
import parsedatetime
import svgwrite

import datetime
import json
import os.path
import sys
import tkFont
import Tkinter

class Colors:
	black = '#000000'
	gray = '#C0C0C0'

class Timeline:
	def __init__(self, filename):
		# load timeline data
		s = ''
		with open(filename) as f:
			s = f.read()
		self.data = json.loads(s)
		assert 'width' in self.data, 'width property must be set'
		assert 'start' in self.data, 'start property must be set'
		assert 'end' in self.data, 'end property must be set'
		# create drawing
		self.width = self.data['width']
		self.drawing = svgwrite.Drawing()
		self.drawing['width'] = self.width
		self.g_axis = self.drawing.g()		
		# figure out timeline boundaries
		self.cal = parsedatetime.Calendar()
		self.start_date = self.datetime_from_string(self.data['start'])
		self.end_date = self.datetime_from_string(self.data['end'])
		delta = self.end_date[0] - self.start_date[0]
		padding = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1*delta.total_seconds())
		self.date0 = self.start_date[0] - padding
		self.date1 = self.end_date[0] + padding
		self.total_secs = (self.date1 - self.date0).total_seconds()	
		# set up some params
		self.callout_size = (10, 15, 10) # width, height, increment
		self.text_fudge = (3, 1.5)
		self.tick_format = self.data.get('tick_format', None)
		self.markers = {}
		# initialize Tk so that font metrics will work
		self.tk_root = Tkinter.Tk()
		self.fonts = {}
		# max_label_height stores the max height of all axis labels
		# and is used in the final height computation in build(self)
		self.max_label_height = 0

	def build(self):
		# MAGIC NUMBER: y_era
		# draw era label and markers at this height
		y_era = 10
		# create main axis and callouts, 
		# keeping track of how high the callouts are
		y_callouts = self.create_callouts()
		# determine axis position so that axis + callouts don't overlap with eras
		y_axis = y_era + self.callout_size[1] - y_callouts
		# determine height so that eras, callouts, axis, and labels just fit
		height = y_axis + self.max_label_height + 4*self.text_fudge[1]
		# create eras and labels using axis height and overall height
		self.create_eras(y_era, y_axis, height)
		# translate the axis group and add it to the drawing
		self.g_axis.translate(0, y_axis)
		# finally set the height on the drawing
		self.drawing['height'] = height

	def save(self, filename):

	def to_string(self):
		return self.drawing.tostring()

	def datetime_from_string(self, s):
	    dt, flag = self.cal.parse(s)
	    if flag in (1, 2):
	        dt = datetime.datetime(*dt[:6])
	    	dt = datetime.datetime(*dt[:6])
	    return dt, flag

	def create_eras(self, y_era, y_axis, height):
		if 'eras' not in self.data:
		# create eras
		eras_data = self.data['eras']
		markers = {}
		for era in eras_data:
			# extract era data
			name = era[0]
			t0 = self.datetime_from_string(era[1])
			t1 = self.datetime_from_string(era[2])
			fill = era[3] if len(era) > 3 else Colors.gray
			# get marker objects
			start_marker, end_marker = self.get_markers(fill)
			assert start_marker is not None
			assert end_marker is not None
			# create boundary lines
			percent_width0 = (t0[0] - self.date0).total_seconds()/self.total_secs
			percent_width1 = (t1[0] - self.date0).total_seconds()/self.total_secs
			x0 = int(percent_width0*self.width + 0.5)
			x1 = int(percent_width1*self.width + 0.5)
			rect = self.drawing.add(self.drawing.rect((x0, 0), (x1-x0, height)))
			rect.fill(fill, None, 0.15)	
			line0 = self.drawing.add(self.drawing.line((x0,0), (x0, y_axis), stroke=fill, stroke_width=0.5))
			line0.dasharray([5, 5])
			line1 = self.drawing.add(self.drawing.line((x1,0), (x1, y_axis), stroke=fill, stroke_width=0.5))
			line1.dasharray([5, 5])
			# create horizontal arrows and text
			horz = self.drawing.add(self.drawing.line((x0, y_era), (x1, y_era), stroke=fill, stroke_width=0.75))
			horz['marker-start'] = start_marker.get_funciri()
			horz['marker-end'] = end_marker.get_funciri()
			self.drawing.add(self.drawing.text(name, insert=(0.5*(x0 + x1), y_era - self.text_fudge[1]), stroke='none', fill=fill, font_family="Helevetica", font_size="6pt", text_anchor="middle"))

	def get_markers(self, color):
		# create or get marker objects
		start_marker, end_marker = None, None
		if color in self.markers:
			start_marker, end_marker = self.markers[color]
			start_marker = self.drawing.marker(insert=(0,3), size=(10,10), orient='auto')
			start_marker.add(self.drawing.path("M6,0 L6,7 L0,3 L6,0", fill=color))
			end_marker = self.drawing.marker(insert=(6,3), size=(10,10), orient='auto')
			end_marker.add(self.drawing.path("M0,0 L0,7 L6,3 L0,0", fill=color))
			self.markers[color] = (start_marker, end_marker)
		return start_marker, end_marker

	def create_main_axis(self):
		# draw main line
		self.g_axis.add(self.drawing.line((0, 0), (self.width, 0), stroke=Colors.black, stroke_width=3))
		# add tickmarks
		self.add_axis_label(self.start_date, str(self.start_date[0]), tick=True)
		self.add_axis_label(self.end_date, str(self.end_date[0]), tick=True)
		if 'num_ticks' in self.data:
			delta = self.end_date[0] - self.start_date[0]
			secs = delta.total_seconds()
			num_ticks = self.data['num_ticks']
			for j in range(1, num_ticks):
				tick_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=j*secs/num_ticks)
				tickmark_date = self.start_date[0] + tick_delta
				self.add_axis_label([tickmark_date], str(tickmark_date), tick=True)	

	def create_era_axis_labels(self):
		if 'eras' not in self.data:
		eras_data = self.data['eras']
		for era in eras_data:
			# extract era data
			t0 = self.datetime_from_string(era[1])
			t1 = self.datetime_from_string(era[2])
			# add marks on axis
			self.add_axis_label(t0, str(t0[0]), tick=False, fill=Colors.black)
			self.add_axis_label(t1, str(t1[0]), tick=False, fill=Colors.black)			

	def add_axis_label(self, dt, label, **kwargs):
		if self.tick_format:
			label = dt[0].strftime(self.tick_format)
		percent_width = (dt[0] - self.date0).total_seconds()/self.total_secs
		if percent_width < 0 or percent_width > 1:
		x = int(percent_width*self.width + 0.5)
		dy = 5
		# add tick on line
		add_tick = kwargs.get('tick', True)
		if add_tick:
			stroke = kwargs.get('stroke', Colors.black)
			self.g_axis.add(self.drawing.line((x,-dy), (x,dy), stroke=stroke, stroke_width=2))
		# add label
		fill = kwargs.get('fill', Colors.gray)
		transform = "rotate(180, %i, 0)" % (x)
		self.g_axis.add(self.drawing.text(label, insert=(x, -2*dy), stroke='none', fill=fill, font_family='Helevetica', font_size='6pt', text_anchor='end', writing_mode='tb', transform=transform))			
		h = self.get_text_metrics('Helevetica', 6, label)[0] + 2*dy
		self.max_label_height = max(self.max_label_height, h)

	def create_callouts(self):
		min_y = float('inf')
		if 'callouts' not in self.data:
		callouts_data = self.data['callouts']
		# sort callouts
		sorted_dates = []
		inv_callouts = {}
		for callout in callouts_data:
			event = callout[0]
			event_date = self.datetime_from_string(callout[1])
			event_color = callout[2] if len(callout) > 2 else Colors.black
			if event_date not in inv_callouts:
				inv_callouts[event_date] = []
			inv_callouts[event_date].append((event, event_color))
		# add callouts, one by one, making sure they don't overlap
		prev_x = [float('-inf')]
		prev_level = [-1]
		for event_date in sorted_dates:
			event, event_color = inv_callouts[event_date].pop()
			num_sec = (event_date[0] - self.date0).total_seconds()
			percent_width = num_sec/self.total_secs
			if percent_width < 0 or percent_width > 1:
			x = int(percent_width*self.width + 0.5)
			# figure out what 'level" to make the callout on 
			k = 0
			i = len(prev_x) - 1
			left = x - (self.get_text_metrics('Helevetica', 6, event)[0] + self.callout_size[0] + self.text_fudge[0])
			while left < prev_x[i] and i >= 0:
				k = max(k, prev_level[i] + 1)
				i -= 1
			y = 0 - self.callout_size[1] - k*self.callout_size[2]
			min_y = min(min_y, y)
			#self.drawing.add(self.drawing.circle((left, y), stroke='red', stroke_width=2))		
			path_data = 'M%i,%i L%i,%i L%i,%i' % (x, 0, x, y, x - self.callout_size[0], y)
			self.g_axis.add(self.drawing.path(path_data, stroke=event_color, stroke_width=1, fill='none'))
			self.g_axis.add(self.drawing.text(event, insert=(x - self.callout_size[0] - self.text_fudge[0], y + self.text_fudge[1]), stroke='none', fill=event_color, font_family='Helevetica', font_size='6pt', text_anchor='end'))
			self.add_axis_label(event_date, str(event_date[0]), tick=False, fill=Colors.black)
			self.g_axis.add(self.drawing.circle((x, 0), r=4, stroke=event_color, stroke_width=1, fill='white'))
		return min_y

	def get_text_metrics(self, family, size, text):
		font = None	
		key = (family, size)
		if key in self.fonts:
			font = self.fonts[key]
			font = tkFont.Font(family=family, size=size)
			self.fonts[key] = font
		assert font is not None
		w, h = (font.measure(text), font.metrics("linespace"))
		return w, h

def usage():
	print 'Usage: ./make_timeline.py in.json > out.svg'

if __name__ == '__main__':
	if len(sys.argv) < 2:
		print 'missing input filename'
	filename = sys.argv[1]
	if not os.path.isfile(filename):
		print 'file %s not found' % filename
	timeline = Timeline(filename)
	print timeline.to_string().encode('utf-8')