#!/usr/bin/env python

#!/usr/bin/env python
#    FILE: gengpioin.py
# PURPOSE: genmon.py support program to allow amazon alexa voice commands
#  AUTHOR: Jason G Yates
#    DATE: 27-Jul-2019
#### BASED ON WORK BY : https://github.com/nassir-malik/IOT-Pi3-Alexa-Automation          ####
#### To set up the Alexa Inegration, go to your Echo speaker and ask Alexa
#### to discover your device.  Say, "Discover my devices," or select Add
#### Device in the Devices section of the Alexa app.
#### Once Alexa has discovered your generator, you can use the Alexa app to
#### complete the setup.
#### To turn on your generator via the Echo speaker, say "Alexa, turn on
#### the generator".  And to off the generator again, "Alexa, turn off
#### the generator".
#### If you prefer to state the likes of "Alexa, start my generator"
#### or "Alexa, stop my generator" (rather than using the words ON or
#### OFF), you can set up a Routine with Alexa.

import email.utils, requests, select, socket, struct, sys, datetime, time, urllib, uuid, signal, os, threading
import atexit, getopt, json
import fcntl, re, time, locale, socket, subprocess, traceback
    from genmonlib.mylog import SetupLogger
    from genmonlib.myconfig import MyConfig
    from genmonlib.myclient import ClientInterface
    from genmonlib.mysupport import MySupport
    from genmonlib.mycommon import MyCommon
    from genmonlib.program_defaults import ProgramDefaults
except Exception as e1:
    print("\n\nThis program requires the modules located in the genmonlib directory in the github repository.\n")
    print("Please see the project documentation at https://github.com/jgyates/genmon.\n")
    print("Error: " + str(e1))

# This XML is the minimum needed to define one of our virtual switches
# to the Amazon Echo

SETUP_XML ="""<?xml version=1.0?>
                <manufacturer>Belkin International Inc.</manufacturer>
                <modelDescription>Belkin Plugin Socket 1.0</modelDescription>\r\n

# A simple utility class to wait for incoming data to be
# ready on a socket.
#----------  poller class ------------------------------------------------------
class poller(MyCommon):
    # ---------------- poller.init ---------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, log = None, debug = False):
        super(poller, self).__init__()
        self.log = log
        self.debug = debug
            self.poller = select.poll()
            self.targets = {}
        except Exception as e1:
            self.LogErrorLine("Error in poller init: " + str(e1))

    # ---------------- poller.add ----------------------------------------------
    def add(self, target, fileno = None):
        if not fileno:
            fileno = target.fileno()
        self.poller.register(fileno, select.POLLIN)
        self.targets[fileno] = target

    # ---------------- poller.remove -------------------------------------------
    def remove(self, target, fileno = None):
        if not fileno:
            fileno = target.fileno()

    # ---------------- poller.poll ---------------------------------------------
    def poll(self, timeout = 0):
        ready = self.poller.poll(timeout)
        num = len(ready)
        for one_ready in ready:
            target = self.targets.get(one_ready[0], None)
            if target:
        return num

# Base class for a generic UPnP device. This is far from complete
# but it supports either specified or automatic IP address and port
# selection.
#----------  upnp_device class -------------------------------------------------
class upnp_device(MyCommon):
    this_host_ip = None

    # ---------------- upnp_device.local_ip_address ----------------------------
    def local_ip_address():
        if not upnp_device.this_host_ip:
            temp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
                temp_socket.connect(('', 53))
                upnp_device.this_host_ip = temp_socket.getsockname()[0]
                upnp_device.this_host_ip = ''
        return upnp_device.this_host_ip

    # ---------------- upnp_device.init ----------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, listener, poller, port, root_url, server_version, persistent_uuid, other_headers = None, ip_address = None, log = None, debug = False):
        super(upnp_device, self).__init__()
        self.log = log
        self.debug = debug
            self.listener = listener
            self.poller = poller
            self.port = port
            self.root_url = root_url
            self.server_version = server_version
            self.persistent_uuid = persistent_uuid
            self.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
            self.other_headers = other_headers

            if ip_address:
                self.ip_address = ip_address
                self.ip_address = upnp_device.local_ip_address()

            if self.ip_address == None:
                self.LogErrorLine("Error : unable to get IP address in upnp_device init")

            self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            self.socket.bind((self.ip_address, self.port))
            if self.port == 0:
                self.port = self.socket.getsockname()[1]
            self.client_sockets = {}
        except Exception as e1:
            self.LogErrorLine("Error in upnp_device init: " + str(e1))
    # ---------------- upnp_device.fileno --------------------------------------
    def fileno(self):
        return self.socket.fileno()

    # ---------------- upnp_device.do_read -------------------------------------
    def do_read(self, fileno):
        if fileno == self.socket.fileno():
            (client_socket, client_address) = self.socket.accept()
            self.poller.add(self, client_socket.fileno())
            self.client_sockets[client_socket.fileno()] = (client_socket, client_address)
            data, sender = self.client_sockets[fileno][0].recvfrom(4096)
            if not data:
                self.poller.remove(self, fileno)
                self.handle_request(data, sender, self.client_sockets[fileno][0], self.client_sockets[fileno][1])

    # ---------------- upnp_device.handle_request ------------------------------
    def handle_request(self, data, sender, socket, client_address):

    # ---------------- upnp_device.get_name ------------------------------------
    def get_name(self):
        return "unknown"

    # ---------------- upnp_device.respond_to_search ---------------------------
    def respond_to_search(self, destination, search_target):
        self.LogDebug("Responding to search for %s" % self.get_name())
        date_str = email.utils.formatdate(timeval=None, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
        location_url = self.root_url % {'ip_address' : self.ip_address, 'port' : self.port}
        message = ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
                  "CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=86400\r\n"
                  "DATE: %s\r\n"
                  "LOCATION: %s\r\n"
                  "OPT: \"http://schemas.upnp.org/upnp/1/0/\"; ns=01\r\n"
                  "01-NLS: %s\r\n"
                  "SERVER: %s\r\n"
                  "ST: %s\r\n"
                  "USN: uuid:%s::%s\r\n" % (date_str, location_url, self.uuid, self.server_version, search_target, self.persistent_uuid, search_target))
        if self.other_headers:
            for header in self.other_headers:
                message += "%s\r\n" % header
        message += "\r\n"
        temp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        temp_socket.sendto(message.encode("UTF-8"), destination)

# This subclass does the bulk of the work to mimic a WeMo switch on the network.
#----------  fauxmo class ------------------------------------------------------
class fauxmo(upnp_device):
    # ---------------- fauxmo.make_uuid ----------------------------------------
    def make_uuid(name):
        return ''.join(["%x" % sum([ord(c) for c in name])] + ["%x" % ord(c) for c in "%sfauxmo!" % name])[:14]

    # ---------------- fauxmo.__init__ -----------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, name, listener, poller, ip_address, port, action_handler = None, log = None,  debug  = False):
        self.log = log
        self.debug = debug
            self.serial = self.make_uuid(name)
            self.name = name
            self.ip_address = ip_address
            self.generatorStatus = 0
            persistent_uuid = "Socket-1_0-" + self.serial
            other_headers = ['X-User-Agent: redsonic']
            super(fauxmo, self).__init__(listener, poller, port, "http://%(ip_address)s:%(port)s/setup.xml", "Unspecified, UPnP/1.0, Unspecified", persistent_uuid, other_headers=other_headers, ip_address=ip_address, log = log, debug = debug)
            if action_handler:
                self.action_handler = action_handler
                self.action_handler = self

            self.LogDebug("FauxMo device '%s' ready on %s:%s" % (self.name, self.ip_address, self.port))
        except Exception as e1:
            self.LogErrorLine("Error in fauxmo init: " + str(e1))

    # ---------------- fauxmo.get_name -----------------------------------------
    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

    # ---------------- fauxmo.handle_request -----------------------------------
    def handle_request(self, data, sender, socket, client_address):
        data = data.decode('utf-8')
        success = False

        if data.find('GET /setup.xml HTTP/1.1') == 0:

            self.LogDebug("Responding to setup.xml for %s" % self.name)
            xml = SETUP_XML % {'device_name' : self.name, 'device_serial' : self.serial}
            date_str = email.utils.formatdate(timeval=None, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
            message = ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
                       "CONTENT-LENGTH: %d\r\n"
                       "CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml\r\n"
                       "DATE: %s\r\n"
                       "LAST-MODIFIED: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:01:15 GMT\r\n"
                       "SERVER: Unspecified, UPnP/1.0, Unspecified\r\n"
                       "X-User-Agent: redsonic\r\n"
                       "CONNECTION: close\r\n"
                       "%s" % (len(xml), date_str, xml))
        elif data.find('SOAPACTION: "urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1#SetBinaryState"') != -1:
            success = False
            if data.find('SetBinaryState') != -1:
                if data.find('<BinaryState>1</BinaryState>') != -1:
                    # on
                    self.LogDebug("Responding to ON for %s" % self.name)
                    success = self.action_handler.on()
                    if success:
                        self.generatorStatus = 1
                elif data.find('<BinaryState>0</BinaryState>') != -1:
                    # off
                    self.LogDebug("Responding to OFF for %s" % self.name)
                    success = self.action_handler.off()
                    if success:
                        self.generatorStatus = 0
                    self.LogError("Unknown Binary State request:")

            if success:
                # The echo is happy with the 200 status code and doesn't
                # appear to care about the SOAP response body
                self.LogDebug("Successfully Completed Action")
                soap = ""
                date_str = email.utils.formatdate(timeval=None, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
                message = ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
                           "CONTENT-LENGTH: %d\r\n"
                           "CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n"
                           "DATE: %s\r\n"
                           "SERVER: Unspecified, UPnP/1.0, Unspecified\r\n"
                           "X-User-Agent: redsonic\r\n"
                           "CONNECTION: close\r\n"
                           "%s" % (len(soap), date_str, soap))
        elif data.find('GetBinaryState'):
            self.generatorStatus = self.action_handler.status(self.generatorStatus)
            self.LogDebug("Responding to provide current state: " + str(self.generatorStatus))
            soap = """<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
                    <BinaryState>"""+ str(self.generatorStatus) +"""</BinaryState>
            date_str = email.utils.formatdate(timeval=None, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
            message = ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
                       "CONTENT-LENGTH: %d\r\n"
                       "CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n"
                       "DATE: %s\r\n"
                       "SERVER: Unspecified, UPnP/1.0, Unspecified\r\n"
                       "X-User-Agent: redsonic\r\n"
                       "CONNECTION: close\r\n"
                       "%s" % (len(soap), date_str, soap))
            self.LogDebug("SEND RESPONSE: "+str(message.replace('\n','\\n').replace('\r','\\r')))

            self.LogError("Unknown data:")
    # ---------------- fauxmo.on -----------------------------------------------
    def on(self):
        return False

    # ---------------- fauxmo.off ----------------------------------------------
    def off(self):
        return True

# Since we have a single process managing several virtual UPnP devices,
# we only need a single listener for UPnP broadcasts. When a matching
# search is received, it causes each device instance to respond.
# Note that this is currently hard-coded to recognize only the search
# from the Amazon Echo for WeMo devices. In particular, it does not
# support the more common root device general search. The Echo
# doesn't search for root devices.
#----------  upnp_broadcast_responder class ------------------------------------
class upnp_broadcast_responder(MyCommon):
    TIMEOUT = 0

    # ---------------- upnp_broadcast_responder.init ---------------------------
    def __init__(self, log = None, debug = False):
        super(upnp_broadcast_responder, self).__init__()
        self.log = log
        self.debug = debug
        self.devices = []

    # ---------------- upnp_broadcast_responder.init_socket --------------------
    def init_socket(self):
        ok = True
        self.ip = ''
        self.port = 1900
            #This is needed to join a multicast group
            self.mreq = struct.pack("4sl",socket.inet_aton(self.ip),socket.INADDR_ANY)

            #Set up server socket
            self.ssock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM,socket.IPPROTO_UDP)

            except Exception as e:
                self.LogError("WARNING: Failed to bind %s:%d: %s" , (self.ip,self.port,e))
                ok = False

            except Exception as e:
                self.LogError('WARNING: Failed to join multicast group:'+str(e))
                ok = False

        except Exception as e:
            self.LogError("Failed to initialize UPnP sockets:"+str(e))
            return False
        if ok:
            self.LogDebug("Listening for UPnP broadcasts")

    # ---------------- upnp_broadcast_responder.fileno -------------------------
    def fileno(self):
        return self.ssock.fileno()
    # ---------------- upnp_broadcast_responder.do_read ------------------------
    def do_read(self, fileno):
        data, sender = self.recvfrom(1024)
        data = data.decode('utf-8')
        if data:
            if data.find('M-SEARCH') >= 0 and data.find('urn:Belkin:device:**') >0 or data.find('n:Belkin:device:**') >0 or data.find('upnp:rootdevice') >0:
                for device in self.devices:
                    device.respond_to_search(sender, 'urn:Belkin:device:**')
    # ---------------- upnp_broadcast_responder.recvfrom -----------------------
    #Receive network data
    def recvfrom(self,size):
        if self.TIMEOUT:
            ready = select.select([self.ssock], [], [], self.TIMEOUT)[0]
            ready = True

            if ready:
                return self.ssock.recvfrom(size)
                return False, False
        except Exception as e:
            self.LogError("recvfrom exception: "+str(e))
            return False, False

    def add_device(self, device):
        self.LogDebug("UPnP broadcast listener: new device registered")

# This is an example handler class. The fauxmo class expects handlers to be
# instances of objects that have on() and off() methods that return True
# on success and False otherwise.
# This example class takes two full URLs that should be requested when an on
# and off command are invoked respectively. It ignores any return data.

class FauxmoCallback(MyCommon):
    """Use this DEBOUNCE_SECONDS to keep multiple Amazon Echo devices from reacting to
       the same voice command.
    # ---------------- FauxmoCallback.init -------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, cmd, log = None, debug = False):
        super(FauxmoCallback, self).__init__()
        self.cmd = cmd
        self.log = log
        self.debug = debug
        self.lastEcho = time.time()
        self.lastStatus = time.time()
    # ---------------- FauxmoCallback.on ---------------------------------------
    def on(self):
        if self.debounce():
            return True
              returnValue = self.cmd("generator: setremote=starttransfer")
              ## FOR TESTING ## returnValue = self.cmd("generator: setremote=start")
              ## FOR TESTING ## returnValue = self.cmd("generator: setremote=stop")
              self.LogDebug("Sent Remote Start Command. Return Value: "+returnValue)
              if returnValue != "Remote command sent successfully":
                  self.LogError("Command Failed")
                  return False
        except Exception as e1:
              LogErrorLine("Error FauxmoCallback.on: " + str(e1))
              return False
        return True
    # ---------------- FauxmoCallback.off --------------------------------------
    def off(self):
        if self.debounce():
            return True
            returnValue = self.cmd("generator: setremote=stop")

            self.LogDebug("Sent Remote Stop Command. Return Value: "+returnValue)
            if returnValue != "Remote command sent successfully":
                self.LogError("Command Failed")
                return False
        except Exception as e1:
            self.LogErrorLine("Error FauxmoCallback.off: " + str(e1))
            return False
        return True
    # ---------------- FauxmoCallback.status -----------------------------------
    def status(self, currentStatus):
        """Ensure the generators status is not checked too often if many
           Echos are present
        if (time.time() - self.lastStatus) < self.STATUS_INTERVAL:
            return currentStatus

        self.lastStatus = time.time()
              returnValue = self.cmd("generator: getbase")
              self.LogDebug("Sent GETBASE Command. Return Value: "+returnValue)
              if "RUNNING" in returnValue:
                  currentStatus = 1
                  currentStatus = 0
        except Exception as e1:
              LogErrorLine("Error StopCallback: " + str(e1))
              return currentStatus
        return currentStatus

    # ---------------- FauxmoCallback.debounce ---------------------------------
    def debounce(self):
        """If multiple Echos are present, the one most likely to respond first
           is the one that can best hear the speaker... which is the closest one.
           Adding a refractory period to handlers keeps us from worrying about
           one Echo overhearing a command meant for another one.
        if (time.time() - self.lastEcho) < self.DEBOUNCE_SECONDS:
            return True

        self.lastEcho = time.time()
        return False

#----------  Signal Handler ----------------------------------------------------
def signal_handler(signal, frame):

    except Exception as e1:
        log.error("Error: signal_handler: " + str(e1))

#------------------- Command-line interface for gengpioin ----------------------
if __name__=='__main__':

        console = SetupLogger("genalexa_console", log_file = "", stream = True)

        if os.geteuid() != 0:
            console.error("You need to have root privileges to run this script.\nPlease try again, this time using 'sudo'. Exiting.")

        HelpStr = '\nsudo python genalexa.py -a <IP Address or localhost> -c <path to genmon config file>\n'
            ConfigFilePath = ProgramDefaults.ConfPath
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hc:a:",["help","configpath=","address="])
        except getopt.GetoptError:
            console.error("Invalid command line argument.")

        for opt, arg in opts:
            if opt == '-h':
            elif opt in ("-a", "--address"):
                address = arg
            elif opt in ("-c", "--configpath"):
                ConfigFilePath = arg
                ConfigFilePath = ConfigFilePath.strip()
    except Exception as e1:
        console.error("Error in init: " + str(e1) + " : " + GetErrorLine())
        port, loglocation = MySupport.GetGenmonInitInfo(ConfigFilePath, log = console)
        log = SetupLogger("client", loglocation + "genalexa.log")
    except Exception as e1:
        print("Error setting up log: " + str(e1))
        # Set the signal handler
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

        if not os.path.isfile(ConfigFilePath + 'genalexa.conf'):
            console.error("Error: config file not found")
            log.error("Error: config file not found")
        config = MyConfig(filename = ConfigFilePath + 'genalexa.conf', section = 'genalexa', log = log)
        FauxmoName = config.ReadValue('name', default = " generator")
        FauxmoPort = config.ReadValue('port', return_type = int, default = 52004)
        Debug = config.ReadValue('debug', return_type = bool, default = False)

        log.error("Key word: " + FauxmoName + "; Port: "+str(FauxmoPort) + "; " + "Debug: " + str(Debug))
        MyClientInterface = ClientInterface(host = address, port = port, log = log)

        data = MyClientInterface.ProcessMonitorCommand("generator: start_info_json")
        StartInfo = {}
        StartInfo = json.loads(data)
        remoteCommands = False
        if 'RemoteCommands' in StartInfo:
           remoteCommands = StartInfo['RemoteCommands']
        if remoteCommands == False:
           log.error("Generator does not support remote commands. So you cannot use this addon. Exiting....")

        FauxmoAction = FauxmoCallback(MyClientInterface.ProcessMonitorCommand, log = log, debug = Debug)

        # Set up our singleton for polling the sockets for data ready
        p = poller(log = log)

        # Set up our singleton listener for UPnP broadcasts
        u = upnp_broadcast_responder(log  = log, debug = Debug)

        # Add the UPnP broadcast listener to the poller so we can respond
        # when a broadcast is received.

        switch = fauxmo(FauxmoName, u, p, None, FauxmoPort, action_handler = FauxmoAction, log  = log, debug = Debug)

        if Debug:
            log.info("Entering main loop")

        while True:
                # Allow time for a ctrl-c to stop the process
            except Exception as e:
                log.error("Exception occured in main loop: "  + str(e))
                # break

    except Exception as e1:
        log.error("Error : " + str(e1))
        console.error("Error: " + str(e1))