
    Image processing functions

    :author: Joerg Schnitzbauer, 2016
    :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Jungmann Lab, MPI of Biochemistry
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
import numpy as _np
from numpy import fft as _fft
import lmfit as _lmfit
from tqdm import tqdm as _tqdm
from . import lib as _lib


def xcorr(imageA, imageB):
    FimageA = _fft.fft2(imageA)
    CFimageB = _np.conj(_fft.fft2(imageB))
    return _fft.fftshift(
        _np.real(_fft.ifft2((FimageA * CFimageB)))
    ) / _np.sqrt(imageA.size)

def get_image_shift(imageA, imageB, box, roi=None, display=False):
    """ Computes the shift from imageA to imageB """
    if (_np.sum(imageA) == 0) or (_np.sum(imageB) == 0):
        return 0, 0
    # Compute image correlation
    XCorr = xcorr(imageA, imageB)
    # Cut out center roi
    Y, X = imageA.shape
    if roi is not None:
        Y_ = int((Y - roi) / 2)
        X_ = int((X - roi) / 2)
        if Y_ > 0:
            XCorr = XCorr[Y_:-Y_, :]
            Y_ = 0
        if X_ > 0:
            XCorr = XCorr[:, X_:-X_]
            X_ = 0
        Y_ = X_ = 0
    # A quarter of the fit ROI
    fit_X = int(box / 2)
    # A coordinate grid for the fitting ROI
    y, x = _np.mgrid[-fit_X: fit_X + 1, -fit_X: fit_X + 1]
    # Find the brightest pixel and cut out the fit ROI
    y_max_, x_max_ = _np.unravel_index(XCorr.argmax(), XCorr.shape)
    FitROI = XCorr[
        y_max_ - fit_X: y_max_ + fit_X + 1,
        x_max_ - fit_X: x_max_ + fit_X + 1,

    dimensions = FitROI.shape

    if 0 in dimensions or dimensions[0] != dimensions[1]:
        xc, yc = 0, 0
        # The fit model
        def flat_2d_gaussian(a, xc, yc, s, b):
            A = a * _np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - xc) ** 2 + (y - yc) ** 2) / s ** 2) + b
            return A.flatten()

        gaussian2d = _lmfit.Model(
            flat_2d_gaussian, name="2D Gaussian", independent_vars=[]

        # Set up initial parameters and fit
        params = _lmfit.Parameters()
        params.add("a", value=FitROI.max(), vary=True, min=0)
        params.add("xc", value=0, vary=True)
        params.add("yc", value=0, vary=True)
        params.add("s", value=1, vary=True, min=0)
        params.add("b", value=FitROI.min(), vary=True, min=0)
        results = gaussian2d.fit(FitROI.flatten(), params)

        # Get maximum coordinates and add offsets
        xc = results.best_values["xc"]
        yc = results.best_values["yc"]
        xc += X_ + x_max_
        yc += Y_ + y_max_

        if display:
            _plt.figure(figsize=(17, 10))
            _plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
            _plt.imshow(imageA, interpolation="none")
            _plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
            _plt.imshow(imageB, interpolation="none")
            _plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
            _plt.imshow(XCorr, interpolation="none")
            _plt.plot(xc, yc, "x")

        xc -= _np.floor(X / 2)
        yc -= _np.floor(Y / 2)

    return -yc, -xc

def rcc(segments, max_shift=None, callback=None):
    n_segments = len(segments)
    shifts_x = _np.zeros((n_segments, n_segments))
    shifts_y = _np.zeros((n_segments, n_segments))
    n_pairs = int(n_segments * (n_segments - 1) / 2)
    flag = 0
    with _tqdm(
        total=n_pairs, desc="Correlating image pairs", unit="pairs"
    ) as progress_bar:
        if callback is not None:
        for i in range(n_segments - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, n_segments):
                shifts_y[i, j], shifts_x[i, j] = get_image_shift(
                    segments[i], segments[j], 5, max_shift
                flag += 1
                if callback is not None:
    return _lib.minimize_shifts(shifts_x, shifts_y)