from __future__ import division  # Python 2 users only
from __future__ import print_function

__doc__= """ 
Module for building a parametric tSNE model. 
Trains a neural network on input data. 
One can then transform other data based on this model

Main reference:
van der Maaten, L. (2009). Learning a parametric embedding by preserving local structure. RBM, 500(500), 26.
See README.md for others

import datetime
import functools

import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.keras import models
from tensorflow.contrib.keras import layers

from .utils import calc_betas_loop
from .utils import get_squared_cross_diff_np


def _make_P_ji(input, betas, in_sq_diffs=None):
    """Calculate similarity probabilities based on input data
    input : 2d array_like, (N, D)
        Input data which we wish to calculate similarity probabilities
    betas : 1d array_like, (N, P)
        Gaussian kernel used for each point.
    P_ji : 2d array_like, (N,N,P)
        Similarity probability matrix
    if not in_sq_diffs:
        in_sq_diffs = get_squared_cross_diff_np(input)
    tmp = in_sq_diffs[:,:,np.newaxis] * betas[np.newaxis,:,:]
    P_ji = np.exp(-1.0*tmp)
    return P_ji

def _make_P_np(input, betas):
    Calculate similarity probabilities based on input data
    input : 2d array_like, (N, D)
        Input data which we wish to calculate similarity probabilities
    betas : 2d array_like, (N,P)
        Gaussian kernel(s) used for each point.
    P : nd array_like, (N, N, P)
        Symmetric similarity probability matrix
        Beta-values across third dimension
    P_ji = _make_P_ji(input, betas)
    P_3 = np.zeros_like(P_ji)
    for zz in range(P_3.shape[2]):
        P_3[:, :, zz] = _get_normed_sym_np(P_ji[:, :, zz])
    #   P_ = P_3.mean(axis=2, keepdims=False)
    P_ = P_3
    return P_
def _make_P_tf(input, betas, batch_size):
    """Tensorflow implementation of _make_P_np.
    Not documented because not used, for example only."""
    in_sq_diffs = _get_squared_cross_diff_tf(input)
    tmp = in_sq_diffs * betas
    P_ = tf.exp(-1.0*tmp)
    P_ = _get_normed_sym_tf(P_, batch_size)
    return P_

def _get_squared_cross_diff_tf(X_):
    """Compute squared differences of sample data vectors.
    Implementation for Tensorflow Tensors
    Z_ij = ||x_i - x_j||^2, where x_i = X_[i, :]
    X_ : 2-d Tensor, (N, D)
        Calculates outer vector product
        This is the current batch of input data; `batch_size` x `dimension`
    Z_ij: 2-d Tensor, (N, N)
        `batch_size` x `batch_size`
        Tensor of squared differences between x_i and x_j
    batch_size = tf.shape(X_)[0]
    expanded = tf.expand_dims(X_, 1)
    # "tiled" is now stacked up all the samples along dimension 1
    tiled = tf.tile(expanded, tf.stack([1, batch_size, 1]))
    tiled_trans = tf.transpose(tiled, perm=[1,0,2])
    diffs = tiled - tiled_trans
    sum_act = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(diffs), axis=2)
    return sum_act
def _get_normed_sym_np(X_, _eps=DEFAULT_EPS):
    Compute the normalized and symmetrized probability matrix from
    relative probabilities X_, where X_ is a numpy array
    X_ : 2-d array_like (N, N)
        asymmetric probabilities. For instance, X_(i, j) = P(i|j)
    P : 2-d array_like (N, N)
        symmetric probabilities, making the assumption that P(i|j) = P(j|i)
        Diagonals are all 0s."""
    batch_size = X_.shape[0]
    zero_diags = 1.0 - np.identity(batch_size)
    X_ *= zero_diags
    norm_facs = np.sum(X_, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    X_ = X_ / (norm_facs + _eps)
    X_ = 0.5*(X_ + np.transpose(X_))
    return X_
def _get_normed_sym_tf(X_, batch_size):
    Compute the normalized and symmetrized probability matrix from
    relative probabilities X_, where X_ is a Tensorflow Tensor
    X_ : 2-d Tensor (N, N)
        asymmetric probabilities. For instance, X_(i, j) = P(i|j)
    P : 2-d Tensor (N, N)
        symmetric probabilities, making the assumption that P(i|j) = P(j|i)
        Diagonals are all 0s."""
    toset = tf.constant(0, shape=[batch_size], dtype=X_.dtype)
    X_ = tf.matrix_set_diag(X_, toset)
    norm_facs = tf.reduce_sum(X_, axis=0, keep_dims=True)
    X_ = X_ / norm_facs
    X_ = 0.5*(X_ + tf.transpose(X_))
    return X_
def _make_Q(output, alpha, batch_size):
    Calculate the "Q" probability distribution of the output
    Based on the t-distribution.

    output : 2-d Tensor (N, output_dims)
        Output of the neural network
    alpha : float
        `alpha` parameter. Recommend `output_dims` - 1.0
    batch_size : int
        The batch size. output.shape[0] == batch_size but we need it
        provided explicitly
    Q_ : 2-d Tensor (N, N)
        Symmetric "Q" probability distribution; similarity of
        points based on output data
    out_sq_diffs = _get_squared_cross_diff_tf(output)
    Q_ = tf.pow((1 + out_sq_diffs/alpha), -(alpha+1)/2)
    Q_ = _get_normed_sym_tf(Q_, batch_size)
    return Q_
def kl_loss(y_true, y_pred, alpha=1.0, batch_size=None, num_perplexities=None, _eps=DEFAULT_EPS):
    """ Kullback-Leibler Loss function (Tensorflow)
    between the "true" output and the "predicted" output
    y_true : 2d array_like (N, N*P)
        Should be the P matrix calculated from input data.
        Differences in input points using a Gaussian probability distribution
        Different P (perplexity) values stacked along dimension 1
    y_pred : 2d array_like (N, output_dims)
        Output of the neural network. We will calculate
        the Q matrix based on this output
    alpha : float, optional
        Parameter used to calculate Q. Default 1.0
    batch_size : int, required
        Number of samples per batch. y_true.shape[0]
    num_perplexities : int, required
        Number of perplexities stacked along axis 1
    kl_loss : tf.Tensor, scalar value
        Kullback-Leibler divergence P_ || Q_

    P_ = y_true
    Q_ = _make_Q(y_pred, alpha, batch_size)
    _tf_eps = tf.constant(_eps, dtype=P_.dtype)
    kls_per_beta = []
    components = tf.split(P_, num_perplexities, axis=1, name='split_perp')
    for cur_beta_P in components:
        #yrange = tf.range(zz*batch_size, (zz+1)*batch_size)
        #cur_beta_P = tf.slice(P_, [zz*batch_size, [-1, batch_size])
        #cur_beta_P = P_
        kl_matr = tf.multiply(cur_beta_P, tf.log(cur_beta_P + _tf_eps) - tf.log(Q_ + _tf_eps), name='kl_matr')
        toset = tf.constant(0, shape=[batch_size], dtype=kl_matr.dtype)
        kl_matr_keep = tf.matrix_set_diag(kl_matr, toset)
        kl_total_cost_cur_beta = tf.reduce_sum(kl_matr_keep)
    kl_total_cost = tf.add_n(kls_per_beta)
    #kl_total_cost = kl_total_cost_cur_beta
    return kl_total_cost
class Parametric_tSNE(object):
    def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_outputs, perplexities,
                 alpha=1.0, optimizer='adam', batch_size=64, all_layers=None,
                 do_pretrain=True, seed=0):

        num_inputs : int
            Dimension of the (high-dimensional) input
        num_outputs : int
            Dimension of the (low-dimensional) output
            Desired perplexit(y/ies). Generally interpreted as the number of neighbors to use
            for distance comparisons but actually doesn't need to be an integer.
            Can be an array for multi-scale.
        Roughly speaking, this is the number of points which should be considered
        when calculating distances between points. Can be None if one provides own training betas.
        alpha: float
            alpha scaling parameter of output t-distribution
        optimizer: string or Optimizer, optional
            default 'adam'. Passed to keras.fit
        batch_size: int, optional
            default 64.
        all_layers: list of keras.layer objects or None
            optional. Layers to use in model. If none provided, uses
            the same structure as van der Maaten 2009
        do_pretrain: bool, optional
            Whether to perform layerwise pretraining. Default True
        seed: int, optional
            Default 0. Seed for Tensorflow state.
        self.num_inputs = num_inputs
        self.num_outputs = num_outputs
        if perplexities is not None and not isinstance(perplexities, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            perplexities = np.array([perplexities])
        self.perplexities = perplexities
        self.num_perplexities = None
        if perplexities is not None:
            self.num_perplexities = len(np.array(perplexities))
        self.alpha = alpha
        self._optimizer = optimizer
        self._batch_size = batch_size
        self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain
        self._loss_func = None
        # If no layers provided, use the same architecture as van der maaten 2009 paper
        if all_layers is None:
            all_layer_sizes = [num_inputs, 500, 500, 2000, num_outputs]
            all_layers = [layers.Dense(all_layer_sizes[1], input_shape=(num_inputs,), activation='sigmoid', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform')]
            for lsize in all_layer_sizes[2:-1]:
                cur_layer = layers.Dense(lsize, activation='sigmoid', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform')
            all_layers.append(layers.Dense(num_outputs, activation='linear', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform'))
        self._all_layers = all_layers
    def _init_model(self):
        """ Initialize Keras model"""
        self.model = models.Sequential(self._all_layers)

    def _calc_training_betas(training_data, perplexities, beta_batch_size=1000):
        Calculate beta values (gaussian kernel widths) used for training the model
        For memory reasons, only uses beta_batch_size points at a time.
        training_data : 2d array_like, (N, D)
        perplexities : float or ndarray-like, (P,)
        beta_batch_size : int, optional
            Only use `beta_batch_size` points to calculate beta values. This is
            for speed and memory reasons. Data must be well-shuffled for this to be effective,
            betas will be calculated based on regular batches of this size
            # TODO K-NN or something would probably be better rather than just
            # batches
        betas : 2D array_like (N,P)
        assert perplexities is not None, "Must provide desired perplexit(y/ies) if training beta values"
        num_pts = len(training_data)
        if not isinstance(perplexities, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            perplexities = np.array([perplexities])
        num_perplexities = len(perplexities)
        training_betas = np.zeros([num_pts, num_perplexities])

        # To calculate betas, only use `beta_batch_size` points at a time
        cur_start = 0
        cur_end = min(cur_start+beta_batch_size, num_pts)
        while cur_start < num_pts:
            cur_training_data = training_data[cur_start:cur_end, :]

            for pind, curperp in enumerate(perplexities):
                cur_training_betas, cur_P, cur_Hs = calc_betas_loop(cur_training_data, curperp)
                training_betas[cur_start:cur_end, pind] = cur_training_betas
            cur_start += beta_batch_size
            cur_end = min(cur_start+beta_batch_size, num_pts)
        return training_betas
    def _pretrain_layers(self, pretrain_data, batch_size=64, epochs=10, verbose=0):
        Pretrain layers using stacked auto-encoders
        pretrain_data : 2d array_lay, (N,D)
            Data to use for pretraining. Can be the same as used for training
        batch_size : int, optional
        epochs : int, optional
        verbose : int, optional
            Verbosity level. Passed to Keras fit method
            None. Layers trained in place
        if verbose:
            print('{time}: Pretraining {num_layers:d} layers'.format(time=datetime.datetime.now(), num_layers=len(self._all_layers)))

        for ind, end_layer in enumerate(self._all_layers):
            # print('Pre-training layer {0:d}'.format(ind))
            # Create AE and training
            cur_layers = self._all_layers[0:ind+1]
            ae = models.Sequential(cur_layers)
            decoder = layers.Dense(pretrain_data.shape[1], activation='linear')
            ae.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='rmsprop')
            ae.fit(pretrain_data, pretrain_data, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs,
        self.model = models.Sequential(self._all_layers)

        if verbose:
            print('{time}: Finished pretraining'.format(time=datetime.datetime.now()))
    def _init_loss_func(self):
        """Initialize loss function based on parameters fed to constructor
        Necessary to do this so we can save/load the model using Keras, since
        the loss function is a custom object"""
        kl_loss_func = functools.partial(kl_loss, alpha=self.alpha, 
            batch_size=self._batch_size, num_perplexities=self.num_perplexities)
        kl_loss_func.__name__ = 'KL-Divergence'
        self._loss_func = kl_loss_func
    def _get_num_perplexities(training_betas, num_perplexities):
        if training_betas is None and num_perplexities is None:
            return None
        if training_betas is None:
            return num_perplexities
        elif training_betas is not None and num_perplexities is None:
            return training_betas.shape[1]
            if len(training_betas.shape) == 1:
                assert num_perplexities == 1, "Mismatch between input training betas and num_perplexities"
                assert training_betas.shape[1] == num_perplexities
            return num_perplexities
    def fit(self, training_data, training_betas=None, epochs=10, verbose=0):
        Train the neural network model using provided `training_data`
        training_data : 2d array_like (N, D)
            Data on which to train the tSNE model
        training_betas : 2d array_like (N,P), optional
            Widths for gaussian kernels. If `None` (the usual case), they will be calculated based on
            `training_data` and self.perplexities. One can also provide them here explicitly.
        epochs: int, optional
        verbose: int, optional
            Default 0. Verbosity level. Passed to Keras fit method

        None. Model trained in place
        assert training_data.shape[1] == self.num_inputs, "Input training data must be same shape as training `num_inputs`"
        self._training_betas = training_betas
        self._epochs = epochs
        if self._training_betas is None:
            training_betas = self._calc_training_betas(training_data, self.perplexities)
            self._training_betas = training_betas
            self.num_perplexities = self._get_num_perplexities(training_betas, self.num_perplexities)
        if self.do_pretrain:
            self._pretrain_layers(training_data, batch_size=self._batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=verbose)
            self.model = models.Sequential(self._all_layers)
        self.model.compile(self._optimizer, self._loss_func)
        train_generator = self._make_train_generator(training_data, self._training_betas, self._batch_size)
        batches_per_epoch = int(training_data.shape[0] // self._batch_size)

        if verbose:
            print('{time}: Beginning training on {epochs} epochs'.format(time=datetime.datetime.now(), epochs=epochs))
        self.model.fit_generator(train_generator, batches_per_epoch, epochs, verbose=verbose)

        if verbose:
            print('{time}: Finished training on {epochs} epochs'.format(time=datetime.datetime.now(), epochs=epochs))
    def transform(self, test_data):
        """Transform the `test_data`. Must have the same second dimension as training data
            test_data : 2d array_like (M, num_inputs)
                Data to transform using training model
            predicted_data: 2d array_like (M, num_outputs)

        assert self.model is not None, "Must train the model before transforming!"
        assert test_data.shape[1] == self.num_inputs, "Input test data must be same shape as training `num_inputs`"
        return self.model.predict(test_data)
    def _make_train_generator(training_data, betas, batch_size):
        """ Generator to make batches of training data. Cycles forever
        training_data : 2d array_like (N, D)
        betas : 2d array_like (N, P)
        batch_size: int

        cur_dat : 2d array_like (batch_size, D)
            Slice of `training_data`
        P_array : 2d array_like (batch_size, batch_size)
            Probability matrix between points
            This is what we use as our "true" value in the KL loss function
        num_steps = training_data.shape[0] // batch_size
        cur_step = -1
        while True:
            cur_step = (cur_step + 1) % num_steps
            cur_bounds = batch_size*cur_step, batch_size*(cur_step+1)
            cur_range = np.arange(cur_bounds[0], cur_bounds[1])
            cur_dat = training_data[cur_range, :]
            cur_betas = betas[cur_range, :]
            P_arrays_3d = _make_P_np(cur_dat, cur_betas)
            P_arrays = [P_arrays_3d[:,:,pp] for pp in range(P_arrays_3d.shape[2])]
            # Stack them along dimension 1. This is a hack
            P_arrays = np.concatenate(P_arrays, axis=1)
            yield cur_dat, P_arrays
    def save_model(self, model_path):
        """Save the underlying model to `model_path` using Keras"""
        return self.model.save(model_path)
    def restore_model(self, model_path, training_betas=None, num_perplexities=None):
        """Restore the underlying model from `model_path`"""
        if not self._loss_func:
            # Have to initialize this to load the model
            self.num_perplexities = self._get_num_perplexities(training_betas, num_perplexities)
        cust_objects = {self._loss_func.__name__: self._loss_func}
        self.model = models.load_model(model_path, custom_objects=cust_objects)
        self._all_layers = self.model.layers