#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The base `Sampler` class containing various helpful functions. All other
samplers inherit this class either explicitly or implicitly.


from __future__ import (print_function, division)
from six.moves import range

import sys
import warnings
from functools import partial
import math
import copy
import numpy as np
    from scipy.special import logsumexp
except ImportError:
    from scipy.misc import logsumexp

    import tqdm
except ImportError:
    tqdm = None

from .results import Results, print_fn
from .bounding import UnitCube
from .sampling import sample_unif

__all__ = ["Sampler"]

SQRTEPS = math.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float64).eps))
MAXINT = 2**32 - 1

class Sampler(object):
    The basic sampler object that performs the actual nested sampling.

    loglikelihood : function
        Function returning ln(likelihood) given parameters as a 1-d `~numpy`
        array of length `ndim`.

    prior_transform : function
        Function transforming a sample from the a unit cube to the parameter
        space of interest according to the prior.

    npdim : int, optional
        Number of parameters accepted by `prior_transform`.

    live_points : list of 3 `~numpy.ndarray` each with shape (nlive, ndim)
        Initial set of "live" points. Contains `live_u`, the coordinates
        on the unit cube, `live_v`, the transformed variables, and
        `live_logl`, the associated loglikelihoods.

    update_interval : int
        Only update the bounding distribution every `update_interval`-th
        likelihood call.

    first_update : dict
        A dictionary containing parameters governing when the sampler should
        first update the bounding distribution from the unit cube to the one
        specified by the user.

    rstate : `~numpy.random.RandomState`
        `~numpy.random.RandomState` instance.

    queue_size: int
        Carry out likelihood evaluations in parallel by queueing up new live
        point proposals using (at most) this many threads/members.

    pool: pool
        Use this pool of workers to execute operations in parallel.

    use_pool : dict, optional
        A dictionary containing flags indicating where the provided `pool`
        should be used to execute operations in parallel.


    def __init__(self, loglikelihood, prior_transform, npdim, live_points,
                 update_interval, first_update, rstate,
                 queue_size, pool, use_pool):

        # distributions
        self.loglikelihood = loglikelihood
        self.prior_transform = prior_transform
        self.npdim = npdim

        # live points
        self.live_u, self.live_v, self.live_logl = live_points
        self.nlive = len(self.live_u)
        self.live_bound = np.zeros(self.nlive, dtype='int')
        self.live_it = np.zeros(self.nlive, dtype='int')

        # bounding updates
        self.update_interval = update_interval
        self.ubound_ncall = first_update.get('min_ncall', 2 * self.nlive)
        self.ubound_eff = first_update.get('min_eff', 10.)
        self.logl_first_update = None

        # random state
        self.rstate = rstate

        # parallelism
        self.pool = pool  # provided pool
        if self.pool is None:
            self.M = map
            self.M = pool.map
        self.use_pool = use_pool  # provided flags for when to use the pool
        self.use_pool_ptform = use_pool.get('prior_transform', True)
        self.use_pool_logl = use_pool.get('loglikelihood', True)
        self.use_pool_evolve = use_pool.get('propose_point', True)
        self.use_pool_update = use_pool.get('update_bound', True)
        if self.use_pool_evolve:
            self.queue_size = queue_size  # size of the queue
            self.queue_size = 1
        self.queue = []  # proposed live point queue
        self.nqueue = 0  # current size of the queue
        self.unused = 0  # total number of proposals unused
        self.used = 0  # total number of proposals used

        # sampling
        self.it = 1  # current iteration
        self.since_update = 0  # number of calls since the last update
        self.ncall = self.nlive  # number of function calls
        self.dlv = math.log((self.nlive + 1.) / self.nlive)  # shrinkage/iter
        self.bound = [UnitCube(self.npdim)]  # bounding distributions
        self.nbound = 1  # total number of unique bounding distributions
        self.added_live = False  # whether leftover live points were used
        self.eff = 0.  # overall sampling efficiency

        # results
        self.saved_id = []  # live point labels
        self.saved_u = []  # unit cube samples
        self.saved_v = []  # transformed variable samples
        self.saved_logl = []  # loglikelihoods of samples
        self.saved_logvol = []  # expected ln(volume)
        self.saved_logwt = []  # ln(weights)
        self.saved_logz = []  # cumulative ln(evidence)
        self.saved_logzvar = []  # cumulative error on ln(evidence)
        self.saved_h = []  # cumulative information
        self.saved_nc = []  # number of calls at each iteration
        self.saved_boundidx = []  # index of bound dead point was drawn from
        self.saved_it = []  # iteration the live (now dead) point was proposed
        self.saved_bounditer = []  # active bound at a specific iteration
        self.saved_scale = []  # scale factor at each iteration

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Get state information for pickling."""

        state = self.__dict__.copy()

        del state['rstate']  # remove random module

        # deal with pool
        if state['pool'] is not None:
            del state['pool']  # remove pool
            del state['M']  # remove `pool.map` function hook

        return state

    def reset(self):
        """Re-initialize the sampler."""

        # live points
        self.live_u = self.rstate.rand(self.nlive, self.npdim)
        if self.use_pool_ptform:
            # Use the pool to compute the prior transform.
            self.live_v = np.array(list(self.M(self.prior_transform,
            # Compute the prior transform using the default `map` function.
            self.live_v = np.array(list(map(self.prior_transform,
        if self.use_pool_logl:
            # Use the pool to compute the log-likelihoods.
            self.live_logl = np.array(list(self.M(self.loglikelihood,
            # Compute the log-likelihoods using the default `map` function.
            self.live_logl = np.array(list(map(self.loglikelihood,
        self.live_bound = np.zeros(self.nlive, dtype='int')
        self.live_it = np.zeros(self.nlive, dtype='int')

        # parallelism
        self.queue = []
        self.nqueue = 0
        self.unused = 0
        self.used = 0

        # sampling
        self.it = 1
        self.since_update = 0
        self.ncall = self.nlive
        self.bound = [UnitCube(self.npdim)]
        self.nbound = 1
        self.added_live = False

        # results
        self.saved_id = []
        self.saved_u = []
        self.saved_v = []
        self.saved_logl = []
        self.saved_logvol = []
        self.saved_logwt = []
        self.saved_logz = []
        self.saved_logzvar = []
        self.saved_h = []
        self.saved_nc = []
        self.saved_boundidx = []
        self.saved_it = []
        self.saved_bounditer = []
        self.saved_scale = []

    def results(self):
        """Saved results from the nested sampling run. If bounding
        distributions were saved, those are also returned."""

        # Add all saved samples to the results.
        if self.save_samples:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                results = [('nlive', self.nlive),
                           ('niter', self.it - 1),
                           ('ncall', np.array(self.saved_nc)),
                           ('eff', self.eff),
                           ('samples', np.array(self.saved_v)),
                           ('samples_id', np.array(self.saved_id)),
                           ('samples_it', np.array(self.saved_it)),
                           ('samples_u', np.array(self.saved_u)),
                           ('logwt', np.array(self.saved_logwt)),
                           ('logl', np.array(self.saved_logl)),
                           ('logvol', np.array(self.saved_logvol)),
                           ('logz', np.array(self.saved_logz)),
                           ('logzerr', np.sqrt(np.array(self.saved_logzvar))),
                           ('information', np.array(self.saved_h))]
            raise ValueError("You didn't save any samples!")

        # Add any saved bounds (and ancillary quantities) to the results.
        if self.save_bounds:
            results.append(('bound', copy.deepcopy(self.bound)))
                            np.array(self.saved_bounditer, dtype='int')))
                            np.array(self.saved_boundidx, dtype='int')))
            results.append(('scale', np.array(self.saved_scale)))

        return Results(results)

    def n_effective(self):
        Estimate the effective number of posterior samples using the Kish
        Effective Sample Size (ESS) where `ESS = sum(wts)^2 / sum(wts^2)`.
        Note that this is `len(wts)` when `wts` are uniform and
        `1` if there is only one non-zero element in `wts`.


        if (len(self.saved_logwt) == 0) or (np.max(self.saved_logwt) >
                                            0.01 * np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)):
            # If there are no saved weights, or its -inf return 0.
            return 0
            # Otherwise, compute Kish ESS.
            logwts = np.array(self.saved_logwt)
            logneff = logsumexp(logwts) * 2 - logsumexp(logwts * 2)
            return np.exp(logneff)

    def citations(self):
        Return list of papers that should be cited given the specified
        configuration of the sampler.


        return self.cite

    def _beyond_unit_bound(self, loglstar):
        """Check whether we should update our bound beyond the initial
        unit cube."""

        if self.logl_first_update is None:
            # If we haven't already updated our bounds, check if we satisfy
            # the provided criteria for establishing the first bounding update.
            check = (self.ncall > self.ubound_ncall and
                     self.eff < self.ubound_eff)
            if check:
                # Save the log-likelihood where our first update took place.
                self.logl_first_update = loglstar
            return check
            # If we've already update our bounds, check if we've exceeded the
            # saved log-likelihood threshold. (This is useful when sampling
            # within `dynamicsampler`).
            return loglstar >= self.logl_first_update

    def _empty_queue(self):
        """Dump all live point proposals currently on the queue."""

        while True:
                # Remove unused points from the queue.
                self.unused += 1  # add to the total number of unused points
                self.nqueue -= 1
                # If the queue is empty, we're done!
                self.nqueue = 0

    def _fill_queue(self, loglstar):
        """Sequentially add new live point proposals to the queue."""

        # Add/zip arguments to submit to the queue.
        point_queue = []
        axes_queue = []
        while self.nqueue < self.queue_size:
            if self._beyond_unit_bound(loglstar):
                # Propose points using the provided sampling/bounding options.
                point, axes = self.propose_point()
                evolve_point = self.evolve_point
                # Propose/evaluate points directly from the unit cube.
                point = self.rstate.rand(self.npdim)
                axes = np.identity(self.npdim)
                evolve_point = sample_unif
            self.nqueue += 1
        loglstars = [loglstar for i in range(self.queue_size)]
        scales = [self.scale for i in range(self.queue_size)]
        ptforms = [self.prior_transform for i in range(self.queue_size)]
        logls = [self.loglikelihood for i in range(self.queue_size)]
        kwargs = [self.kwargs for i in range(self.queue_size)]
        args = zip(point_queue, loglstars, axes_queue,
                   scales, ptforms, logls, kwargs)

        if self.use_pool_evolve:
            # Use the pool to propose ("evolve") a new live point.
            self.queue = list(self.M(evolve_point, args))
            # Propose ("evolve") a new live point using the default `map`
            # function.
            self.queue = list(map(evolve_point, args))

    def _get_point_value(self, loglstar):
        """Grab the first live point proposal in the queue."""

        # If the queue is empty, refill it.
        if self.nqueue <= 0:

        # Grab the earliest entry.
        u, v, logl, nc, blob = self.queue.pop(0)
        self.used += 1  # add to the total number of used points
        self.nqueue -= 1

        return u, v, logl, nc, blob

    def _new_point(self, loglstar, logvol):
        """Propose points until a new point that satisfies the log-likelihood
        constraint `loglstar` is found."""

        ncall, nupdate = 0, 0
        while True:
            # Get the next point from the queue
            u, v, logl, nc, blob = self._get_point_value(loglstar)
            ncall += nc

            # Bounding checks.
            ucheck = ncall >= self.update_interval * (1 + nupdate)
            bcheck = self._beyond_unit_bound(loglstar)

            # If our queue is empty, update any tuning parameters associated
            # with our proposal (sampling) method.
            if blob is not None and self.nqueue <= 0 and bcheck:

            # If we satisfy the log-likelihood constraint, we're done!
            if logl >= loglstar:

            # If there has been more than `update_interval` function calls
            # made *and* we satisfy the criteria for moving beyond sampling
            # from the unit cube, update the bound.
            if ucheck and bcheck:
                pointvol = math.exp(logvol) / self.nlive
                bound = self.update(pointvol)
                if self.save_bounds:
                self.nbound += 1
                nupdate += 1
                self.since_update = -ncall  # ncall will be added back later

        return u, v, logl, ncall

    def add_live_points(self):
        """Add the remaining set of live points to the current set of dead
        points. Instantiates a generator that will be called by
        the user. Returns the same outputs as :meth:`sample`."""

        # Check if the remaining live points have already been added
        # to the output set of samples.
        if self.added_live:
            raise ValueError("The remaining live points have already "
                             "been added to the list of samples!")
            self.added_live = True

        # After N samples have been taken out, the remaining volume is
        # `e^(-N / nlive)`. The remaining points are distributed uniformly
        # within the remaining volume so that the expected volume enclosed
        # by the `i`-th worst likelihood is
        # `e^(-N / nlive) * (nlive + 1 - i) / (nlive + 1)`.
        logvols = self.saved_logvol[-1]
        logvols += np.log(1. - (np.arange(self.nlive)+1.) / (self.nlive+1.))
        logvols_pad = np.concatenate(([self.saved_logvol[-1]], logvols))
        logdvols = logsumexp(a=np.c_[logvols_pad[:-1], logvols_pad[1:]],
                             axis=1, b=np.c_[np.ones(self.nlive),
        logdvols += math.log(0.5)

        # Defining change in `logvol` used in `logzvar` approximation.
        dlvs = logvols_pad[:-1] - logvols_pad[1:]

        # Sorting remaining live points.
        lsort_idx = np.argsort(self.live_logl)
        loglmax = max(self.live_logl)

        # Grabbing relevant values from the last dead point.
        logz = self.saved_logz[-1]
        logzvar = self.saved_logzvar[-1]
        h = self.saved_h[-1]
        loglstar = self.saved_logl[-1]
        if self._beyond_unit_bound(loglstar):
            bounditer = self.nbound - 1
            bounditer = 0

        # Add contributions from the remaining live points in order
        # from the lowest to the highest log-likelihoods.
        for i in range(self.nlive):

            # Grab live point with `i`-th lowest log-likelihood along with
            # ancillary quantities.
            idx = lsort_idx[i]
            logvol, logdvol, dlv = logvols[i], logdvols[i], dlvs[i]
            ustar = np.array(self.live_u[idx])
            vstar = np.array(self.live_v[idx])
            loglstar_new = self.live_logl[idx]
            boundidx = self.live_bound[idx]
            point_it = self.live_it[idx]

            # Compute relative contribution to results.
            logwt = np.logaddexp(loglstar_new, loglstar) + logdvol  # weight
            logz_new = np.logaddexp(logz, logwt)  # ln(evidence)
            lzterm = (math.exp(loglstar - logz_new) * loglstar +
                      math.exp(loglstar_new - logz_new) * loglstar_new)
            h_new = (math.exp(logdvol) * lzterm +
                     math.exp(logz - logz_new) * (h + logz) -
                     logz_new)  # information
            dh = h_new - h
            h = h_new
            logz = logz_new
            logzvar += 2. * dh * dlv  # var[ln(evidence)] estimate
            loglstar = loglstar_new
            logz_remain = loglmax + logvol  # remaining ln(evidence)
            delta_logz = np.logaddexp(logz, logz_remain) - logz  # dlogz

            # Save results.
            if self.save_samples:
            self.eff = 100. * (self.it + i) / self.ncall  # efficiency

            # Return our new "dead" point and ancillary quantities.
            yield (idx, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
                   logz, logzvar, h, 1, point_it, boundidx, bounditer,
                   self.eff, delta_logz)

    def _remove_live_points(self):
        """Remove the final set of live points if they were
        previously added to the current set of dead points."""

        if self.added_live:
            self.added_live = False
            if self.save_samples:
                del self.saved_id[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_u[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_v[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_logl[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_logvol[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_logwt[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_logz[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_logzvar[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_h[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_nc[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_boundidx[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_it[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_bounditer[-self.nlive:]
                del self.saved_scale[-self.nlive:]
            raise ValueError("No live points were added to the "
                             "list of samples!")

    def sample(self, maxiter=None, maxcall=None, dlogz=0.01,
               logl_max=np.inf, n_effective=np.inf, add_live=True,
               save_bounds=True, save_samples=True):
        **The main nested sampling loop.** Iteratively replace the worst live
        point with a sample drawn uniformly from the prior until the
        provided stopping criteria are reached. Instantiates a generator
        that will be called by the user.

        maxiter : int, optional
            Maximum number of iterations. Iteration may stop earlier if the
            termination condition is reached. Default is `sys.maxsize`
            (no limit).

        maxcall : int, optional
            Maximum number of likelihood evaluations. Iteration may stop
            earlier if termination condition is reached. Default is
            `sys.maxsize` (no limit).

        dlogz : float, optional
            Iteration will stop when the estimated contribution of the
            remaining prior volume to the total evidence falls below
            this threshold. Explicitly, the stopping criterion is
            `ln(z + z_est) - ln(z) < dlogz`, where `z` is the current
            evidence from all saved samples and `z_est` is the estimated
            contribution from the remaining volume. Default is `0.01`.

        logl_max : float, optional
            Iteration will stop when the sampled ln(likelihood) exceeds the
            threshold set by `logl_max`. Default is no bound (`np.inf`).

        n_effective: int, optional
            Minimum number of effective posterior samples. If the estimated
            "effective sample size" (ESS) exceeds this number,
            sampling will terminate. Default is no ESS (`np.inf`).

        add_live : bool, optional
            Whether or not to add the remaining set of live points to
            the list of samples when calculating `n_effective`.
            Default is `True`.

        save_bounds : bool, optional
            Whether or not to save past distributions used to bound
            the live points internally. Default is `True`.

        save_samples : bool, optional
            Whether or not to save past samples from the nested sampling run
            (along with other ancillary quantities) internally.
            Default is `True`.

        worst : int
            Index of the live point with the worst likelihood. This is our
            new dead point sample.

        ustar : `~numpy.ndarray` with shape (npdim,)
            Position of the sample.

        vstar : `~numpy.ndarray` with shape (ndim,)
            Transformed position of the sample.

        loglstar : float
            Ln(likelihood) of the sample.

        logvol : float
            Ln(prior volume) within the sample.

        logwt : float
            Ln(weight) of the sample.

        logz : float
            Cumulative ln(evidence) up to the sample (inclusive).

        logzvar : float
            Estimated cumulative variance on `logz` (inclusive).

        h : float
            Cumulative information up to the sample (inclusive).

        nc : int
            Number of likelihood calls performed before the new
            live point was accepted.

        worst_it : int
            Iteration when the live (now dead) point was originally proposed.

        boundidx : int
            Index of the bound the dead point was originally drawn from.

        bounditer : int
            Index of the bound being used at the current iteration.

        eff : float
            The cumulative sampling efficiency (in percent).

        delta_logz : float
            The estimated remaining evidence expressed as the ln(ratio) of the
            current evidence.


        # Initialize quantities.
        if maxcall is None:
            maxcall = sys.maxsize
        if maxiter is None:
            maxiter = sys.maxsize
        self.save_samples = save_samples
        self.save_bounds = save_bounds
        ncall = 0

        # Check whether we're starting fresh or continuing a previous run.
        if self.it == 1:
            # Initialize values for nested sampling loop.
            h = 0.  # information, initially *0.*
            logz = -1.e300  # ln(evidence), initially *0.*
            logzvar = 0.  # var[ln(evidence)], initially *0.*
            logvol = 0.  # initially contains the whole prior (volume=1.)
            loglstar = -1.e300  # initial ln(likelihood)
            delta_logz = 1.e300  # ln(ratio) of total/current evidence

            # Check if we should initialize a different bounding distribution
            # instead of using the unit cube.
            pointvol = 1. / self.nlive
            if self._beyond_unit_bound(loglstar):
                bound = self.update(pointvol)
                if self.save_bounds:
                    self.nbound += 1
                self.since_update = 0
            # Remove live points (if added) from previous run.
            if self.added_live:

            # Get final state from previous run.
            h = self.saved_h[-1]  # information
            logz = self.saved_logz[-1]  # ln(evidence)
            logzvar = self.saved_logzvar[-1]  # var[ln(evidence)]
            logvol = self.saved_logvol[-1]  # ln(volume)
            loglstar = min(self.live_logl)  # ln(likelihood)
            delta_logz = np.logaddexp(logz, np.max(self.live_logl) +
                                      logvol) - logz  # log-evidence ratio

        # The main nested sampling loop.
        for it in range(sys.maxsize):

            # Stopping criterion 1: current number of iterations
            # exceeds `maxiter`.
            if it > maxiter:
                # If dumping past states, save only the required quantities.
                if not self.save_samples:

            # Stopping criterion 2: current number of `loglikelihood`
            # calls exceeds `maxcall`.
            if ncall > maxcall:
                if not self.save_samples:

            # Stopping criterion 3: estimated (fractional) remaining evidence
            # lies below some threshold set by `dlogz`.
            logz_remain = np.max(self.live_logl) + logvol
            delta_logz = np.logaddexp(logz, logz_remain) - logz
            if dlogz is not None:
                if delta_logz < dlogz:
                    if not self.save_samples:

            # Stopping criterion 4: last dead point exceeded the upper
            # `logl_max` bound.
            if loglstar > logl_max:
                if not self.save_samples:

            # Stopping criterion 5: the number of effective posterior
            # samples has been achieved.
            if n_effective is not None:
                if self.n_effective > n_effective:
                    if add_live:
                        neff = self.n_effective
                        self.added_live = False
                        neff = self.n_effective
                    if neff > n_effective:
                        if not self.save_samples:

            # Expected ln(volume) shrinkage.
            logvol -= self.dlv

            # After `update_interval` interations have passed *and* we meet
            # the criteria for moving beyond sampling from the unit cube,
            # update the bound using the current set of live points.
            ucheck = self.since_update >= self.update_interval
            bcheck = self._beyond_unit_bound(loglstar)
            if ucheck and bcheck:
                pointvol = math.exp(logvol) / self.nlive
                bound = self.update(pointvol)
                if self.save_bounds:
                self.nbound += 1
                self.since_update = 0

            # Locate the "live" point with the lowest `logl`.
            worst = np.argmin(self.live_logl)  # index
            worst_it = self.live_it[worst]  # when point was proposed
            boundidx = self.live_bound[worst]  # associated bound index

            # Set our new worst likelihood constraint.
            ustar = np.array(self.live_u[worst])  # unit cube position
            vstar = np.array(self.live_v[worst])  # transformed position
            loglstar_new = self.live_logl[worst]  # new likelihood

            # Set our new weight using quadratic estimates (trapezoid rule).
            logdvol = logsumexp(a=[logvol + self.dlv, logvol],
                                b=[0.5, -0.5])  # ln(dvol)
            logwt = np.logaddexp(loglstar_new, loglstar) + logdvol  # ln(wt)

            # Sample a new live point from within the likelihood constraint
            # `logl > loglstar` using the bounding distribution and sampling
            # method from our sampler.
            u, v, logl, nc = self._new_point(loglstar_new, logvol)
            ncall += nc
            self.ncall += nc
            self.since_update += nc

            # Update evidence `logz` and information `h`.
            logz_new = np.logaddexp(logz, logwt)
            lzterm = (math.exp(loglstar - logz_new) * loglstar +
                      math.exp(loglstar_new - logz_new) * loglstar_new)
            h_new = (math.exp(logdvol) * lzterm +
                     math.exp(logz - logz_new) * (h + logz) -
            dh = h_new - h
            h = h_new
            logz = logz_new
            logzvar += 2. * dh * self.dlv
            loglstar = loglstar_new

            # Compute bound index at the current iteration.
            if self._beyond_unit_bound(loglstar):
                bounditer = self.nbound - 1
                bounditer = 0

            # Save the worst live point. It is now a "dead" point.
            if self.save_samples:

            # Update the live point (previously our "worst" point).
            self.live_u[worst] = u
            self.live_v[worst] = v
            self.live_logl[worst] = logl
            self.live_bound[worst] = bounditer
            self.live_it[worst] = self.it

            # Compute our sampling efficiency.
            self.eff = 100. * self.it / self.ncall

            # Increment total number of iterations.
            self.it += 1

            # Return dead point and ancillary quantities.
            yield (worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
                   logz, logzvar, h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer,
                   self.eff, delta_logz)

    def _get_print_func(self, print_func, print_progress):
        pbar = None
        if print_func is None:
            if tqdm is None or not print_progress:
                print_func = print_fn
                pbar = tqdm.tqdm()
                print_func = partial(print_fn, pbar=pbar)
        return pbar, print_func

    def run_nested(self, maxiter=None, maxcall=None, dlogz=None,
                   logl_max=np.inf, n_effective=None,
                   add_live=True, print_progress=True,
                   print_func=None, save_bounds=True):
        **A wrapper that executes the main nested sampling loop.**
        Iteratively replace the worst live point with a sample drawn
        uniformly from the prior until the provided stopping criteria
        are reached.

        maxiter : int, optional
            Maximum number of iterations. Iteration may stop earlier if the
            termination condition is reached. Default is `sys.maxsize`
            (no limit).

        maxcall : int, optional
            Maximum number of likelihood evaluations. Iteration may stop
            earlier if termination condition is reached. Default is
            `sys.maxsize` (no limit).

        dlogz : float, optional
            Iteration will stop when the estimated contribution of the
            remaining prior volume to the total evidence falls below
            this threshold. Explicitly, the stopping criterion is
            `ln(z + z_est) - ln(z) < dlogz`, where `z` is the current
            evidence from all saved samples and `z_est` is the estimated
            contribution from the remaining volume. If `add_live` is `True`,
            the default is `1e-3 * (nlive - 1) + 0.01`. Otherwise, the
            default is `0.01`.

        logl_max : float, optional
            Iteration will stop when the sampled ln(likelihood) exceeds the
            threshold set by `logl_max`. Default is no bound (`np.inf`).

        n_effective: int, optional
            Minimum number of effective posterior samples. If the estimated
            "effective sample size" (ESS) exceeds this number,
            sampling will terminate. Default is no ESS (`np.inf`).

        add_live : bool, optional
            Whether or not to add the remaining set of live points to
            the list of samples at the end of each run. Default is `True`.

        print_progress : bool, optional
            Whether or not to output a simple summary of the current run that
            updates with each iteration. Default is `True`.

        print_func : function, optional
            A function that prints out the current state of the sampler.
            If not provided, the default :meth:`results.print_fn` is used.

        save_bounds : bool, optional
            Whether or not to save past bounding distributions used to bound
            the live points internally. Default is *True*.


        # Define our stopping criteria.
        if dlogz is None:
            if add_live:
                dlogz = 1e-3 * (self.nlive - 1.) + 0.01
                dlogz = 0.01

        # Run the main nested sampling loop.
        pbar, print_func = self._get_print_func(print_func, print_progress)
            ncall = self.ncall
            for it, results in enumerate(self.sample(maxiter=maxiter,
                (worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
                 logz, logzvar, h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer,
                 eff, delta_logz) = results
                ncall += nc
                if delta_logz > 1e6:
                    delta_logz = np.inf
                if logz <= -1e6:
                    logz = -np.inf

                # Print progress.
                if print_progress:
                    i = self.it - 1
                    print_func(results, i, ncall, dlogz=dlogz,

            # Add remaining live points to samples.
            if add_live:
                it = self.it - 1
                for i, results in enumerate(self.add_live_points()):
                    (worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
                     logz, logzvar, h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer,
                     eff, delta_logz) = results
                    if delta_logz > 1e6:
                        delta_logz = np.inf
                    if logz <= -1e6:
                        logz = -np.inf

                    # Print progress.
                    if print_progress:
                        print_func(results, it, ncall, add_live_it=i+1,
                                   dlogz=dlogz, logl_max=logl_max)
            if pbar is not None:

    def add_final_live(self, print_progress=True, print_func=None):
        **A wrapper that executes the loop adding the final live points.**
        Adds the final set of live points to the pre-existing sequence of
        dead points from the current nested sampling run.

        print_progress : bool, optional
            Whether or not to output a simple summary of the current run that
            updates with each iteration. Default is `True`.

        print_func : function, optional
            A function that prints out the current state of the sampler.
            If not provided, the default :meth:`results.print_fn` is used.


        if print_func is None:
            print_func = print_fn

        # Add remaining live points to samples.
        pbar, print_func = self._get_print_func(print_func, print_progress)
            ncall = self.ncall
            it = self.it - 1
            for i, results in enumerate(self.add_live_points()):
                (worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
                 logz, logzvar, h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer,
                 eff, delta_logz) = results
                if delta_logz > 1e6:
                    delta_logz = np.inf
                if logz <= -1e6:
                    logz = -np.inf

                # Print progress.
                if print_progress:
                    print_func(results, it, ncall, add_live_it=i+1, dlogz=0.01)
            if pbar is not None: