.25, 0.03, 0.1
def three_cells_alt(coupling_strength, ax):

	c = coupling_strength+0.00001
	patches = []
	art = mpatches.Circle(np.array([xblue, yblue]), radius, fc='b')
	art = mpatches.Circle(np.array([xgreen, ygreen]), radius, fc='g')
	art = mpatches.Circle(np.array([xred, yred]), radius, fc='r')

	sh = 0.02
	shr = 0.25
	alpha = 1.3

	# 1 blue -> green
	xbluegreen = [xblue+alpha*radius, xgreen-alpha*radius]
	ybluegreen = np.array([yblue, ygreen])+sh
	ax.add_line(pl.Line2D(xbluegreen, ybluegreen, lw=5., c='k'))
	ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(np.array([xbluegreen[1], ybluegreen[1]]), radius/4., fc='k'))
	ax.text((xblue+xgreen)/2.-0.05, (yblue+ygreen)/2.+0.05, repr(c[2])[:6], fontsize=15)

	# 2 green -> blue
	xgreenblue = xbluegreen
	ygreenblue = ybluegreen-2.*sh
	ax.add_line(pl.Line2D(xgreenblue, ygreenblue, lw=5., c='k'))
	ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(np.array([xgreenblue[0], ygreenblue[0]]), radius/4., fc='k'))

	ax.text((xblue+xgreen)/2.-0.05, (yblue+ygreen)/2.-0.1, repr(c[0])[:6], fontsize=15)

	# 3 green -> red
	xredgreen = np.array([xred+0., xgreen+0.])*0.45+0.375
	yredgreen = np.array([yred+0., ygreen+0.])*0.45+0.2185
	ax.add_line(pl.Line2D(xredgreen, yredgreen, lw=5., c='k'))
	ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(np.array([xredgreen[0], yredgreen[0]]), radius/4., fc='k'))
	ax.text((xgreen+xred)/2.+0.015, (ygreen+yred)/2.-0.015, repr(c[5])[:6], fontsize=15, rotation=45)

	# 4 red -> green
	xredgreen = np.array([xred+0., xgreen+0.])*0.45+0.33
	yredgreen = np.array([yred+0., ygreen+0.])*0.45+0.255
	ax.add_line(pl.Line2D(xredgreen, yredgreen, lw=5., c='k'))
	ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(np.array([xredgreen[1], yredgreen[1]]), radius/4., fc='k'))
	ax.text((xgreen+xred)/2.-0.1, (ygreen+yred)/2.+0.07, repr(c[3])[:6], fontsize=15, rotation=45)

	# 5 red -> blue
	xbluered = np.array([xblue+0., xred+0.])*0.45+0.17
	ybluered = np.array([yblue+0., yred+0.])*0.45+0.23
	ax.add_line(pl.Line2D(xbluered, ybluered, lw=5., c='k'))
	ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(np.array([xbluered[0], ybluered[0]]), radius/4., fc='k'))
	ax.text((xblue+xred)/2.-0.1, (yblue+yred)/2.-0.0, repr(c[1])[:6], fontsize=15, rotation=-55)

	# 6 blue -> red
	xbluered = np.array([xblue+0., xred+0.])*0.45+0.2
	ybluered = np.array([yblue+0., yred+0.])*0.45+0.265
	ax.add_line(pl.Line2D(xbluered, ybluered, lw=5., c='k'))
	ax.add_patch(mpatches.Circle(np.array([xbluered[1], ybluered[1]]), radius/4., fc='k'))
	ax.text((xblue+xred)/2.-0.02, (yblue+yred)/2.+0.1, repr(c[4])[:6], fontsize=15, rotation=-55)


	ax.text(xblue-0.04, yblue-0.05, r'$1$', fontsize=40)
	ax.text(xgreen-0.04, ygreen-0.05, r'$2$', fontsize=40)
	ax.text(xred-0.04, yred-0.05, r'$3$', fontsize=40)


if __name__ == '__main__':
	from pylab import *

	x = arange(0., 1., 0.1)
	y = arange(0., 1., 0.1)

	ax = subplot(111)

	plot_phase_2D(x, y, ax, arrows=True, color='g')