Time value of money models


The functions in this module are used for certain compound interest calculations
for a cashflow under the following restrictions:

* Payment periods coincide with the compounding periods.
* Payments occur at regular intervals.
* Payments are a constant amount.
* Interest rate is the same over all analysis period.

For convenience of the user, this module implements the following simplified

* ``pvfv``: computes the missing value in the equation
  ``fval = pval * (1 + rate) ** nper``, that represents the following

.. image:: ./images/pvfv.png
    :width: 350px
    :align: center

* ``pvpmt``: computes the missing value (`pmt`, `pval`, `nper`, `nrate`) in a
  model relating a present value and
  a finite sequence of payments made at the end of the period (payments
  in arrears, or ordinary annuities), as indicated in the following cashflow

.. image:: ./images/pvpmt.png
    :width: 350px
    :align: center

* ``pmtfv``: computes the missing value (`pmt`, `fval`, `nper`, `nrate`) in a
  model relating a finite sequence  of payments in advance (annuities due)
  and a future value, as indicated in the following diagram:

.. image:: ./images/pmtfv.png
    :width: 350px
    :align: center

* ``tvmm``: computes the missing value (`pmt`, `fval`, `pval, `nper`, `nrate`)
  in a model relating a finite sequence  of payments made at the beginning or at
  the end of the period, a present value, a future value, and an interest rate,
  as indicated in the following diagram:

.. image:: ./images/tvmm.png
    :width: 650px
    :align: center

In addition, the function ``amortize`` computes and returns the amortization
schedule of a loan.

Functions in this module


import numpy
from cashflows.common import _vars2list

def tvmm(pval=None, fval=None, pmt=None, nrate=None, nper=None, due=0, pyr=1, noprint=True):
    """Computes the missing argument (set to ``None``) in a model relating the
    present value, the future value, the periodic payment, the number of
    compounding periods and the nominal interest rate in a cashflow.

        pval (float, list): Present value.
        fval (float, list): Future value.
        pmt (float, list): Periodic payment.
        nrate (float, list): Nominal interest rate per year.
        nper (int, list): Number of compounding periods.
        due (int): When payments are due.
        pyr (int, list): number of periods per year.
        noprint (bool): prints enhanced output

        Argument set to None in the function call.


    The ``tvmmm`` function computes and returns the missing value (``pmt``, ``fval``,
    ``pval``, ``nper``, ``nrate``) in a model relating a finite sequence  of payments
    made at the beginning or at the end of each period, a present value, a future value,
    and a nominal interest rate. The time intervals between consecutive payments are
    assumed to be equal. For internal computations, the effective interest rate per
    period is calculated as ``nrate / pyr``.


    This example shows how to find different values for a loan of 5000, with a
    monthly payment of 130 at the end of the month, a life of 48 periods, and a
    interest rate of 0.94 per month (equivalent to a nominal interest
    rate of 11.32%). For a loan, the future value is 0.

    * Monthly payments: Note that the parameter ``pmt`` is set to ``None``.

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    When the parameter ``noprint`` is set to ``False``, a user friendly table with
    the data computed by the function is print.

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Present Value: .......  5000.00
    Future Value: ........     0.00
    Payment: .............  -130.01
    Due: .................      END
    No. of Periods: ......    48.00
    Compoundings per Year:    12
    Nominal Rate: .......     11.32
    Effective Rate: .....     11.93
    Periodic Rate: ......      0.94

    * Future value:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval=None, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    * Present value:

    >>> tvmm(nrate=11.32, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval = 0.0, pval=None, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    All the arguments support lists as inputs. When a argument is a list and the
    ``noprint`` is set to ``False``, a table with the data is print.

    >>> tvmm(pval=[5, 500, 5], nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    #   pval   fval    pmt   nper  nrate  erate  prate due
    0   5.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END
    1 500.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END
    2   5.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END

    * Interest rate:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval = 0.0, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    * Number of periods:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32/12, pmt=pmt, fval=0.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS


    #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    #pylint: disable=too-many-branches

    numnone = 0
    numnone += 1 if pval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if fval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nper is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if pmt is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nrate is None else 0

    if numnone > 1:
        raise ValueError('One of the params must be set to None')

    if numnone == 0:
        pmt = None

    if pmt == 0.0:
        pmt = 0.0000001

    nrate = numpy.array(nrate)

    if pval is None:
        result = numpy.pv(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif fval is None:
        result = numpy.fv(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, pv=pval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif nper is None:
        result = numpy.nper(rate=nrate/100/pyr, pv=pval, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif pmt is None:
        result = numpy.pmt(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, pv=pval, fv=fval, when=due)
        result = numpy.rate(pv=pval, nper=nper, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due) * 100 * pyr

    if noprint is True:
        if isinstance(result, numpy.ndarray):
            return result.tolist()
        return result

    nrate = nrate.tolist()

    if pval is None:
        pval = result
    elif fval is None:
        fval = result
    elif nper is None:
        nper = result
    elif pmt is None:
        pmt = result
        nrate = result

    params = _vars2list([pval, fval, nper, pmt, nrate])
    pval = params[0]
    fval = params[1]
    nper = params[2]
    pmt = params[3]
    nrate = params[4]

    # raise ValueError(nrate.__repr__())

    erate, prate = iconv(nrate=nrate, pyr=pyr)

    if len(pval) == 1:
        if pval is not None:
            print('Present Value: ....... {:8.2f}'.format(pval[0]))
        if fval is not None:
            print('Future Value: ........ {:8.2f}'.format(fval[0]))
        if pmt is not None:
            print('Payment: ............. {:8.2f}'.format(pmt[0]))
        if due is not None:
            print('Due: .................      {:s}'.format('END' if due == 0 else 'BEG'))
        print('No. of Periods: ...... {:8.2f}'.format(nper[0]))
        print('Compoundings per Year: {:>5d}'.format(pyr))
        print('Nominal Rate: .......  {:8.2f}'.format(nrate[0]))
        print('Effective Rate: .....  {:8.2f}'.format(erate))
        print('Periodic Rate: ......  {:8.2f}'.format(prate))

        if due == 0:
            sdue = 'END'
            txtpmt = []
            for item, _ in enumerate(pval):
            sdue = 'BEG'
            txtpmt = []
            for item, _ in enumerate(pval):

        maxlen = 5
        for value1, value2, value3, value4 in zip(pval, fval, txtpmt, nper):
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value1)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value2)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value3)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value4)))

        len_aux = len('{:d}'.format(len(pval)))

        fmt_num = ' {:' + '{:d}'.format(maxlen) + '.2f}'
        fmt_num = '{:<' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) +  'd}' + fmt_num * 7 + ' {:3s}'
        # fmt_shr = '{:' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) + 's}'
        fmt_hdr = ' {:>' + '{:d}'.format(maxlen) + 's}'
        fmt_hdr = '{:' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) + 's}' + fmt_hdr * 7 + ' due'

        txt = fmt_hdr.format('#', 'pval', 'fval', 'pmt', 'nper', 'nrate', 'erate', 'prate')
        print('-' * len_aux + '-' * maxlen * 7 + '-' * 7 + '----')
        for item, _ in enumerate(pval):

def pvfv(pval=None, fval=None, nrate=None, nper=None, pyr=1, noprint=True):
    """Computes the missing argument (set to ``None``) in a model relating the
    present value, the future value, the number of compoundig periods
    and the nominal interest rate in a cashflow.

        pval (float, list): Present value.
        fval (float, list): Future value.
        nrate (float, list): Nominal interest rate per year.
        nper (int, list): Number of compounding periods.
        pyr (int, list): number of periods per year.
        noprint (bool): prints enhanced output

        The value of the parameter set to ``None`` in the function call.


    The ``pvfv`` function computes and returns the missing value (``fval``,
    ``pval``, ``nper``, ``nrate``) in a model relating these variables.
    The time intervals between consecutive payments are
    assumed to be equial. For internal computations, the effective interest rate per
    period is calculated as ``nrate / pyr``.

    This function is used to simplify the call to the ``tvmm`` function.
    See the ``tvmm`` function for details.

    return tvmm(pval=pval, fval=fval, pmt=0, nrate=nrate, nper=nper, due=0, pyr=pyr, noprint=noprint)

def pmtfv(pmt=None, fval=None, nrate=None, nper=None, pyr=1, noprint=True):
    """Computes the missing argument (set to ``None``) in a model relating the
    the future value, the periodic payment, the number of
    compounding periods and the nominal interest rate in a cashflow.

        pmt (float, list): Periodic payment.
        fval (float, list): Future value.
        nrate (float, list): Nominal rate per year.
        nper (int, list): Number of compounding periods.
        pyr (int, list): number of periods per year.
        noprint (bool): prints enhanced output

        The value of the parameter set to None in the function call.


    The ``pmtfv`` function computes and returns the missing value (``pmt``, ``fval``,
    ``nper``, ``nrate``) in a model relating a finite sequence  of payments
    made at the beginning or at the end of each period, a future value,
    and a nominal interest rate. The time intervals between consecutive payments are
    assumed to be equial. For internal computations, the effective interest rate per
    period is calculated as ``nrate / pyr``.

    This function is used to simplify the call to the ``tvmm`` function.
    See the ``tvmm`` function for details.

    return tvmm(pval=0, fval=fval, pmt=pmt, nrate=nrate, nper=nper, due=1, pyr=pyr, noprint=noprint)

def pvpmt(pmt=None, pval=None, nrate=None, nper=None, pyr=1, noprint=True):
    """Computes the missing argument (set to ``None``) in a model relating the
    present value, the periodic payment, the number of
    compounding periods and the nominal interest rate in a cashflow.

        pmt (float, list): Periodic payment.
        pval (float, list): Present value.
        nrate (float, list): Nominal interest rate per year.
        nper (int, list): Number of compounding periods.
        pyr (int, list): number of periods per year.
        noprint (bool): prints enhanced output

        The value of the parameter set to None in the function call.


    The ``pvpmt`` function computes and returns the missing value (``pmt``,
    ``pval``, ``nper``, ``nrate``) in a model relating a finite sequence  of payments
    made at the beginning or at the end of each period, a present value,
    and a nominal interest rate. The time intervals between consecutive payments are
    assumed to be equial. For internal computations, the effective interest rate per
    period is calculated as ``nrate / pyr``.

    This function is used to simplify the call to the ``tvmm`` function.
    See the ``tvmm`` function for details.

    return tvmm(pval=pval, fval=0, pmt=pmt, nrate=nrate, nper=nper, due=0, pyr=pyr, noprint=noprint)

def amortize(pval=None, fval=None, pmt=None, nrate=None, nper=None, due=0, pyr=1, noprint=True):
    """Amortization schedule of a loan.

        pval (float): present value.
        fval (float): Future value.
        pmt (float): periodic payment per period.
        nrate (float): nominal interest rate per year.
        nper (int): total number of compounding periods.
        due (int): When payments are due.
        pyr (int, list): number of periods per year.
        noprint (bool): prints enhanced output

        A tuple: (principal, interest, payment, balance)


    The ``amortize`` function computes and returns the columns of a amortization
    schedule of a loan. The function returns the interest payment, the
    principal repayment, the periodic payment and the balance at the
    end of each period.


    The amortization schedule for a loan of 100, at a interest rate of 10%,
    and a life of 5 periods, can be computed as:

    >>> pmt = tvmm(pval=100, nrate=10, nper=5, fval=0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> amortize(pval=100, nrate=10, nper=5, fval=0, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    t      Beginning     Periodic     Interest    Principal        Final
           Principal      Payment      Payment    Repayment    Principal
              Amount       Amount                                 Amount
    0         100.00         0.00         0.00         0.00       100.00
    1         100.00       -26.38        10.00       -16.38        83.62
    2          83.62       -26.38         8.36       -18.02        65.60
    3          65.60       -26.38         6.56       -19.82        45.78
    4          45.78       -26.38         4.58       -21.80        23.98
    5          23.98       -26.38         2.40       -23.98         0.00

    >>> amortize(pval=-100, nrate=10, nper=5, fval=0, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    t      Beginning     Periodic     Interest    Principal        Final
           Principal      Payment      Payment    Repayment    Principal
              Amount       Amount                                 Amount
    0        -100.00         0.00         0.00         0.00      -100.00
    1        -100.00        26.38       -10.00        16.38       -83.62
    2         -83.62        26.38        -8.36        18.02       -65.60
    3         -65.60        26.38        -6.56        19.82       -45.78
    4         -45.78        26.38        -4.58        21.80       -23.98
    5         -23.98        26.38        -2.40        23.98        -0.00

    In the next example, the argument ``due`` is used to indicate that the
    periodic payment occurs at the begining of period.

    >>> amortize(pval=100, nrate=10, nper=5, fval=0, due=1, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    t      Beginning     Periodic     Interest    Principal        Final
           Principal      Payment      Payment    Repayment    Principal
              Amount       Amount                                 Amount
    0         100.00       -23.98         0.00       -23.98        76.02
    1          76.02       -23.98         7.60       -16.38        59.64
    2          59.64       -23.98         5.96       -18.02        41.62
    3          41.62       -23.98         4.16       -19.82        21.80
    4          21.80       -23.98         2.18       -21.80         0.00
    5           0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00

    >>> amortize(pval=-100, nrate=10, nper=5, fval=0, due=1, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    t      Beginning     Periodic     Interest    Principal        Final
           Principal      Payment      Payment    Repayment    Principal
              Amount       Amount                                 Amount
    0        -100.00        23.98         0.00        23.98       -76.02
    1         -76.02        23.98        -7.60        16.38       -59.64
    2         -59.64        23.98        -5.96        18.02       -41.62
    3         -41.62        23.98        -4.16        19.82       -21.80
    4         -21.80        23.98        -2.18        21.80        -0.00
    5          -0.00         0.00        -0.00        -0.00        -0.00

    The function returns a tuple with the columns of the amortization schedule.

    >>> principal, interest, payment, balance = amortize(pval=100,
    ... nrate=10, nper=5, fval=0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> principal  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    [0, -16.37..., -18.01..., -19.81..., -21.80..., -23.98...]

    >>> interest  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    [0, 10.0, 8.36..., 6.56..., 4.57..., 2.39...]

    >>> payment  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    [0, -26.37..., -26.37..., -26.37..., -26.37..., -26.37...]

    >>> balance  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    [100, 83.62..., 65.60..., 45.78..., 23.98..., 1...]

    In the following examples, the ``sum`` function is used to sum of
    different columns of the amortization schedule.

    >>> principal, interest, payment, balance = amortize(pval=100,
    ... nrate=10, nper=5, pmt=pmt) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(interest)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(principal)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> principal, interest, payment, balance = amortize(fval=0,
    ... nrate=10, nper=5, pmt=pmt) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(interest)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(principal)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> principal, interest, payment, balance = amortize(pval=100,
    ... fval=0, nper=5, pmt=pmt) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(interest)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(principal)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> amortize(pval=100, fval=0, nrate=10, pmt=pmt, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    t      Beginning     Periodic     Interest    Principal        Final
           Principal      Payment      Payment    Repayment    Principal
              Amount       Amount                                 Amount
    0         100.00         0.00         0.00         0.00       100.00
    1         100.00       -26.38        10.00       -16.38        83.62
    2          83.62       -26.38         8.36       -18.02        65.60
    3          65.60       -26.38         6.56       -19.82        45.78
    4          45.78       -26.38         4.58       -21.80        23.98
    5          23.98       -26.38         2.40       -23.98         0.00

    >>> principal, interest, payment, balance = amortize(pval=100,
    ... fval=0, nrate=10, pmt=pmt) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(interest)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> sum(principal)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS


    #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

    numnone = 0
    numnone += 1 if pval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if fval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nper is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if pmt is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nrate is None else 0

    if numnone > 1:
        raise ValueError('One of the params must be set to None')

    if numnone == 0:
        pmt = None

    if pmt == 0.0:
        pmt = 0.0000001

    if pval is None:
        pval = tvmm(fval=fval, pmt=pmt, nrate=nrate, nper=nper, due=due, pyr=pyr)
    elif fval is None:
        fval = tvmm(pval=pval, pmt=pmt, nrate=nrate, nper=nper, due=due, pyr=pyr)
    elif nper is None:
        nper = tvmm(pval=pval, fval=fval, pmt=pmt, nrate=nrate, due=due, pyr=pyr)
    elif pmt is None:
        pmt = tvmm(pval=pval, fval=fval, nrate=nrate, nper=nper, due=due, pyr=pyr)
        nrate = tvmm(pval=pval, fval=fval, pmt=pmt, nper=nper, due=due, pyr=pyr)

    erate = nrate / pyr / 100

    if int(nper) != nper:
        nper = int(nper + 0.9)

    # variable definition
    begbal = [0] * (nper + 1)
    ipmt = [0] * (nper + 1)
    ppmt = [0] * (nper + 1)
    rembal = [0] * (nper + 1)

    # calcula el pmt periodico
    pmt = [pmt] * (nper + 1)

    if due == 0:  # vencido
        pmt[0] = 0

    if due == 1:  # anticipado
        pmt[nper] = 0

    begbal[0] = pval

    for period in range(nper + 1):

        if period == 0:
            rembal[0] = begbal[0] + pmt[0]
            ppmt[0] = + pmt[0]
            begbal[period] = rembal[period-1]
            ipmt[period] = begbal[period] * erate
            ppmt[period] = pmt[period] + ipmt[period]
            rembal[period] = begbal[period] + ppmt[period]

    if noprint is True:
        return (ppmt, ipmt, pmt, rembal)

    txt = ['t      Beginning     Periodic     Interest    Principal        Final',
           '       Principal      Payment      Payment    Repayment    Principal',
           '          Amount       Amount                                 Amount',

    for time in range(nper + 1):

        fmt = '{:<3d} {:12.2f} {:12.2f} {:12.2f} {:12.2f} {:12.2f}'

    return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest