
A module that contains the plotly class, a liaison between the user
and ploty's servers.

1. get DEFAULT_PLOT_OPTIONS for options

2. update plot_options with .plotly/ dir

3. update plot_options with _plot_options

4. update plot_options with kwargs!

from __future__ import absolute_import

import base64
import copy
import json
import os
import warnings

import requests
import six
import six.moves

from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

from plotly import exceptions, tools, utils, version, files
from plotly.plotly import chunked_requests
from plotly.session import (sign_in, update_session_plot_options,
                            get_session_plot_options, get_session_credentials,

__all__ = None

    'filename': "plot from API",
    'fileopt': "new",
    'world_readable': files.FILE_CONTENT[files.CONFIG_FILE]['world_readable'],
    'auto_open': files.FILE_CONTENT[files.CONFIG_FILE]['auto_open'],
    'validate': True,
    'sharing': files.FILE_CONTENT[files.CONFIG_FILE]['sharing']

# test file permissions and make sure nothing is corrupted

# don't break backwards compatibility
sign_in = sign_in
update_plot_options = update_session_plot_options

def get_credentials():
    """Returns the credentials that will be sent to plotly."""
    credentials = tools.get_credentials_file()
    session_credentials = get_session_credentials()
    for credentials_key in credentials:

        # checking for not false, but truthy value here is the desired behavior
        session_value = session_credentials.get(credentials_key)
        if session_value is False or session_value:
            credentials[credentials_key] = session_value
    return credentials

def get_config():
    """Returns either module config or file config."""
    config = tools.get_config_file()
    session_config = get_session_config()
    for config_key in config:

        # checking for not false, but truthy value here is the desired behavior
        session_value = session_config.get(config_key)
        if session_value is False or session_value:
            config[config_key] = session_value
    return config

def _plot_option_logic(plot_options_from_call_signature):
    Given some plot_options as part of a plot call, decide on final options.
        1 - Start with DEFAULT_PLOT_OPTIONS
        2 - Update each key with ~/.plotly/.config options (tls.get_config)
        3 - Update each key with session plot options (set by py.sign_in)
        4 - Update each key with plot, iplot call signature options

    default_plot_options = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_PLOT_OPTIONS)
    file_options = tools.get_config_file()
    session_options = get_session_plot_options()
    plot_options_from_call_signature = copy.deepcopy(plot_options_from_call_signature)

    # Validate options and fill in defaults w world_readable and sharing
    for option_set in [plot_options_from_call_signature,
                       session_options, file_options]:

        # dynamic defaults
        if ('filename' in option_set and
                'fileopt' not in option_set):
            option_set['fileopt'] = 'overwrite'

    user_plot_options = {}
    user_plot_options = {k: v for k, v in user_plot_options.items()
                         if k in default_plot_options}

    return user_plot_options

def iplot(figure_or_data, **plot_options):
    """Create a unique url for this plot in Plotly and open in IPython.

    plot_options keyword agruments:
    filename (string) -- the name that will be associated with this figure
    fileopt ('new' | 'overwrite' | 'extend' | 'append')
        - 'new': create a new, unique url for this plot
        - 'overwrite': overwrite the file associated with `filename` with this
        - 'extend': add additional numbers (data) to existing traces
        - 'append': add additional traces to existing data lists
    sharing ('public' | 'private' | 'secret') -- Toggle who can view this graph
        - 'public': Anyone can view this graph. It will appear in your profile
                    and can appear in search engines. You do not need to be
                    logged in to Plotly to view this chart.
        - 'private': Only you can view this plot. It will not appear in the
                     Plotly feed, your profile, or search engines. You must be
                     logged in to Plotly to view this graph. You can privately
                     share this graph with other Plotly users in your online
                     Plotly account and they will need to be logged in to
                     view this plot.
        - 'secret': Anyone with this secret link can view this chart. It will
                    not appear in the Plotly feed, your profile, or search
                    engines. If it is embedded inside a webpage or an IPython
                    notebook, anybody who is viewing that page will be able to
                    view the graph. You do not need to be logged in to view
                    this plot.
    world_readable (default=True) -- Deprecated: use "sharing".
                                     Make this figure private/public
    if 'auto_open' not in plot_options:
        plot_options['auto_open'] = False
    url = plot(figure_or_data, **plot_options)

    if isinstance(figure_or_data, dict):
        layout = figure_or_data.get('layout', {})
        layout = {}

    embed_options = dict()
    embed_options['width'] = layout.get('width', '100%')
    embed_options['height'] = layout.get('height', 525)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        embed_options['width'] = str(embed_options['width']) + 'px'

    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        embed_options['height'] = str(embed_options['height']) + 'px'

    return tools.embed(url, **embed_options)

def plot(figure_or_data, validate=True, **plot_options):
    """Create a unique url for this plot in Plotly and optionally open url.

    plot_options keyword agruments:
    filename (string) -- the name that will be associated with this figure
    fileopt ('new' | 'overwrite' | 'extend' | 'append') -- 'new' creates a
        'new': create a new, unique url for this plot
        'overwrite': overwrite the file associated with `filename` with this
        'extend': add additional numbers (data) to existing traces
        'append': add additional traces to existing data lists
    auto_open (default=True) -- Toggle browser options
        True: open this plot in a new browser tab
        False: do not open plot in the browser, but do return the unique url
    sharing ('public' | 'private' | 'secret') -- Toggle who can view this
        - 'public': Anyone can view this graph. It will appear in your profile
                    and can appear in search engines. You do not need to be
                    logged in to Plotly to view this chart.
        - 'private': Only you can view this plot. It will not appear in the
                     Plotly feed, your profile, or search engines. You must be
                     logged in to Plotly to view this graph. You can privately
                     share this graph with other Plotly users in your online
                     Plotly account and they will need to be logged in to
                     view this plot.
        - 'secret': Anyone with this secret link can view this chart. It will
                    not appear in the Plotly feed, your profile, or search
                    engines. If it is embedded inside a webpage or an IPython
                    notebook, anybody who is viewing that page will be able to
                    view the graph. You do not need to be logged in to view
                    this plot.
    world_readable (default=True) -- Deprecated: use "sharing".
                                     Make this figure private/public

    figure = tools.return_figure_from_figure_or_data(figure_or_data, validate)

    for entry in figure['data']:
        if ('type' in entry) and (entry['type'] == 'scattergl'):
        for key, val in list(entry.items()):
                if len(val) > 40000:
                    msg = ("Woah there! Look at all those points! Due to "
                           "browser limitations, the Plotly SVG drawing "
                           "functions have a hard time "
                           "graphing more than 500k data points for line "
                           "charts, or 40k points for other types of charts. "
                           "Here are some suggestions:\n"
                           "(1) Use the `plotly.graph_objs.Scattergl` "
                           "trace object to generate a WebGl graph.\n"
                           "(2) Trying using the image API to return an image "
                           "instead of a graph URL\n"
                           "(3) Use matplotlib\n"
                           "(4) See if you can create your visualization with "
                           "fewer data points\n\n"
                           "If the visualization you're using aggregates "
                           "points (e.g., box plot, histogram, etc.) you can "
                           "disregard this warning.")
            except TypeError:

    plot_options = _plot_option_logic(plot_options)
    res = _send_to_plotly(figure, **plot_options)
    if res['error'] == '':
        if plot_options['auto_open']:

        return res['url']
        raise exceptions.PlotlyAccountError(res['error'])

def iplot_mpl(fig, resize=True, strip_style=False, update=None,
    """Replot a matplotlib figure with plotly in IPython.

    This function:
    1. converts the mpl figure into JSON (run help(plolty.tools.mpl_to_plotly))
    2. makes a request to Plotly to save this figure in your account
    3. displays the image in your IPython output cell

    Positional agruments:
    fig -- a figure object from matplotlib

    Keyword arguments:
    resize (default=True) -- allow plotly to choose the figure size
    strip_style (default=False) -- allow plotly to choose style options
    update (default=None) -- update the resulting figure with an 'update'
        dictionary-like object resembling a plotly 'Figure' object

    Additional keyword arguments:
    plot_options -- run help(plotly.plotly.iplot)

    fig = tools.mpl_to_plotly(fig, resize=resize, strip_style=strip_style)
    if update and isinstance(update, dict):
    elif update is not None:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyGraphObjectError(
            "'update' must be dictionary-like and a valid plotly Figure "
            "object. Run 'help(plotly.graph_objs.Figure)' for more info."
    return iplot(fig, **plot_options)

def plot_mpl(fig, resize=True, strip_style=False, update=None, **plot_options):
    """Replot a matplotlib figure with plotly.

    This function:
    1. converts the mpl figure into JSON (run help(plolty.tools.mpl_to_plotly))
    2. makes a request to Plotly to save this figure in your account
    3. opens your figure in a browser tab OR returns the unique figure url

    Positional agruments:
    fig -- a figure object from matplotlib

    Keyword arguments:
    resize (default=True) -- allow plotly to choose the figure size
    strip_style (default=False) -- allow plotly to choose style options
    update (default=None) -- update the resulting figure with an 'update'
        dictionary-like object resembling a plotly 'Figure' object

    Additional keyword arguments:
    plot_options -- run help(plotly.plotly.plot)

    fig = tools.mpl_to_plotly(fig, resize=resize, strip_style=strip_style)
    if update and isinstance(update, dict):
    elif update is not None:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyGraphObjectError(
            "'update' must be dictionary-like and a valid plotly Figure "
            "object. Run 'help(plotly.graph_objs.Figure)' for more info."
    return plot(fig, **plot_options)

def get_figure(file_owner_or_url, file_id=None, raw=False):
    """Returns a JSON figure representation for the specified file

    Plotly uniquely identifies figures with a 'file_owner'/'file_id' pair.
    Since each file is given a corresponding unique url, you may also simply
    pass a valid plotly url as the first argument.

        fig = get_figure('https://plot.ly/~chris/1638')
        fig = get_figure('chris', 1638)

    Note, if you're using a file_owner string as the first argument, you MUST
    specify a `file_id` keyword argument. Else, if you're using a url string
    as the first argument, you MUST NOT specify a `file_id` keyword argument,
     or file_id must be set to Python's None value.

    Positional arguments:
    file_owner_or_url (string) -- a valid plotly username OR a valid plotly url

    Keyword arguments:
    file_id (default=None) -- an int or string that can be converted to int
                              if you're using a url, don't fill this in!
    raw (default=False) -- if true, return unicode JSON string verbatim**

    **by default, plotly will return a Figure object (run help(plotly
    .graph_objs.Figure)). This representation decodes the keys and values from
    unicode (if possible), removes information irrelevant to the figure
    representation, and converts the JSON dictionary objects to plotly
    `graph objects`.

    plotly_rest_url = get_config()['plotly_domain']
    if file_id is None:  # assume we're using a url
        url = file_owner_or_url
        if url[:len(plotly_rest_url)] != plotly_rest_url:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Because you didn't supply a 'file_id' in the call, "
                "we're assuming you're trying to snag a figure from a url. "
                "You supplied the url, '{0}', we expected it to start with "
                "\nRun help on this function for more information."
                "".format(url, plotly_rest_url))
        head = plotly_rest_url + "/~"
        file_owner = url.replace(head, "").split('/')[0]
        file_id = url.replace(head, "").split('/')[1]
        file_owner = file_owner_or_url
    resource = "/apigetfile/{username}/{file_id}".format(username=file_owner,
    credentials = get_credentials()
    username, api_key = credentials['username'], credentials['api_key']
    headers = {'plotly-username': username,
               'plotly-apikey': api_key,
               'plotly-version': version.__version__,
               'plotly-platform': 'python'}
    except ValueError:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
            "The 'file_id' argument was not able to be converted into an "
            "integer number. Make sure that the positional 'file_id' argument "
            "is a number that can be converted into an integer or a string "
            "that can be converted into an integer."
    if int(file_id) < 0:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
            "The 'file_id' argument must be a non-negative number."
    response = requests.get(plotly_rest_url + resource,
    if response.status_code == 200:
        if six.PY3:
            content = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
            content = json.loads(response.content)
        response_payload = content['payload']
        figure = response_payload['figure']
        if raw:
            return figure
            return tools.get_valid_graph_obj(figure, obj_type='Figure')
            content = json.loads(response.content)
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(content)
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "There was an error retrieving this file")

class Stream:
    Interface to Plotly's real-time graphing API.

    Initialize a Stream object with a stream_id
    found in {plotly_domain}/settings.
    Real-time graphs are initialized with a call to `plot` that embeds
    your unique `stream_id`s in each of the graph's traces. The `Stream`
    interface plots data to these traces, as identified with the unique
    stream_id, in real-time.
    Every viewer of the graph sees the same data at the same time.

    View examples and tutorials here:

    Stream example:
    # Initialize a streaming graph
    # by embedding stream_id's in the graph's traces
    import plotly.plotly as py
    from plotly.graph_objs import Data, Scatter, Stream
    stream_id = "your_stream_id" # See {plotly_domain}/settings
    py.plot(Data([Scatter(x=[], y=[],
                          stream=Stream(token=stream_id, maxpoints=100))]))
    # Stream data to the import trace
    stream = Stream(stream_id) # Initialize a stream object
    stream.open() # Open the stream
    stream.write(dict(x=1, y=1)) # Plot (1, 1) in your graph


    HTTP_PORT = 80
    HTTPS_PORT = 443

    def __init__(self, stream_id):
        Initialize a Stream object with your unique stream_id.
        Find your stream_id at {plotly_domain}/settings.

        For more help, see: `help(plotly.plotly.Stream)`
        or see examples and tutorials here:

        self.stream_id = stream_id
        self.connected = False
        self._stream = None

    def get_streaming_specs(self):
        Returns the streaming server, port, ssl_enabled flag, and headers.

        streaming_url = get_config()['plotly_streaming_domain']
        ssl_verification_enabled = get_config()['plotly_ssl_verification']
        ssl_enabled = 'https' in streaming_url
        port = self.HTTPS_PORT if ssl_enabled else self.HTTP_PORT

        # If no scheme (https/https) is included in the streaming_url, the
        # host will be None. Use streaming_url in this case.
        host = (six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(streaming_url).hostname or

        headers = {'Host': host, 'plotly-streamtoken': self.stream_id}
        streaming_specs = {
            'server': host,
            'port': port,
            'ssl_enabled': ssl_enabled,
            'ssl_verification_enabled': ssl_verification_enabled,
            'headers': headers

        return streaming_specs

    def heartbeat(self, reconnect_on=(200, '', 408)):
        Keep stream alive. Streams will close after ~1 min of inactivity.

        If the interval between stream writes is > 30 seconds, you should
        consider adding a heartbeat between your stream.write() calls like so:
        >>> stream.heartbeat()

            self._stream.write('\n', reconnect_on=reconnect_on)
        except AttributeError:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Stream has not been opened yet, "
                "cannot write to a closed connection. "
                "Call `open()` on the stream to open the stream."

    def open(self):
        Open streaming connection to plotly.

        For more help, see: `help(plotly.plotly.Stream)`
        or see examples and tutorials here:

        streaming_specs = self.get_streaming_specs()
        self._stream = chunked_requests.Stream(**streaming_specs)

    def write(self, trace, layout=None, validate=True,
              reconnect_on=(200, '', 408)):
        Write to an open stream.

        Once you've instantiated a 'Stream' object with a 'stream_id',
        you can 'write' to it in real time.

        positional arguments:
        trace - A valid plotly trace object (e.g., Scatter, Heatmap, etc.).
                Not all keys in these are `stremable` run help(Obj) on the type
                of trace your trying to stream, for each valid key, if the key
                is streamable, it will say 'streamable = True'. Trace objects
                must be dictionary-like.

        keyword arguments:
        layout (default=None) - A valid Layout object
                                Run help(plotly.graph_objs.Layout)
        validate (default = True) - Validate this stream before sending?
                                    This will catch local errors if set to

        Some valid keys for trace dictionaries:
            'x', 'y', 'text', 'z', 'marker', 'line'

        >>> write(dict(x=1, y=2))  # assumes 'scatter' type
        >>> write(Bar(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[10, 20, 30]))
        >>> write(Scatter(x=1, y=2, text='scatter text'))
        >>> write(Scatter(x=1, y=3, marker=Marker(color='blue')))
        >>> write(Heatmap(z=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]))

        The connection to plotly's servers is checked before writing
        and reconnected if disconnected and if the response status code
        is in `reconnect_on`.

        For more help, see: `help(plotly.plotly.Stream)`
        or see examples and tutorials here:

        stream_object = dict()
        if 'type' not in stream_object:
            stream_object['type'] = 'scatter'
        if validate:
                tools.validate(stream_object, stream_object['type'])
            except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "Part of the data object with type, '{0}', is invalid. "
                    "This will default to 'scatter' if you do not supply a "
                    "'type'. If you do not want to validate your data objects "
                    "when streaming, you can set 'validate=False' in the call "
                    "to 'your_stream.write()'. Here's why the object is "
                    "invalid:\n\n{1}".format(stream_object['type'], err)
            if layout is not None:
                    tools.validate(layout, 'Layout')
                except exceptions.PlotlyError as err:
                    raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                        "Your layout kwarg was invalid. "
                        "Here's why:\n\n{0}".format(err)
        del stream_object['type']

        if layout is not None:

        # TODO: allow string version of this?
        jdata = json.dumps(stream_object, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder)
        jdata += "\n"

            self._stream.write(jdata, reconnect_on=reconnect_on)
        except AttributeError:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Stream has not been opened yet, "
                "cannot write to a closed connection. "
                "Call `open()` on the stream to open the stream.")

    def close(self):
        Close the stream connection to plotly's streaming servers.

        For more help, see: `help(plotly.plotly.Stream)`
        or see examples and tutorials here:

        except AttributeError:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError("Stream has not been opened yet.")

class image:
    Helper functions wrapped around plotly's static image generation api.

    def get(figure_or_data, format='png', width=None, height=None, scale=None):
        """Return a static image of the plot described by `figure_or_data`.

        positional arguments:
        - figure_or_data: The figure dict-like or data list-like object that
                          describes a plotly figure.
                          Same argument used in `py.plot`, `py.iplot`,
                          see https://plot.ly/python for examples
        - format: 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'pdf'
        - width: output width
        - height: output height
        - scale: Increase the resolution of the image by `scale`
                 amount (e.g. `3`)
                 Only valid for PNG and JPEG images.

        import plotly.plotly as py
        fig = {'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [3, 1, 5], 'type': 'bar'}]}
        py.image.get(fig, 'png', scale=3)

        # TODO: format is a built-in name... we shouldn't really use it
        if isinstance(figure_or_data, dict):
            figure = figure_or_data
        elif isinstance(figure_or_data, list):
            figure = {'data': figure_or_data}
            raise exceptions.PlotlyEmptyDataError(
                "`figure_or_data` must be a dict or a list."

        if format not in ['png', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'pdf']:
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Invalid format. This version of your Plotly-Python "
                "package currently only supports png, svg, jpeg, and pdf. "
                "Learn more about image exporting, and the currently "
                "supported file types here: "
        if scale is not None:
                scale = float(scale)
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "Invalid scale parameter. Scale must be a number."

        headers = _api_v2.headers()
        headers['plotly_version'] = version.__version__
        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'

        payload = {'figure': figure, 'format': format}
        if width is not None:
            payload['width'] = width
        if height is not None:
            payload['height'] = height
        if scale is not None:
            payload['scale'] = scale
        url = _api_v2.api_url('images/')

        res = requests.post(
            url, data=json.dumps(payload, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder),
            headers=headers, verify=get_config()['plotly_ssl_verification'],

        headers = res.headers

        if res.status_code == 200:
            if ('content-type' in headers and
                headers['content-type'] in ['image/png', 'image/jpeg',
                return res.content

            elif ('content-type' in headers and
                  'json' in headers['content-type']):
                return_data = json.loads(res.content)
                return return_data['image']
                if ('content-type' in headers and
                        'json' in headers['content-type']):
                    return_data = json.loads(res.content)
                    return_data = {'error': res.content}
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError("The response "
                                             "from plotly could "
                                             "not be translated.")
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(return_data['error'])

    def ishow(cls, figure_or_data, format='png', width=None, height=None,
        """Display a static image of the plot described by `figure_or_data`
        in an IPython Notebook.

        positional arguments:
        - figure_or_data: The figure dict-like or data list-like object that
                          describes a plotly figure.
                          Same argument used in `py.plot`, `py.iplot`,
                          see https://plot.ly/python for examples
        - format: 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'pdf'
        - width: output width
        - height: output height
        - scale: Increase the resolution of the image by `scale` amount
               Only valid for PNG and JPEG images.

        import plotly.plotly as py
        fig = {'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [3, 1, 5], 'type': 'bar'}]}
        py.image.ishow(fig, 'png', scale=3)
        if format == 'pdf':
            raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                "Aw, snap! "
                "It's not currently possible to embed a pdf into "
                "an IPython notebook. You can save the pdf "
                "with the `image.save_as` or you can "
                "embed an png, jpeg, or svg.")
        img = cls.get(figure_or_data, format, width, height, scale)
        from IPython.display import display, Image, SVG
        if format == 'svg':

    def save_as(cls, figure_or_data, filename, format=None, width=None,
                height=None, scale=None):
        """Save a image of the plot described by `figure_or_data` locally as

        Valid image formats are 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'pdf'.
        The format is taken as the extension of the filename or as the
        supplied format.

        positional arguments:
        - figure_or_data: The figure dict-like or data list-like object that
                          describes a plotly figure.
                          Same argument used in `py.plot`, `py.iplot`,
                          see https://plot.ly/python for examples
        - filename: The filepath to save the image to
        - format: 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'pdf'
        - width: output width
        - height: output height
        - scale: Increase the resolution of the image by `scale` amount
               Only valid for PNG and JPEG images.

        import plotly.plotly as py
        fig = {'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [3, 1, 5], 'type': 'bar'}]}
        py.image.save_as(fig, 'my_image.png', scale=3)
        # todo: format shadows built-in name
        (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if not ext and not format:
            filename += '.png'
        elif ext and not format:
            format = ext[1:]
        elif not ext and format:
            filename += '.' + format

        img = cls.get(figure_or_data, format, width, height, scale)

        f = open(filename, 'wb')

class file_ops:
    Interface to Plotly's File System API


    def mkdirs(cls, folder_path):
        Create folder(s) specified by folder_path in your Plotly account.

        If the intermediate directories do not exist,
        they will be created. If they already exist,
        no error will be thrown.

        Mimics the shell's mkdir -p.

        - 200 if folders already existed, nothing was created
        - 201 if path was created
        -  exceptions.PlotlyRequestError with status code
           400 if the path already exists.

        >> mkdirs('new folder')
        >> mkdirs('existing folder/new folder')
        >> mkdirs('new/folder/path')

        # trim trailing slash TODO: necessesary?
        if folder_path[-1] == '/':
            folder_path = folder_path[0:-1]

        payload = {
            'path': folder_path

        url = _api_v2.api_url('folders')

        res = requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=_api_v2.headers(),


        return res.status_code

class grid_ops:
    Interface to Plotly's Grid API.
    Plotly Grids are Plotly's tabular data object, rendered
    in an online spreadsheet. Plotly graphs can be made from
    references of columns of Plotly grid objects. Free-form
    JSON Metadata can be saved with Plotly grids.

    To create a Plotly grid in your Plotly account from Python,
    see `grid_ops.upload`.

    To add rows or columns to an existing Plotly grid, see
    `grid_ops.append_rows` and `grid_ops.append_columns`

    To delete one of your grid objects, see `grid_ops.delete`.

    def _fill_in_response_column_ids(cls, request_columns,
                                     response_columns, grid_id):
        for req_col in request_columns:
            for resp_col in response_columns:
                if resp_col['name'] == req_col.name:
                    req_col.id = '{0}/{1}'.format(grid_id, resp_col['uid'])

    def upload(cls, grid, filename,
               world_readable=True, auto_open=True, meta=None):
        Upload a grid to your Plotly account with the specified filename.

        Positional arguments:
            - grid: A plotly.grid_objs.Grid object,
                    call `help(plotly.grid_ops.Grid)` for more info.
            - filename: Name of the grid to be saved in your Plotly account.
                        To save a grid in a folder in your Plotly account,
                        separate specify a filename with folders and filename
                        separated by backslashes (`/`).
                        If a grid, plot, or folder already exists with the same
                        filename, a `plotly.exceptions.RequestError` will be
                        thrown with status_code 409

        Optional keyword arguments:
            - world_readable (default=True): make this grid publically (True)
                                             or privately (False) viewable.
            - auto_open (default=True): Automatically open this grid in
                                        the browser (True)
            - meta (default=None): Optional Metadata to associate with
                                   this grid.
                                   Metadata is any arbitrary
                                   JSON-encodable object, for example:
                                   `{"experiment name": "GaAs"}`

        Filenames must be unique. To overwrite a grid with the same filename,
        you'll first have to delete the grid with the blocking name. See

        Usage example 1: Upload a plotly grid
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid, Column
        import plotly.plotly as py
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        column_2 = Column([4, 2, 5], 'voltage')
        grid = Grid([column_1, column_2])
        py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'time vs voltage')

        Usage example 2: Make a graph based with data that is sourced
                         from a newly uploaded Plotly grid
        import plotly.plotly as py
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid, Column
        from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter
        # Upload a grid
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        column_2 = Column([4, 2, 5], 'voltage')
        grid = Grid([column_1, column_2])
        py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'time vs voltage')

        # Build a Plotly graph object sourced from the
        # grid's columns
        trace = Scatter(xsrc=grid[0], ysrc=grid[1])
        py.plot([trace], filename='graph from grid')

        # Make a folder path
        if filename[-1] == '/':
            filename = filename[0:-1]

        paths = filename.split('/')
        parent_path = '/'.join(paths[0:-1])
        filename = paths[-1]

        if parent_path != '':

        # transmorgify grid object into plotly's format
        grid_json = grid._to_plotly_grid_json()
        if meta is not None:
            grid_json['metadata'] = meta

        payload = {
            'filename': filename,
            'data': json.dumps(grid_json, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder),
            'world_readable': world_readable

        if parent_path != '':
            payload['parent_path'] = parent_path

        upload_url = _api_v2.api_url('grids')
        req = requests.post(upload_url, data=payload,

        res = _api_v2.response_handler(req)

        response_columns = res['file']['cols']
        grid_id = res['file']['fid']
        grid_url = res['file']['web_url']

        # mutate the grid columns with the id's returned from the server
        cls._fill_in_response_column_ids(grid, response_columns, grid_id)

        grid.id = grid_id

        if meta is not None:
            meta_ops.upload(meta, grid=grid)

        if auto_open:

        return grid_url

    def append_columns(cls, columns, grid=None, grid_url=None):
        Append columns to a Plotly grid.

        `columns` is an iterable of plotly.grid_objs.Column objects
        and only one of `grid` and `grid_url` needs to specified.

        `grid` is a ploty.grid_objs.Grid object that has already been
        uploaded to plotly with the grid_ops.upload method.

        `grid_url` is a unique URL of a `grid` in your plotly account.

        Usage example 1: Upload a grid to Plotly, and then append a column
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid, Column
        import plotly.plotly as py
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        grid = Grid([column_1])
        py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'time vs voltage')

        # append a column to the grid
        column_2 = Column([4, 2, 5], 'voltage')
        py.grid_ops.append_columns([column_2], grid=grid)

        Usage example 2: Append a column to a grid that already exists on
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid, Column
        import plotly.plotly as py

        grid_url = 'https://plot.ly/~chris/3143'
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        py.grid_ops.append_columns([column_1], grid_url=grid_url)

        grid_id = _api_v2.parse_grid_id_args(grid, grid_url)

        # Verify unique column names
        column_names = [c.name for c in columns]
        if grid:
            existing_column_names = [c.name for c in grid]
        duplicate_name = utils.get_first_duplicate(column_names)
        if duplicate_name:
            err = exceptions.NON_UNIQUE_COLUMN_MESSAGE.format(duplicate_name)
            raise exceptions.InputError(err)

        payload = {
            'cols': json.dumps(columns, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder)

        api_url = (_api_v2.api_url('grids') +
        res = requests.post(api_url, data=payload, headers=_api_v2.headers(),
        res = _api_v2.response_handler(res)

        cls._fill_in_response_column_ids(columns, res['cols'], grid_id)

        if grid:

    def append_rows(cls, rows, grid=None, grid_url=None):
        Append rows to a Plotly grid.

        `rows` is an iterable of rows, where each row is a
        list of numbers, strings, or dates. The number of items
        in each row must be equal to the number of columns
        in the grid. If appending rows to a grid with columns of
        unequal length, Plotly will fill the columns with shorter
        length with empty strings.

        Only one of `grid` and `grid_url` needs to specified.

        `grid` is a ploty.grid_objs.Grid object that has already been
        uploaded to plotly with the grid_ops.upload method.

        `grid_url` is a unique URL of a `grid` in your plotly account.

        Usage example 1: Upload a grid to Plotly, and then append rows
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid, Column
        import plotly.plotly as py
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        column_2 = Column([5, 2, 7], 'voltage')
        grid = Grid([column_1, column_2])
        py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'time vs voltage')

        # append a row to the grid
        row = [1, 5]
        py.grid_ops.append_rows([row], grid=grid)

        Usage example 2: Append a row to a grid that already exists on Plotly
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid
        import plotly.plotly as py

        grid_url = 'https://plot.ly/~chris/3143'

        row = [1, 5]
        py.grid_ops.append_rows([row], grid=grid_url)

        grid_id = _api_v2.parse_grid_id_args(grid, grid_url)

        if grid:
            n_columns = len([column for column in grid])
            for row_i, row in enumerate(rows):
                if len(row) != n_columns:
                    raise exceptions.InputError(
                        "The number of entries in "
                        "each row needs to equal the number of columns in "
                        "the grid. Row {0} has {1} {2} but your "
                        "grid has {3} {4}. "
                        .format(row_i, len(row),
                                'entry' if len(row) == 1 else 'entries',
                                'column' if n_columns == 1 else 'columns'))

        payload = {
            'rows': json.dumps(rows, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder)

        api_url = (_api_v2.api_url('grids') +
        res = requests.post(api_url, data=payload, headers=_api_v2.headers(),

        if grid:
            longest_column_length = max([len(col.data) for col in grid])

            for column in grid:
                n_empty_rows = longest_column_length - len(column.data)
                empty_string_rows = ['' for _ in range(n_empty_rows)]

            column_extensions = zip(*rows)
            for local_column, column_extension in zip(grid, column_extensions):

    def delete(cls, grid=None, grid_url=None):
        Delete a grid from your Plotly account.

        Only one of `grid` or `grid_url` needs to be specified.

        `grid` is a plotly.grid_objs.Grid object that has already
               been uploaded to Plotly.

        `grid_url` is the URL of the Plotly grid to delete

        Usage example 1: Upload a grid to plotly, then delete it
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid, Column
        import plotly.plotly as py
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        column_2 = Column([4, 2, 5], 'voltage')
        grid = Grid([column_1, column_2])
        py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'time vs voltage')

        # now delete it, and free up that filename

        Usage example 2: Delete a plotly grid by url
        import plotly.plotly as py

        grid_url = 'https://plot.ly/~chris/3'

        grid_id = _api_v2.parse_grid_id_args(grid, grid_url)
        api_url = _api_v2.api_url('grids') + '/' + grid_id
        res = requests.delete(api_url, headers=_api_v2.headers(),

class meta_ops:
    Interface to Plotly's Metadata API.

    In Plotly, Metadata is arbitrary, free-form JSON data that is
    associated with Plotly grids. Metadata is viewable with any grid
    that is shared and grids are searchable by key value pairs in
    the Metadata. Metadata is any JSON-encodable object.

    To upload Metadata, either use the optional keyword argument `meta`
    in the `py.grid_ops.upload` method, or use `py.meta_ops.upload`.


    def upload(cls, meta, grid=None, grid_url=None):
        Upload Metadata to a Plotly grid.

        Metadata is any JSON-encodable object. For example,
        a dictionary, string, or list.

        Only one of `grid` or `grid_url` needs to be specified.

        `grid` is a plotly.grid_objs.Grid object that has already
               been uploaded to Plotly.

        `grid_url` is the URL of the Plotly grid to attach Metadata to.

        Usage example 1: Upload a grid to Plotly, then attach Metadata to it
        from plotly.grid_objs import Grid, Column
        import plotly.plotly as py
        column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'time')
        column_2 = Column([4, 2, 5], 'voltage')
        grid = Grid([column_1, column_2])
        py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'time vs voltage')

        # now attach Metadata to the grid
        meta = {'experment': 'GaAs'}
        py.meta_ops.upload(meta, grid=grid)

        Usage example 2: Upload Metadata to an existing Plotly grid
        import plotly.plotly as py

        grid_url = 'https://plot.ly/~chris/3143'

        meta = {'experment': 'GaAs'}

        py.meta_ops.upload(meta, grid_url=grid_Url)

        grid_id = _api_v2.parse_grid_id_args(grid, grid_url)

        payload = {
            'metadata': json.dumps(meta, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder)

        api_url = _api_v2.api_url('grids') + '/{grid_id}'.format(grid_id=grid_id)

        res = requests.patch(api_url, data=payload, headers=_api_v2.headers(),

        return _api_v2.response_handler(res)

class _api_v2:
    Request and response helper class for communicating with Plotly's v2 API

    def parse_grid_id_args(cls, grid, grid_url):
        Return the grid_id from the non-None input argument.

        Raise an error if more than one argument was supplied.

        if grid is not None:
            id_from_grid = grid.id
            id_from_grid = None
        args = [id_from_grid, grid_url]
        arg_names = ('grid', 'grid_url')

        supplied_arg_names = [arg_name for arg_name, arg
                              in zip(arg_names, args) if arg is not None]

        if not supplied_arg_names:
            raise exceptions.InputError(
                "One of the two keyword arguments is required:\n"
                "    `grid` or `grid_url`\n\n"
                "grid: a plotly.graph_objs.Grid object that has already\n"
                "    been uploaded to Plotly.\n\n"
                "grid_url: the url where the grid can be accessed on\n"
                "    Plotly, e.g. 'https://plot.ly/~chris/3043'\n\n"
        elif len(supplied_arg_names) > 1:
            raise exceptions.InputError(
                "Only one of `grid` or `grid_url` is required. \n"
                "You supplied both. \n"
            supplied_arg_name = supplied_arg_names.pop()
            if supplied_arg_name == 'grid_url':
                path = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(grid_url).path
                file_owner, file_id = path.replace("/~", "").split('/')[0:2]
                return '{0}:{1}'.format(file_owner, file_id)
                return grid.id

    def response_handler(cls, response):
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as requests_exception:
            if (response.status_code == 404 and
                    != tools.get_config_defaults()['plotly_api_domain']):
                raise exceptions.PlotlyError(
                    "This endpoint is unavailable at {url}. If you are using "
                    "Plotly Enterprise, you may need to upgrade your Plotly "
                    "Enterprise server to request against this endpoint or "
                    "this endpoint may not be available yet.\nQuestions? "
                    "support@plot.ly or your plotly administrator."
                raise requests_exception

        if ('content-type' in response.headers and
                'json' in response.headers['content-type'] and
                len(response.content) > 0):

            response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf8'))

            if 'warnings' in response_dict and len(response_dict['warnings']):

            return response_dict

    def api_url(cls, resource):
        return ('{0}/v2/{1}'.format(get_config()['plotly_api_domain'],

    def headers(cls):
        credentials = get_credentials()

        # todo, validate here?
        username, api_key = credentials['username'], credentials['api_key']
        encoded_api_auth = base64.b64encode(six.b('{0}:{1}'.format(
            username, api_key))).decode('utf8')

        headers = {
            'plotly-client-platform': 'python {0}'.format(version.__version__)

        if get_config()['plotly_proxy_authorization']:
            proxy_username = credentials['proxy_username']
            proxy_password = credentials['proxy_password']
            encoded_proxy_auth = base64.b64encode(six.b('{0}:{1}'.format(
                proxy_username, proxy_password))).decode('utf8')
            headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + encoded_proxy_auth
            headers['plotly-authorization'] = 'Basic ' + encoded_api_auth
            headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + encoded_api_auth

        return headers

def validate_credentials(credentials):
    Currently only checks for truthy username and api_key

    username = credentials.get('username')
    api_key = credentials.get('api_key')
    if not username or not api_key:
        raise exceptions.PlotlyLocalCredentialsError()

def add_share_key_to_url(plot_url, attempt=0):
    Update plot's url to include the secret key

    urlsplit = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(plot_url)
    file_owner = urlsplit.path.split('/')[1].split('~')[1]
    file_id = urlsplit.path.split('/')[2]

    url = _api_v2.api_url("files/") + file_owner + ":" + file_id
    new_response = requests.patch(url,


    # decode bytes for python 3.3: https://bugs.python.org/issue10976
    str_content = new_response.content.decode('utf-8')

    new_response_data = json.loads(str_content)

    plot_url += '?share_key=' + new_response_data['share_key']

    # sometimes a share key is added, but access is still denied
    # check for access, and retry a couple of times if this is the case
    # https://github.com/plotly/streambed/issues/4089
    embed_url = plot_url.split('?')[0] + '.embed' + plot_url.split('?')[1]
    access_res = requests.get(embed_url)
    if access_res.status_code == 404:
        attempt += 1
        if attempt == 5:
            return plot_url
        plot_url = add_share_key_to_url(plot_url.split('?')[0], attempt)

    return plot_url

def _send_to_plotly(figure, **plot_options):

    fig = tools._replace_newline(figure)  # does not mutate figure
    data = json.dumps(fig['data'] if 'data' in fig else [],
    credentials = get_credentials()
    username = credentials['username']
    api_key = credentials['api_key']
    kwargs = json.dumps(dict(filename=plot_options['filename'],
                             layout=fig['layout'] if 'layout' in fig
                             else {}),

    # TODO: It'd be cool to expose the platform for RaspPi and others
    payload = dict(platform='python',

    url = get_config()['plotly_domain'] + "/clientresp"

    r = requests.post(url, data=payload,
    r = json.loads(r.text)

    if 'error' in r and r['error'] != '':
        raise exceptions.PlotlyError(r['error'])

    # Check if the url needs a secret key
    if (plot_options['sharing'] == 'secret' and
            'share_key=' not in r['url']):

        # add_share_key_to_url updates the url to include the share_key
        r['url'] = add_share_key_to_url(r['url'])

    if 'error' in r and r['error'] != '':
    if 'warning' in r and r['warning'] != '':
    if 'message' in r and r['message'] != '':

    return r

def _open_url(url):
        from webbrowser import open as wbopen
    except:  # TODO: what should we except here? this is dangerous