import sys
import base64
import platform
import functools

from keyring.util import properties
from keyring.backend import KeyringBackend
from keyring.errors import PasswordDeleteError, ExceptionRaisedContext
from . import file_base

    import winreg
except ImportError:

    from . import _win_crypto
except ImportError:

def has_wincrypto():
    Does this environment have wincrypto?
    Should return False even when Mercurial's Demand Import allowed import of
    _win_crypto, so accesses an attribute of the module.
    with ExceptionRaisedContext() as exc:
    return not bool(exc)

class EncryptedKeyring(file_base.Keyring):
    A File-based keyring secured by Windows Crypto API.

    version = "1.0"

    def priority(self):
        Preferred over file.EncryptedKeyring but not other, more sophisticated
        Windows backends.
        if not platform.system() == 'Windows':
            raise RuntimeError("Requires Windows")
        return 0.8

    filename = 'wincrypto_pass.cfg'

    def encrypt(self, password, assoc=None):
        """Encrypt the password using the CryptAPI.
        return _win_crypto.encrypt(password)

    def decrypt(self, password_encrypted, assoc=None):
        """Decrypt the password using the CryptAPI.
        return _win_crypto.decrypt(password_encrypted)

class RegistryKeyring(KeyringBackend):
    RegistryKeyring is a keyring which use Windows CryptAPI to encrypt
    the user's passwords and store them under registry keys

    def priority(self):
        Preferred on Windows when pywin32 isn't installed
        if platform.system() != 'Windows':
            raise RuntimeError("Requires Windows")
        if not has_wincrypto():
            raise RuntimeError("Requires ctypes")
        return 2

    def _key_for_service(service):
        escaped = service.replace('\\', '__0x5c__')
        return r'Software\{escaped}\Keyring'.format(**locals())

    def get_password(self, service, username):
        """Get password of the username for the service
            # fetch the password
            key = self._key_for_service(service)
            hkey = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key)
            password_saved = winreg.QueryValueEx(hkey, username)[0]
            password_base64 = password_saved.encode('ascii')
            # decode with base64
            password_encrypted = base64.decodestring(password_base64)
            # decrypted the password
            password = _win_crypto.decrypt(password_encrypted).decode('utf-8')
        except EnvironmentError:
            password = None
        return password

    def set_password(self, service, username, password):
        """Write the password to the registry
        # encrypt the password
        password_encrypted = _win_crypto.encrypt(password.encode('utf-8'))
        # encode with base64
        password_base64 = base64.encodestring(password_encrypted)
        # encode again to unicode
        password_saved = password_base64.decode('ascii')

        # store the password
        key_name = self._key_for_service(service)
        hkey = winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_name)
        winreg.SetValueEx(hkey, username, 0, winreg.REG_SZ, password_saved)

    def delete_password(self, service, username):
        """Delete the password for the username of the service.
            key_name = self._key_for_service(service)
            hkey = winreg.OpenKey(
                winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_name, 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS
            winreg.DeleteValue(hkey, username)
        except WindowsError:
            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
            raise PasswordDeleteError(e)

    def _delete_key_if_empty(self, service):
        key_name = self._key_for_service(service)
        key = winreg.OpenKey(
            winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_name, 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS
            winreg.EnumValue(key, 0)
        except WindowsError:

        # it's empty; delete everything
        while key_name != 'Software':
            parent, sep, base = key_name.rpartition('\\')
            key = winreg.OpenKey(
                winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, parent, 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS
            winreg.DeleteKey(key, base)
            key_name = parent

class OldPywinError(object):
    A compatibility wrapper for old PyWin32 errors, such as reported in

    def __init__(self, orig):
        self.orig = orig

    def funcname(self):
        return self.orig[1]

    def winerror(self):
        return self.orig[0]

    def wrap(cls, orig_err):
        attr_check = functools.partial(hasattr, orig_err)
        is_old = not all(map(attr_check, ['funcname', 'winerror']))
        return cls(orig_err) if is_old else orig_err