# system library
import numpy as np
import json

# user-library
from utils import load_data
from utils import util

# third-party library
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn import cross_validation
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.mixture import GMM

class ClassificationBase(object):

    def __init__(self, isTrain, isOutlierRemoval=0, isNN=0):
        # indicate it is train data or not
        self.isTrain = isTrain
        self.isOutlierRemoval = isOutlierRemoval
        self.isNN = isNN # indicate it is neural network
        # route prefix
        self.routes = ["BCN_BUD",  # route 1
                      "BUD_BCN",  # route 2
                      "CRL_OTP",  # route 3
                      "MLH_SKP",  # route 4
                      "MMX_SKP",  # route 5
                      "OTP_CRL",  # route 6
                      "SKP_MLH",  # route 7
                      "SKP_MMX"]  # route 8

        For the large data set, these datas are from the function in util
        # self.randomPrices_train = [62.404880201765373,
        #                           64.389689785624228,
        #                           58.365558867362232,
        #                           53.396562847608401,
        #                           57.555263421976903,
        #                           56.881071560993696,
        #                           80.610587319243578,
        #                           81.273256281407001]
        # self.randomPrices_test = [76.867777777777732,
        #                           79.859555555555559,
        #                           48.753285024154536,
        #                           74.848996051889415,
        #                           60.510405405405386,
        #                           46.05193236714976,
        #                           78.827685279187833,
        #                           61.32490540540541]
        # self.minPrices_train = [38.291886792452836,
        #                         34.322716981132082,
        #                         40.323333333333174,
        #                         32.409354838709689,
        #                         34.680000000000007,
        #                         30.694444444444443,
        #                         45.243290322580577,
        #                         46.73057142857138]
        # self.minPrices_test = [38.073333333333309,
        #                        38.261333333333333,
        #                        24.047971014492759,
        #                        44.908032786885208,
        #                        33.905806451612911,
        #                        20.945652173913043,
        #                        50.942655737704911,
        #                        35.778774193548394]
        # self.maxPrices_train = [126.02773584905646,
        #                         150.12649056603769,
        #                         119.43444444444427,
        #                         109.10290322580629,
        #                         125.22857142857143,
        #                         171.72222222222223,
        #                         165.93038709677407,
        #                         178.90200000000002]
        # self.maxPrices_test = [149.48999999999984,
        #                        155.91466666666665,
        #                        146.22188405797084,
        #                        144.08836065573755,
        #                        134.68645161290314,
        #                        156.27173913043478,
        #                        151.77216393442615,
        #                        154.14329032258058]
        For the smalle data set - these datas are from the function in util
        # random price list
        self.randomPrices_train = [68.4391315136,
        self.randomPrices_test = [55.4820634921,
        # minimum price list
        self.minPrices_train = [44.4344444444,
        self.minPrices_test = [32.370952381,

        # maximum price list
        self.maxPrices_train = [115.915925926,

        self.maxPrices_test = [126.656666667,

        # for currency change
        self.currency = [1,      # route 1 - Euro
                         0.0032, # route 2 - Hungarian Forint
                         1,      # route 3 - Euro
                         1,      # route 4 - Euro
                         0.12,   # route 5 - Swedish Krona
                         0.25,   # route 6 - Romanian Leu
                         0.018,  # route 7 - Macedonian Denar
                         0.018   # route 8 - Macedonian Denar

        # feature 0~7: flight number dummy variables
        # feature 8: departure date; feature 9: observed date state;
        # feature 10: minimum price; feature 11: maximum price
        # output: prediction(buy or wait); output_price: price
        # load training datasets
        if isOutlierRemoval:
            self.X_train = np.load('inputClf_GMMOutlierRemoval/X_train.npy')
            self.y_train = np.load('inputClf_GMMOutlierRemoval/y_train.npy')
            self.y_train_price = np.load('inputClf_GMMOutlierRemoval/y_train_price.npy')
            self.X_train = np.load('inputClf_small/X_train.npy')
            self.y_train = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train.npy')
            self.y_train_price = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train_price.npy')

        # deal with unbalanced data
        #self.X_train, self.y_train = self.dealingUnbalancedData(self.X_train, self.y_train)

        # load test datasets
        if isTrain:
            self.X_test = np.load('inputClf_small/X_train.npy')
            self.y_test = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train.npy')
            self.y_test_price = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train_price.npy')
            self.y_pred = np.empty(shape=(self.y_test.shape[0],1))

            # choose the dates whose departureDate-queryDate gaps is larger than 20
            self.y_test = self.y_test[np.where(self.X_test[:, 8]>20)[0], :]
            self.y_test_price = self.y_test_price[np.where(self.X_test[:, 8]>20)[0], :]
            self.y_pred = self.y_pred[np.where(self.X_test[:, 8]>20)[0], :]
            self.X_test = self.X_test[np.where(self.X_test[:, 8]>20)[0], :]

            # split train and validation set
            tmpMatrix = np.concatenate((self.X_test, self.y_test_price, self.y_pred), axis=1)
            trainMatrix, testMatrix, self.y_train, self.y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(
                tmpMatrix, self.y_test, test_size=0.4, random_state=0)
            self.X_train = trainMatrix[:, 0:12]
            self.y_train_price = trainMatrix[:, 12]
            self.y_train_price = self.y_train_price.reshape((self.y_train_price.shape[0], 1))
            #self.y_pred = trainMatrix[:, 13]

            self.X_test = testMatrix[:, 0:12]
            self.y_test_price = testMatrix[:, 12]
            self.y_test_price = self.y_test_price.reshape((self.y_test_price.shape[0], 1))
            self.y_pred = testMatrix[:, 13]
            self.X_test = np.load('inputClf_small/X_test.npy')
            self.y_test = np.load('inputClf_small/y_test.npy')
            self.y_test_price = np.load('inputClf_small/y_test_price.npy')

            self.y_pred = np.empty(shape=(self.y_test.shape[0],1))

    def priceNormalize(self):
        Different routes have different units for the price, normalize it as Euro.
        :return: NA
        # normalize feature 10, feature 11, feature 13
        # feature 0~7: flight number dummy variables
        # feature 8: departure date; feature 9: observed date state;
        # feature 10: minimum price; feature 11: maximum price
        # fearure 12: prediction(buy or wait); feature 13: price
        evalMatrix_train = np.concatenate((self.X_train, self.y_train, self.y_train_price), axis=1)
        evalMatrix_test = np.concatenate((self.X_test, self.y_test, self.y_test_price), axis=1)

        matrixTrain = np.empty(shape=(0, evalMatrix_train.shape[1]))
        matrixTest = np.empty(shape=(0, evalMatrix_train.shape[1]))
        for i in range(len(self.routes)):
            evalMatrix = evalMatrix_train[np.where(evalMatrix_train[:, i]==1)[0], :]
            evalMatrix[:, 10] *= self.currency[i]
            evalMatrix[:, 11] *= self.currency[i]
            evalMatrix[:, 13] *= self.currency[i]
            matrixTrain = np.concatenate((matrixTrain, evalMatrix), axis=0)

            evalMatrix = evalMatrix_test[np.where(evalMatrix_test[:, i]==1)[0], :]
            evalMatrix[:, 10] *= self.currency[i]
            evalMatrix[:, 11] *= self.currency[i]
            evalMatrix[:, 13] *= self.currency[i]
            matrixTest = np.concatenate((matrixTest, evalMatrix), axis=0)

        self.X_train = matrixTrain[:, 0:12]
        self.y_train = matrixTrain[:, 12]
        self.y_train_price = matrixTrain[:, 13]

        self.X_test = matrixTest[:, 0:12]
        self.y_test = matrixTest[:, 12]
        self.y_test_price = matrixTest[:, 13]

        self.y_train = self.y_train.reshape((self.y_train.shape[0], 1))
        self.y_train_price = self.y_train_price.reshape((self.y_train_price.shape[0], 1))
        self.y_test = self.y_test.reshape((self.y_test.shape[0], 1))
        self.y_test_price = self.y_test_price.reshape((self.y_test_price.shape[0], 1))

        #self.X_train = np.concatenate((self.X_train, self.y_train_price), axis=1)
        #self.X_test = np.concatenate((self.X_test, self.y_test_price), axis=1)

        np.save('inputClf/X_train', self.X_train)
        np.save('inputClf/y_train', self.y_train)
        np.save('inputClf/y_train_price', self.y_train_price)
        np.save('inputClf/X_test', self.X_test)
        np.save('inputClf/y_test', self.y_test)
        np.save('inputClf/y_test_price', self.y_test_price)

    def Standardization(self):
        scaled = preprocessing.scale(self.X_train[:, 10:12])
        self.X_train[:, 10:12] = scaled

        scaled = preprocessing.scale(self.X_test[:, 10:12])
        self.X_test[:, 10:12] = scaled

    def load(self, dataset="large data set"):
        Load the data for classification
        :param dataset: dataset
        :return: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test
        isOneOptimalState = False
        # Construct the input data
        d = 12
        X_train = np.empty(shape=(0, d))
        y_train = np.empty(shape=(0,1))
        y_train_price = np.empty(shape=(0,1))
        X_test = np.empty(shape=(0,d))
        y_test = np.empty(shape=(0,1))
        y_test_price = np.empty(shape=(0,1))

        for filePrefix in self.routes:
            datas = load_data.load_data_with_prefix_and_dataset(filePrefix, dataset)
            for data in datas:
                print "Construct route {}, State {}, departureDate {}...".format(filePrefix, data["State"], data["Date"])
                x_i = []
                # feature 1: flight number -> dummy variables
                for i in range(len(self.routes)):
                    !!!need to change!
                    if i == self.routes.index(filePrefix):

                # feature 2: departure date interval from "20151109", because the first observed date is 20151109
                departureDate = data["Date"]
                !!!maybe need to change the first observed date
                departureDateGap = util.days_between(departureDate, "20151109")

                # feature 3: observed days before departure date
                state = data["State"]

                # feature 4: minimum price before the observed date
                minimumPreviousPrice = self.getMinimumPreviousPrice(data["Date"], state, datas)

                # feature 5: maximum price before the observed date
                maximumPreviousPrice = self.getMaximumPreviousPrice(data["Date"], state, datas)

                # output
                y_i = [0]
                specificDatas = []
                specificDatas = [data2 for data2 in datas if data2["Date"]==departureDate]

                if isOneOptimalState:
                    # Method 1: only 1 entry is buy
                    optimalState = load_data.getOptimalState(specificDatas)
                    if data["State"] == optimalState:
                       y_i = [1]
                    # Method 2: multiple entries can be buy
                    minPrice = load_data.getMinimumPrice(specificDatas)
                    if util.getPrice(data["MinimumPrice"]) == minPrice:
                        y_i = [1]

                # keep price info
                y_price = [util.getPrice(data["MinimumPrice"])]

                if int(departureDate) < 20160115: # choose date before "20160115" as training data
                    X_train = np.concatenate((X_train, [x_i]), axis=0)
                    y_train = np.concatenate((y_train, [y_i]), axis=0)
                    y_train_price = np.concatenate((y_train_price, [y_price]), axis=0)
                elif int(departureDate) < 20160220: # choose date before "20160220" as test data
                    X_test = np.concatenate((X_test, [x_i]), axis=0)
                    y_test = np.concatenate((y_test, [y_i]), axis=0)
                    y_test_price = np.concatenate((y_test_price, [y_price]), axis=0)

        if isOneOptimalState:
            np.save('inputNN_1Buy/X_train', X_train)
            np.save('inputNN_1Buy/y_train', y_train)
            np.save('inputNN_1Buy/y_train_price', y_train_price)
            np.save('inputNN_1Buy/X_test', X_test)
            np.save('inputNN_1Buy/y_test', y_test)
            np.save('inputNN_1Buy/y_test_price', y_test_price)
            np.save('inputNN_NBuy/X_train', X_train)
            np.save('inputNN_NBuy/y_train', y_train)
            np.save('inputNN_NBuy/y_train_price', y_train_price)
            np.save('inputNN_NBuy/X_test', X_test)
            np.save('inputNN_NBuy/y_test', y_test)
            np.save('inputNN_NBuy/y_test_price', y_test_price)

        return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test

    def getMinimumPreviousPrice(self, departureDate, state, datas):
        Get the minimum previous price, corresponding to the departure date and the observed date
        :param departureDate: departure date
        :param state: observed date
        :param datas: datasets
        :return: minimum previous price
        specificDatas = []
        specificDatas = [data for data in datas if data["Date"]==departureDate]

        minimumPreviousPrice = util.getPrice(specificDatas[0]["MinimumPrice"])
        for data in specificDatas:
            if util.getPrice(data["MinimumPrice"]) < minimumPreviousPrice and data["State"]>=state:
                minimumPreviousPrice = util.getPrice(data["MinimumPrice"])

        return minimumPreviousPrice

    def getMaximumPreviousPrice(self, departureDate, state, datas):
        Get the maximum previous price, corresponding to the departure date and the observed date
        :param departureDate: departure date
        :param state: observed date
        :param datas: datasets
        :return: maximum previous price
        specificDatas = []
        specificDatas = [data for data in datas if data["Date"]==departureDate]

        maximumPreviousPrice = util.getPrice(specificDatas[0]["MinimumPrice"])
        for data in specificDatas:
            if util.getPrice(data["MinimumPrice"]) > maximumPreviousPrice and data["State"]>=state:
                maximumPreviousPrice = util.getPrice(data["MinimumPrice"])

        return maximumPreviousPrice

    def dealingUnbalancedData(self):
        Dealing with unbalanced training data
        len0 = np.count_nonzero(1-self.y_train)
        len1 = np.count_nonzero(self.y_train)
        dup = int(len0/len1)
        dup = int(dup * 1.5)  # change this value, make it more possible to predict buy.

        X1 = self.X_train[np.where(self.y_train==1)[0], :]
        y1 = self.y_train[np.where(self.y_train==1)[0], :]
        y2 = self.y_train_price[np.where(self.y_train==1)[0], :]

        X1 = np.tile(X1, (dup-1,1))
        y1 = np.tile(y1, (dup-1,1))
        y2 = np.tile(y2, (dup-1,1))

        self.X_train = np.concatenate((self.X_train, X1), axis=0)
        self.y_train = np.concatenate((self.y_train, y1), axis=0)
        self.y_train_price = np.concatenate((self.y_train_price, y2), axis=0)
        # shuffle train data
        self.X_train, self.y_train, self.y_train_price = shuffle(self.X_train, self.y_train, self.y_train_price, random_state=42)

    def visualizePrediction(self, filePrefix):
        Visualize the prediction buy entries for every departure date, for each route
        :param filePrefix: route prefix
        :return: NA
        # route index
        flightNum = self.routes.index(filePrefix)

        # concatenate the buy or wait info to get the total datas
        y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((self.y_pred.shape[0],1))
        X_test = np.concatenate((self.X_test, self.y_test, y_pred, self.y_test_price), axis=1)

        # choose one route datas
        X_test = X_test[np.where(X_test[:, flightNum]==1)[0], :]

        # remove dummy variables
        # feature 0: departure date;  feature 1: observed date state
        # feature 2: minimum price; feature 3: maximum price
        # feature 4: output(buy or wait); feature 5: prediction
        # feature 7: current price
        X_test = X_test[:, 8:15]

        # group by the feature: departure date
        departureDates_test = np.unique(X_test[:, 0])

        # get the final datas, the observed data state should be from large to small(i.e. for time series)
        length_test = []
        for departureDate in departureDates_test:
            indexs = np.where(X_test[:, 0]==departureDate)[0]
            datas = X_test[indexs, :]
            print departureDate
            print datas

    def visualizeTrainData(self, filePrefix):
        Visualize the train buy entries for every departure date, for each route
        :param filePrefix: route prefix
        :return: NA
        # route index
        flightNum = self.routes.index(filePrefix)

        # concatenate the buy or wait info to get the total datas
        y_train = self.y_train.reshape((self.y_train.shape[0],1))
        y_train_price = self.y_train_price.reshape((self.y_train_price.shape[0],1))

        X_train = np.concatenate((self.X_train, y_train, y_train_price), axis=1)

        # choose one route datas
        X_train = X_train[np.where(X_train[:, flightNum]==1)[0], :]

        # remove dummy variables
        # feature 0: departure date;  feature 1: observed date state
        # feature 2: minimum price; feature 3: maximum price
        # feature 4: prediction(buy or wait).
        X_train = X_train[:, 8:14]

        # group by the feature: departure date
        departureDates_train = np.unique(X_train[:, 0])

        # get the final datas, the observed data state should be from large to small(i.e. for time series)
        length_test = []
        for departureDate in departureDates_train:
            indexs = np.where(X_train[:, 0]==departureDate)[0]
            datas = X_train[indexs, :]
            print departureDate
            print datas

    def evaluateOneRoute(self, filePrefix="BCN_BUD"):
        Evaluate one route for one time
        :param filePrefix: route
        :return: average price

        if self.isNN:
            # if it is nn, then run multiple times

        #X_test, y_pred = self.predict()
        X_test = self.X_test
        #y_pred = self.y_pred
        #y_pred = y_pred.reshape((y_pred.shape[0], 1))
        y_pred = self.y_pred.reshape((self.y_pred.shape[0], 1))
        y_test_price = self.y_test_price #np.load('inputClf/y_test_price.npy')
        y_price = np.empty(shape=(0, 1))
        for i in range(y_test_price.shape[0]):
            price = [util.getPrice(y_test_price[i, 0])]
            y_price = np.concatenate((y_price, [price]), axis=0)

        # feature 0~7: flight number dummy variables
        # feature 8: departure date; feature 9: observed date state;
        # feature 10: minimum price; feature 11: maximum price
        # fearure 12: prediction(buy or wait); feature 13: price
        evalMatrix = np.concatenate((X_test, y_pred, y_test_price), axis=1)

        # route index
        flightNum = self.routes.index(filePrefix)

        evalMatrix = evalMatrix[np.where(evalMatrix[:, flightNum]==1)[0], :]

        # group by the feature 8: departure date
        departureDates = np.unique(evalMatrix[:, 8])

        departureLen = len(departureDates)
        latestBuyDate = 11 # define the latest buy date state
        totalPrice = 0
        for departureDate in departureDates:
            state = latestBuyDate # update the state for every departure date evaluation
            global isFound # indicate whether some entries is predicted to be buy
            isFound = 0
            for i in range(evalMatrix.shape[0]):
                # if no entry is buy, then buy the latest one
                if evalMatrix[i, 8] == departureDate and evalMatrix[i, 9] == latestBuyDate:
                    latestPrice = evalMatrix[i, 13]
                # if many entries is buy, then buy the first one
                if evalMatrix[i, 8] == departureDate and evalMatrix[i, 9] >= state and evalMatrix[i, 12] == 1:
                    isFound = 1
                    state = evalMatrix[i, 9]
                    price = evalMatrix[i, 13]

            if isFound == 1:
                totalPrice += price
                totalPrice += latestPrice
        #print isFound
        avgPrice = totalPrice * 1.0 / departureLen
        print "One Time avg price: {}".format(avgPrice)
        return avgPrice

    def evaluateOneRouteForMultipleTimes(self, filePrefix="BCN_BUD", timesToRun=1):
        Rune the evaluation for the given route and run it multiple times(e.g. 100), to get the avarage performance
        :param filePrefix: route prefix
        :param timesToRun: the times to run the evaluation, and get the average.
        :return: average price

        # fit and predict

        # route index
        flightNum = self.routes.index(filePrefix)

        timesToRun = 1 # if it is neural network, please change this number to 20 or more
        if self.isNN:
            timesToRun = 20
        totalPrice = 0
        for i in range(timesToRun):
            np.random.seed(i*i*i) # do not forget to set seed for the weight initialization
            price = self.evaluateOneRoute(filePrefix)
            totalPrice += price

        avgPrice = totalPrice * 1.0 / timesToRun

        Just use it one time - in the small dataset, I get these datas from hard code.
        If you need to use the large dataset, please use this version.
        # self.minPrices_train = util.getMinPriceForSpecific_train()
        # self.minPrices_test = util.getMinPriceForSpecific_test()
        # self.randomPrices_train = util.getRandomPriceForSpecific_train()
        # self.randomPrices_test = util.getRandomPriceForSpecific_test()
        # self.maxPrices_train = util.getMaxPriceForSpecific_train()
        # self.maxPrices_test = util.getMaxPriceForSpecific_test()

        if self.isTrain:
            #print "20 times avg price: {}".format(avgPrice)
            print "TRAIN:"
            print "minimumPrice: {}".format(self.minPrices_train[flightNum])
            print "maximumPrice: {}".format(self.maxPrices_train[flightNum])
            print "randomPrice: {}".format(self.randomPrices_train[flightNum])
            print "avgPredPrice: {}".format(avgPrice)

            performance = (self.randomPrices_train[flightNum] - avgPrice) / self.randomPrices_train[flightNum] * 100
            print "Performance: {}%".format(round(performance,2))
            maxPerformance = (self.randomPrices_train[flightNum] - self.minPrices_train[flightNum]) / self.randomPrices_train[flightNum] * 100
            print "Max Perfor: {}%".format(round(maxPerformance,2))
            normalizedPefor = performance / maxPerformance * 100
            print "Normalized perfor: {}%".format(round(normalizedPefor,2))
            #print "20 times avg price: {}".format(avgPrice)
            print "TEST:"
            print "minimumPrice: {}".format(self.minPrices_test[flightNum])
            print "maximumPrice: {}".format(self.maxPrices_test[flightNum])
            print "randomPrice: {}".format(self.randomPrices_test[flightNum])
            print "avgPredPrice: {}".format(avgPrice)

            performance = (self.randomPrices_test[flightNum] - avgPrice) / self.randomPrices_test[flightNum] * 100
            print "Performance: {}%".format(round(performance,2))
            maxPerformance = (self.randomPrices_test[flightNum] - self.minPrices_test[flightNum]) / self.randomPrices_test[flightNum] * 100
            print "Max Perfor: {}%".format(round(maxPerformance,2))
            normalizedPefor = performance / maxPerformance * 100
            print "Normalized perfor: {}%".format(round(normalizedPefor,2))
        #print "Minimum price: {}".format(minimumPrice)
        #print "Maximum price: {}".format(maximumPrice)
        #print "Random price: {}".format(randomPrice)

        return (performance, normalizedPefor)

    def evaluateAllRroutes(self):
        Evaluate all the routes, print the performance for every route
        and the average performance for all the routes.
        performance = 0
        normalizedPerformance = 0

        normPerforms = []
        for i in range(8):
            print "Route: {}".format(i)
            [perfor, normaPerfor] = self.evaluateOneRouteForMultipleTimes(self.routes[i])
            performance += perfor
            normalizedPerformance += normaPerfor

        performance = round(performance/8, 2)
        normalizedPerformance = round(normalizedPerformance/8, 2)

        if self.isTrain:
            print "\nTRAIN:"
            print "\nTEST:"
        print "Average Performance: {}%".format(performance)
        print "Average Normalized Performance: {}%".format(normalizedPerformance)
        print "Normalized Performance Variance: {}".format(np.var(normPerforms))

Here, the two function is not in the class,
use it separately to get the input for the outlier removal.
def kmeansRemovingOutlierForClassifier():
    use k-means to do outlier removal
    :return: NA
    # load data
    X_train = np.load('inputClf_small/X_train.npy')
    y_train = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train.npy')
    y_train_price = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train_price.npy')

    # cluster initializing
    X_train1 = X_train[np.where(y_train==0)[0], :]
    X_train2 = X_train[np.where(y_train==1)[0], :]
    cluster1 = KMeans(init='random', n_clusters=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train1)
    cluster1 = cluster1.cluster_centers_
    cluster2 = KMeans(init='random', n_clusters=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train2)
    cluster2 = cluster2.cluster_centers_
    clusters = np.concatenate((cluster1, cluster2), axis=0)

    y_pred = KMeans(init='random', n_clusters=2, random_state=2).fit_predict(X_train)
    y_pred = y_pred.reshape((y_pred.shape[0], 1))
    y_pred = y_pred
    tmp = np.concatenate((y_train, y_pred), axis=1)

    sam = y_train == y_pred
    print "# total: {}".format(y_train.shape[0])
    print "# datas left: {}".format(np.sum(sam))
    # Keep 63.62% data.
    print "Keep {}% data.".format(round(np.sum(sam)*100.0/y_train.shape[0], 2))

    print tmp[0:22, :]
    print np.where(y_train==y_pred)[0]
    # keep the data which are not outliers
    X_train = X_train[np.where(y_train==y_pred)[0], :]
    y_train_price = y_train_price[np.where(y_train==y_pred)[0], :]
    y_train = y_train[np.where(y_train==y_pred)[0], :]
    np.save('inputClf_KMeansOutlierRemoval/X_train', X_train)
    np.save('inputClf_KMeansOutlierRemoval/y_train', y_train)
    np.save('inputClf_KMeansOutlierRemoval/y_train_price', y_train_price)

def gmmRemovingOutlierForClassifier():
    use GMM model to remove outlier
    :return: NA
    # load data
    X_train = np.load('inputClf_small/X_train.npy')
    y_train = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train.npy')
    y_train_price = np.load('inputClf_small/y_train_price.npy')

    # classifier initialize
    classifier = GMM(n_components=2,covariance_type='full', init_params='wmc', n_iter=20)

    # cluster initializing
    X_train1 = X_train[np.where(y_train==0)[0], :]
    X_train2 = X_train[np.where(y_train==1)[0], :]
    cluster1 = KMeans(init='random', n_clusters=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train1)
    cluster1 = cluster1.cluster_centers_
    cluster2 = KMeans(init='random', n_clusters=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train2)
    cluster2 = cluster2.cluster_centers_
    clusters = np.concatenate((cluster1, cluster2), axis=0)

    classifier.means_ = clusters

    # Train the other parameters using the EM algorithm.

    # predict
    y_train_pred = classifier.predict(X_train)
    train_accuracy = np.mean(y_train_pred.ravel() == y_train.ravel()) * 100
    print "Keep {}% data.".format(train_accuracy)

    # keep the data which are not outliers
    y_train_pred = y_train_pred.reshape((y_train_pred.shape[0], 1))
    X_train = X_train[np.where(y_train==y_train_pred)[0], :]
    y_train_price = y_train_price[np.where(y_train==y_train_pred)[0], :]
    y_train = y_train[np.where(y_train==y_train_pred)[0], :]
    np.save('inputClf_GMMOutlierRemoval/X_train', X_train)
    np.save('inputClf_GMMOutlierRemoval/y_train', y_train)
    np.save('inputClf_GMMOutlierRemoval/y_train_price', y_train_price)

if __name__ == "__main__":