# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-- Author: Jhosimar George Arias Figueroa

Metrics used to evaluate our model

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normalized_mutual_info_score

class Metrics:

  # Code taken from the work 
  # VaDE (Variational Deep Embedding:A Generative Approach to Clustering)
  def cluster_acc(self, Y_pred, Y):
    Y_pred, Y = np.array(Y_pred), np.array(Y)
    assert Y_pred.size == Y.size
    D = max(Y_pred.max(), Y.max())+1
    w = np.zeros((D,D), dtype=np.int64)
    for i in range(Y_pred.size):
      w[Y_pred[i], Y[i]] += 1
    row, col = linear_sum_assignment(w.max()-w)
    return sum([w[row[i],col[i]] for i in range(row.shape[0])]) * 1.0/Y_pred.size

  def nmi(self, Y_pred, Y):
    Y_pred, Y = np.array(Y_pred), np.array(Y)
    assert Y_pred.size == Y.size
    return normalized_mutual_info_score(Y_pred, Y, average_method='arithmetic')