import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial2 as fact2
from scipy.special import hyp1f1

def E(i,j,t,Qx,a,b):
    ''' Recursive definition of Hermite Gaussian coefficients.
        Returns a float.
        a: orbital exponent on Gaussian 'a' (e.g. alpha in the text)
        b: orbital exponent on Gaussian 'b' (e.g. beta in the text)
        i,j: orbital angular momentum number on Gaussian 'a' and 'b'
        t: number nodes in Hermite (depends on type of integral, 
           e.g. always zero for overlap integrals)
        Qx: distance between origins of Gaussian 'a' and 'b'
    p = a + b
    q = a*b/p
    if (t < 0) or (t > (i + j)):
        # out of bounds for t  
        return 0.0
    elif i == j == t == 0:
        # base case
        return np.exp(-q*Qx*Qx) # K_AB
    elif j == 0:
        # decrement index i
        return (1/(2*p))*E(i-1,j,t-1,Qx,a,b) - \
               (q*Qx/a)*E(i-1,j,t,Qx,a,b)    + \
        # decrement index j
        return (1/(2*p))*E(i,j-1,t-1,Qx,a,b) + \
               (q*Qx/b)*E(i,j-1,t,Qx,a,b)    + \

def overlap(a,lmn1,A,b,lmn2,B):
    ''' Evaluates overlap integral between two Gaussians
        Returns a float.
        a:    orbital exponent on Gaussian 'a' (e.g. alpha in the text)
        b:    orbital exponent on Gaussian 'b' (e.g. beta in the text)
        lmn1: int tuple containing orbital angular momentum (e.g. (1,0,0))
              for Gaussian 'a'
        lmn2: int tuple containing orbital angular momentum for Gaussian 'b'
        A:    list containing origin of Gaussian 'a', e.g. [1.0, 2.0, 0.0]
        B:    list containing origin of Gaussian 'b'
    l1,m1,n1 = lmn1 # shell angular momentum on Gaussian 'a'
    l2,m2,n2 = lmn2 # shell angular momentum on Gaussian 'b'
    S1 = E(l1,l2,0,A[0]-B[0],a,b) # X
    S2 = E(m1,m2,0,A[1]-B[1],a,b) # Y
    S3 = E(n1,n2,0,A[2]-B[2],a,b) # Z
    return S1*S2*S3*np.power(np.pi/(a+b),1.5) 

def S(a,b):
    '''Evaluates overlap between two contracted Gaussians
       Returns float.
       a: contracted Gaussian 'a', BasisFunction object
       b: contracted Gaussian 'b', BasisFunction object
    s = 0.0
    for ia, ca in enumerate(a.coefs):
        for ib, cb in enumerate(b.coefs):
            s += a.norm[ia]*b.norm[ib]*ca*cb*\
    return s

class BasisFunction(object):
    ''' A class that contains all our basis function data
        origin: array/list containing the coordinates of the Gaussian origin
        shell:  tuple of angular momentum
        exps:   list of primitive Gaussian exponents
        coefs:  list of primitive Gaussian coefficients
        norm:   list of normalization factors for Gaussian primitives
    def __init__(self,origin=[0.0,0.0,0.0],shell=(0,0,0),num_exps=None,exps=[],coefs=[]):
        self.origin = np.asarray(origin) = shell
        self.exps  = exps
        self.coefs = coefs
        self.num_exps = len(self.exps)
        self.norm = None

    def normalize(self):
        ''' Routine to normalize the basis functions, in case they
            do not integrate to unity.
        l,m,n =
        L = l+m+n
        # self.norm is a list of length equal to number primitives
        # normalize primitives first (PGBFs)
        self.norm = np.sqrt(np.power(2,2*(l+m+n)+1.5)*

        # now normalize the contracted basis functions (CGBFs)
        # Eq. 1.44 of Valeev integral whitepaper
        prefactor = np.power(np.pi,1.5)*\
            fact2(2*l - 1)*fact2(2*m - 1)*fact2(2*n - 1)/np.power(2.0,L)

        N = 0.0
        num_exps = len(self.exps)
        for ia in range(num_exps):
            for ib in range(num_exps):
                N += self.norm[ia]*self.norm[ib]*self.coefs[ia]*self.coefs[ib]/\
                         np.power(self.exps[ia] + self.exps[ib],L+1.5)

        N *= prefactor
        N = np.power(N,-0.5)
        for ia in range(num_exps):
            self.coefs[ia] *= N

def kinetic(a,lmn1,A,b,lmn2,B):
    ''' Evaluates kinetic energy integral between two Gaussians
        Returns a float.
        a:    orbital exponent on Gaussian 'a' (e.g. alpha in the text)
        b:    orbital exponent on Gaussian 'b' (e.g. beta in the text)
        lmn1: int tuple containing orbital angular momentum (e.g. (1,0,0))
              for Gaussian 'a'
        lmn2: int tuple containing orbital angular momentum for Gaussian 'b'
        A:    list containing origin of Gaussian 'a', e.g. [1.0, 2.0, 0.0]
        B:    list containing origin of Gaussian 'b'
    l1,m1,n1 = lmn1
    l2,m2,n2 = lmn2
    term0 = b*(2*(l2+m2+n2)+3)*\
    term1 = -2*np.power(b,2)*\
                           (overlap(a,(l1,m1,n1),A,b,(l2+2,m2,n2),B) +
                            overlap(a,(l1,m1,n1),A,b,(l2,m2+2,n2),B) +
    term2 = -0.5*(l2*(l2-1)*overlap(a,(l1,m1,n1),A,b,(l2-2,m2,n2),B) +
                  m2*(m2-1)*overlap(a,(l1,m1,n1),A,b,(l2,m2-2,n2),B) +
    return term0+term1+term2

def T(a,b):
    '''Evaluates kinetic energy between two contracted Gaussians
       Returns float.
       a: contracted Gaussian 'a', BasisFunction object
       b: contracted Gaussian 'b', BasisFunction object
    t = 0.0
    for ia, ca in enumerate(a.coefs):
        for ib, cb in enumerate(b.coefs):
            t += a.norm[ia]*b.norm[ib]*ca*cb*\
    return t

def R(t,u,v,n,p,PCx,PCy,PCz,RPC):
    ''' Returns the Coulomb auxiliary Hermite integrals 
        Returns a float.
        t,u,v:   order of Coulomb Hermite derivative in x,y,z
                 (see defs in Helgaker and Taylor)
        n:       order of Boys function 
        PCx,y,z: Cartesian vector distance between Gaussian 
                 composite center P and nuclear center C
        RPC:     Distance between P and C
    T = p*RPC*RPC
    val = 0.0
    if t == u == v == 0:
        val += np.power(-2*p,n)*boys(n,T)
    elif t == u == 0:
        if v > 1:
            val += (v-1)*R(t,u,v-2,n+1,p,PCx,PCy,PCz,RPC)
        val += PCz*R(t,u,v-1,n+1,p,PCx,PCy,PCz,RPC)
    elif t == 0:
        if u > 1:
            val += (u-1)*R(t,u-2,v,n+1,p,PCx,PCy,PCz,RPC)
        val += PCy*R(t,u-1,v,n+1,p,PCx,PCy,PCz,RPC)
        if t > 1:
            val += (t-1)*R(t-2,u,v,n+1,p,PCx,PCy,PCz,RPC)
        val += PCx*R(t-1,u,v,n+1,p,PCx,PCy,PCz,RPC)
    return val

def boys(n,T):
    return hyp1f1(n+0.5,n+1.5,-T)/(2.0*n+1.0) 

def gaussian_product_center(a,A,b,B):
    return (a*A+b*B)/(a+b)

def nuclear_attraction(a,lmn1,A,b,lmn2,B,C):
    ''' Evaluates kinetic energy integral between two Gaussians
         Returns a float.
         a:    orbital exponent on Gaussian 'a' (e.g. alpha in the text)
         b:    orbital exponent on Gaussian 'b' (e.g. beta in the text)
         lmn1: int tuple containing orbital angular momentum (e.g. (1,0,0))
               for Gaussian 'a'
         lmn2: int tuple containing orbital angular momentum for Gaussian 'b'
         A:    list containing origin of Gaussian 'a', e.g. [1.0, 2.0, 0.0]
         B:    list containing origin of Gaussian 'b'
         C:    list containing origin of nuclear center 'C'
    l1,m1,n1 = lmn1 
    l2,m2,n2 = lmn2
    p = a + b
    P = gaussian_product_center(a,A,b,B) # Gaussian composite center
    RPC = np.linalg.norm(P-C)

    val = 0.0
    for t in range(l1+l2+1):
        for u in range(m1+m2+1):
            for v in range(n1+n2+1):
                val += E(l1,l2,t,A[0]-B[0],a,b) * \
                       E(m1,m2,u,A[1]-B[1],a,b) * \
                       E(n1,n2,v,A[2]-B[2],a,b) * \
    val *= 2*np.pi/p 
    return val

def V(a,b,C):
    '''Evaluates overlap between two contracted Gaussians
       Returns float.
       a: contracted Gaussian 'a', BasisFunction object
       b: contracted Gaussian 'b', BasisFunction object
       C: center of nucleus
    v = 0.0
    for ia, ca in enumerate(a.coefs):
        for ib, cb in enumerate(b.coefs):
            v += a.norm[ia]*b.norm[ib]*ca*cb*\
    return v

def electron_repulsion(a,lmn1,A,b,lmn2,B,c,lmn3,C,d,lmn4,D):
    ''' Evaluates kinetic energy integral between two Gaussians
        Returns a float.
        a,b,c,d:   orbital exponent on Gaussian 'a','b','c','d'
        lmn3,lmn4: int tuple containing orbital angular momentum
                   for Gaussian 'a','b','c','d', respectively
        A,B,C,D:   list containing origin of Gaussian 'a','b','c','d'
    l1,m1,n1 = lmn1
    l2,m2,n2 = lmn2
    l3,m3,n3 = lmn3
    l4,m4,n4 = lmn4
    p = a+b # composite exponent for P (from Gaussians 'a' and 'b')
    q = c+d # composite exponent for Q (from Gaussians 'c' and 'd')
    alpha = p*q/(p+q)
    P = gaussian_product_center(a,A,b,B) # A and B composite center
    Q = gaussian_product_center(c,C,d,D) # C and D composite center
    RPQ = np.linalg.norm(P-Q)

    val = 0.0
    for t in range(l1+l2+1):
        for u in range(m1+m2+1):
            for v in range(n1+n2+1):
                for tau in range(l3+l4+1):
                    for nu in range(m3+m4+1):
                        for phi in range(n3+n4+1):
                            val += E(l1,l2,t,A[0]-B[0],a,b) * \
                                   E(m1,m2,u,A[1]-B[1],a,b) * \
                                   E(n1,n2,v,A[2]-B[2],a,b) * \
                                   E(l3,l4,tau,C[0]-D[0],c,d) * \
                                   E(m3,m4,nu ,C[1]-D[1],c,d) * \
                                   E(n3,n4,phi,C[2]-D[2],c,d) * \
                                   np.power(-1,tau+nu+phi) * \

    val *= 2*np.power(np.pi,2.5)/(p*q*np.sqrt(p+q))
    return val

def ERI(a,b,c,d):
    '''Evaluates overlap between two contracted Gaussians
        Returns float.
        a: contracted Gaussian 'a', BasisFunction object
        b: contracted Gaussian 'b', BasisFunction object
        c: contracted Gaussian 'b', BasisFunction object
        d: contracted Gaussian 'b', BasisFunction object
    eri = 0.0
    for ja, ca in enumerate(a.coefs):
        for jb, cb in enumerate(b.coefs):
            for jc, cc in enumerate(c.coefs):
                for jd, cd in enumerate(d.coefs):
                    eri += a.norm[ja]*b.norm[jb]*c.norm[jc]*d.norm[jd]*\
    return eri