import textwrap
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import signal
import glob
import itertools

class PathReader:
    def _read_file(filename):
        root = os.path.dirname(filename)
        return (
            os.path.join(root, path.rstrip())
            for path in open(filename)
            if path.strip()
            and not path.startswith('#')
            and not path.startswith('import ')

    def _read(cls, target):
        As .pth files aren't honored except in site dirs,
        read the paths indicated by them.
        pth_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(target, '*.pth'))
        file_items = map(cls._read_file, pth_files)
        return itertools.chain.from_iterable(file_items)

def _inject_sitecustomize(target):
    Create a sitecustomize file in the target that will install
    the target as a sitedir.
    hook = (
        import site
    sc_fn = os.path.join(target, '')
    with open(sc_fn, 'w') as strm:

def _pythonpath():
    return 'JYTHONPATH' if sys.platform.startswith('java') else 'PYTHONPATH'

def _build_env(target):
    Prepend target and .pth references in target to PYTHONPATH
    key = _pythonpath()
    env = dict(os.environ)
    suffix = env.get(key)
    prefix = (target,)
    items = itertools.chain(
        prefix, PathReader._read(target), (suffix,) if suffix else ()
    joined = os.pathsep.join(items)
    env[key] = joined
    return env

def _setup_env(target):
    return _build_env(target)

def with_path(target, params):
    Launch Python with target on the path and params

    def null_handler(signum, frame):

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, null_handler)
    cmd = [sys.executable] + params
    return subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=_setup_env(target)).wait()

def with_path_overlay(target, params):
    Overlay Python with target on the path and params
    cmd = [sys.executable] + params
    os.execve(sys.executable, cmd, _setup_env(target))