import logging

from traitlets import TraitType, TraitError

class Handlers(TraitType):
    """A trait that takes a list of logging handlers and converts
    it to a callable that returns that list (thus, making this
    trait pickleable).
    info_text = "a list of logging handlers"

    def validate_elements(self, obj, value):
        if len(value) > 0:
            # Check that all elements are logging handlers.
            for el in value:
                if isinstance(el, logging.Handler) is False:

    def element_error(self, obj):
        raise TraitError(
            "Elements in the '{}' trait of an {} instance "
            "must be Python `logging` handler instances."
            .format(, obj.__class__.__name__)

    def validate(self, obj, value):
        # If given a callable, call it and set the
        # value of this trait to the returned list.
        # Verify that the callable returns a list
        # of logging handler instances.
        if callable(value):
            out = value()
            self.validate_elements(obj, out)
            return out
        # If a list, check it's elements to verify
        # that each element is a logging handler instance.
        elif type(value) == list:
            self.validate_elements(obj, value)
            return value
            self.error(obj, value)