import settings
import helpers
import sys
import os
import glob
import random
import pandas
import ntpath
import cv2
import numpy
from typing import List, Tuple
from keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD
from keras.layers import Input, Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, UpSampling2D, merge, Convolution3D, MaxPooling3D, UpSampling3D, LeakyReLU, BatchNormalization, Flatten, Dense, Dropout, ZeroPadding3D, AveragePooling3D, Activation
from keras.models import Model, load_model, model_from_json
from keras.metrics import binary_accuracy, binary_crossentropy, mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
from keras import backend as K
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, Callback, LearningRateScheduler
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import math
import shutil

# limit memory usage..
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.5

# zonder aug, 10:1 99 train, 97 test, 0.27 cross entropy, before commit 573
# 3 pools istead of 4 gives (bigger end layer) gives much worse validation accuray + logloss .. strange ?
# 32 x 32 x 32 lijkt het beter te doen dan 48 x 48 x 48..

P_TH = 0.6
# POS_IMG_DIR = "luna16_train_cubes_pos"
LEARN_RATE = 0.001


def prepare_image_for_net3D(img):
    img = img.astype(numpy.float32)
    img /= 255.
    img = img.reshape(1, img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2], 1)
    return img

def get_train_holdout_files(fold_count, train_percentage=80, logreg=True, ndsb3_holdout=0, manual_labels=True, full_luna_set=False):
    print("Get train/holdout files.")
    # pos_samples = glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "luna16_train_cubes_pos/*.png")
    pos_samples = glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "generated_traindata/luna16_train_cubes_lidc/*.png")
    print("Pos samples: ", len(pos_samples))

    pos_samples_manual = glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "generated_traindata/luna16_train_cubes_manual/*_pos.png")
    print("Pos samples manual: ", len(pos_samples_manual))
    pos_samples += pos_samples_manual

    train_pos_count = int((len(pos_samples) * train_percentage) / 100)
    pos_samples_train = pos_samples[:train_pos_count]
    pos_samples_holdout = pos_samples[train_pos_count:]
    if full_luna_set:
        pos_samples_train += pos_samples_holdout
        if manual_labels:
            pos_samples_holdout = []

    ndsb3_list = glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "generated_traindata/ndsb3_train_cubes_manual/*.png")
    print("Ndsb3 samples: ", len(ndsb3_list))

    pos_samples_ndsb3_fold = []
    pos_samples_ndsb3_holdout = []
    ndsb3_pos = 0
    ndsb3_neg = 0
    ndsb3_pos_holdout = 0
    ndsb3_neg_holdout = 0
    if manual_labels:
        for file_path in ndsb3_list:
            file_name = ntpath.basename(file_path)

            parts = file_name.split("_")
            if int(parts[4]) == 0 and parts[3] != "neg":  # skip positive non-cancer-cases

            if fold_count == 3:
                if parts[3] == "neg":  # skip negative cases

            patient_id = parts[1]
            patient_fold = helpers.get_patient_fold(patient_id) % fold_count
            if patient_fold == ndsb3_holdout:
                if parts[3] == "neg":
                    ndsb3_neg_holdout += 1
                    ndsb3_pos_holdout += 1
                print("In fold: ", patient_id)
                if parts[3] == "neg":
                    ndsb3_neg += 1
                    ndsb3_pos += 1

    print(ndsb3_pos, " ndsb3 pos labels train")
    print(ndsb3_neg, " ndsb3 neg labels train")
    print(ndsb3_pos_holdout, " ndsb3 pos labels holdout")
    print(ndsb3_neg_holdout, " ndsb3 neg labels holdout")

    if manual_labels:
        for times_ndsb3 in range(4):  # make ndsb labels count 4 times just like in LIDC when 4 doctors annotated a nodule
            pos_samples_train += pos_samples_ndsb3_fold
            pos_samples_holdout += pos_samples_ndsb3_holdout

    neg_samples_edge = glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "generated_traindata/luna16_train_cubes_auto/*_edge.png")
    print("Edge samples: ", len(neg_samples_edge))

    # neg_samples_white = glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "luna16_train_cubes_auto/*_white.png")
    neg_samples_luna = glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "generated_traindata/luna16_train_cubes_auto/*_luna.png")
    print("Luna samples: ", len(neg_samples_luna))

    # neg_samples = neg_samples_edge + neg_samples_white
    neg_samples = neg_samples_edge + neg_samples_luna

    train_neg_count = int((len(neg_samples) * train_percentage) / 100)

    neg_samples_falsepos = []
    for file_path in glob.glob(settings.BASE_DIR_SSD + "generated_traindata/luna16_train_cubes_auto/*_falsepos.png"):
    print("Falsepos LUNA count: ", len(neg_samples_falsepos))

    neg_samples_train = neg_samples[:train_neg_count]
    neg_samples_train += neg_samples_falsepos + neg_samples_falsepos + neg_samples_falsepos
    neg_samples_holdout = neg_samples[train_neg_count:]
    if full_luna_set:
        neg_samples_train += neg_samples_holdout

    train_res = []
    holdout_res = []
    sets = [(train_res, pos_samples_train, neg_samples_train), (holdout_res, pos_samples_holdout, neg_samples_holdout)]
    for set_item in sets:
        pos_idx = 0
        negs_per_pos = NEGS_PER_POS
        res = set_item[0]
        neg_samples = set_item[2]
        pos_samples = set_item[1]
        print("Pos", len(pos_samples))
        ndsb3_pos = 0
        ndsb3_neg = 0
        for index, neg_sample_path in enumerate(neg_samples):
            # res.append(sample_path + "/")
            res.append((neg_sample_path, 0, 0))
            if index % negs_per_pos == 0:
                pos_sample_path = pos_samples[pos_idx]
                file_name = ntpath.basename(pos_sample_path)
                parts = file_name.split("_")
                if parts[0].startswith("ndsb3manual"):
                    if parts[3] == "pos":
                        class_label = 1  # only take positive examples where we know there was a cancer..
                        cancer_label = int(parts[4])
                        assert cancer_label == 1
                        size_label = int(parts[5])
                        # print(parts[1], size_label)
                        assert class_label == 1
                        if size_label < 1:
                            print("huh ?")
                        assert size_label >= 1
                        ndsb3_pos += 1
                        class_label = 0
                        size_label = 0
                        ndsb3_neg += 1
                    class_label = int(parts[-2])
                    size_label = int(parts[-3])
                    assert class_label == 1
                    assert parts[-1] == "pos.png"
                    assert size_label >= 1

                res.append((pos_sample_path, class_label, size_label))
                pos_idx += 1
                pos_idx %= len(pos_samples)

        print("ndsb2 pos: ", ndsb3_pos)
        print("ndsb2 neg: ", ndsb3_neg)

    print("Train count: ", len(train_res), ", holdout count: ", len(holdout_res))
    return train_res, holdout_res

def data_generator(batch_size, record_list, train_set):
    batch_idx = 0
    means = []
    random_state = numpy.random.RandomState(1301)
    while True:
        img_list = []
        class_list = []
        size_list = []
        if train_set:
        # CROP_SIZE = 48
        for record_idx, record_item in enumerate(record_list):
            #rint patient_dir
            class_label = record_item[1]
            size_label = record_item[2]
            if class_label == 0:
                cube_image = helpers.load_cube_img(record_item[0], 6, 8, 48)
                # if train_set:
                #     # helpers.save_cube_img("c:/tmp/pre.png", cube_image, 8, 8)
                #     cube_image = random_rotate_cube_img(cube_image, 0.99, -180, 180)
                # if train_set:
                #     if random.randint(0, 100) > 0.1:
                #         # cube_image = numpy.flipud(cube_image)
                #         cube_image = elastic_transform48(cube_image, 64, 8, random_state)
                wiggle = 48 - CROP_SIZE - 1
                indent_x = 0
                indent_y = 0
                indent_z = 0
                if wiggle > 0:
                    indent_x = random.randint(0, wiggle)
                    indent_y = random.randint(0, wiggle)
                    indent_z = random.randint(0, wiggle)
                cube_image = cube_image[indent_z:indent_z + CROP_SIZE, indent_y:indent_y + CROP_SIZE, indent_x:indent_x + CROP_SIZE]

                if train_set:
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = numpy.fliplr(cube_image)
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = numpy.flipud(cube_image)
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = cube_image[:, :, ::-1]
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = cube_image[:, ::-1, :]

                if CROP_SIZE != CUBE_SIZE:
                    cube_image = helpers.rescale_patient_images2(cube_image, (CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE))
                assert cube_image.shape == (CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE)
                cube_image = helpers.load_cube_img(record_item[0], 8, 8, 64)

                if train_set:

                current_cube_size = cube_image.shape[0]
                indent_x = (current_cube_size - CROP_SIZE) / 2
                indent_y = (current_cube_size - CROP_SIZE) / 2
                indent_z = (current_cube_size - CROP_SIZE) / 2
                wiggle_indent = 0
                wiggle = current_cube_size - CROP_SIZE - 1
                if wiggle > (CROP_SIZE / 2):
                    wiggle_indent = CROP_SIZE / 4
                    wiggle = current_cube_size - CROP_SIZE - CROP_SIZE / 2 - 1
                if train_set:
                    indent_x = wiggle_indent + random.randint(0, wiggle)
                    indent_y = wiggle_indent + random.randint(0, wiggle)
                    indent_z = wiggle_indent + random.randint(0, wiggle)

                indent_x = int(indent_x)
                indent_y = int(indent_y)
                indent_z = int(indent_z)
                cube_image = cube_image[indent_z:indent_z + CROP_SIZE, indent_y:indent_y + CROP_SIZE, indent_x:indent_x + CROP_SIZE]
                if CROP_SIZE != CUBE_SIZE:
                    cube_image = helpers.rescale_patient_images2(cube_image, (CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE))
                assert cube_image.shape == (CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE)

                if train_set:
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = numpy.fliplr(cube_image)
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = numpy.flipud(cube_image)
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = cube_image[:, :, ::-1]
                    if random.randint(0, 100) > 50:
                        cube_image = cube_image[:, ::-1, :]

            img3d = prepare_image_for_net3D(cube_image)
            if train_set:
                if len(means) % 1000000 == 0:
                    print("Mean: ", sum(means) / len(means))

            batch_idx += 1
            if batch_idx >= batch_size:
                x = numpy.vstack(img_list)
                y_class = numpy.vstack(class_list)
                y_size = numpy.vstack(size_list)
                yield x, {"out_class": y_class, "out_malignancy": y_size}
                img_list = []
                class_list = []
                size_list = []
                batch_idx = 0

def get_net(input_shape=(CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, 1), load_weight_path=None, features=False, mal=False) -> Model:
    inputs = Input(shape=input_shape, name="input_1")
    x = inputs
    x = AveragePooling3D(pool_size=(2, 1, 1), strides=(2, 1, 1), border_mode="same")(x)
    x = Convolution3D(64, 3, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_mode='same', name='conv1', subsample=(1, 1, 1))(x)
    x = MaxPooling3D(pool_size=(1, 2, 2), strides=(1, 2, 2), border_mode='valid', name='pool1')(x)

    # 2nd layer group
    x = Convolution3D(128, 3, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_mode='same', name='conv2', subsample=(1, 1, 1))(x)
    x = MaxPooling3D(pool_size=(2, 2, 2), strides=(2, 2, 2), border_mode='valid', name='pool2')(x)
        x = Dropout(p=0.3)(x)

    # 3rd layer group
    x = Convolution3D(256, 3, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_mode='same', name='conv3a', subsample=(1, 1, 1))(x)
    x = Convolution3D(256, 3, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_mode='same', name='conv3b', subsample=(1, 1, 1))(x)
    x = MaxPooling3D(pool_size=(2, 2, 2), strides=(2, 2, 2), border_mode='valid', name='pool3')(x)
        x = Dropout(p=0.4)(x)

    # 4th layer group
    x = Convolution3D(512, 3, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_mode='same', name='conv4a', subsample=(1, 1, 1))(x)
    x = Convolution3D(512, 3, 3, 3, activation='relu', border_mode='same', name='conv4b', subsample=(1, 1, 1),)(x)
    x = MaxPooling3D(pool_size=(2, 2, 2), strides=(2, 2, 2), border_mode='valid', name='pool4')(x)
        x = Dropout(p=0.5)(x)

    last64 = Convolution3D(64, 2, 2, 2, activation="relu", name="last_64")(x)
    out_class = Convolution3D(1, 1, 1, 1, activation="sigmoid", name="out_class_last")(last64)
    out_class = Flatten(name="out_class")(out_class)

    out_malignancy = Convolution3D(1, 1, 1, 1, activation=None, name="out_malignancy_last")(last64)
    out_malignancy = Flatten(name="out_malignancy")(out_malignancy)

    model = Model(input=inputs, output=[out_class, out_malignancy])
    if load_weight_path is not None:
        model.load_weights(load_weight_path, by_name=False)
    model.compile(optimizer=SGD(lr=LEARN_RATE, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True), loss={"out_class": "binary_crossentropy", "out_malignancy": mean_absolute_error}, metrics={"out_class": [binary_accuracy, binary_crossentropy], "out_malignancy": mean_absolute_error})

    if features:
        model = Model(input=inputs, output=[last64])

    return model

def step_decay(epoch):
    res = 0.001
    if epoch > 5:
        res = 0.0001
    print("learnrate: ", res, " epoch: ", epoch)
    return res

def train(model_name, fold_count, train_full_set=False, load_weights_path=None, ndsb3_holdout=0, manual_labels=True):
    batch_size = 16
    train_files, holdout_files = get_train_holdout_files(train_percentage=80, ndsb3_holdout=ndsb3_holdout, manual_labels=manual_labels, full_luna_set=train_full_set, fold_count=fold_count)

    # train_files = train_files[:100]
    # holdout_files = train_files[:10]
    train_gen = data_generator(batch_size, train_files, True)
    holdout_gen = data_generator(batch_size, holdout_files, False)
    for i in range(0, 10):
        tmp = next(holdout_gen)
        cube_img = tmp[0][0].reshape(CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE, 1)
        cube_img = cube_img[:, :, :, 0]
        cube_img *= 255.
        cube_img += MEAN_PIXEL_VALUE
        # helpers.save_cube_img("c:/tmp/img_" + str(i) + ".png", cube_img, 4, 8)
        # print(tmp)

    learnrate_scheduler = LearningRateScheduler(step_decay)
    model = get_net(load_weight_path=load_weights_path)
    holdout_txt = "_h" + str(ndsb3_holdout) if manual_labels else ""
    if train_full_set:
        holdout_txt = "_fs" + holdout_txt
    checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint("workdir/model_" + model_name + "_" + holdout_txt + "_e" + "{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.4f}.hd5", monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=not train_full_set, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1)
    checkpoint_fixed_name = ModelCheckpoint("workdir/model_" + model_name + "_" + holdout_txt + "_best.hd5", monitor='val_loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1)
    model.fit_generator(train_gen, len(train_files) / 1, 12, validation_data=holdout_gen, nb_val_samples=len(holdout_files) / 1, callbacks=[checkpoint, checkpoint_fixed_name, learnrate_scheduler])"workdir/model_" + model_name + "_" + holdout_txt + "_end.hd5")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if True:
        # model 1 on luna16 annotations. full set 1 versions for blending
        train(train_full_set=True, load_weights_path=None, model_name="luna16_full", fold_count=-1, manual_labels=False)
        if not os.path.exists("models/"):
        shutil.copy("workdir/model_luna16_full__fs_best.hd5", "models/model_luna16_full__fs_best.hd5")

    # model 2 on luna16 annotations + ndsb pos annotations. 3 folds (1st half, 2nd half of ndsb patients) 2 versions for blending
    if True:
        train(train_full_set=True, load_weights_path=None, ndsb3_holdout=0, manual_labels=True, model_name="luna_posnegndsb_v1", fold_count=2)
        train(train_full_set=True, load_weights_path=None, ndsb3_holdout=1, manual_labels=True, model_name="luna_posnegndsb_v1", fold_count=2)
        shutil.copy("workdir/model_luna_posnegndsb_v1__fs_h0_end.hd5", "models/model_luna_posnegndsb_v1__fs_h0_end.hd5")
        shutil.copy("workdir/model_luna_posnegndsb_v1__fs_h1_end.hd5", "models/model_luna_posnegndsb_v1__fs_h1_end.hd5")

    if True:
        train(train_full_set=True, load_weights_path=None, ndsb3_holdout=0, manual_labels=True, model_name="luna_posnegndsb_v2", fold_count=2)
        train(train_full_set=True, load_weights_path=None, ndsb3_holdout=1, manual_labels=True, model_name="luna_posnegndsb_v2", fold_count=2)
        shutil.copy("workdir/model_luna_posnegndsb_v2__fs_h0_end.hd5", "models/model_luna_posnegndsb_v2__fs_h0_end.hd5")
        shutil.copy("workdir/model_luna_posnegndsb_v2__fs_h1_end.hd5", "models/model_luna_posnegndsb_v2__fs_h1_end.hd5")