# Basic context management with LokyContext and  provides
# compat for UNIX 2.7 and 3.3
# author: Thomas Moreau and Olivier Grisel
# adapted from multiprocessing/context.py
#  * Create a context ensuring loky uses only objects that are compatible
#  * Add LokyContext to the list of context of multiprocessing so loky can be
#    used with multiprocessing.set_start_method
#  * Add some compat function for python2.7 and 3.3.
from __future__ import division

import os
import sys
import warnings
import multiprocessing as mp

from .process import LokyProcess, LokyInitMainProcess

START_METHODS = ['loky', 'loky_init_main']

if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4):
    from multiprocessing import get_context as mp_get_context
    from multiprocessing.context import assert_spawning, set_spawning_popen
    from multiprocessing.context import get_spawning_popen, BaseContext

    START_METHODS += ['spawn']
    if sys.platform != 'win32':
        START_METHODS += ['fork', 'forkserver']

    def get_context(method=None):
        # Try to overload the default context
        method = method or _DEFAULT_START_METHOD or "loky"
        if method == "fork":
            # If 'fork' is explicitly requested, warn user about potential
            # issues.
            warnings.warn("`fork` start method should not be used with "
                          "`loky` as it does not respect POSIX. Try using "
                          "`spawn` or `loky` instead.", UserWarning)
            context = mp_get_context(method)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Unknown context '{}'. Value should be in {}."
                             .format(method, START_METHODS))

        return context

    if sys.platform != 'win32':
        import threading
        # Mechanism to check that the current thread is spawning a process
        _tls = threading.local()
        popen_attr = 'spawning_popen'
        from multiprocessing.forking import Popen
        _tls = Popen._tls
        popen_attr = 'process_handle'

    BaseContext = object

    def get_spawning_popen():
        return getattr(_tls, popen_attr, None)

    def set_spawning_popen(popen):
        setattr(_tls, popen_attr, popen)

    def assert_spawning(obj):
        if get_spawning_popen() is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                '%s objects should only be shared between processes'
                ' through inheritance' % type(obj).__name__

    def get_context(method=None):
        method = method or _DEFAULT_START_METHOD or 'loky'
        if method == "loky":
            return LokyContext()
        elif method == "loky_init_main":
            return LokyInitMainContext()
            raise ValueError("Unknown context '{}'. Value should be in {}."
                             .format(method, START_METHODS))

def set_start_method(method, force=False):
    if _DEFAULT_START_METHOD is not None and not force:
        raise RuntimeError('context has already been set')
    assert method is None or method in START_METHODS, (
        "'{}' is not a valid start_method. It should be in {}"
        .format(method, START_METHODS))


def get_start_method():

def cpu_count():
    """Return the number of CPUs the current process can use.

    The returned number of CPUs accounts for:
     * the number of CPUs in the system, as given by
     * the CPU affinity settings of the current process
       (available with Python 3.4+ on some Unix systems);
     * CFS scheduler CPU bandwidth limit (available on Linux only, typically
       set by docker and similar container orchestration systems);
     * the value of the LOKY_MAX_CPU_COUNT environment variable if defined.
    and is given as the minimum of these constraints.
    It is also always larger or equal to 1.
    import math

        cpu_count_mp = mp.cpu_count()
    except NotImplementedError:
        cpu_count_mp = 1

    # Number of available CPUs given affinity settings
    cpu_count_affinity = cpu_count_mp
    if hasattr(os, 'sched_getaffinity'):
            cpu_count_affinity = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
        except NotImplementedError:

    # CFS scheduler CPU bandwidth limit
    # available in Linux since 2.6 kernel
    cpu_count_cfs = cpu_count_mp
    cfs_quota_fname = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_quota_us"
    cfs_period_fname = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_period_us"
    if os.path.exists(cfs_quota_fname) and os.path.exists(cfs_period_fname):
        with open(cfs_quota_fname, 'r') as fh:
            cfs_quota_us = int(fh.read())
        with open(cfs_period_fname, 'r') as fh:
            cfs_period_us = int(fh.read())

        if cfs_quota_us > 0 and cfs_period_us > 0:
            # Make sure this quantity is an int as math.ceil returns a
            # float in python2.7. (See issue #165)
            cpu_count_cfs = int(math.ceil(cfs_quota_us / cfs_period_us))

    # User defined soft-limit passed as an loky specific environment variable.
    cpu_count_loky = int(os.environ.get('LOKY_MAX_CPU_COUNT', cpu_count_mp))
    aggregate_cpu_count = min(cpu_count_mp, cpu_count_affinity, cpu_count_cfs,
    return max(aggregate_cpu_count, 1)

class LokyContext(BaseContext):
    """Context relying on the LokyProcess."""
    _name = 'loky'
    Process = LokyProcess
    cpu_count = staticmethod(cpu_count)

    def Queue(self, maxsize=0, reducers=None):
        '''Returns a queue object'''
        from .queues import Queue
        return Queue(maxsize, reducers=reducers,

    def SimpleQueue(self, reducers=None):
        '''Returns a queue object'''
        from .queues import SimpleQueue
        return SimpleQueue(reducers=reducers, ctx=self.get_context())

    if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 4):
        """Compat for python2.7/3.3 for necessary methods in Context"""
        def get_context(self):
            return self

        def get_start_method(self):
            return self._name

        def Pipe(self, duplex=True):
            '''Returns two connection object connected by a pipe'''
            return mp.Pipe(duplex)

        if sys.platform != "win32":
            """Use the compat Manager for python2.7/3.3 on UNIX to avoid
            relying on fork processes
            def Manager(self):
                """Returns a manager object"""
                from .managers import LokyManager
                m = LokyManager()
                return m
            """Compat for context on Windows and python2.7/3.3. Using regular
            multiprocessing objects as it does not rely on fork.
            from multiprocessing import synchronize
            Semaphore = staticmethod(synchronize.Semaphore)
            BoundedSemaphore = staticmethod(synchronize.BoundedSemaphore)
            Lock = staticmethod(synchronize.Lock)
            RLock = staticmethod(synchronize.RLock)
            Condition = staticmethod(synchronize.Condition)
            Event = staticmethod(synchronize.Event)
            Manager = staticmethod(mp.Manager)

    if sys.platform != "win32":
        """For Unix platform, use our custom implementation of synchronize
        relying on ctypes to interface with pthread semaphores.
        def Semaphore(self, value=1):
            """Returns a semaphore object"""
            from .synchronize import Semaphore
            return Semaphore(value=value)

        def BoundedSemaphore(self, value):
            """Returns a bounded semaphore object"""
            from .synchronize import BoundedSemaphore
            return BoundedSemaphore(value)

        def Lock(self):
            """Returns a lock object"""
            from .synchronize import Lock
            return Lock()

        def RLock(self):
            """Returns a recurrent lock object"""
            from .synchronize import RLock
            return RLock()

        def Condition(self, lock=None):
            """Returns a condition object"""
            from .synchronize import Condition
            return Condition(lock)

        def Event(self):
            """Returns an event object"""
            from .synchronize import Event
            return Event()

class LokyInitMainContext(LokyContext):
    """Extra context with LokyProcess, which does load the main module

    This context is used for compatibility in the case ``cloudpickle`` is not
    present on the running system. This permits to load functions defined in
    the ``main`` module, using proper safeguards. The declaration of the
    ``executor`` should be protected by ``if __name__ == "__main__":`` and the
    functions and variable used from main should be out of this block.

    This mimics the default behavior of multiprocessing under Windows and the
    behavior of the ``spawn`` start method on a posix system for python3.4+.
    For more details, see the end of the following section of python doc
    _name = 'loky_init_main'
    Process = LokyInitMainProcess

if sys.version_info > (3, 4):
    """Register loky context so it works with multiprocessing.get_context"""
    ctx_loky = LokyContext()
    mp.context._concrete_contexts['loky'] = ctx_loky
    mp.context._concrete_contexts['loky_init_main'] = LokyInitMainContext()